
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited January 2022
    100 Days of Accountability 10/22-1/29
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.

    Female, Age 61, 5’3”
    Challenge Starting Weight: 207 (10/21)
    Challenge Goal: <195
    History & Goals
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022)
    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    🎯 Mini Goals & Weight:
    * 50 lbs lost never to be found: 195
    * Obese stage 1 BMI 34.9: 197
    * Onederland: 199

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

    My goal for 2021 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, strength training, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 64-80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12-16 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 206.8 Walked 1 mile, Strength Training 1 hr, 2105 cal, 102 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23 206.1 Walked 3.2 miles, gardening, 1894 cal, 74 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.
    1st Week Goal Weight: Happy to lose any of this darn ~4 lb gain from 16 day road trip vacation in October!
    1st Week Actual Weight: 206.1

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 206.8 Walked 3 miles, 1784 cal, 83 net carbs, 3 glasses wine.
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 205.9 Walked 4 miles, Bike 20 min, 1808 cal, 110 net carbs, AF.
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 207.0 [/b] Walked 4.75 miles, 2190 cal, 129 net carbs, Torchy’s Tini. Weight up due to snacks not meals. Went to Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo plus John Waite concert last night. They still have great voices! Really enjoyed John Waite’s opener as he sang a wide variety of songs.
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 208.9 🎂 Too much celebrating this week. 61 Bday bring it on! Sounds like I’m going to have 2 grand babies … end of Dec 2021 and then mid June 2022. Walked 3.3 miles, Strength Training 1 hr (this class is wearing me out I’m useless after returning home for hours on end!), 2282 cal, 249 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Our dog ate the steak and then Plan B: Pizza did me in on carbs & calories! GO ASTROS!
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 207.8 Walked 3.1 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Decided to take a little break and not track but choose wisely. That worked right up until the Dove dark chocolate raspberry sorbet bar at 10pm.
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 208.5 @ fishing camp 🎣 Strength Training 1 hr, no walk, long car drive, 2037 cal, 226 net carbs, AF.
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 207.9 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 2.6 miles, fishing, 1224 cal, 112 net carbs, AF.
    Oct Total 80.1 miles

    2nd Week Goal Weight: <205
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: 207.9

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 209.0 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 3.6 miles, fishing caught 21” Speckled Trout, 1653 cal, 124 net carbs, 3 drinks. Way too many chips (even counting them) with fried fresh fish tacos w/ avocado. Driving home today to spend the evening with our adult kids eating traditional chili and handing out full size (not fun size) M&Ms candy while we sit out on the driveway. Taking my mom with us for a long visit.
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 209.6 Long drive, .5 mile walk, bad food choices, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Time to turn things around and get focused on getting back under 205.
    Brought my mom back to visit for the baby shower at the end of the week as well as doctor’s visits she scheduled in Houston.
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 207.9 Walked 3.2 miles, gardening, 1692 cal, 70 net carbs, 3 glasses wine. Bought and planted flowers yesterday in front of my house! Snapdragons, Pansies, Kale, Alyssum, and a few extra for the large pot next to the door. Great exercise weeding digging planting ... not to mention lugging big bags of mulch.
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 207.7 Walked .6 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 1848 cal, 171 net carbs, AF. Lots of shopping & mom’s doctors visits. But did cook chicken enchilada soup (added zucchini) in crock pot so we had a healthier dinner when we returned home!
    My mother self diagnosis and medicates usually. She has had neuropathy for 4 years but would not see someone about it. Took my mom to a doctor about her neuropathy in her feet & lower legs. Her doc has not done A1c lab work but this one thinks she might be pre-diabetic so she will get more lab work to check. He is switching her from over the internet TrueWell (150 mg alpha-lipoid acid) to EBM’s pharmaceutical grade EB-N6 (600 mg alpha-lipoid acid). Said she is not a candidate for his program to reverse with surgery. She is 85 (5’4” 175 lbs) and eats primarily carbs with few vegetables & protein. He recommended she start keto and then switch to Mediterranean diet. Read Sugar Crush and Fat for Fuel to better understand what she is doing to her body with all the carbs. We checked these books out from the library. She needs to walk, bike or swim at least 20 min 3x per week so I took her out for a short walk … she is active but doesn’t exercise. I also have her doing daily stretches and exercises for her sciatic nerve issue. It is hard to incorporate these changes in an 85 year old … but reinforces my path to healthier lifestyle and I need to get back focused on my own journey to lowering the number on the scale!
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 207.5 Walked 3.8 miles, 1530 cal, 138 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Baked pumpkin cookies and pear cake for the baby shower on Saturday at my house. Also cooked a very large pot of chicken sausage gumbo to prep for all the company coming in Friday evening. Kitchen sort of day which was good activity given all the rain in the afternoon/evening.
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 208.3 No exercise, did not journal food, 2 glasses wine at my sisters … relatives are in town for the shower already and she cooked dinner for us. I was dressed for strength training class when my DIL called crying ~8am. My son is out of town and she is pregnant due late Dec. She was at the school where she teaches. Spotting/bleeding. Drove the 50 miles across Houston picked her up then drove back into town to the med center to see her doctor. All is fine with mom & baby no sign of preterm early labor. Small infection that can cause early contractions so antibiotics and she is good. Lunch out to feed her and then took her home to rest until my son arrived back home from AZ. Then back to my home to care for my mom who I had promised a mani pedi.
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 207.2 No exercise yet again. Did not journal but ate at home no restaurants! Long visit at the doctor’s office with mom, errand running for the baby shower, my son & his wife arrived from Austin, decorating the house … never seen so many balloons & star garland LOL, gumbo and late night talking with our adult kids over bottles of wine. 3 glasses wine.

    3rd Week Goal Weight: N/A <205
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 207.2
    3rd Week Weight Loss: .9
    It’s going to take me forever to get back < 205 and to this year’s goal of <200 if I don’t start paying more attention to what I put in my mouth and get back into my exercise routine.

