Clean Eating....... Does it work?



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    A very good blog post:

    I suspect that if your lifestyle is generally unhealthy, that 'clean eating' may make a fair bit bigger difference than when your body is in ok shape from general fitness.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I emphasize low calorie foods that are natural and minimally processed, high in protein albeit lower in fat than clean eating recommendations, so I'm there 90% of the time.

    I think it works because you will have an easier time keeping your calories under by eating high volume foods, and can eat more often. I don't really consider it a diet. It's just "eat healthy" and "eat whenever hungry."

    When I eat standard American food I'm always amazed by the people who naturally maintain a healthy weight on that diet. They must be very careful about their portion sizes. A lot of "normal" comfort food is overloaded in butter, oil and / or sugar. I get a small plate with a few items and it's upwards of 800 calories minimum. A lot of that comes from junk, so I don't think it's worth it from a nutritional stand point. A brownie or two will set me back 200 or 300 calories. That's another meal!

    By avoiding most of it I find it a lot easier to maintain or lose weight.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    From what I have read clean eating can work.

    The hard part is trying to find as many foods in as natural of a state as possible.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I've heard a lot of hype about "Clean Eating" aiding natural weight lose, i.e. no diet to follow and wondered if anyone has either adapted their diet or has in the past tried this and how successful they felt it was in reducing weight?

    Weight loss is about calories. However, a diet with a focus on whole foods (I really dislike the term 'clean'), tends to be more filling with less calories just by the nature of the foods you eat (a candy bar vs a serving of brown rice and veggies for around the same calories, for example), so that's why some find that they lose weight when switching.

    As I transitioned into maintenance I became interested in this way of eating and have since changed my diet to a mostly whole foods, plant based diet. I'm no longer trying to lose weight, but I've found that I'm able to maintain without counting/tracking anything, just by eating this way. So for me it's working great for maintenance and I now stay within a three pound window without any counting or measuring (besides foods that need measuring for cooking purposes like oats). I did not eat this way for weight loss though and lost over 50lbs with a diet of fast food, frozen diet dinners etc. Again, weight loss really is about the calories :)
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I don't really eat clean, I eat what fits my calories and is cheap, usually that's raw fruits and veggies mixed with with proteins and cheese :) - not really a carb eater, personally.

    Sometimes is canned for frozen fruits and veggies if they are on sale and I want to stock up, plus their usually pre-cut which is oh-so-convenient.

    Sometimes I grill chicken breast, sometimes I use (heaven-forbid!) processed lunch meat.

    Sometimes I go for the fat-free processed cheese and sometimes I need more fat to meet my macros so I use the full fat version... heck I've been known to add a random tablespoon of butter to things to up my fats for the day.

    Basically, I keep a variety of raw/fresh, frozen, and canned options available to make my "lifestyle change" manageable - and tasty!

    PS.. If I have 200 calories left over and I want a treat, there is no way in hell I'm reaching for a bowl of mixed berries and organic yogurt over a blueberry poptart. Eat what makes you happy!!

    I still cannot believe people like poptarts, my kids won't even eat them :tongue:
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    Shakeology is the exact opposite of eating "clean".

    Not true, Im on Vegan Tropical Strawberry Flavor shakeology and it is working for me. I have looked at the ingredients and find nothing wrong with it. Thanks for your concern though. I have been eating clean and doing really good at staying away from the fast food, frozen meals, bakery type items, white bread, anything white, and so on..and so on.

    Whether it works for you/you like it is besides the point-it's something that was created in a lab. There's several definitions of clean eating floating around (just do a google search), and shakeology/meal replacement shakes do not fit under any of these.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Do what works for you
  • Soulpaint
    Soulpaint Posts: 33 Member
    Do what works for you

    Exactly this. This is the answer to at least 90% of the questions posted here.
  • angellmoore
    angellmoore Posts: 72 Member
    As with what other posts say, it is all about caloric reduction. Some people can lose while eating fast food and junk food, while others do it eating food that is more nutrient dense. It depends what works with your lifestyle. I switched to a mostly clean diet about 5 months ago. I have lost 26 pounds in those 5 months, but I lost because I lowered my calories and started working out like crazy. I switched to the cleaner lifestyle because it made me feel better. I had less stomach issues with the whole, natural foods. It does get boring though.

