


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am 42 years old. I have gained 30 lbs. in the past year. I weighed this much when I was about to give birth to my twins 10 years ago! I was not exercising and not watching what I ate. I am a vegetarian and only eat fruits, veggies, carbs (yes, carbs...love bread!) and sweets on ocassion. There are times when I crave sweets, but in the past 2 months when I do, I eat a serving of mini rice cakes.

    I have been exercising (boxing) 5 days a week, an hour a day, for 6 weeks. I did not loose a thing. In fact, I gained weight! I do not know what I am doing wrong! I exercise. Eat clean (most of the time). And still gain weight! It is not muscle. I can barely get my clothes on! Some of my clothes that fit me 2 months ago does not fit me now! I don't know what else to do. I was just looking online for diet pills to get me started, but I know that is not the way to go.



    Exercise will get you started.

    I don't know, but I have a few guesses.
    We actually don't age slowly, our bodies click our hormones on and off like valves. You might now eat waaayyy more than is appropriate for your current age and activity level. .

    I find it hard to believe that if you are actually boxing, that you could gain that much. Are you moving enough? Do you sweat heavily when exercising?

    Anyway good luck.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan with each meal being 200 calories or less:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.


    Please feel free to friend me - I was an EAT MORE skeptic too...
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    in addition to the advice to actually count your calories accurately, I would add that it's best to find out what your BMR & TDEE are. Don't eat less than your BMR, take about 20% off your TDEE and eat that for at least a month and see where you are. (http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/) Also, you can look here for more advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    ^^This. If you're working out that hard and that often, and only eating 1200 calories a day - well, that definitely explains your plateau. Read the above website and see how that helps you. I had the same problems on 1200 calories, and eventually started gaining. You have to feed your body :-)


    I am also a vegetarian. I started out on the 1200 only calories and was working out 5-6 days a week. Though it sounds like your workouts are much tougher than what I was doing. It seems to me that you might actually need to eat more. I lost weight for awhile and then stopped on the 1200 calories because I had to start upping how much I was eating because my body needed fuel. Your car can't go very far on $10 of gas, your body can't go far on that little fuel. I know it contradicts all we ever hear is "to lose weight eat less and move more" that may be true at first if you have a lot to lose, but it will stop.

    I highly agree with the above. I have just recently switched to the TDEE-20% method and am finding it's helping me.

    I log every single thing I put into my protein shake, I log everything I take period.
  • homerunbetty
    I am 42 years old. I have gained 30 lbs. in the past year. I weighed this much when I was about to give birth to my twins 10 years ago! I was not exercising and not watching what I ate. I am a vegetarian and only eat fruits, veggies, carbs (yes, carbs...love bread!) and sweets on ocassion. There are times when I crave sweets, but in the past 2 months when I do, I eat a serving of mini rice cakes.

    I have been exercising (boxing) 5 days a week, an hour a day, for 6 weeks. I did not loose a thing. In fact, I gained weight! I do not know what I am doing wrong! I exercise. Eat clean (most of the time). And still gain weight! It is not muscle. I can barely get my clothes on! Some of my clothes that fit me 2 months ago does not fit me now! I don't know what else to do. I was just looking online for diet pills to get me started, but I know that is not the way to go.



    Exercise will get you started.

    I don't know, but I have a few guesses.
    We actually don't age slowly, our bodies click our hormones on and off like valves. You might now eat waaayyy more than is appropriate for your current age and activity level. .

    I find it hard to believe that if you are actually boxing, that you could gain that much. Are you moving enough? Do you sweat heavily when exercising?

    Anyway good luck.

    Above I stated I began boxing 6 weeks ago. I gained 30 lbs over the past year.

    I am not sure how to take a lot of your posts. I know when people "type" it is "read" differently. From what I am gathering, I am lying about what I do to exercise, my nutritionist is a phony, I'm eating too much, I'm eating too little, I don't count my calories...I could go on and on. I feel like people aren't reading through the posts and just putting what they "think" instead of reading what is fact.

    I am not getting the "warm fuzzies" from this site. I thought this was where people came when they needed motivation and guidance. I sure hope my feelings are wrong.
  • homerunbetty
    in addition to the advice to actually count your calories accurately, I would add that it's best to find out what your BMR & TDEE are. Don't eat less than your BMR, take about 20% off your TDEE and eat that for at least a month and see where you are. (http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/) Also, you can look here for more advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    ^^This. If you're working out that hard and that often, and only eating 1200 calories a day - well, that definitely explains your plateau. Read the above website and see how that helps you. I had the same problems on 1200 calories, and eventually started gaining. You have to feed your body :-)


    I am also a vegetarian. I started out on the 1200 only calories and was working out 5-6 days a week. Though it sounds like your workouts are much tougher than what I was doing. It seems to me that you might actually need to eat more. I lost weight for awhile and then stopped on the 1200 calories because I had to start upping how much I was eating because my body needed fuel. Your car can't go very far on $10 of gas, your body can't go far on that little fuel. I know it contradicts all we ever hear is "to lose weight eat less and move more" that may be true at first if you have a lot to lose, but it will stop.