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 208.3 No exercise, baby shower at my home took most of my time, no journaling food, AF.
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 207.9 Walked 3.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Wonderful jazz music brunch at Brennan’s with our adult children (they threw in their credit cards and would not let us pay), 60th birthday celebration for DH since we had the kids all together. Walked through our daughter’s new home built in 1948 … definitely a fixer upper in an up and coming area of town. She told her siblings she was pregnant at brunch. So much celebration this weekend. Taking my mom to the airport today and pulling the plug on gluttony for the rest of the week!
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 207.4 Walk 3 miles, Bike 20 min, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF.
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 206.7 Walked 1.3 + 1.3 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, weeding garden, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Still not journalling my food but I am paying more attention Mon & Tues. TODAY is the day I pull it all back together water, tracking every bite and exercise. Took the leftover pumpkin cookies & pear cake from the baby shower to alumnae social event last night instead of a bottle of wine. All the sweet temptations are gone!
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 205.5 Walked 1.6 + 3.1 + 1 miles, 1524 cal, 114 net carbs, AF. Donated blood (targeting 4x per year). Started journaling my food for the day in the morning again and then updating it throughout the day. Definitely makes me think before putting something else in my tummy and I’m more accountable.
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 207.0 Walked 1.8 + 1.4 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2267 cal, 151 net carbs, Torchy’s Tini. DH went to happy hour with clients. My sister stopped by to drop something off so we ended up going out as well. After I returned home I walked the dog once more before DH returned.
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 207.4. Walked 3.7 + 3.1 miles, 1642 cal, 118 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.

    4th Week Goal Weight: <205
    4th Week Actual Weight: 207.4
    4th Week Weight Loss: .2

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 209.3 Walked 1 mile, 2431 cal, 242 net carbs, 1 wine, 1 blackberry liqueur w/ soda water. 11550 steps shopping at the Nutcracker Market with DD. DH’s birthday celebration with dear friends that included purple & gold layered cake.
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 207.1 Walked 3.2 miles, 1562 cal, 69 net carbs, 1 glass wine.
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 206.6 Walked 3.2 + 1 miles, 1574 cal, 126 net carbs, AF. Enjoyed book club eating reasonably at the restaurant and didn’t join the others drinking wine. Recommend “The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner.
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 207.3 Walked 1 mile, Strength Training 1 hr, 1824 cal, 119 net carbs, 3 glasses wine.
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 209.2 Walked 3 + .6 + 1.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Results from Grimaldi’s pizza for lunch and then Los Tios Mexican dinner.
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 209.6 Walked 1.3 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Definitely not controlling the intake nor measuring it. Sigh …
    Walked 47.8 miles in November
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 209.1 Walked 3.3 + 3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 38th Anniversary dinner with DH at Ouisie’s Table, 2 glasses wine.

    5th Week Goal Weight: <205
    5th Week Actual Weight: 209.1
    5th Week Weight Loss: 1.7
    Weight is rising before the holidays even get here! I need a mental adjustment because I’ve gotten into the “I don’t give a flying fig” attitude. But in reality I do! I’m going to be on point Sat-Wed this week to prove to myself that this can be done so that the scale doesn’t tip over into the tens (210) on Thanksgiving.

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 208.5 Walked .6 + 3 miles, 1860 cal, 58 net carbs, 3 glasses wine. Meals were pretty good but I got into the snacks in the afternoon. Steak night and my sister joined us which leads to more wine.
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 207.0 Walked 3.6 miles, 2042 cal, 69 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Made this yummy Olive Garden like soup recipe Zuppa Toscana Soup but with cauliflower instead of potatoes. I use frozen cauliflower flowerets and spinach (draining them before adding to the pot). https://www.shugarysweets.com/low-carb-keto-zuppa-toscana-soup-recipe/
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 207.5 Walked 3.6 + 1.4 miles, 1728 cal, 69 net carbs, AF. 2nd Shingrix vaccine (Shingles) and Tdap vaccine (Whopping Cough). Whooping Cough vaccine is recommended at least 2 weeks before being around a newborn and of course this new grandma is going to heed the advice! So 2021 we got 7 vaccines: 3x COVID, 2x Shingles, Flu, Tdap … I call this fully vaccinated 😂
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 208.5 @ 3am Strength Training 1 hr, no walk (DH walked the dogs while I was at class), 1894 cal, 212 net carbs, AF. Easily made it through class but then the vaccines from yesterday really kicked in and knocked both DH & I off our feet. Tired! Headache! Chipotle for lunch and Grimaldi’s Pizza for dinner. Not the best choices but I’m not up to fighting the battle. What is it they say? Feed a fever 🤒
    Should You Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever? - The answer is no. In actuality, you should feed both a cold and a fever — and starve neither.
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 206.6 Walked 1 + 3 miles, 2217 cal, 96 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Still very tired yesterday… up at 3am when fever broke. Enjoyed lunch and decorating a tree for TX Children’s Hospital with DD and put out my outside Christmas lights. Woke up feeling better this morning! Tracking all my food the good the bad is working as usual. The trend is going down. I’m hosting lots of family today … I’ll try to be good :)
    Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 208.6 Walk cut short due to it raining on us! Walked 1.3 miles, 2783 cal, 244 net carbs, 3 glasses wine. Lovely day shared with lots of family but as always way too much food!
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 208.4 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 3.6 miles with the dogs after a long drive. No fishing Friday … too much wind. ? cal, ? net carbs, AF.

    6th Week Goal Weight: <205
    6th Week Actual Weight: 208.4
    6th Week Weight Loss: .7
    I can do better!

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 209.5 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 3.6 miles, fishing, not tracking food. Chips, pie, and drinks are damaging any success I’m making with good choices at meal time. Burned my hand which was not a good excuse to drink bourbon but I soothed it with Aloe on the hand and a few drinks instead of pain meds. TODAY is a good day to start fresh.
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 209.3 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 2.5 + .5 miles, fishing, 1404 cal, 123 net carbs, AF.
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 209.4 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked 3.6 miles, fishing 1437 cal, 103 net carbs, 2 bourbon & diet cokes.
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 210.1 @ fishing camp 🎣 Walked .5 + .5 miles, Strength Training class 1 hr, 2619 cal, 134 net carbs, 2 bourbon & diet cokes. Okay 2 slices of pecan pie did not bode well for weight loss.
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2: 209.7 Walked 1.5 miles, long drive in the car, 1791 cal, 145 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 209.8 Walked 3 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2171 cal, 205 net carbs, AF.
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 207.7 Walked 2.7 + 1.3 miles, 1797 cal, 202 net carbs, 3 glasses wine.

    7th Week Goal Weight: <205
    7th Week Actual Weight: 207.7
    7th Week Weight Loss: .7
    I reached highs this week that I don’t want to see again.

