Offensive picture question for the masses



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    People break the rules because they want to. The women on here know when their pictures are geared towards sex no one is that dense sorry. Its not like the mods don't know what brings the behavior on lol they do have access to the threads I have seen it too it usually occurs after a few whos got the best this and that threads and then wham someone post something and guess what ...someone gets banned ..rarely happens to the guys...kinda sad to see the ladies falling for it LOL
  • I feel sorry for the women who do not feel that breasts are sexual objects. If you don't have that kind of feeling there, that must be a real bummer. IMW breasts are sexy. They feel sexy. They look sexy. Yay for boobies!

    I don't think a woman in a sports bra is pushing the envelope, but I do feel a women hanging out of her sports bra is pushing the envelope. And I think she knows when she's gone there.

    I'm reading this with interest though, because I snapped an end of summer pic of my upper body that I wanted to put in my profile, but didn't finish the upload because it could be questionable to some. I think it's pretty, so I may do it anyway. :smile:

    If you like, then you should post it.... if somebody finds it offensive they can move on.

    But see, I don't think this stuff if "offensive." Perhaps some things push the community standards. I think the pic I was going to upload to my profile may be pushing it a little.
  • Where I live, it is perfectly legal for women to walk down the street topless, so I tend to find the photo rules on this site a bit puritanical. Having said that, it is their site and their rules. I guess they get to decide what is and isn't appropriate, whether I agree with it or not. There seems to be some unfairness in terms of which posters have photos removed, but I suppose that is because some people have favourites they report all the time.

    It's actually legal for women to walk down the street topless (no bra...etc) in NYC. And there's a woman (Holly Van Voast ) that does it every day (rides the subway. etc)..

    But to answer the OP's question, I haven't seen any profile pics that have offended me. I think that there are double standards to a certain extent. Do I think we should be able to post nudes and But I don't understand why the sports bra's and bikini bottoms would be a problem.

    Question, if an overweight man that had moobs posted a topless pic would he be told to take it down? Even though a lot of times it can look like women's breast? Probably not.

    I absolutely rue the day when moobs are on the same level as hot, naked breasts. Sorry, no comparison.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    What it all boils down to is that some women get jealous of the fact that they are not as attractive as someone they see and as such don't get as much attention as that person. So they report pics that they feel leads to the more attractive female getting attention that the reporter is desperately seeking.

    I recently had to delete one person from my list for just that reason. I simply won't put up with those shenanigans!

    (see what I did there :devil: )
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Frankly, I'm tired of people being offended by stupid stuff. Breasts are a natural part of men and women's bodies. In my opinion, breasts are not a sexual object (and even if they are for some, that's their own personal issue) just because they are on a woman and look a bit different. Breasts on women are for feeding babies; no one should be offended by that.

    Breasts on women are definitely a sexual object. Humans are the only animals on the planet that have permanent breasts; all other animals lose them after they serve their function of producing milk. The theory I read is that as humans evolved to stand up and also have face-to-face sex, female breasts developed in order to provide visual arousal for the male. How the scientists put it was that they are basically replacement hemispheres for the buttocks. Finding them sexually stimulating is not a "personal issue" - it's by design.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    My question is why people would get so butthurt over a person's profile pic. Don't like it, don't look at it for heaven's sake. Some people need to just GTFO. A bikini is more acceptable than a sports bra? Aren't they about the same amount of material? Ridiculous.

    ETA perhaps I should report ipuffyheart there because her suit is skin toned. Although with THAT body, I would be ALL NUDE ALL THE TIME. Get it, girl!

    spraytans are required at competitions. :sad:

    Did not know that...why???? This Scottish gal would look weird with a tan.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This has been beaten to death for years on MFP and part of the reason the groups were created.

    One of my first success stories included a pic of me in a bra and underwear. Lots of women showed success stories on here with before and after pics in underwear. All it takes is a few prudes to ruin everything for everyone. Eventually bra and underwear pics were banned and MFP has spiraled out of control with the restrictions ever since.

    Over half of my original MFP friends are no longer on here, many left because of rule changes. Sadly, as the site is free, they are free to add any rules they like and people will still use it.

    So who here remembers the spinoff, MFPSFC site? :blushing:
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I posted a couple of pictures in my bra and panties in the BF% estimation thread. Basic black cotton panties, which actually cover more than any bikini I own. In the context of that thread, I don't think the photos were offensive. Would I use those same photos as my profile picture, or post them willy nilly in other threads? No.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Came in for offensive pictures.

    ...........leaving disappointed.

    Please send them in PM. I'll tell you if offensive or not.
  • griff7809
    griff7809 Posts: 611 Member
    This has been beaten to death for years on MFP and part of the reason the groups were created.

    One of my first success stories included a pic of me in a bra and underwear. Lots of women showed success stories on here with before and after pics in underwear. All it takes is a few prudes to ruin everything for everyone. Eventually bra and underwear pics were banned and MFP has spiraled out of control with the restrictions ever since.

    Over half of my original MFP friends are no longer on here, many left because of rule changes. Sadly, as the site is free, they are free to add any rules they like and people will still use it.

    So who here remembers the spinoff, MFPSFC site? :blushing:

    Sorry, I didn't know this has been beaten up already. Seems like lately it's become more of an issue.
  • My question is why people would get so butthurt over a person's profile pic. Don't like it, don't look at it for heaven's sake. Some people need to just GTFO. A bikini is more acceptable than a sports bra? Aren't they about the same amount of material? Ridiculous.

