Haters - a rant

So I've been pretty proud of myself. By eating better than I ever have, and exercising (running, yoga) I'm almost at my initial goal of 145.

This week I received an email with a link to an article from a good friend, because "he loves me." The article was written by a woman who used to work for one of the meal plan diets, and completely bashes them. But that's not what I'm doing?

Then another friend started announcing, loudly and to anyone that would listen, that I was wearing my new "Levi's no-*kitten* jeans". On several occasions.

Tonight I stopped for coffee and the clerk, who has known me for years, told me I look "scrawny".

I am 5'8" and currently weigh about 147.

Every one of these well-wishers is (just a guess) well over 250 pounds. I have never, and would never, say A SINGE WORD to them about their weight. I don't understand why they feel like it's ok to do so. It's hurtful and completely negates how hard I have worked. Were there times I would have liked to have a piece of cake and didn't? Yup. Are there times I don't feel like running? Eff yeah.

I started this journey to celebrate my 50th birthday. It's been much easier than I would have believed, and I wish I had done it sooner. And it's for me.


  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Some people can't stand the success of others, and are really quick to judge. Make yourself happy, be healthy, and kick *kitten*!
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I'm amazed at how often I hear things like this. You know you're doing what's right for you. I just wish people didn't take a crap all over your success.

    Bottom line, you're doing great.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :ohwell: You must have the sort of personality that people feel comfortable being themselves around :sick: This can be disturbing :laugh:

    If you feel they might have a point, might I suggest weight training? Otherwise, when they get to being jokers, tell the to tell their story walking :laugh:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    jealousy..oh kick them in the *kitten*
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    Name an awesome person without haters. I dare you. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    5'8" at 147 is not "scrawy"

    you might need some muscle on you- which would lend to a more solid physic rather than just "weight lost" essentially. (totally up to you and it's a personal preference if you prefer to be more muscular. I prefer it- I'm 5'8" and 160 and no one gives me grief about anything ;) wink wink nudge nudge- partly because I'm a loud mouth and partly because I'm in pretty good shape)

    I'd say something rude about their weight.


    And when they look shocked and appalled at you- just say "oops- I didn't realize- from what you just said about me I was under the impression it was "give my friend unsolicited advice day"... wrong day? did I mis- read the memo??. or was it just be rude to your friends day because I can insult something else about you if you like instead."

    My other favorite is "if I wanted to look like you- I'd eat like you"

    seriously- say something- that type of behavior is unacceptable. it's one thing to joke about size and stuff (my rooommate/bestie had a super flat *kitten*- mine- not so much- so we joked about her bony butt and my underwear that were big enough to parachute out of an airplane with)... that or we would have a serious conversation about our goals and what our plan was.

    We NEVER actually gave someone **** about it in a mean or snarky way.

    That type of behavior from "friends" is unacceptable. seriously. find new friends and don't be shy about saying something to combat this behavior. it is NOT appropriate.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :ohwell: You must have the sort of personality that people feel comfortable being themselves around :sick: This can be disturbing :laugh:

    If you feel they might have a point, might I suggest weight training? Otherwise, when they get to being jokers, tell the to tell their story walking :laugh:

    This is so true! People will say things to me they never say to my friend who would stare them down. She has commented on this also. Strangers feel the need to tell me my hair is nice, or that color doesn't look good on me:laugh:

    As for OP, I am a jokester so I would laugh and say something like "Yup, made 2 pairs of 'no *kitten*' jeans out of one of my old ones!" or "You know I feel so zen after putting my foot behind my head in yoga today, that I will let that comment slide" :flowerforyou:

    Please can be real asshats. :ohwell:

    Great job by the way!
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    People can have a rather skewed idea of what a person *should* look like. I don't think everyone that mentions something along those lines is necessarily hating on you. Some people will legitametly think you are too thin even though your weight is perfectly fine at the moment.
  • carollynch09
    GOOD FOR YOU on your weight loss!!! Keep it up! Green is such an ugly color on some people isn't it?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I think people tend to think its ok to say to smaller people, ugh... Also, I think they may have been used to seeing you heavier. Just remember, you did this for you and congrats!!
  • nkoconnell
    Thanks, all - it felt really good to get that out. And I really don't think they're hating on me.... but on themselves.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Sometimes people don't know how to act in some social situations. Just chalk it up to well intended but badly executed sentiment.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I know this is evil but sometimes you have to actually put them in their place. Im sure i would have told the last lady that " anything standing next to you would be scrawny". I just really hate when people try to be well meaning in handing out critical compliments or advice.