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 208.3 No exercise, shopped with my sister instead and continued decorating for Christmas. 1980 cal, 193 net carbs, 3 glasses wine.
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 208.3 Walked 3.5 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Pasta for both lunch & dinner when I told myself I would not have any for the day. Planned to decorate the tree but worked on a beautiful wood puzzle with very cool and unusual pieces with DH instead. https://www.libertypuzzles.com/wooden-jigsaw-puzzles/grand-canyon-falls
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 208.6 Walked 1.3 + 1.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Planned meals and did well but lacked green veggies in the house.
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 207.8 Walked 1.1 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, shopping, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Dinner out Italian again but I ordered grilled crab cakes. Went to a play (TUTS Little Mermaid) with my sister, DD and DIL which was a nice change of pace but it was a late night.
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 207.5 Walked 2.8 + 1 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Healthier eating and this time I included veggies! But I’m craving and snacking on Simply Jif by the spoonful.
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 206.6 Walked .7 + 1.5 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Doing great with meals but my snacking is still off … Snickers and then opened a bag of Fritos after coming home from grocery store.
    Pregnant DIL was in a car accident. The driver fell asleep behind the wheel at 3pm!! Didn’t even tap the brakes and ran into the back of her. He and his daughter were taken away in ambulance … he was not conscience. DIL and the baby are okay. She was wearing a Pregnancy Bump Strap so no trauma across the tummy from the seat belt! Met her doctor at the hospital for observation and to throughly check her & baby out.
    Buy this for every pregnant woman in your life!
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 206.4 Walked 3.1 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Went to doctor to see if I can do anything about a lingering 3 week cough before granddaughter is born. No root cause except drainage down throat (not nose). No sinus congestion or headache, no chest congestion, no fever, no aches, clear ears, negative Covid, etc. Got a steroid shot, Z-Pak, & take Zyrtec. Hopefully it will knock out whatever it is.

    8th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    8th Week Actual Weight: 206.4
    8th Week Weight Loss: 1.3
    Not journaling my food but being more conscience about what I eat and planning better. Need to get back to journaling and need to up my water!

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 207.2 Walked 3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Red Beans & Rice with cornbread for dinner was yummy & warm but not great carb wise! I made an extra large batch! Taking some to DD & hubby who are packing to move into their new home and DIL & my son who are expecting our granddaughter soon. Some will be going into the freezer and some left for DH on the nights I’m out this week.
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 207.0 Walked 3.4 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Healthy meals planned after grocery shopping and restocking the kitchen! Attended a cookie party today where a friend makes a dozen different cookies (small bites) and invites 75 of her friends to drop by and rate them all. Yummy annual holiday fun activity! After the sugar high I had a lot of energy but really didn’t accomplish much.
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 206.4 Walked 3.2 + 1.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Made Party Trash mixture to take to various parties this week. Also made chicken sausage gumbo. Did not eat either since I had book club dinner out. The restaurant is normally closed on Mondays but they opened for our group. Kept my meals reasonable.
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 208.4 No walking, Strength Training 1 hr, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. I ate gumbo for lunch and the party trash as a snack. Making those on Monday and not eating them was an accomplishment for Mon but not Tues. Made holiday cookies Tues which I ate 7! Then I went to a party with tons of food and sampled everything. I am NOT surprised by the number on the scale this morning.
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 208.6 Walked 3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Book club party and yet again lots of yummy food! I chair the local Zeta alumnae book club. We had 60 nominations for books this year. 21 of the ladies voted electronically and we now have our reading list for 2022!
    * Jan – Midnight Library by Matt Haig (Fiction)
    * Feb – The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune (Fiction)
    * Mar – Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann (Non-Fiction)
    * Apr – Murder Al Dente by Jennifer Hart (Cozy Mystery)
    * May – The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (Historical Fiction)
    * June - Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (Memoir)
    * July – Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro (Sci Fi)
    * August – Share your favorite summer read!
    * Sept – The Chanel Sisters by Judithe Little (Historical Fiction)
    * Oct – Verity by Colleen Hoover (Thriller/Suspense)
    * Nov - TBD (selecting a book from the August discussion)
    * Dec - The Wish by Nicholas Sparks (Romance w/ Christmas Theme)
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 209.8 Walked 2.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 1 glass wine. Dinner out with DH after a very difficult day. Woke dizzy and could not make it to my exercise class as I felt too wobbly. Then grazed from 9am-1pm until I finally just took a nap.
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 208.6 Walked 3.8 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Feeling more normal again! Invited my sister over for dinner to talk through my mom’s comments this week … mom (85 who lost her husband last year) started dreaming about a life and getting married to an old friend in January but he was not interested. She had built it up in her head that she would move back to our home town, into society, travel to his many homes, etc. Trying to help her through the disappointment and not be embarrassed. I believe she is lonely and the situation is remote where she is living but she is unwilling nor can she afford to move closer to my sister and I (nor does she want to). She’ll be here for 2 weeks and my sister and I needed to get on the same page before seeing mom again.

    9th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    9th Week Actual Weight: 208.6
    9th Week Weight Loss: 2.2
    This is what happens when you go to 4 parties in one week and do not resist the temptations and then eat party trash and holiday cookies all week long at home as well.

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 208.5 Walked 3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 3 glasses wine. Really lazy rainy day! Puzzles, wrapped gifts and reading “Sherlock Holmes & The Christmas Demon”.
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 207.7 No exercise, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Party yesterday afternoon where they served a beautiful steak salad at Taste of Texas in Houston. Very easy to work with on my portions and calories for the day. Though the evening I did have red beans and rice with sausage. Again kept my portion small but wondering if it will come back to bite me. A little shopping with DD since she is overwhelmed with the work, moving into a new house on Saturday and pregnancy. She needed gifts for her in-laws and didn't want to weight until Friday when she was off work. Took her a fun bag of new mom moving kit I made with a Gaiam Relax Back & Neck therapy wrap, bath bombs, shower steamers, Burt’s Bees Mama Belly Butter Skin Care, and a bag of homemade party trash she has been craving.
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 207.7 Walk 1.3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Shopped for flowers and made several flower arrangements that cheer up the indoors (kitchen, den, dining, guest bedrooms, powder room)! DD’s brother in law that is living with her husband’s parents tested positive for covid so his family is in quarantine. Her friend that was to stay over some this week also tested positive. SOOOoooo trying to keep safe and looks like DD will spend Christmas Day with us.
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 206.7 Walk 3 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Son and his wife came in town for the holidays and are bouncing back and forth from our house to his siblings. It has been fun having all the kids around. LOTS of cooking!
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23: DNW Totally forgot to step on the scale or if I did I forgot the #! ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Also did not exercise … not even a walk! Took the girls (DD and 2x DIL) for pedicures :) Guess I really should do something that includes my boys one of these days! After a day of everyone running in and out it was nice for my son & his wife to go to my daughter’s home and hang out with just the younger adults. DH & I had a quiet evening.
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 207.3 Walked 1.2 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, ? cal, ? net carbs, lots of cookies, dinner out 3 glasses Prosecco. Final doctor’s appt of the year (well woman) and she said I did not need to come back annually anymore. Guess I made it to the age of … return when you notice something different LOL. I’ll keep up the annual mammograms since both my sister and mom had breast cancer. Fun time with the girls (DD & DIL other DIL her mom is now in town for the holiday so she did not join us) … took them to a candle making shop where there were over 100 scents for us to experiment and create our own candles!
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 209.2 No exercise. Lots of prep and cooking for our annual Christmas Eve party. 3 glass wine.

