Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member

    I’m 30 years old, 5.5” woman.

    Highest weight: 204 ( early this year)
    Starting weight: 192

    Goal 1: 180 (obese to overweight) ✅
    Goal 2: 150 (overweight to healthy)
    Goal 3: 120 - 130 ( Target)

    🌟July Goals 🌟

    🚶‍♀️10,000 steps everyday (8k average 🤷‍♀️) ✅
    🍴 Eat home cooked meals everyday ✅
    🏋️‍♀️ Strength training 3-4 times a week ✅
    🥉 Reach my goal 1✅

    07/04 - 188
    07/11 - 185.3
    07/18 -181
    07/25 - 178.3

    July weight loss : 9.7 lb
    Total weight loss: 25.7 lb
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @gbj4120 I just need to confirm that gbj does not stand for gay baby jail. You're young enough to have me questioning whether someone would on this site.

    Great job reaching your goals. Also wow, steep loss this month!
  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member
    @bojaantje3822 oh lol, I had to google that. No, these are my initials and my dog’s. And yup, I’m super happy with the progress for July! Summer is definitely helping me burn more calories. I have a desk job, so it’s hard to move much in general. But now, we go out every evening to play games outside and with our dog.
  • JAC581
    JAC581 Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning everyone! (I almost said Happy Friday, but realized it's only Tuesday. Time doesn't exist anymore!)

    So my eating choices have been a big ol' two thumbs down. Tomorrow I move out of my apartment so in the meantime it has been eating out or finishing up whatever bits of food I have left here. My scale is packed up and I'm willing to bet I've gained weight. I'm not stressing though - once I move in to my new place next week and get things sorted, I will finally be able to focus on myself again.

    My mental health is improving. I am soooo ready to move out and I think I've been feeling better knowing that is coming up. Also knowing my bf will be here later today and will be helping me move is a big relief. I have been burning a ton of calories the last few days moving boxes and scrubbing the place down top to bottom, so I feel kinda good about that.

    I hope all of you who are under the weather feel better soon!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I had extreme hunger around lunch so I ate a cottage cheese, a whole frozen pizza, a carrot cake-flavoured date bar, 1/3 proteine bar that was left over from saturday, and some lotus root chips. Finally, I felt okay. It was still well under calories so an hour later I also had a popsicle to bump my calories up a bit to a reasonable level. I haven't felt that hungry sincey first 7am workout, after which I ate 4 dry slices of whole wheat bread before I felt well enough to shower, then had a full breakfast after my shower. Needless to say I try to avoid training that early.

    Today was sparked by absolutely nothing but now that we're several hours into the evening I'm not hungry or full and feel pretty good about my eating. I am ready to just shower and sleep, maybe have a cup of tea and another bottle of water.

    I also decided not to weigh myself in august. I know my maintenance range so I'm not worried about gaining and I'll still log and keep a deficit most days but I'm tired of the numbers. I'll still be checking in here.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    edited July 2022
    I came here and read posts yesterday but didn't post. We have some weeks before going to Hawaii for the funeral in mid August. I have an interview tomorrow. I am still orienting towards the job that doesn’t open until September and starts in November. I am hoping to make some progress losing weight and getting fitter by then. My youngest is going to be out tonight so less restrictions for tonight’s dinner. It is really hot but I need to go for a walk or maybe strength training. Wish there was a pool I could go to. I will do some prep for the interview too.

    @bonniemcc4 you are making good progress losing. I think 4 lbs a month is a healthy loss and you have already exceeded that and the month isn’t over. But this isn’t just about weight loss it is about getting healthy. I hope for all the best with that too.

    @JAC581 I think you will enjoy the next part of the move once you can get into your new place. Glad your bf will be there to help. For 1 move I went back to clean up the house on my own after we had moved out of state. I stayed with my sister. During the day I would clean up by myself and everyday I would just stop and cry for a while I was so overwhelmed. Much better to tackle moves with others if they are big. You will start to do well now I think.

    @CupcakeCrusoe sorry about your toe. Funny I made tomato sauce and pasta last night too. It was good but not really like my usual sauce without the Italian sausage. Even though I could use chicken sausage to avoid the red meat it would still be salty. Only using some grated fresh mozzarella since it is the lowest salt cheese I can find. We mixed whole wheat thin spaghetti pasta with angel hair which is my youngest’s favorite.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Morning all,

    Well it appears like I am going to live. I still have a cough and I'm exhausted but I managed a full day's work yesterday (from home, in PJs). I think I'll aim to head back to the office next week, right now I wouldn't make it to the train.

