Bad Body Odour since starting MFP? - Help Please



  • supposedtobeapril
    supposedtobeapril Posts: 12 Member
    Somebody mentioned your clothing. That is really possible if you are wearing moisture wicking or performance apparel. What happens is that if you put them in the dryer, the static sheets clog (ruin) the breathability (porosity) of the material. "Microbes" from your body get stuck in those pores and over a relatively small period of time, your clothes start giving off a horrible odor. Probably only you are smelling it, but if you asked somebody to sniff the apparel, they'll crinkle their nose, too. It really is an awful odor and you think it's coming from your body.

    Don't dry your workout/moisture wicking apparel, EVER. Hang dry.

    I know this is true as it happened to my husband, he thought he was losing his mind. I also work in the apparel industry and know all about why they add anti-microbial chemicals to workout apparel (for this exact reason).