    10th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    10th Week Actual Weight: 209.2
    10th Week Weight Loss: .6
    Too much everything! Loved being around my adult kids though.

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 209.0 Walked 3 miles (6 people & 3 dogs) + 1 miles, 1 glass wine. Lunch at my sisters and leftover seafood gumbo later in the evening. No pies or cakes this year but lots of cookies. I need to get back to journalling every bite … on Monday after the family leaves.
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 208.2 Walked 3.9 miles, 1 Torchy’s Tini @ lunch and 2 glasses wine for dinner. Got the house back to ourselves after lunch … so tons clothes and bedding to wash. TODAY not Jan 1 is the beginning of my focus on weight loss again. No more of the holiday excess.
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28: 207.7 Walked 2.4 miles, over 15k steps shopping! Started journalling for the day with breakfast but then nose dived at lunch with my pregnant daughter and her cravings for queso w/ chips & fried pickles … splitting a hamburger. Dinner was good but snacks were poorly chosen when I returned home. 2 glasses wine.
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 207.5 Walked 2.9 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Pretty good day but still not journalling my food which means that I eat more snacks and junk than I would if I was tracking.
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30: 207.8 No exercise, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Helped my daughter create a BabyList.com baby registry and unpack more boxes in her house since she is off work this week.
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 209.0 Walked 2 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, AF. Too many salty snacks yesterday. BUT I did clean out the fridge, start menu plans again for the new year and signed up for Strength Training 4x per week instead of just 2x. Why does the flip of the year always spur me on. Well I guess because I didn’t achieve and maintain my goal for 2021. My goal was to get under 200. I was this close at 201.1 in August but then let things get out of hand and of course the scale jumps right back up when you do something stupid … like forget this is a lifestyle and not a diet. So starting a fresh page in my journal and creating the lifestyle that will help me get down to my goal set my both of my doctors.
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 209.0 Walked 3.8 + 1 miles, ? cal, ? net carbs, 2 glasses wine. Not sure what happen or why but my heart started racing on my evening walk as we neared home. Heartbeat jumped up to 196. Marked the activity on my Apple Watch and iPhone to share with my doctor. Otherwise, quiet evening and early to bed … ready to start the new year!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉 Well 2021 was a wash in that I lost 11 lbs but gained 8 back for a total loss of 3 lbs. Lost all my progress starting in October on a 16 day roadtrip and then just kept sliding. BUT I did meet Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last . Now to make the goal I’ve set for the past 2 years … <200 (Dr set target to reach & stay under 200).
    11th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    11th Week Actual Weight: 209
    10th Week Weight Loss: .2
    I’m amazed that I held stead and did not gain this week. Now to make real progress in the new year! HELLO 2022!

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 208.0 Walked 3.1 miles, 1674 cal, 82 net carbs, AF. Planned my meals and did well though I went over my original target because of Cheetos with lunch and the appetizers set out for our family dinner. I did avoid the wine so didn’t have to worry about those calories.
    My son and his wife are at the hospital … my granddaughter is on her way!!!
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 206.8 Walked 1.3 miles ~ 5pm even though it was windy & chilly for Houston. 1554 cal, 30 net carbs, 1 glass wine. Yeah I’m tracking my food again … which makes a huge difference on the snacking. Once when I started to go into the pantry I decided to make black coffee instead :) Kept busy taking down some of the Christmas decor & walking up & down stairs many times. Long slow delivery. Still waiting on my baby granddaughter … as of 4am this morning.
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 207.5 Walked 3 + .9 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2214 cal, 49 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. My little granddaughter is adorable! 7 lbs 9 oz, 19 inch. Her mom & dad are doing well. They get out of the hospital today and we get to go meet her! I need to get on the ball if I'm going to be a slimmer, active, flexible, stronger, mobile grandma!
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 208.3 Walked 1.1 + .6 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2005 cal,138 net carbs, AF. Totally expected to be up on the scale! I journaled every bite so it is not a surprise. Meal plans were great up until dinner of Popeyes fried chicken … when we visited our new granddaughter. They were getting out of the hospital, called wanted us to drive up, they live an hour away on the other side of Houston. The snacking on Snickers, peanut butter, ice cream and Cheetos should not have even been options in my house but they were. Starting today with water before coffee and better intentions.
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    12th Week Actual Weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited January 2022
    @deepwoodslady - Love the image & saying about new grandchild! Thank you for sharing.


  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member

    How is moving from 2 to 4 strength training hours per week going for you?
    Apparently muscle burns fat. It feels good to be strong and doing something for yourself and your health.
    You will be able to lift your grandbaby for years to come : - )
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8)
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9)
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4)
    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 21…..11/11…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 22…..11/12…..189.4…..(Trend weight 188.8)
    Day 23…..11/13…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.0)
    Day 24…..11/14…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 26…..11/16…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 27…..11/17…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 28…..11/18…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 29…..11/19…..190.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 30…..11/20…..190.2…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 31…..11/21…..187.6…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 32…..11/22…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 33…..11/23…..187.2…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 34…..11/24…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 35…..11/25…..191.0…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 36…..11/26…..193.4…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 37…..11/27…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.9)
    Day 38…..11/28…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 39…..11/29…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 40…..11/30…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.7)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. 1 lb GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..4 LBS GAINED

    Day 41…..12/01…..188.7…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 42…..12/02…..188.2…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 43…..12/03…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 44…..12/04…..188.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 45…..12/05…..189.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 46…..12/06…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 47…..12/07…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 48…..12/08…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.6)
    Day 49…..12/09…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 50…..12/10…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.7)


    Day 51…..12/11…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 52…..12/12…..192.0…..(Trend weight 190.0)
    Day 53…..12/13…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 54…..12/14…..191.6…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 55…..12/15…..190.4…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 56…..12/16…..189.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 57…..12/17…..189.6…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 58…..12/18…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 59…..12/19…..191.0…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 60…..12/19…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.5)
    Day 61…..12/21…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 62…..12/22…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.7)
    Day 63…..12/23…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.8)
    Day 64…..12/24…..192.4…..(Trend weight 190.9)
    Day 65…..12/25…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.1)
    Day 66…..12/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 67…..12/27…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 68…..12/28…..193.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 69…..12/29…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 70…..12/30…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.7)

    Day 71…..12/31…..191.6…..(Trend weight 191.7) Still so sick. On December 31, 2020 my weight was at 207.0. Down 15.4 pounds this year and for that I am grateful. I plan on working even harder in 2022. Happy New Year everyone!