    Weigh in day for the week and I'm down 1.9kg - thanks covid, no appetite, sleeping all the time and living on soup. I'm very much expecting a rebound this coming week because I'm starting to get hungry again.

    I hope I can at least start walking again soon, I've been under 1000 steps a day for a week, unsurprisingly, but I'm definitely taking it easy. I have a horror of getting long covid, but I was really liking getting back to something that vaguely approached fitness. Sickness is so derailing - ideally I'd have been starting structured workouts this week, instead, taking a shower is a chore.

    At least I am allowed out of the house now, I only did one delivery shop during isolation and have been working my way through what we have in the freezer and crisper.

    @CupcakeCrusoe – I love the sound of your workouts, they sound so interesting and fun (stubbed toe aside!). I have a friend who is super into Destiny, and I’m getting tempted.

    @JAC581 – moving is a free pass on eating! You’ll probably be surprised at how you do, moving is a full body hours long workout. We’re facing it next year for the first time in 8 years and I’m dreading it. Good luck for it all, I’m glad you have help!

    @bojaantje3822 it sounds like you’re really good at listening to what your body needs and fueling it. Your workouts are kickass!

    @seltzer_lover glad you’re on the mend!

    @bonniemcc4 – I’m so sorry to hear of your struggles. It’s so incredibly frustrating when you’re actively seeking help and it’s delayed, or booked, or just not available. Hang in there.

    @KeriA – good luck for the interview!!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    185.6 this morning, which I am still not worried about. Weight loss isn't linear, I'm very sore and feel very bloated, etc. I'll try to prioritize water today, been slacking for a couple days.

    Tonight at the gym is poles and pole control, that hated class where we condition our sensitive skin to help us "stick" to the pole better. I'm excited, I'm better at pole than I am at chairs at this point. And it's easier to find videos about poles than about chair tricks.

    I was planning on starting a diet break on Friday, but I feel like I could go a while longer in a deficit, even if the deficit is smaller, so maybe that's what I'm going to do. Give myself the room to make the deficit smaller (eat more) but still have a deficit. My big problem is I've been logging inexactly for the last few weeks, so I don't know what my actual maintenance number is. Got to get back to that. I've been swedging it and it's been working out alright, but it doesn't make for good data to make decisions with.

    Played video games with some friends last night, that was fun. And I did make spaghetti, my kid was like "you always make spaghetti when it rains," lol. I swear I was planning on making it before I knew it was going to rain, kid! Tonight I'm probably going to throw chicken pot pies in the oven for the fam, and make something slightly lower cal for myself for dinner. The chickpea salad I've been taking with my chicken at lunch, while delicious, is higher calorie than I would normally do with my lunch chicken, so the tradeoff has to come from somewhere. I'll probably make myself a tuna salad wrap with my low calorie tortilla and greek yogurt instead of mayo. That'll be... about 250, and that gives me a little room for some chips (150), and then off to the gym.

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 sounds like an absolute win for listening to your body, and 1) feeding it when it needs fed, and 2) not feeding it when it's not hungry. Great job.

    @KeriA angel hair is my favorite, too, although it's much harder to cook al dente, where I can cook spaghetti properly very easily. I hope things improve enough where you feel alright going to a pool soon. Freakin' covid and now monkeypox. For COVID, at least, an outdoor pool is a possibility, but monkeypox, ugh. I've been wiping everything at the gym down obsessively with rubbing alcohol.

    @Alatariel75 I'm glad you've got long covid on your mind, so hopefully you won't push yourself too much. Take it very easy, so that you can recover soonest. :heart:

    Have a great day, everyone! One day the hula girl will come back, but it is not this day, lol.

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    This week's gymnastics homework was all arms and arms are my weak point still. It was 4x10 assisted strict pull ups. The first 5 of each set were proper and doable, the last 5 were willpower and failure, as I only got my eyes up to the bar. Still a win imo. Then 4 sets of 15 ring rows with the trx and 10 db bicep curls per arm. Even with 5kg DBs that was hard. I skipped the tabata part. I rolled my arms with a little ball afterwards but they feel like jelly.