    You are doing an amazing job and you look great! Keep it up and to hell with the haters!!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    So I've been pretty proud of myself. By eating better than I ever have, and exercising (running, yoga) I'm almost at my initial goal of 145.

    This week I received an email with a link to an article from a good friend, because "he loves me." The article was written by a woman who used to work for one of the meal plan diets, and completely bashes them. But that's not what I'm doing?

    Then another friend started announcing, loudly and to anyone that would listen, that I was wearing my new "Levi's no-*kitten* jeans". On several occasions.

    Tonight I stopped for coffee and the clerk, who has known me for years, told me I look "scrawny".

    I am 5'8" and currently weigh about 147.

    Every one of these well-wishers is (just a guess) well over 250 pounds. I have never, and would never, say A SINGE WORD to them about their weight. I don't understand why they feel like it's ok to do so. It's hurtful and completely negates how hard I have worked. Were there times I would have liked to have a piece of cake and didn't? Yup. Are there times I don't feel like running? Eff yeah.

    I started this journey to celebrate my 50th birthday. It's been much easier than I would have believed, and I wish I had done it sooner. And it's for me.

    Firstly, congratulations on the fruits of your hard work. You should be commended for your effort and determination. I often look at the people at MFP, or anyone for that matter, that is in the process of undergoing such a massive and difficult challenge as weight loss, and increase one's health and fitness, and think its nothing short of inspiring.
    I'm sorry your friends aren't inspired by you. Perhaps negative comments said in response to weight loss is only said to women - I don't know. I've only received positive remarks from friends and family.
    Depending on the situation you could respond by ignoring the comments or it could be an opportunity to give your frenemies a dose of their own medicine. If these comments are coming from people who are 250lb (125kg) +, then you could say something like "thank you for your concern but I decided to get fit and control my weight so that I don't die prematurely from heart attack, stroke, diabetes, certain cancers, and etc., and to have an excellent quality of life.
    Furthermore, you could start sending your email sending friend copies and links to articles on obesity related disease and mortality. That should very firmly, but gently, put them in their place.
    kind regards,

  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    You are doing GREAT and you look wonderful... don't let the 'haters' and the whinners get to you...like you said you are doing this for you!
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    This sucks. No way around it. Your "well wishers" should be ashamed of themselves for even doing this to you.

    Honestly, I think the issue is that we've become very accustomed to seeing overweight people as the "norm" and someone who is a healthy weight like you seems "odd" to some.

    Don't fret about it. This is THEIR issue, not yours. Be proud and just keep doing what you're doing.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Don't let it bother you. People are usually a little shocked when they see people lose weight as it is uncommon for a lot of folks, especially if you hang around a larger, inactive crowd. It can be especially hard for women with naturally slim body types because people assume that they are sick, bulimic, or anorexic when in reality they just have a small bone structure and low LBM.

    Just come back with a sassy retort and roll with it.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    just chalk it off to haters gonna hate. *shrug*

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Don't let it bother you. People are usually a little shocked when they see people lose weight as it is uncommon for a lot of folks, especially if you hang around a larger, inactive crowd. It can be especially hard for women with naturally slim body types because people assume that they are sick, bulimic, or anorexic when in reality they just have a small bone structure and low LBM.

    Just come back with a sassy retort and roll with it.

    One time when I was younger I went out to lunch with a new friend, and ate tons of food (as was usual for me). Then she seriously accused me of being bulimic. She said I must have thrown my food up in the bathroom because she didn't believe that someone could eat as much as I do and be as slim as I was. I was an active dancer, with low body fat and a small frame.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Pick up a weight