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. 2.4 lbs GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..6.5 GAINED so far during challenge.

    Day 72…..01/01…..190.0…..(Trend weight 191.5) Happy New Year everyone. I’ve been slipping, sliding and teetering back and forth since October (just prior to needing cancer-scare breast surgery). I’m ready to stop eating all my emotions and grief and get back on track to the business of health and well-being. I am glad to have ended 2021 over 15 pounds lighter. I am sad that I lost some ground during the last quarter of the year. Recommitting today! Let’s have some fun and do this together, my friends!

    Day 73…..01/02…..189.8…..(Trend weight 191.4) I am happy to see my weight trending down. It feels like faith in me. I’ve been doing better on my meals but little to no movement for two reasons. First, I am still sick and too weak and unsteady. Second, I am having a “temporary floor put down in about 1000 throughout most of my main floor to rid myself of horrible carpet that was in the kitchen and dining room! I don’t know what the old owners were thinking but the kitchen carpet was actually RED so this new vinyl with suffice until the rooms are fully remodeled and my click flooring can be installed. Everything throught the 900 sq ft area is now piled up in my livingroom. I have no stove or fridge, they are in living room too. Food in cold garage. Exercise is out of the question at this point so it’s a good time to be sick. I’m wearing mask while workers are here to keep my germs to myself.

    Day 74…..01/03…..191.0…..(Trend weight 191.3) No clue why except for restricted movement during a floor remodel project that’s not going so well. Keeping the faith.

    Day 75…..01/04…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.4) It must be the regular milk (instead of my usual Fairlife). No junk yesterday but I’m still trapped in my overpacked livingroom so movement is still restricted. It will be at least one more day, maybe two. However, even with little calorie burn, I still think the lactose is playing havoc on me. I also think some of those Christmas goodies (all gone now) are catching up to the scale too.
    Day 76…..01/05…..193.2…..(Trend weight 191.6) Dinner at 2:00 a.m. and that was haphazard since I still don’t have a stove or a refrigerator right now. More work on floors today ugh! I know I need to be logging again. Weight creeping up. Most days food has been good but there definitely is a complete lack of exercise going on during this floor process!
    Day 77…..01/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..01/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..01/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..01/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..01/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..01/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..01/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..01/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..01/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..01/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..01/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..01/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..01/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..01/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..01/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 92…..01/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..01/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..01/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..01/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..01/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..01/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..01/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 201.4
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 199.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: 199.8

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 200
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 202.2
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 202.2
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 200.8
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 199
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 199
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 197.6
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 198
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 197.6

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 197.6
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 197.4
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 198.4
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 198.6
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 197.2
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 196.6
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 197.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 196.2
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 197.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 196.4
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 198.8
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 198.6
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 199.2
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 197.4
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 196.6
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 195
    4th Week Goal Weight: 195.6
    4th Week Actual Weight: 195

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 192.2 - this puts me at 100+ pounds lost! WOO HOO!
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 192.8
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 193.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 193.4
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 192.4
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 192.4
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 194.2
    5th Week Goal Weight: 193.2
    5th Week Actual Weight: 194.2

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 194.4
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 193.8
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 194.2
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 192.4
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 192.2
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 192.4
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 192
    6th Week Goal Weight: 192.2
    6th Week Actual Weight: 192

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 191.6
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 192.4
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 192.2
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 192.8
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2: 192
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 192.8
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 192.4
    7th Week Goal Weight: 190.8
    7th Week Actual Weight: 192.4

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 191.8
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 191.2
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 190
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 190
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 188.2
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 189.6
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 189.2
    8th Week Goal Weight: 191.6
    8th Week Actual Weight: 189.2
    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 189.6
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 191.8
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 191.6
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 191.4
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 190.6
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 189.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 187.4
    9th Week Goal Weight: 187.4
    9th Week Actual Weight: 187.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 187.4
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 188.2
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 188.6
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 186.2
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23: 187.8
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 189.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 189.2
    10th Week Goal Weight: 186.6
    10th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 190
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 189.8
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28: 191.2
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 191
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30: 190.6
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 188.6
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 190.6
    11th Week Goal Weight: 187.8
    11th Week Actual Weight: 190.6

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 188
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 188
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 186.8
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 188.2
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight: 187
    12th Week Actual Weight:
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 147.2lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 135lbs (29th Jan 2022)
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 147.2 (trend 149.1)
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23 149.4 (trend 149.2) Ate a lot of bulky low cal food yesterday, so I'm guessing this gain is mainly waste. Not a great start!
    1st Week Goal Weight: 147.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 149.4

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 148.2 (trend 149.0) Settling back down
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 148.6 (trend 148.9)Feel like I'm going backwards
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 147.4 (trend 148.7)Almost back where I started
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 148.6 (trend 148.7) Been around this weight for 2 weeks now
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 147.0 (trend 148.5) This is the boost I needed!
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 148.2 (trend 148.4)Drank a large glass of water before weighing, oops!
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 147.0 (trend 148.2) Nearly made my goal
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 146.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 147.0

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 147.2 (trend 148.1) Had a binge last night
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 146.8 (trend 147.9) slept most of the day!
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 146.0 (trend 147.7) surprised at this drop!
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 146.0 (trend 147.5) glad to still be holding this number
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 145.0 (trend 147.1) Shocked!
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 145.0 (trend 146.8) Holding steady!
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 145.2 (trend 146.6) 1.8lbs lost this week, yay!
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 146.4
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 145.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 146.6 (trend 146.6) over calories
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 146.6 (trend 146.6) bloated
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 145.8 (trend 146.5) Hopefull!
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 145.2 (trend 146.3) So slooow
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 147.0 (trend 146.4) dammit
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 148.6 (trend 146.8) Uh Oh!
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 147.2 (trend 146.8) Hmm.
    4th Week Goal Weight: 144
    4th Week Actual Weight: 147.2

