Tea thread

Couldn't find one, made this one.
What's your favorite type of tea. How do you make it? Do you add sugar? Honey? Milk?

Iced tea and coffee drinkers also welcome, I enjoy all 3, but it *is* the internet, so post at your own risk.


  • pcrozier99
    pcrozier99 Posts: 35 Member
    Earl Grey hot and nothing added.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    If I want caffeine...I like spiced teas (chai or similar) or flavored black tea. Nothing added.

    If I don't want caffeine...I like some herbal teas or fruit infusions. Most are not technically "tea", but still a hot brew. David's Tea has some really nice varieties....expensive, so I don't get them often. Again, nothing added.

    Iced tea is great in the summer...I brew my own with black or green tea. I like lemon in iced tea, but no sugar.
  • deannasawyer
    deannasawyer Posts: 47 Member
    edited April 2022
    I'm a little bit of a tea snob. >.> *sheepishly looks around* Loose leaf only, with the water heated to the correct temperature for the type of tea and steeped for the proper time. No sweetener, though. Of course, I have a teapot that makes this very easy to do.

    My favorites are greens and oolongs. Gunpowder, hojicha, sencha, and genmaicha are my fav greens. Oolongs I tend to go for the flavored ones like maple or jasmine. Pu erh teas are also pretty good, though a bit earthy.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,029 Member
    I love tea usually drink hot tea , my favorites are chai tea, lemon loaf or honey vanilla camille, I like to add a splash of vanilla creamer to it...yum
  • Cluelessmama1979
    Cluelessmama1979 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm also a fan of earl gray.

    But anyway...

    Now that we have some tea lovers, and even a self-designated tea snob...

    My daughter would like to put 2 tea bags in the coffee pot in place of a kcup, and make it like coffee.

    I'm appalled and disgusted. I've nixed the idea, and she says I'm being ridiculous.

    Am I overreacting?
  • gpanda103
    gpanda103 Posts: 189 Member
    I like chai tea a lot. I went to the factory where celestial seasonings is made and.. wow it smells great.

    This may anger some people, but I put almond milk and sweetener in my coffee…. And I put sweeteners in my tea😎
  • 88AViva
    88AViva Posts: 499 Member
    Tea is love. I have quite a collection of teas. During the day I like a chai (Strong Black tea with Darjeeling blend) with milk and a little sugar. On rare occasions I add the tea spices and cardamom to it.

    But mostly I prefer my tea without milk and sweeteners. Just loose leaf tea brewed in a tea pot or I use the glass pot with the special infuser.
    Most my teas are blacks and greens, some with herbal (ginger, saffron, cinnamon, peppermint) or fruity blends (peach, lemon, bergamot, berries, apple). I have some white too (Darjeeling and white peony).
    Not a fan of any chamomile, rooibos or Pu'er though.

    I love to add flowers sometimes to the glass pot infuser (Lavender, pea flower, marigold, globe amaranth, red rose, pink rose, golden rose, jasmine). Keeps things less boring since staying hydrated is a struggle for me.



    Today's Jasmine Oolong with pink rose and globe amaranth flowers.

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,659 Member
    Green tea, possibly with fruit, fruit infusions, herbal teas. Nothing else in it.
  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 454 Member
    Chamomile tea with nothing added is my go to tea - I also like lemon and ginger maybe with a bit of honey.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    edited April 2022
    I'm also a fan of earl gray.

    But anyway...

    Now that we have some tea lovers, and even a self-designated tea snob...

    My daughter would like to put 2 tea bags in the coffee pot in place of a kcup, and make it like coffee.

    I'm appalled and disgusted. I've nixed the idea, and she says I'm being ridiculous.

    Am I overreacting?

    You can buy a reusable kcup and put loose leaf tea in it.

    The problem is that brew time for tea is much longer than coffee, so if she makes it in the Keurig, it's going to be very weak tea. Maybe she likes weak tea...it won't hurt the machine, so if she wants to try it, I'd just look away and silently judge her.
  • Cluelessmama1979
    Cluelessmama1979 Posts: 129 Member
    @88AViva that tea looks amazing! I've always wanted to branch out with more teas but I'm scared it will become an expensive habit I cannot afford, lol.

    @SuzySunshine99 deal, but I'm going to judge her very loudly and vocally lol
  • deannasawyer
    deannasawyer Posts: 47 Member

    My daughter would like to put 2 tea bags in the coffee pot in place of a kcup, and make it like coffee.

    I'm appalled and disgusted. I've nixed the idea, and she says I'm being ridiculous.

    Am I overreacting?

    Appalled is the appropriate reaction, I would think. Though I agree with @SuzySunshine99 that maybe looking away and silently judging is best.

    @88AViva I'm interested that you prefer greens and blacks, and yet you drink white? I would think a delicate white would taste like nothing compared to your usual preferences. I know I have a hard time switching to white.
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    I love Bengal Spice tea. It is my very favorite. Anything with a lot of warmth. I drink it with nothing added.

    Peppermint tea is delicious too!
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,463 Member
    I’m boring - decaf tea bags, PG Tips for preference, with skimmed milk. The bigger issue for me is what biscuits should accompany it…Now THAT is a polarising debate. And whilst there shouldn’t be a right or a wrong answer - the wrong answer is defo Oreos. 🤣🤣
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    This reminds me...my brother is now the executive chef at a hotel that has fancy-pants "Afternoon Tea".

    Maybe he'll give me a break on the $70 cost....I mean, you DO get fancy little sandwiches and tea cakes and macarons and things with your tea.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,463 Member
    This reminds me...my brother is now the executive chef at a hotel that has fancy-pants "Afternoon Tea".

    Maybe he'll give me a break on the $70 cost....I mean, you DO get fancy little sandwiches and tea cakes and macarons and things with your tea.
    I feel we need a food porn photo of the afternoon tea!
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    This reminds me...my brother is now the executive chef at a hotel that has fancy-pants "Afternoon Tea".

    Maybe he'll give me a break on the $70 cost....I mean, you DO get fancy little sandwiches and tea cakes and macarons and things with your tea.
    I feel we need a food porn photo of the afternoon tea!

    I'll take a photo for you if I end up going...but here's one that accurately represents what they serve...
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,463 Member
    Ohhh wow… 🤤
  • Cluelessmama1979
    Cluelessmama1979 Posts: 129 Member
    That looks amazing!!
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 454 Member
    I don't drink caffeinated teas, but love peach ginger and Bengal Spice.