    Tonight I'm having drinks with the person from the gym I mentioned sometime this month. I'm looking forward to it!

    I hope everyone who's sick and/or struggling starts to feel better soon :(
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    So the tdee calculator .net has always been wrong for me based on how much I exercise and I figured out how to make it right. I need to add my fat percentage. Now I don't know my fat percentage but I know my maintenance because I know how much weight I lost eating what. So based on that, I could figure out my fat percentage, as it gives the right amount of calories for the amount of exercise I do.

    If this site is even somewhat accurate, I went from a 47% fat percentage at 138kg (roughly 65kg of fat, phew) to a 43% fat percentage now at 123kg (roughly 53kg if fat). Now these percentages are very large but I also went from BMI 45 to BMI 40. Anyway, based on this, 12 of the 15kg I lost would have been fat. I think that's a pretty good percentage, 80%.

    I've also learnt that my BMR is lower than it originally estimated. It should be around 1880 instead of 2030. I'm still going to keep eating a minimum of 2050 calories (though closer to 2700 for now 😂 on average) but it's good to know the occasional 2000 calorie day is okay. Yesterday was a 3700 calorie kinda day and it's interesting to me that such a big, daunting number is 1) still only 500ish above maintenance and 2) a tiny sedentary person could eat my "lose 2 pounds a week" calorie budget and be over their maintenance more than I was eating 3700.

    I also learnt that my BMR at BMI 25 (76kg, around 160lbs) will be 1560 calories. I'm never not exercising knowing that. I cannot eat at the 1875 calories sedentary maintenance for that weight. This is based on the estimate without the fat percentage.
    If I keep losing at 80% fat, 20% other, my body fat percentage at 76kg will be 21% (or 16kg of fat). This actually brings my BMR up to 1670 calories and sedentary to exactly 2000. I can live with this. Exercising the way I do now will give me a maintenance budget of 2875 calories! This would be a perfect scenario. I want this to become my reality. I figured out my end game.

    So to achieve this, I will have to keep exercising the way I do (easy) and eat at a deficit that reflects a loss of max. 0,5% of my bodyweight, which means about half a kg a week at most until I dip below 100kg, then 1kg a month. Also acceptable: 0,25% of bw so 1kg a month now, 0,5kg a month when I dip below 100kg.
    In scenario 1 I hit 100kg around the 17th of June 2023, then 76kg two years later so mid June 2025.
    In scenario 2 I lose 12kg a year so I hit 100kg this time 2 years from now, July 2024, and 76kg 4 years later around July 2028.

    In scenario 1 I eat around 2500 cals for a long time, in scenario 2 I eat around 2700 cals for a long time. Both are acceptable if I can keep a lot of my muscle mass but of course I don't want to be losing weight for 6 years, ugh. I'll be nearing my 33rd bday in July 2028.

    Thanks for listening to my math talk. I had drinks with my new friend from the gym yesterday and it was great fun! I had an espresso martini, which was very tasty. She's 32 so we have a big of an age gap but I don't mind it and she seemed fine with it too. We went out around 8pm and she lives a street over from me so we got back around 12.30am. All in all very successful for a wednesday evening. She has an education-related job so she's been on holiday for a few weeks now whereas I was supposed to be working 30 minutes ago. Oh well.

    I'll try to weigh in tonight or tomorrow to get a July figure before we go into my personal no-weigh august.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    184.6 this morning, glad to be on the downswing from that high weight the other day.

    I started my "eat a little more, go ahead" period, not quite diet break, yesterday, with a couple servings of raspberry dusted chocolate covered almonds on my way to the gym. Delicious. Ended the day around 1750. I'm eating some espresso dusted almonds this morning with my coffee, and again, delicious. Although I'm only eating one serving right now, might go in for another later, we'll see. These satisfy my sweet tooth while also feeling healthier because of the almonds, so I'm a fan. :lol:

    I also had to be adaptable yesterday, we ended up going out to lunch to see a former coworker who had come back into town. So I ordered something healthier from the menu, and just ate my lunch for dinner.

    The gym was good! One of my favorite instructors was teaching. The workout was hard- gave myself a nice bruise in my armpit doing fan kicks (where you kick across your body and the other leg follows while you hold onto the pole, trying to make it a rainbow shape) on my dork side (my left side, almost always more awkward than my right). And the back-of-knee conditioning is always tough. But I climbed the pole using only my arms higher than I did the last time I tried, so I'm making progress.

