Scanning Bar Codes

alandixon1953 Posts: 1 Member
Hi, can anyone help, I am trying to add foods to my database by scanning bar codes.The codes scan fine, but I cannot find a way of ading them to the database, tapping "add food" does not work.
I am using an ipad to do this.



  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Can you be more specific about what you're seeing?

    When you scan a barcode, does an entry come up or does it say "no entries found"?
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,941 Member
    All that happens when you scan a bar code is that MFP searches the database for whatever food that barcode is assigned to. It’s not pulling data from the manufacturer so the only thing it does is save you from typing the item name yourself.

    So, in fact, whatever item it pulls up is clearly already in the database (be careful…discontinued items seem to have their redundant barcodes thrown back into the ‘pool’ and are re-used resulting in an erroneous search in the future).