    ETA perhaps I should report ipuffyheart there because her suit is skin toned. Although with THAT body, I would be ALL NUDE ALL THE TIME. Get it, girl!

    spraytans are required at competitions. :sad:

    Did not know that...why???? This Scottish gal would look weird with a tan.

    helps make the muscles "pop" more. Yea, tell me about it. I'm half Hawaiian and don't need more of a tan, but such are the rules in bodybuilding, which is fine with me. I just know if I ever do it again to go with a different color, lol.
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    I feel sorry for the women who do not feel that breasts are sexual objects. If you don't have that kind of feeling there, that must be a real bummer. IMW breasts are sexy. They feel sexy. They look sexy. Yay for boobies!

    I don't think a woman in a sports bra is pushing the envelope, but I do feel a women hanging out of her sports bra is pushing the envelope. And I think she knows when she's gone there.

    I'm reading this with interest though, because I snapped an end of summer pic of my upper body that I wanted to put in my profile, but didn't finish the upload because it could be questionable to some. I think it's pretty, so I may do it anyway. :smile:

    If you like, then you should post it.... if somebody finds it offensive they can move on.

    But see, I don't think this stuff if "offensive." Perhaps some things push the community standards. I think the pic I was going to upload to my profile may be pushing it a little.

    Obviously "offensive" is a subjective term, as is excessive cleavage... I mean, what really is excessive?
    I think it does come down to keeping the site Google Ad friendly for revenue purposes.
    In my opinion, the rules are too far reaching, and people that report should really find a hobby or something...

    Having said that... I still think you should post your pic!
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member

    **** it
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    Sorry, brillmer. What can I say? I was offended that your boobs were bigger than mine in your Sept 2012 shot.
  • As long as pics are not racist, homophobic, or hateful I don't care to get offended.

    Boobs? Fine.
    Butts? Whatever.
    Junk? Well, as long as you are trying to show me a close up of your balls with elephantitis, fine.:tongue:

    However, if these nekkid parts were allowed my work would block this site and that would make me super sad cuz I like being able to check in with my friends and log while I am at work. So as long as we keep the bras and bikini tops on (no matter how tiny) I can still hang out with everyone while I am at work.

    I'd miss you guys.:sad:
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Where I live, it is perfectly legal for women to walk down the street topless, so I tend to find the photo rules on this site a bit puritanical. Having said that, it is their site and their rules. I guess they get to decide what is and isn't appropriate, whether I agree with it or not. There seems to be some unfairness in terms of which posters have photos removed, but I suppose that is because some people have favourites they report all the time.

    It's actually legal for women to walk down the street topless (no bra...etc) in NYC. And there's a woman (Holly Van Voast ) that does it every day (rides the subway. etc)..

    But to answer the OP's question, I haven't seen any profile pics that have offended me. I think that there are double standards to a certain extent. Do I think we should be able to post nudes and But I don't understand why the sports bra's and bikini bottoms would be a problem.

    Question, if an overweight man that had moobs posted a topless pic would he be told to take it down? Even though a lot of times it can look like women's breast? Probably not.

    I absolutely rue the day when moobs are on the same level as hot, naked breasts. Sorry, no comparison.

    I beg to differ. I've seen 'moobs' that can easily be mistaken for ugly women boobs if the pic is taken correctly. Just because a women's chest is bare does not mean that we see 'hot, naked breasts'.
  • Where I live, it is perfectly legal for women to walk down the street topless, so I tend to find the photo rules on this site a bit puritanical. Having said that, it is their site and their rules. I guess they get to decide what is and isn't appropriate, whether I agree with it or not. There seems to be some unfairness in terms of which posters have photos removed, but I suppose that is because some people have favourites they report all the time.

    It's actually legal for women to walk down the street topless (no bra...etc) in NYC. And there's a woman (Holly Van Voast ) that does it every day (rides the subway. etc)..

    But to answer the OP's question, I haven't seen any profile pics that have offended me. I think that there are double standards to a certain extent. Do I think we should be able to post nudes and But I don't understand why the sports bra's and bikini bottoms would be a problem.

    Question, if an overweight man that had moobs posted a topless pic would he be told to take it down? Even though a lot of times it can look like women's breast? Probably not.

    I absolutely rue the day when moobs are on the same level as hot, naked breasts. Sorry, no comparison.

    I beg to differ. I've seen 'moobs' that can easily be mistaken for ugly women boobs if the pic is taken correctly. Just because a women's chest is bare does not mean that we see 'hot, naked breasts'.

    Differ all you want. That's fine. But don't take away something of beauty on a woman just to desensitize or make a guy with moobs feel good. I doubt there's one guy in this thread who would pop wood looking at moobs. But that nice rack you're sporting? I bet a lot of guys would find that hot. And don't be saying some women have ugly breasts, cause that's just mean.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    - no excessive cleavage (if you would wear it to work, it’s probably OK)

    What if you're a Hooters girl? Or a stripper!?

    Or a receptionist in a nudist colony
  • - no excessive cleavage (if you would wear it to work, it’s probably OK)

    What if you're a Hooters girl? Or a stripper!?

    Or a receptionist in a nudist colony

    on the last episode of Double Divas that I watched, she was one of the few people fully clothes.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Yesterday I had a photo and story pop up on my facebook feed about a woman who had a double mastectomy after breast cancer. She was posed topless in the photo showing a very nice tattoo she had placed on her upper torso in place of breasts. I couldn't help but think how interesting it was that this was acceptable but if she had still been in possession of her breasts it would not be. That we continue to sexualize the female body to such a point is rather disturbing. To essentially say that we won't treat you as a woman because you no longer have boobs is, to me, rather offensive.

    But then, mothers get accosted for feeding their children in public. A "wardrobe malfunction" gets international news coverage. It's not just this particular website, it's society as a whole.

    I felt the same way when I saw that facebook photo, it got me thinking about this as well...