When the gyms closed in March of 2020, I lost my outlet for most of my physical activity. In the ensuing months of isolation, I started working from home full-time (a situation that has since been made permanent), where mindless eating is so much easier, and some days I never even left the house. I ate poorly and didn't exercise much, other than walking the dog.
Now, almost two years later, I've re-gained 25 pounds of the 50 I had lost, and in 2022 I am re-committing to trying to eat better and be more active. How are other people managing the COVID yo-yo? What tips to you have for setting good habits and sticking to them?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I lost 40 Lbs in late 2012 through early 2013. 2020 through 2021 I have gained 20 of those back. The eating well part is not a big deal for me as I enjoy cooking and there are tons of healthy foods and meals that are absolutely delicious along with being highly nutritious.

    My bigger issue over the course of the pandemic was the cancelation of all of my cycling events the last two years. I have spent the better part of 5 or 6 years leading up to the pandemic participating in numerous endurance cycling events which required a dedication to training and kept me in really good shape. Without events to train for, my training and exercise slowly slipped away and eventually became no more than a ride here or there when I felt like it.

    My second biggest issue during the pandemic was a massive increase in beer and alcohol consumption as a primary mode of entertainment with everything closed down and/or substantially restricted. A ton of excess empty calories and lack of moving took their toll.

    I am currently doing "dry January" and may very well go beyond that one month...more than likely will. I've also started up with a structured cycling program to start getting me ready for cycling events that kickoff in the spring and I'm back in the weight room during my lunch hour a couple days per week and one weekend session. I've signed up for one cycling event in May and have three others on my radar over the course of the summer and early fall with dates TBD. I personally do best when I have concrete goals in front of me rather than just wanting to lose weight. I want to be able to perform and perform well, and that requires dietary and training discipline to achieve.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    In for ideas. I'm working my way through a depressive episode ATM. It's definitely related to omicron freak out on top of covid fatigue. Probably a touch of post-holiday-back-to-normal let down and recent automotive fatality of a close family friend. Honestly, the political & cultural discord/disfunction has me down, too. I watched "Don't look up" recently, and while it was really funny, I also found it to be depressingly accurate.

    Walking your dog sounds like a great thing. Long walks always lift my spirits, and doing so with a dog would be even more uplifting. Sticking to my normal eating/exercise routine is kind of grounding, too. I realize that doesn't answer the question "HOW to stick to good habits," but once I have done so I do have a better outlook on things. I guess I frame the good habits as self care I need even when I feel unmotivated. Maybe especially when I'm unmotivated. Going through the motions, "fake it until you make it," that kind of thing.

    Wishing you the best, OP. Good job stopping the gain and regrouping. Hope you get some inspiration and practical tips.
  • tippenss
    tippenss Posts: 1 Member
    I found Team Body Project during the pandemic and I could not be happier that I did. Not sure I will ever go back to a gym. I found them on YouTube at first and just did the free stuff, then joined the website and again, just did the free stuff. Now I'm a full member getting up before 6 each morning working out with some of the most positive uplifting motivational people I've ever come across in my lifelong journey towards health. They also have a Facebook group and that community is also so inspiring and uplifting. Sticking to exercise has never been easy for me, but with this group, I've managed to do it for over a year. Give it a try, if it's not for you then keep looking you will find your people virtual or in person, there is a lot out there so don't give up. Don't worry you got this! You may have taken a step back but look at how many steps forward you've already taken.
  • Jwihtty4
    Jwihtty4 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also a huge fan of Team Body Project. Besides the community already mentioned they have a variety of programs that you can follow to get back on track. I have been stuck working from home for two years and fell to mindless eating and an increase in wine consumption. I finally put the breaks on and cut out the alcohol and now I am focusing on what I am eating. Besides body project I ended up getting a Peloton and I love it.