    I highly agree with the above. I have just recently switched to the TDEE-20% method and am finding it's helping me.

    I log every single thing I put into my protein shake, I log everything I take period.

    I greatly appreciate your comments. I have no clue what the TDEE method is and will need to research this more. I am willing to try anything at this point. My father died of a massive heart attack when he was only 52 years old. My mother died of kidney failure due to not maintaing her diabetes properly. I do not have any health issues and want to keep it that way. I have 10 year old twins and want to be there for them as long as God allows. We bring our kiddos to boxing with us each day. They love The Wolfe and she is good with them showing them how to modify the workouts for their age. We are honored to have the opportunity to work out with a heavy weight world champ!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Above I stated I began boxing 6 weeks ago. I gained 30 lbs over the past year.

    I am not sure how to take a lot of your posts. I know when people "type" it is "read" differently. From what I am gathering, I am lying about what I do to exercise, my nutritionist is a phony, I'm eating too much, I'm eating too little, I don't count my calories...I could go on and on. I feel like people aren't reading through the posts and just putting what they "think" instead of reading what is fact.

    I am not getting the "warm fuzzies" from this site. I thought this was where people came when they needed motivation and guidance. I sure hope my feelings are wrong.

    I was just offering advice that I know has been proven repeatedly by tons of users. I mentioned accurately counting your calories because I didn't see you say anywhere that you were actually tracking them, but going by a basic menu set by your nutritionist. I *do* believe that it may be too little, but I can't say that for certain with the information you've provided. You don't list a weight or height, you don't state ho\w many calories you're burning with your workouts. I imagine you burn quite a bit with boxing, which is why I think, given the sample menu you provided, that it may be too little. You have a private diary, so I can't see what/if you're logging. So I gave the best ideas I have.

    And I'm hypothyroid, which is why I asked if you had been tested. It can cause you to continue to gain weight even with added activity and fewer calories.

    Have you checked the links I provided?
  • homerunbetty
    Above I stated I began boxing 6 weeks ago. I gained 30 lbs over the past year.

    I am not sure how to take a lot of your posts. I know when people "type" it is "read" differently. From what I am gathering, I am lying about what I do to exercise, my nutritionist is a phony, I'm eating too much, I'm eating too little, I don't count my calories...I could go on and on. I feel like people aren't reading through the posts and just putting what they "think" instead of reading what is fact.

    I am not getting the "warm fuzzies" from this site. I thought this was where people came when they needed motivation and guidance. I sure hope my feelings are wrong.

    I was just offering advice that I know has been proven repeatedly by tons of users. I mentioned accurately counting your calories because I didn't see you say anywhere that you were actually tracking them, but going by a basic menu set by your nutritionist. I *do* believe that it may be too little, but I can't say that for certain with the information you've provided. You don't list a weight or height, you don't state ho\w many calories you're burning with your workouts. I imagine you burn quite a bit with boxing, which is why I think, given the sample menu you provided, that it may be too little. You have a private diary, so I can't see what/if you're logging. So I gave the best ideas I have.

    And I'm hypothyroid, which is why I asked if you had been tested. It can cause you to continue to gain weight even with added activity and fewer calories.

    Have you checked the links I provided?

    Thanks for your advice! I do not keep track of my caloric intake because I was eating this every day for every meal. I was allowed a "cheat" day of 45 minutes each Saturday. I could not go over the 45 minute time period. I just added up my calories from the nutrition plan listed above and it is a little under 1,000 calories. However, I was taking lots of supplements, which I believe may make up the other 200 calories. I am TERRIFIED to add food. Lord only knows how much more weight I will gain. :) I am looking at the link you provided right now.

    I have not been tested for thyroid. Well, let me take that back. I have been tested for a basic thyroid panel, despite my request for a complete thyroid panel. My basic panel came back okay. However, I have seen research where a basic panel can come back within range, but there could still be issues remaining, which is why a complete panel is necessary. I found a local company that does a saliva test and looks at all hormones, thyroid, deficiencies, etc. and compounds anything necessary to correct any issues.

    I do not eat sweets. If I wanted to it would be something chocolate, but chocolate causes migraines. I do not eat fried foods. I do not eat fast food. If we go out to eat, I get grilled fish and steamed broccoli. I do not drink sodas or use substitute sweetener because it causes migraines. I recently had injection treatment for my migraines and happy to say I have not had a migraine or even a headache in over 6 weeks! Yeah me! Especially since I have been suffering with migraines for over 20 years.

