I feel inspired this time!!

What’s up everyone? I’ve been using MyFitnessPal for a while off and on now. I’m 40 years old and on May 1st got on the scale and was horrified when I saw it read 400 lbs. My story starts as a child I was always a stocky kid. At 18 I weighed 205 and was 5’7”. I moved out of my parents and started eating and drinking like crap. This was in the year 2000. Around that time I started abusing drugs as well. Mostly stimulants. I maintained a weight of 250-275 until 2016 eating like crap but abusing drugs. In May of 2016 I finally got clean but over the course of the next year I jumped from 255 to 366. I started doing lazy keto and dropped down to 299 and then had a bad gout episode. It was extremely painful and I had 4 episodes in less than six months. I blamed it on my diet and in my head told myself I’d rather be fat than deal with the pain. A while later I weighed myself and was at 376. I started calorie counting, going to the gym and doing intermittent fasting. I got down to 334 and while doing some deadlifts stained something in my lower back. I couldn’t move for days. I couldn’t work. I have six children at home and our finances took a hit and I got into a depressed funk. I gave up again. Every time I have had success I have done it on my own facing constant temptation everyday. I have always also been a slave to the scale. Im starting out this time calorie counting, trying to eat more protein and working out light at the gym trying not to hurt myself. I am also only gonna weigh in once a month a try to have reAlistic expectations and understand that this is a long journey that will last forever. I'm just posting this hoping that maybe some support in the community will help me stay on track. Feel free to add me. Thank you!