    Also research it first to see if it will work for you. I have been able to stick to it (for the most part) while some of my friends were not able to continue. It is not a hard thing to do, you just eat food as close to nature as possible. The hard part of it is you have to prepare. You can't wait to the last minute to plan your food out. I work 12 hour shifts and it sometimes takes me an hour and a half to prepare food for the next couple of days.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Whether it works for you/you like it is besides the point-it's something that was created in a lab. There's several definitions of clean eating floating around (just do a google search), and shakeology/meal replacement shakes do not fit under any of these.
    From what I've seen "clean eating" means "feeling smug about whatever I'm eating being better than that which other's eat".

    Seems that can fit the definition fine!

  • "Clean eating" is simple. Nothing processed (like from a bag or box or wrapper) and IF you do, it should be 100% organic. Clean eating is riding your diet of artifical sweeteners, switching from less healthy oils like extra virgin to EVEN healthier like sunflower or coconut oil. Thats the basis of CLEAN EATING. Also, staying hydrated and eating your nutrients vs supplements. ie - spinach, leafy greens, limiting dairy, NO white carbs.......Nothing processed, no soda or artificial sweeteners. And butter? HELL NO! haha.
    Before January of this year, I really thought I had a grasp on clean eating but decided to actually FOCUS hard so I committed 21 days to the 'Ultimate Reset program' from beachbody (makers of fitness programs p90x, insanity, turbojam, chalene extreme and shakeology)
    It was SO simple for me to follow but it was definitely a challenge. BUT the strictness and easy day to day meal plan is exactly what I NEEDED to really learn to eat EVEN better. It taught me all about good portion sizes and trying new things (like Braggs liquid aminos) <---- its just like healthy soy sauce! Totally worth it, -11 in 21 days, breaking my 155-148 plateau weight I had been stuck at for 2 years!!!!!!!!
    Anyways, thats just my experience on what helped me overcome my plateau Id been obsessing over for the longest. If anyone would like help with learning how to 'eat clean', please add me and Id be glad to get you going in the right direction. Over the past 4 years Ive lost 100 pounds solely from DIET and EXCERSIZE. No diet pills, no starving, just hard work. My point is that I love to share my knowledge with others beacuse I can remember how I felt trying to lose weight on my own, no support from anyone who REALLY knew what it was like. So, Im reaching out to who ever wants a new friend and some support! I could use some too! So.... I Hope this kinda helped!
    'find me on facebook and send me a message so I know you are from my fitness pal! Im on there all the time...

    xo Shannon
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    "Clean eating" is simple. Nothing processed (like from a bag or box or wrapper) and IF you do, it should be 100% organic. Clean eating is riding your diet of artifical sweeteners, switching from less healthy oils like extra virgin to EVEN healthier like sunflower or coconut oil. Thats the basis of CLEAN EATING. Also, staying hydrated and eating your nutrients vs supplements. ie - spinach, leafy greens, limiting dairy, NO white carbs.......Nothing processed, no soda or artificial sweeteners. And butter? HELL NO! haha.
    Before January of this year, I really thought I had a grasp on clean eating but decided to actually FOCUS hard so I committed 21 days to the 'Ultimate Reset program' from beachbody (makers of fitness programs p90x, insanity, turbojam, chalene extreme and shakeology)
    It was SO simple for me to follow but it was definitely a challenge. BUT the strictness and easy day to day meal plan is exactly what I NEEDED to really learn to eat EVEN better. It taught me all about good portion sizes and trying new things (like Braggs liquid aminos) <---- its just like healthy soy sauce! Totally worth it, -11 in 21 days, breaking my 155-148 plateau weight I had been stuck at for 2 years!!!!!!!!
    Anyways, thats just my experience on what helped me overcome my plateau Id been obsessing over for the longest. If anyone would like help with learning how to 'eat clean', please add me and Id be glad to get you going in the right direction. Over the past 4 years Ive lost 100 pounds solely from DIET and EXCERSIZE. No diet pills, no starving, just hard work. My point is that I love to share my knowledge with others beacuse I can remember how I felt trying to lose weight on my own, no support from anyone who REALLY knew what it was like. So, Im reaching out to who ever wants a new friend and some support! I could use some too! So.... I Hope this kinda helped!
    'find me on facebook and send me a message so I know you are from my fitness pal! Im on there all the time...

    xo Shannon

    Again, shakeology or any other kind of meal replacement shake that was made by man in a lab is NOT 'clean eating' :noway:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in...for yet another clean eating thread...

