Looking for KETO friends

Hello, all!

Looking for friends who do KETO! Only keto friends for now. I'm not in the headspace yet where I can see pics/descriptions of non-keto foods without wanting to run out and get some. Carbs truly are an addiction for me.

I'm J. 42/f. Day 2 of keto. Did it a couple years ago and lost almost 70 pounds, but then life and COVID happened and here I am. Gained it all back and then some. I'm currently 340. GW for now is 250. More important than weight, however, is to reverse my NAFLD, lower my BP, and stop the exacerbation of my Chiari Malformation and MG.

Ultimately, I'll probably shoot for the 200-215 range. I am happy and healthy at that weight.

Movement is difficult for me because of the aforementioned conditions. Too much puts me down for the count, so I have to be very careful. The problem I have is that "too much" changes from day to day. I do BodyGroove because I can do very light movement, but still move.

So, if you want a keto buddy, especially if you also suffer from movement issues, feel free to friend me! We can support and encourage each other.


  • miriyummy
    miriyummy Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! I'm back on the Keto wagon and would be happy to have you as a friend. Keto's the only thing that's worked for me in the past but can get a bit boring so I'm always looking for inspiration.
  • JarheadSFMF
    JarheadSFMF Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2022
    Yes I will add you. I've been doing Keto/Primal and lost 87lbs. Have to modify things because of arthritis in wrists (too many old injuries) and a shoulder SLAP tear.
  • BethAnnD75
    BethAnnD75 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there. I have done MFP for a while, but just starting to figure out how to do the community thing and add friends. I too love carbs way to much to include them in my regular diet. I have lost 40 lbs, and have about 39 more to go. Please feel free to add me as a friend for those others staying away from the carbs and looking to lose weight.
  • KetoBata
    KetoBata Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me