    I am 42 years old, 5'5" and weigh 152 lbs. As I stated in another post, I weighed this much in my 8 month of pregnancy with my twins. Before I got pregnant, I was under weight (around 108-110) due to health issues (appendix ruptured). I was told I had to gain a minimum of 60 lbs. to have healthy babies. I gained exactly 60 lbs. when I delivered the twins.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    I am not sure how to take a lot of your posts. I know when people "type" it is "read" differently. From what I am gathering, I am lying about what I do to exercise, my nutritionist is a phony, I'm eating too much, I'm eating too little, I don't count my calories...I could go on and on. I feel like people aren't reading through the posts and just putting what they "think" instead of reading what is fact.

    I am not getting the "warm fuzzies" from this site. I thought this was where people came when they needed motivation and guidance. I sure hope my feelings are wrong.

    You have to not take things so personal. A lot of people here don't mean any harm, but they just are very blunt and straight forward. It doesn't mean that anyone thinks you are lying or that the nutritionist is a phony. There are some that also don't read the entire threads and do themselves a disservice because then they just post what they think and it's probably been said or it's irrelevant.

    Mariposa is correct though, we don't have a lot of info, height, current weight, how much are you currently burning, etc.

    TDEE - if you read that thread in place of a road map it will explain the whole thing. It does a great job at that. Step by step. It's awesome. With TDEE-10-20% - (20 may be too aggressive if you don't have a lot to lose) I track my workouts but only put that I burned 1 calorie. I don't eat my exercise calories back because it's already in the calculation.

    If you stick with the MFP way...or what you are doing right now...1200 calories a day only...and if you are not eating your exercise calories back, then you are not fueling your body properly. I say that because...You eat 1200, say you burn 400 calories boxing. That leaves you with 800 net calories. Your body can't function properly on that so it holds onto everything you have. Your body needs at least 1200 a day no matter what. Sure, your body will function for awhile like that, but it's not good and it'll hold onto everything it can. Hence, no losing weight. Does that make sense?

    How much are you wanting to lose?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You just said you have a cheat day and it's only 45 minutes. Do you just sit there and eat straight whatever you want for 45 minutes?

    Personally, I don't believe in cheat days or meals. I look at this as a lifestyle change and it has to be sustainable for the rest of my life. So I do not deprive myself of anything. It's about moderation, not deprivation.

    I eat whatever I want to as long as I have the calories for it. I've lost 44 lbs. If I go over, it's no biggie, I work out harder or I go a little under the next day. I'm currently eating 1688 calories a day. I do kickboxing and I just started a couch to 5k program.

    I know you can do this.

    The keys to doing this are...
    1) Tracking!!! Log every little thing you eat/drink.
    2) Decide which way works best for you...
    a) MFP's 1200 + eating back your exercise calories on the days you work out (which can be a variable because of the workout type/calories burned, etc.)
    b) TDEE-10-20% - where you know the exact limit every day of how many calories you can eat. You do NOT eat back your exercise calories. You can track them, just make it so that you burned 1 calorie for that workout.
    3) Make it a sustainable lifestyle change that you can do for the rest of your life.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    With the deciding which way works best for you, you'll have to give it 4-6 weeks at least doing the same way.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I am 42 years old. I have gained 30 lbs. in the past year. I weighed this much when I was about to give birth to my twins 10 years ago! I was not exercising and not watching what I ate. I am a vegetarian and only eat fruits, veggies, carbs (yes, carbs...love bread!) and sweets on ocassion. There are times when I crave sweets, but in the past 2 months when I do, I eat a serving of mini rice cakes.

    I have been exercising (boxing) 5 days a week, an hour a day, for 6 weeks. I did not loose a thing. In fact, I gained weight! I do not know what I am doing wrong! I exercise. Eat clean (most of the time). And still gain weight! It is not muscle. I can barely get my clothes on! Some of my clothes that fit me 2 months ago does not fit me now! I don't know what else to do. I was just looking online for diet pills to get me started, but I know that is not the way to go.

    Don't waste your time or money on diet pills...they wll most likely only set you back in the long run.

    Have you considerted that you might not be eating as well as you think you are? Do you log EVERYTHING?

    Another possibility is hormonal (menapausal) changes. Have you been to the doctor for a checkup lately?
  • bobbyj20
    bobbyj20 Posts: 28 Member
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan with each meal being 200 calories or less:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.

    Thought you were a vegetarian??? Fish and Egg's are not a vegetable's...
  • homerunbetty
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan with each meal being 200 calories or less:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.

    Thought you were a vegetarian??? Fish and Egg's are not a vegetable's...

