100 lbs lost, 75 lbs gained back. Yo-yo weight loss journey.

Myfitnesspal helped me once, it can help me again.

Back in 2019 I had lost 100 lbs. by tracking all my food through this app. I also became involved with this community and made some great friends. I had written a post about depression playing a big role in my weight gain over the years. So many wonderful people reached out and encouraged me which helped spur me onward and upward, or should I say downward in terms of weight loss :wink:

The pandemic hit and I stopped counting calories. I ordered all my food and stopped going to the grocery store. I slowly gained back nearly everything I had lost. My self-esteem took a big hit and my depression returned in a big way. I have a renewed focus and have been diligent for the past week now. It feels like coming home again. Returning to this app, this community is like riding a bike. It feels amazing and I know I'll kick butt again. My fiancé is super supportive and has my back. Thank you community for being so amazing and for always helping me achieve my goals. You are truly heroes.

My question is: Who else has struggled with yo-yo weight loss and how did you overcome and get back on track?

All my love!



  • tristatriesagain
    tristatriesagain Posts: 22 Member
    I know all about the yo-yo. I lost close to 100 pounds, then put about 75 back on. Lost most of that before gaining again. I’m determined to learn how to maintain this time!
    Will send a friend request. 🙂
  • tenacious_turtle
    tenacious_turtle Posts: 24 Member
    I’m right there with you Paul. And Trista!

    I’d love more friends as I’m starting again.
  • snapp27
    snapp27 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel this. MFP helped me lose weight a few years ago and I felt great in my body. Over the last three years I gained about 50. Mental health played a huge role in the gain, but I'm determined to get back to feeling like myself. Would love some accountability buddies.