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 146.2 (trend 146.6) ok, getting back
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 145.0 (trend 146.5) feeling a lot better about this!
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 145.2 (trend 146.3) Expected as no tmi
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 146.2 (trend 146.1) boo.
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 143.6 (trend 145.9) now that's what I like to see!
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 143.8 (trend 145.6) Happy with this
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 142.8 (trend 145.2) No longer overweight!!
    5th Week Goal Weight: 144
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.8

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 142.4 (trend 144.9) A nice start to week 6
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 141.8 (trend 144.4) still dropping!
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 141.4 (trend 144.0) Great!
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 140.6 (trend 143.6) 40lbs lost!
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 140.2 (trend 143.2) come on 130s!
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 140.0 (trend 142.7) Hit my end of year goal one month early, yay!
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 142.0 (trend 142.6) up 2lbs from yesterday?? Well at least I made my goal even with the strange fluctuations, serves as a reminder not to get complacent!
    6th Week Goal Weight: 142.0
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.0

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 143.0 (trend 142.7) Taking this with a pinch of salt as long car journeys and flying yesterday, but I was also way over calories. Hopefully it'll come back down over the next few days however totm is due soon so maybe not.
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 142.2 (trend 142.6) Settling back down
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 143.0 (trend 142.7) trying not to worry!
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:143.0 (142.7) hmm
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:141.0 (trend 142.5) phew!
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 141.8 (trend 142.4) need to drink more water
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:142.2 (trend 142.4) take away and beers, oops!
    7th Week Goal Weight: 141.0
    7th Week Actual Weight: 142.2

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 141.0 (trend 142.2) need to stop bouncing around and get back to losing
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 141.4 (trend 142.1) Trend weight still going down thankfully
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 140.6 (trend 141.9) low food day yesterday
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 140.0 (trend 141.6) surprised at this as I went way over calories
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 139.8 (trend 141.4) Oo 130s!
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 140.4 (trend 141.2)Happy halfway point! 6.8lbs lost so far, 5.4 to go!
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 140.4 (trend 141.1) bit of a binge last night
    8th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    8th Week Actual Weight: 140.4

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 142.0 (trend 141.3)oh dear! +1.6lbs
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 142.2 (trend 141.4) No tmi for 2 days
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 140.0 (trend 141.2 The bloat is gone!
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 139.4 (trend 140.9)New low weight, yay!
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 139.6 (trend 140.8)Had a bit of a binge
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 138.6 (trend 140.5) dropped some water weight
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 141.4 (trend 140.6) Gained water weight back and then some!
    9th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    9th Week Actual Weight: 141.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 140.2 (trend 140.6) Countdown to Christmas!
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:140.6 (trend 140.6) haven't been sleeping well or drinking enough water
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 140.0 (trend 140.5) Lots of carb cravings yesterday
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.2 (trend140.8) Far too much junk
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:143.2 (trend 141.1) Well.
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:142.6 (trend 141.3) Think I broke the world record for most After Eights eaten in one sitting!
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: DNW
    10th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    10th Week Actual Weight:?

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:DNW
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 145.0 (trend 142.6) Hoping this is mostly water from all the salt and carbs
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:145.2 (trend 142.9) still gaining!
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 145.2 (trend 143.2) dear oh dear
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:146.4 (trend 143.6) Shocked!
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 144.2 (trend 143.7) Well that's a bit more realistic! Happy New Year everyone!
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 146.6 (trend 144.2)Ah well.
    11th Week Goal Weight: No goal
    11th Week Actual Weight:146.6

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 146.8 (trend 144.5) Desperately need to get back in control
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 144.6 (trend 144.5) Much better day
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 142.8 (trend 144.3) glad it's coming back off!
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 141.6 (trend 144.0) Weight is going down but still a bit bloated
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:141.0 (trend 143.5) Glad to see this! It'll be nice to get back to 140lbs, think I lost about 6 weeks progress through December
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight: 143.0
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge goal weight 135.0
    Current weight 141.0
    Left to lose 6.0lbs
    Full Weeks remaining 3

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member

    11th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    11th Week Actual Weight: 209
    10th Week Weight Loss: .2
    I’m amazed that I held stead and did not gain this week. Now to make real progress in the new year! HELLO 2022!

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 208.0 Walked 3.1 miles, 1674 cal, 82 net carbs, AF. Planned my meals and did well though I went over my original target because of Cheetos with lunch and the appetizers set out for our family dinner. I did avoid the wine so didn’t have to worry about those calories.
    My son and his wife are at the hospital … my granddaughter is on her way!!!
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 206.8 Walked 1.3 miles ~ 5pm even though it was windy & chilly for Houston. 1554 cal, 30 net carbs, 1 glass wine. Yeah I’m tracking my food again … which makes a huge difference on the snacking. Once when I started to go into the pantry I decided to make black coffee instead :) Kept busy taking down some of the Christmas decor & walking up & down stairs many times. Long slow delivery. Still waiting on my baby granddaughter … as of 4am this morning.
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 207.5 Walked 3 + .9 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2214 cal, 49 net carbs, 2 glasses wine. My little granddaughter is adorable! 7 lbs 9 oz, 19 inch. Her mom & dad are doing well. They get out of the hospital today and we get to go meet her! I need to get on the ball if I'm going to be a slimmer, active, flexible, stronger, mobile grandma!
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 208.3 Walked 1.1 + .6 miles, Strength Training 1 hr, 2005 cal,138 net carbs, AF. Totally expected to be up on the scale! I journaled every bite so it is not a surprise. Meal plans were great up until dinner of Popeyes fried chicken … when we visited our new granddaughter. They were getting out of the hospital, called wanted us to drive up, they live an hour away on the other side of Houston. Emotional rollercoaster of a day. The snacking on Snickers, peanut butter, ice cream and Cheetos should not have even been options in my house but they were. Starting today with water before coffee and better intentions.
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6: 209.3 Walk 1.4 + 3 miles, 2232 cal, 12 net carbs, 3 glasses wine. Grazed again but less carbs. Wrong direction! Still need to work on limiting my calories.
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight: <205 Repeat until I hit it!
    12th Week Actual Weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited January 2022

    How is moving from 2 to 4 strength training hours per week going for you?
    Apparently muscle burns fat. It feels good to be strong and doing something for yourself and your health.
    You will be able to lift your grandbaby for years to come : - )

    @dawnbgethealthy - I'm going to the class Tues and Thurs morning and then added Zooming into the class from home on Mon and Fri. I'm a little more sore ... these side tricep pushups are a killer! I love the standing core exercises since I get dizzy when laying on my back on the floor. The teacher changes things up and adds new moves every quarter. Here is the "form" video for new moves that she was introducing that we watched before attending the first class this week. All the exercises are to music which you would love!


