Trying to get back into it

So I used this app what feels like a lifetime ago while I was in highschool. Now I'm a mom of two and trying to start the weight loss again. I've tried starting over before but just gave up on it. I really struggle with motivation sometimes. Any tips or things that y'all do to help with motivation loss?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Welcome back.

    Log your food. Every day. That will be a good start. If you actually take the time to do it accurately and then take a few minutes each day to reflect on your choices, eventually it will start to click.
  • rollypolly711
    rollypolly711 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you guys so much for the advise 😌
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Welcome back.

    Log your food. Every day. That will be a good start. If you actually take the time to do it accurately and then take a few minutes each day to reflect on your choices, eventually it will start to click.

    I just can't get used to the glass of milk instead of the cat in the weeds. :D
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Cliffs Notes of Weight Loss:
    • small, sustainable changes
    • Understand weight fluctuations are normal. Thinks of a roller coaster, not a steep mountain slope down. Some weeks up, some weeks down. Its the OVERALL TREND that matters
    • Learn to weigh your food ON A FOOD SCALE
    • Learn how to find ACCURATE DATABASE ENTRIES
    • BE ACTIVE - get off your butt and MOVE. Find SOMETHING you enjoy. If your activity is limited, find ways to move that you are ABLE to do
    • Deprivation is the key to Binging and falling off the wagon. Learn how to fit your favorite things in regularly. There are no 'bad foods' Just 'bad quantities'.
    • One 'bad' day will not undo your deficit.
    • You did not gain the weight quickly. You will not lose it quickly. Better to lose it slowly, and KEEP IT OFF, then lose it quick, and gain it all back and more!

    Useful Links

    and basically ... all of these :)