Hi, I’m new—F, age 54 😄

Praise God! I’ve lost 70 pounds since last June and I’m trying a new app, since I stalled out. It’s a true answer to prayer. I only need to lose another 25 to 30 pounds to be at the high end of my ideal weight (160 lbs). Trying to eat more plant based—since the doctor said that I need to lower my cholesterol. Now that it’s warmer, I’m hoping to exercise a bit more and see some progress! I’m still learning about this app & how it works. I work graveyard shift so I may not respond right away but will try and figure out this app… If anyone wants to be friends on here, that would be nice 😊 Hopefully we can be a support to each other!!! My name is Hope. I have a Fitbit, too lol