The not so new newbie

Guess who’s back? Back again!
Ok but seriously…
It’s just been a lot of ups and downs over the last several years. I could blame it on the medical issues that have hospitalized me a few times, I could blame it on the physical injuries that have sidetracked me too many times to count, I can blame it on having two babies back to back in recent years but the reality is, I haven’t found that inner strength and commitment, that aha moment to propel me into action, the self respect to take my body and health more seriously. That is, until now.
I tore my calf muscle running up the stairs recently and it debilitated me. Still not sure if I’ll be needing a surgical repair or not. It got me thinking… is this what it’s like to be so grossly overweight that you can’t do daily tasks like walking or playing with your kids, to not be able to stand at the stove to cook for your family or do much of anything? Physically speaking outside of that injury I’m not anywhere near that but it sure as hell scared me into those thoughts. I have a teenager, a toddler son and a baby boy. Those kids need me to run after them to play, guide them and just general parenting, my husband needs me to be the busy body, on the go parent and wife that I am, but maybe even better. I need me. That injury sucks but it really put crap into perspective for me. I refuse to continue down the path of health destruction which impacts so much for me and so many around me.
So, back in the saddle. Additional 45 lbs to lose on top of my original amount back in 2017 so let’s get to it!!
I’d love to have some MFP friends for the journey so feel free to add me.
Danielle, 37 (38 in April) with three kids and hopefully one or two more before I’m done. Originally from England (born in Holland) and living in Texas.