    Is that what you got out of my request for assistance? Really? I am a vegetarian. I am not a Vegan. There are many different types of vegetarianism.
  • homerunbetty
    Okay...here it goes...for those of you that are NOT reading through the posts and only reading the very first post...

    I am 5'5"
    I weigh 152 lbs.
    I am 42 years old
    I weighed, photographed and measured my entire body and provided it to a certified nutritionist.
    I received a nutrition plan from my nutritionist, which also included an exercise program and supplement list.
    I do not log my food because I only eat what is on my list. I precook my food and bring it everywhere with me.
    I drink water.
    I exercise at a gym.
    I box for an hour a day with a professional boxer.
    I am a vegetarian. I eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, cheese and fish.
    I am not a Vegan.
    I am not a Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian.
    I typically do not cheat during my "cheat" time.
    If I do cheat, it may be with something like chips and hot sauce, or frozen yogurt or ice cream.
    I do not become a glutton during my cheat time and consume mass amounts of food for 45 minutes straight like some crazed animal.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I am 42.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Okay...here it goes...for those of you that are NOT reading through the posts and only reading the very first post...

    I am 5'5"
    I weigh 152 lbs.
    I am 42 years old
    I weighed, photographed and measured my entire body and provided it to a certified nutritionist.
    I received a nutrition plan from my nutritionist, which also included an exercise program and supplement list.
    I do not log my food because I only eat what is on my list. I precook my food and bring it everywhere with me.
    I drink water.
    I exercise at a gym.
    I box for an hour a day with a professional boxer.
    I am a vegetarian. I eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, cheese and fish.
    I am not a Vegan.
    I am not a Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian.
    I typically do not cheat during my "cheat" time.
    If I do cheat, it may be with something like chips and hot sauce, or frozen yogurt or ice cream.
    I do not become a glutton during my cheat time and consume mass amounts of food for 45 minutes straight like some crazed animal.
    Has this nutritionalist given you any insight as to why THEY think you aren't losing weight?
  • homerunbetty
    No, the nutritionist has not given me insight as to why I am gaining and not loosing. He does not understand it either. He stated he could provide me with a different plan, but I chose not to do so. I already felt like I wasted my money to begin with.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Okay...here it goes...for those of you that are NOT reading through the posts and only reading the very first post...

    I am 5'5"
    I weigh 152 lbs.
    I am 42 years old
    I weighed, photographed and measured my entire body and provided it to a certified nutritionist.
    I received a nutrition plan from my nutritionist, which also included an exercise program and supplement list.
    I do not log my food because I only eat what is on my list. I precook my food and bring it everywhere with me.
    I drink water.
    I exercise at a gym.
    I box for an hour a day with a professional boxer.
    I am a vegetarian. I eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, cheese and fish.
    I am not a Vegan.
    I am not a Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian.
    I typically do not cheat during my "cheat" time.
    If I do cheat, it may be with something like chips and hot sauce, or frozen yogurt or ice cream.
    I do not become a glutton during my cheat time and consume mass amounts of food for 45 minutes straight like some crazed animal.

    Sorry about the "going to a nutritionist" comment...I did read the entire first post and you didn't say that you were seeing a doctor. If it werer me, I would contact your nutritionist and tell them it ISN"T WORKING!! It is wrong to pay for services that don't fix the problem...if it were your car that wasn't working you would most likely pitch a fit with the auto repair shop, right?

    The folks on the message boards are only relaying personal opinoion about what has worked for them. We are not physicians, and with the exception of a few, none of us are even registered personal trainers or dieticians. We are giving opinions...some good, some not so good, but all should be taken with a grain of salt (unless sodium is bad!! LOL).

    It might take you a few different "plans" to find the one that will work - I went thru so many changes until I found what worked for me, but let me tell you, when I DID finally hit on it, I knew it! EVERYTHING feels better, no more joint aches, I sleep all night, energy all over the place, no more mood swings...if that isn't how you feel now, then perhaps you are not on the right program for your body type and should consider a change.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    No, the nutritionist has not given me insight as to why I am gaining and not loosing. He does not understand it either. He stated he could provide me with a different plan, but I chose not to do so. I already felt like I wasted my money to begin with.

    LOL - you posted this while i was typing...maybe you SHOULD try somehting different...the frustration level of doing the same thing week after week must be torture!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    No, the nutritionist has not given me insight as to why I am gaining and not loosing. He does not understand it either. He stated he could provide me with a different plan, but I chose not to do so. I already felt like I wasted my money to begin with.

    Read through the in place of a road map and PM me with any thoughts/questions. It's a step by step.

    I truly believe you just aren't getting enough food. Because 1200 - 400 (burned) only = 800 so your body may be holding onto everything.