    Turns out today is the day Bear and Breakfast drops, so I'll get to dig into it a little bit before my splits class tonight, then tomorrow after work, play some more.

    @bojaantje3822 you have it so together with your plan. I love that. I'm glad you had fun at your meetup.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 39
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW July 2022: 181.8
    GW this month: 181.8 (maintain)
    Goal for 2022: reach maintenance (160-170?)

    7/7/22 - 183.2
    7/14/22 - 183.2
    7/21/22 - 185.2
    7/28/22 - 186.8

    July: +5bs
    LTD: -84.3 lbs

    I have been so behind in updating this month! My maintenance month got a little crazy at the end and I am still working back down from the high weight I saw of 189. I know this isn't all fat gain and includes water weight and food in transit.

    Since my last update two weeks ago I had a lovely date night with the wife where I got to wear my size small thrift store dress find. I am feeling so great at my current size.

    On the 19th we welcomed my first nephew to the family 3 weeks early. Mom and baby Eli are doing great and I got to spend some time helping with my nieces while they were in the hospital.

    Last weekend one of my best friends from TN came to visit us in CA for the weekend. We went to a nearby orchard for their peach daze event and ate all the peach things (peach donuts, peach turnovers, peach dumplings). We followed that up with wine tasting at a nearby winery. It was a lovely weekend with good food and good friends and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything!

    This weekend is back to the normal grind. I have three more days to practice maintenance and hopefully end the month closer to where I started.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe – we love Old Key West. I have dreams of the tub in the 1 bedroom there. We stayed in a studio on our honeymoon and a different trip had 1 night in the 1 bedroom. Olivia’s for breakfast is great as well.

    @The_Fat_Optimist – I need to get back to AIP myself. I had some allowances since I was doing it for a skin issue; caffeine wasn’t an issue there so wasn’t stopping my 1 day coffee. Are you following a specific site/book for your plan? I love Sarah Ballantyne aka Paleo Mom. Diane Sanfilippo I like as well

    Vacation in the Adirondacks was okay. DH now knows he needs to decline any friends trying to jump on our vacation. The things that I said were requirements for them to come were lost on him or dismissed. I was uncertain for what I could cook vs what they’d want and they never really gave suggestions. So it wasn’t the best for all. Positives: Nice watching the lake on lazy moments. I did go swimming 3 times; 2 on one of the hot days. Food was fine but didn’t step on Mom’s scale to see if there was a difference. High sodium snacks got the best of me once I got home.
    My gym friend had a great time when she wasn’t sure if she’d like being in the woods etc. She had more cell service than I ever had so that helped a lot. She was able to do some of the shorter trails.

    I’ve fallen off my wagon this week and rather broke it; so figuring out what’s the next best actions for me to start moving forward again.
    Next weekend is the wine festival that I’ve loved going to but I’m rather conflicted deciding to go this year. We’ll see

    Plans for the next horror convention are being set. The one person DH wants to meet was just announced. He won’t let me tell him who so I have to tone down my excitement. That’ll be in Sept.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member

    Age: 42
    Height: 5'4"
    Start Weight: 119.5kg/263.4lb (4 July 22)
    Current Weight: 114.6kg/252.6lbs (27 July 22)
    Goal Weight: 75kg/165lbs

    Well, I'm still here and still trucking along, I bent last night and had wine which gives me regret today, because it led to a less than great sleep and the one thing I need more than anything right now is sleep. I actually went to bed at a normal time last night too rather than super dooper early, so I'm hoping it doesn't bite me later this afternoon.

    I kind of suggested that we might order in tonight after our fav pizza place sent us a 20% off coupon, and while I'd like to not cook I'm also not sure it won't knock me off track. One thing for sure is that if we do order, I'm getting the small so I don't have leftovers tempting me for days. We shall see, I do actually need to go to the store (gasp - first time out of the house in almost 2 weeks!) so if I find something yummy and easy then we might miss the takeout.

    Looking at the July goals I set here a few weeks back, I can say I utterly failed LOL save for the tracking, but I can blame all of it on this dreaded virus which has utterly taken away my ability to move more than necessary. I don't even know how to set August goals, given that I still get puffed out walking up my own stairs. August's goals might be centred around tracking and mentality.

