What my body is saying to a potential employer...

Hi Everyone,

Back trying to lose the weight I put on when I had kids years ago and although they are now young teens I am still carrying around the middle. Hopefully through a combination of walking + 30min exercise, dropping sugar & complex carbs, intermittent fasting, and lots and lots of water, I can finally get back to a healthier weight.

It may seem as though it's too many things but I feel they all work together. Pandemic was the worst for alcohol and junk food, I need to make sure I am healthy for the future and the wine and chips make my heart flutter. I know that intermittent fasting has so many healing properties including skin repair with weight loss so that there is less sag.

I will keep it real on here of how my journey goes but the goal is that when I graduate in April 2023, I will see that the majority if not all the weight, is gone. I will need to impress future employers and I know in my heart that right now my weight makes me look unhealthy and maybe lazy. I want to look healthy and like I care about all aspects of my life... work and health equally.

I know I can do this and I know that doing this now before I end up having some health issue is key. Wish me luck as I wish you the greatest of luck with your own journey. Just fact that we are here is better than good. Let's go!!!


  • OleTroubadour
    OleTroubadour Posts: 3,428 Member
    It sounds as if you have a solid plan - the journey starts with one good decision at a time - if we mess up no biggie - the next decision is the one that gets us back on track - you got this!!!
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    I think it's great that you want to focus on your health and well being, but I wouldn't go assuming that having some extra weight makes you look lazy.

    I've hired a lot of people and I don't think I would even register their weight unless they were really exceptionally obese. Part of that is that most people are overweight/obese these days, so if I perceived obesity as laziness, I would have to perceive most of my top performers as lazy.

    In the professional world you have to constantly portray an air of confident competence, and if you assume that people will perceive you as lazy, that's what they're going to see, and you will just create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Try to respect yourself at this current size. You may have had some unhealthy habits in the past that resulted in weight gain, but you are currently working hard to take care of yourself. Your body will catch up eventually, but in the meantime, the amount of fat on your body doesn't define how much respect that body deserves.

    Be proud of your current body, because it's the body that's exercising, and eating well, and working really hard on healing. Your future lean body comes from the hard work your current body puts in today, so respect where respect is due.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    IF has nothing to do with skin tightening. I’m probably three times your age, and mine has tightened just fine sticking to calories and exercising.

    IF isn’t a panacea or a miracle weight loss tool. It just a tool. Some people do well eating larger meals, less often.

    Me, I like smaller meals, every five minutes if I can get them.

    Either way, you’ll lose at the same rate, sticking to the same net calories.

    Much success to you, and welcome to the crew!