    OP - eat in deficit + work out/move more = weight loss ...

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eating clean whole foods works.

    I don't "diet" because I believe the word "diet" sets people up to fail. Instead, I made the choice to stop buying pre-made frozen foods, cook more, and eat out far less. I've almost completely cut out fast food from my life, indulging maybe twice a year. I chose this route because I wanted something sustainable and I knew that if I approached it with the "diet mentality" (eating clean till I got results and then reverting back to my old ways) I would fail. I don't try to be too strict with myself, but 90% of the time I am eating healthy and well.

    Like the previous poster said, "In the end it's all about caloric deficit". Maintain your calorie deficit, fuel your body with good foods, and you will see the weight come off.

    This. It's not a diet it's about eating food that is not processed with filler's, chemical's, just really unhealthy ingredients. I have learned for myself that cooking, preparing, buying grass fed protein and organic fruits and veggies is worth it to me. There are ways around this. Some people say well I don't have time to cook, blah, blah. You can prepare your meals and have them set up in frig. Instead of eating at fast food place, then drink a meal replacement shake. Make sure it's a good protein, and enough protein to keep you full.

    you realize that "organic" vegetables and fruits are treated with a form of pesticide, right?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Shakeology is the exact opposite of eating "clean".

    Not true, Im on Vegan Tropical Strawberry Flavor shakeology and it is working for me. I have looked at the ingredients and find nothing wrong with it. Thanks for your concern though. I have been eating clean and doing really good at staying away from the fast food, frozen meals, bakery type items, white bread, anything white, and so on..and so on.

    what is wrong with "white" stuff?
  • Being at a caloric deficit will = weight loss.

    Most definitely. However, filling up on "whole" foods - meats, fruits, veggies works best for me. For me, eating starchy foods leaves me hungry again in very short order. Clean eating tends make me focus on filling up with nutrient-dense foods, so I don't get so darn hungry all the time and can stay within my macros.

    Yeah but thats personal preferance.

    A caloric deficit will help you lose weight.

    What you chose to put in your body to get to that deficit (clean, atkins... what ever) is personal choice
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    "Clean eating" is simple. Nothing processed (like from a bag or box or wrapper) and IF you do, it should be 100% organic. Clean eating is riding your diet of artifical sweeteners, switching from less healthy oils like extra virgin to EVEN healthier like sunflower or coconut oil. Thats the basis of CLEAN EATING. Also, staying hydrated and eating your nutrients vs supplements. ie - spinach, leafy greens, limiting dairy, NO white carbs.......Nothing processed, no soda or artificial sweeteners. And butter? HELL NO! haha.
    Before January of this year, I really thought I had a grasp on clean eating but decided to actually FOCUS hard so I committed 21 days to the 'Ultimate Reset program' from beachbody (makers of fitness programs p90x, insanity, turbojam, chalene extreme and shakeology)
    It was SO simple for me to follow but it was definitely a challenge. BUT the strictness and easy day to day meal plan is exactly what I NEEDED to really learn to eat EVEN better. It taught me all about good portion sizes and trying new things (like Braggs liquid aminos) <---- its just like healthy soy sauce! Totally worth it, -11 in 21 days, breaking my 155-148 plateau weight I had been stuck at for 2 years!!!!!!!!
    Anyways, thats just my experience on what helped me overcome my plateau Id been obsessing over for the longest. If anyone would like help with learning how to 'eat clean', please add me and Id be glad to get you going in the right direction. Over the past 4 years Ive lost 100 pounds solely from DIET and EXCERSIZE. No diet pills, no starving, just hard work. My point is that I love to share my knowledge with others beacuse I can remember how I felt trying to lose weight on my own, no support from anyone who REALLY knew what it was like. So, Im reaching out to who ever wants a new friend and some support! I could use some too! So.... I Hope this kinda helped!
    'find me on facebook and send me a message so I know you are from my fitness pal! Im on there all the time...

    xo Shannon

    again - organic vegetables and fruits are treated with chemicals/pesticides...."organic" is just a way to get someone to spend more money ...

    and anytime I see the words "ultimate rest" I just laugh this is another catchy phrase to get people to spend money on x product...

    why can't you eat butter? Are you saying that fake butter is better than 100% real butter..???
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I wonder if the OP will ever come back to the thread?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I wonder if the OP will ever come back to the thread?

    probably not..I sense a troll in the force....LOL
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Does always washing salad before eating count?