    @deepwoodslady - My teacher ~70 yrs old has one of those diabetes monitors on the back of her arm. It alarms her phone when her levels spike or drop. She always has those little glucose shots (rapid glucose recovery) in a small bottle on hand and will grab one in class if needed. Have you seen those at the grocery store or pharmacy?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 201.4
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 199.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: 199.8

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 200
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 202.2
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 202.2
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 200.8
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 199
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 199
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 197.6
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 198
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 197.6

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 197.6
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 197.4
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 198.4
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 198.6
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 197.2
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 196.6
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 197.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 196.2
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 197.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 196.4
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 198.8
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 198.6
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 199.2
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 197.4
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 196.6
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 195
    4th Week Goal Weight: 195.6
    4th Week Actual Weight: 195

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 192.2 - this puts me at 100+ pounds lost! WOO HOO!
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 192.8
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 193.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 193.4
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 192.4
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 192.4
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 194.2
    5th Week Goal Weight: 193.2
    5th Week Actual Weight: 194.2

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 194.4
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 193.8
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 194.2
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 192.4
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 192.2
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 192.4
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 192
    6th Week Goal Weight: 192.2
    6th Week Actual Weight: 192

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 191.6
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 192.4
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 192.2
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 192.8
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2: 192
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 192.8
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 192.4
    7th Week Goal Weight: 190.8
    7th Week Actual Weight: 192.4

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 191.8
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 191.2
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 190
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 190
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 188.2
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 189.6
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 189.2
    8th Week Goal Weight: 191.6
    8th Week Actual Weight: 189.2
    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 189.6
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 191.8
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 191.6
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 191.4
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 190.6
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 189.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 187.4
    9th Week Goal Weight: 187.4
    9th Week Actual Weight: 187.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 187.4
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 188.2
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 188.6
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 186.2
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23: 187.8
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 189.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 189.2
    10th Week Goal Weight: 186.6
    10th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 190
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 189.8
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28: 191.2
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 191
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30: 190.6
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 188.6
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 190.6
    11th Week Goal Weight: 187.8
    11th Week Actual Weight: 190.6

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 188
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 188
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 186.8
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 188.2
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6: 187
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight: 187
    12th Week Actual Weight:
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited January 2022
    Challenge SW: 155
    Challenge GW: 140

    Days 1-50

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 155
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 154.4
    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 154.2
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 153.6
    Day 5: Tue, 10/26: 153.6
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 153.4
    Day 7: Thu, 10/28: 153
    Week 1 Loss: -2.6

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 152.4
    Day 9: Sat, 10/30: 152.4
    Day 10: Sun, 10/31: 152.2
    October Loss: -2.8

    Day 11: Mon, 11/1: 152.6 No obvious reason for the uptick. Didn’t do anything different yesterday. No candy.
    Day 12: Tue, 11/2: 151.6
    Day 13: Wed, 11/3: 151.8
    Day 14: Thu, 11/4: 152 Weighed 3 hours earlier than usual. Had to get up early to bring my sister to the airport.
    Week 2 Loss: -2

    Day 15: Fri, 11/5: 150.4
    Day 16: Sat, 11/6: 150.8
    Day 17: Sun, 11/7: 150.2
    Day 18: Mon, 11/8: 151.4 Had a high sodium day yesterday and only drank 6 cups of water. Was under calories and did 35 minutes exercise.
    Day 19: Tue, 11/9: 150.4
    Day 20: Wed, 11/10: 149.8
    Day 21: Thu, 11/11: 149.6
    Week 3 Loss: -0.2

    Day 22: Fri, 11/12: 150.2
    Day 23: Sat, 11/13: 151.4 Expected. Ate lunch at a restaurant yesterday so this bump is sodium. Logged as best I could. The restaurant doesn’t have online nutrition info so had to use MFP database so probably not very accurate. Will be chugging water today.
    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 151.4
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 150.8
    Day 26: Tue, 11/16: 150.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 150
    Day 28: Thu, 11/18: 149.8
    Week 4 Loss: -1.4

    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 148.8
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 149
    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 148.8
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 148.2
    Day 33: Tue, 11/23: 148.6
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 148.4
    Day 35: Thu, 11/25: 147.6
    Week 5 GAIN: +0.4

    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 149.2
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 148.8
    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 147.8
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 147.4
    Day 40: Tue, 11/30: 147
    November Loss: -5.6

    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 147
    Day 42: Thu, 12/2: 146.4
    Week 6 Loss: -2.6

    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 146.6
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 146.2
    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 145.6
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 145
    Day 47: Tue, 12/7: 144.8
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 145
    Day 49: Thu, 12/9: 145
    Week 7 Loss: -1.4

    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 145.2

    Day 51: Sat, 12/11: 144.2
    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 144.2
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 143.8
    Day 54: Tue, 12/14: 144
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 143.4
    Day 56: Thu, 12/16: 143.2
    Week 8 Loss: -2

    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 143.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 143.6
    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 142.2
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 142.4
    Day 61: Tue, 12/21: 142
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.4
    Day 63: Thu, 12/23: 142.4
    Week 9 Loss: -1

    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 142.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 145.2
    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 145.8 Totally expected Christmas bloat. It will be gone this week...just in time for the New Year's bloat!
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 144.8
    Day 68: Tue, 12/28: 143.4
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 142.2 Christmas bloat gone!
    Day 70: Thu, 12/30: 142.4
    Week 10 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 142.4 Before Christmas I was wobbling at 142.x. Looks like I'm still wobbling!
    December Loss: -4.6

    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 141.8
    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 141.2
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 141.2
    Day 75: Tue, 1/4: 141
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 140.8
    Day 77: Thu, 1/6: 142.4 Extremely maddening. I went to a Chinese buffet last night, so this is sodium and actual weight of the food, but still. I didn't eat to the point that I was stuffed, and I didn't eat 1.4 fat pounds worth of calories. One day to put it on, 3 days to take it off! :#

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I think that this is my 8th round.
    I started MFP (this time around) at 191.
    I joined this thread at 158.5

    If I don't have 500 calories in the Green on the tracker (on average) I don't lose weight.