    @karilbrandt – yum, that dish sounds fantastic! Evenings are definitely a danger time, especially after a stressful day. I have a store of really nice teas and herbal tisanes which I make a pot of, it feels decadent and has become a bit of a ritual and I find that helps.

    @sandielewis2001 – Congratulations!! I love being an auntie. Your weekend away sounds idyllic and so worth it.

    @sarah12277 – ugh, as much as I love my friends, I dislike holidaying with them. It can be so stressful. Oooohhhh horror convention! I love a good convention, and have missed them these last few years.

    @The_Fat_Optimist – take care and definitely do what’s best for you! It’s no good adding to your plate with challenges that feel like a burden instead of an assist.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    185 this morning, meh. Doesn't my body know it's a weigh in day!? lol.

    I could crack down more and see more consistent progress, because my weight loss would overcome this seesaw I see every month at my period and ovulation. But I don't want to. My highs are getting lower as we go, and I've seen some new lows in the last couple weeks. Consistency and sticking with it means more to me than seeing a lower number on the scale all the time.

    And diet breaks are great, lol. :lol:

    I took my measurements this morning, as I didn't like seeing 185 again, and it has been about a month. My neck, bust, waist, hip, calf, and thigh measurements all decreased. About 5 inches altogether, adding them up. My shoulders and biceps got bigger, which I think is a win. Making them gains!

    Waist-hip ratio is 0.82, which I guess is pretty okay!

    Gym last night was good, I feel like I got lower in my splits than before. I wish I'd taken a picture of how far I got when I started. Oh well.

    Oh! Weigh in day! lol.
    33 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW: 200.4
    Halfway GW: 183
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 186.8
    7/8: 185.2 (-1.6)
    7/15: 184.4 (-0.8)
    7/22: 184 (-0.4)
    7/29: 185 (+1)

    🌈🌈🌈 July Goals! 🌈🌈🌈

    🟣 July GW: Let's get to 183 this month! Halfway baby!

    🔵 Log everything in grams ❌ Didn't log that chickpea salad in grams, so I've been going off vibes and volume measurements for portions.
    🟢 Do at least three pole classes a week ✅
    🟡 More than 100g protein every day ✅
    🟠 No doomscrolling after 7PM each night ✅
    🔴 At least 64oz of water a day ✅

    It's fine. I just went through all my measurements up there! And I'm sore from the gym! It's fine. I'll weigh in again on Sunday for the July roundup.

    Tag party time!
    @karilbrandt I feel you on it being hard at night. What I do, which may or may not be helpful for you, is I eat less during the day, at work, so that I can have a big evening meal with the fam. I make sure those smaller work meals have plenty of protein and lots of vegetable/fruit volume, to keep me full. Just one way of dealing with that.

    @sandielewis2001 I'm glad you had a good time with friends visiting. It sounds amazing.

    @sarah12277 it's always a bummer when your friends aren't the best travel buddies. It's definitely separate buckets, friends and good people to travel with, and getting both is the dream.

    @The_Fat_Optimist best of luck! I hope to see you around the MFP forums sometime (even not here!) to tell all of us how you're doing. :smile:

    @Alatariel75 ah, the siren song of takeout on a friday, lol. I know it well. In fact, I will probably be partaking in takeout tonight, like I do most fridays. I'm glad you're feeling better enough to venture out to the grocery store.

    Have a great Friday everyone! We're almost there!
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    Well, yesterday was OK but not the best. I was not able to eat lunch as I had meetings from about 9:30 am until 3:30 pm. So, I was starving when I got off my last meeting. I have not had pizza since I started tracking and watching what I eat so I decided to get one. It was great and I don’t regret it as my calories were still fine and I did not have a drink with it. I just went through recipes and found a couple to make this weekend to give me leftovers for next week.

    I am down for the month, but I did not lose as much as I wanted to. I will keep tracking and working to stay on target.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252
    7/15: 246.6 – Yay I am finally down!
    7/23: 253.0 – I have been off plan since the 19th so I need to get back to work!
    7/29: 249.6

    Tag Party:

    @Alatariel75 – Thanks for the suggestion. I do have some good herbal teas. That might help out.

    @CupcakeCrusoe – That is basically what I did yesterday (eat less during day) and it did work out OK. I ate a bigger but very satisfying dinner and did not get a drink to help me relax. I still need to work on not letting the day get to me. I may try a guided meditation at the end of the day to help me relax and not let the day get to me.