Hello Fitness Pals

Many have been where I am on this weight loss journey. I just started speed keto to help me lose 40 pounds. Over the past 5 years, stress, motivation, and discipline have been the main factors in the weight gain. Summer is coming quickly and I really do not want to be embarrassed any longer. My vision and mindset are clear at this moment. Please feel free to add me as a friend so that we can reach our goals together.


  • noel9889
    noel9889 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm also trying to lose weight by the summer and would love to encourage each other! Sending you a friend request :)
  • Ljri3cknourishliftrun
    This feels like my 100th time starting over, but I would love to lose some body fat by summer! I'll happily add you guys as friends.