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22:- 134.0 - Using my EW from the last 100
    Day 50: 136.6
    Day 75: 136.4

    11th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    11th Week Actual Weight: Don't know
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green): 3185 - not enough to lose a pound

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: DNW - I awoke at 1am, got up, drank water, snoozed until 2am when all of the wonderful international radio programs come on. Got up, drank coffee, had breakfast around 5am. Tonight I will take my weekly sleeping pill to reset my clock and get one good night of sleep for the week. No idea where my weight is at, but I tracked everything as usual.
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 139.2 - I expect this to drop off soon. 3 - 4 skating sessions this week plus some cross country skiing and shoveling : - )
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 136.4 - Huge calorie burn yesterday, more than what I ate.
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 136.0 - Today will include 2 skating sessions, plus it is really snowing so I will shovel between the first skate and work. It is still dark almost until I leave for skating. Prepping 2 days of dinners - pre-logged.
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6: 135.2 - More calorie burn than what I consumed yet again. Not sustainable in the long term, but glad to be dropping.
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:

    12th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    12th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green):

    Challenge Starting Weight: 134.0

    Challenge Goal: 124.0

    Challenge Ending Weight:

    Excess Calories burned (in the Green) this 100:

    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member

    Yes, start again to log every bite, it lost you 15 pounds when you re-started doing it.
    Hope that your temporary floors are finished today.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8)
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9)
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4)
    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 21…..11/11…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 22…..11/12…..189.4…..(Trend weight 188.8)
    Day 23…..11/13…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.0)
    Day 24…..11/14…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 26…..11/16…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 27…..11/17…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 28…..11/18…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 29…..11/19…..190.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 30…..11/20…..190.2…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 31…..11/21…..187.6…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 32…..11/22…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 33…..11/23…..187.2…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 34…..11/24…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 35…..11/25…..191.0…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 36…..11/26…..193.4…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 37…..11/27…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.9)
    Day 38…..11/28…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 39…..11/29…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 40…..11/30…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.7)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. 1 lb GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..4 LBS GAINED

    Day 41…..12/01…..188.7…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 42…..12/02…..188.2…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 43…..12/03…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 44…..12/04…..188.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 45…..12/05…..189.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 46…..12/06…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 47…..12/07…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 48…..12/08…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.6)
    Day 49…..12/09…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 50…..12/10…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.7)


    Day 51…..12/11…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 52…..12/12…..192.0…..(Trend weight 190.0)
    Day 53…..12/13…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 54…..12/14…..191.6…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 55…..12/15…..190.4…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 56…..12/16…..189.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 57…..12/17…..189.6…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 58…..12/18…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 59…..12/19…..191.0…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 60…..12/19…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.5)
    Day 61…..12/21…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 62…..12/22…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.7)
    Day 63…..12/23…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.8)
    Day 64…..12/24…..192.4…..(Trend weight 190.9)
    Day 65…..12/25…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.1)
    Day 66…..12/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 67…..12/27…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 68…..12/28…..193.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 69…..12/29…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 70…..12/30…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.7)

    Day 71…..12/31…..191.6…..(Trend weight 191.7) Still so sick. On December 31, 2020 my weight was at 207.0. Down 15.4 pounds this year and for that I am grateful. I plan on working even harder in 2022. Happy New Year everyone!

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. 2.4 lbs GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..6.5 GAINED so far during challenge.

    Day 72…..01/01…..190.0…..(Trend weight 191.5) Happy New Year everyone. I’ve been slipping, sliding and teetering back and forth since October (just prior to needing cancer-scare breast surgery). I’m ready to stop eating all my emotions and grief and get back on track to the business of health and well-being. I am glad to have ended 2021 over 15 pounds lighter. I am sad that I lost some ground during the last quarter of the year. Recommitting today! Let’s have some fun and do this together, my friends!

    Day 73…..01/02…..189.8…..(Trend weight 191.4) I am happy to see my weight trending down. It feels like faith in me. I’ve been doing better on my meals but little to no movement for two reasons. First, I am still sick and too weak and unsteady. Second, I am having a “temporary floor put down in about 1000 throughout most of my main floor to rid myself of horrible carpet that was in the kitchen and dining room! I don’t know what the old owners were thinking but the kitchen carpet was actually RED so this new vinyl with suffice until the rooms are fully remodeled and my click flooring can be installed. Everything throught the 900 sq ft area is now piled up in my livingroom. I have no stove or fridge, they are in living room too. Food in cold garage. Exercise is out of the question at this point so it’s a good time to be sick. I’m wearing mask while workers are here to keep my germs to myself.

    Day 74…..01/03…..191.0…..(Trend weight 191.3) No clue why except for restricted movement during a floor remodel project that’s not going so well. Keeping the faith.

    Day 75…..01/04…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.4) It must be the regular milk (instead of my usual Fairlife). No junk yesterday but I’m still trapped in my overpacked livingroom so movement is still restricted. It will be at least one more day, maybe two. However, even with little calorie burn, I still think the lactose is playing havoc on me. I also think some of those Christmas goodies (all gone now) are catching up to the scale too.
    Day 76…..01/05…..193.2…..(Trend weight 191.6) Dinner at 2:00 a.m. and that was haphazard since I still don’t have a stove or a refrigerator right now. More work on floors today ugh! I know I need to be logging again. Weight creeping up. Most days food has been good but there definitely is a complete lack of exercise going on during this floor process!
    Day 77…..01/06…..194.0…..(Trend weight 191.8) Sadly, I know this is not water weight. It’s lack of movement and calorie burn from the floor reno. It’s make-shift meals that I am trying to be reasonable on since there is no stove or fridge. It’s too easy to grab cereal for a meal with milk from the coolor and other such things that I normally stay away from. Sandwiches which add up to too much bread overall for the day etc. Flooring man left at 10:30 so another late dinner. I am hoping the work will be completed today so I’m not trapped in my livingroom for much longer! Making plans for a comeback my friends!

    Day 78…..01/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..01/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..01/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..01/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..01/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..01/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..01/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..01/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..01/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..01/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..01/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..01/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..01/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..01/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 92…..01/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..01/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..01/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..01/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..01/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..01/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..01/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    @Lilylady3k. I imagine my phone would be blowing up! I haven't had my glucose under 200 in 15 years and that is the truth! I've got to change my lifestyle and stop acting like I am not a diabetic! BTW thanks for the DGD pics. She is STUNNING!

    @dawnbgethealthy I need to log again for sure. But I don't want to log all the bad and quick foods. I am hoping that my floors will be completed today and that my stove and fridge can go back in tomorrow (must stay off floor for 24 hours, no weight on them). It's so close to being done......These are temporary floors I will like have for about 2 years before the permanent flooring goes in. I just had to get rid of the carpet where it didn't belong. It was atrocious!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I tried to watch that video, it showed her at the beginning and then froze.
    She looks amazing for 70! I want to look like that at 70 : - )