Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!

🌈Hello, ladies, and Happy July!!!

🌈We're halfway through 2022. How has it been treating you?

🌈What have you accomplished so far this season? What are you still hoping to acheive?

🌈Do you have any upcoming plans that you're excited about? Or anything looming that's concerning you?

🔴If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟠In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟢Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🔵Let's aim super high this July!!!🟣


  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Weighed in at 126kg this morning after my workout. That's 4kg less than 15 hours before. Normal fluctuation for me but still kinda shocking to see.

    The workout was fantastic and seemed tailored to my situation. It had only things I can still do despite my back and ankle. Loved it.

    I am having a bad food day in that I haven't had enough time and tasty things to eat today so I'm still 450 cal below my bmr and it's already past 10pm. I think I'll have cereal to get above bmr. I was closer to maintenancd yesterday so if I eat enough tomorrow it should be okay.

    With work we went to clean trash off the beach which was super fun. Afterwards we had to make art with a canvas, some hammers and nails, and the trash we collected. It was great, definitely recommend doing something like it.

    Goal for july is 1 or 2kg loss or 1 or 2cm loss. I'm mostly just focused on showing up at the gym and listening to my body.

    Oh yeah, a coworker told me she noticed I lost a lot of weight! And she followed it up with "I am trying to lose weight too" so I felt okay talking about it and I actually straight up told her the number when she asked and didn't feel bad about it. She mostly seemed to want to compliment me and talk about methods. I feel a little bad for her because she's tiny (157ish cm which should be around 5'2) so she can eat a fraction of what I can so the bbq we had was about 40% of maintenance calories for me but about 80% for her most likely.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    @RavenStCloud thank you for making the thread and I hope you feel better quickly!

    @seltzer_lover you are doing so great!

    @LisaLethal welcome!

    @tahitig you’ve got this!
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hello again 👋

    SW: 245 lbs (3/2022)
    CW: I don't even know because my stupid period has been messing me up for over a freaking week and I'm gonna lose my mind soon, ahem I mean ~208 lbs

    🎆My goals for July:

    💥 3 miles/5 days a week
    💥 Calisthenics 3 days a week
    💥 Getting Organized
    💥 No food after 6pm strictly
    💥 Be at or under 200lb by the end of July

    I HATED my June results, HATED them. I am a need to see the results one paper type of person and seeing that I only lost 4lbs has a fire lit under me. Now I am still waiting for my woosh from my TOM. Honestly I'm happy I lost anything at all but I'm disappointed with the choices I made in June and will chose before for July because I deserve better.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    edited July 2022
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday, and I finally feel as though I have slept enough. 186.2 this morning, which, fine. I feel as bloated as a pufferfish right now, and ovulation is coming.

    Fridays are normally pizza night, but the ordering wasn't going right on the way home from work, and much like the scenario @bojaantje3822 was in at her meet, I was so hungry I could have eaten anything. The girls wanted McDonald's, so that was dinner last night.

    I was pleasantly surprised that the giant sweet tea was only 110 cal. The spicy crunchy chicken was a little spicy, but otherwise unimpressive, and the fries were meh. Despite getting a full combo, I only went over my calories by about 100. So below maintenance for the day, even! Me storing up almost 1000 calories for after-work every day pays off again.

    Today, we clean the house, and go to my parents' house for today and tomorrow, and then hang out at our house the last day of the long weekend. At first, we talked about going up there last night, but I'm honestly glad we're not. I like bumming around my own house, even if it is a place I feel compelled to clean all the time. :tongue:

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 that's great, that you've got a coworker on the same wavelength, and she sounds really supportive!

    @goal06082021 I'm glad to hear your husband didn't get the worst symptoms, and that you seem to have dodged it!

    Meh. Fresh month, clean slate.
    let's gooooooo!!! :smiley:
    That is the spirit let's GOOOOOOO

    @tahitig aww yes it's bear month! Very excited for you!

    @bonniemcc4 crossing my fingers that you can get the physical exam part done soon, too!

    @karilbrandt great goals, I love it!.

    @Generic_Excuse Don't be too hard on yourself. Bodies are weird. 8 lbs in a month is a lot to shoot for, but if you're carrying some water from TOM, then it could be more achievable once the whoosh comes. :smile:

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hello again 👋

    SW: 245 lbs (3/2022)
    CW: I don't even know because my stupid period has been messing me up for over a freaking week and I'm gonna lose my mind soon, ahem I mean ~208 lbs

    🎆My goals for July:

    💥 3 miles/5 days a week
    💥 Calisthenics 3 days a week
    💥 Getting Organized
    💥 No food after 6pm strictly
    💥 Be at or under 200lb by the end of July

    I HATED my June results, HATED them. I am a need to see the results one paper type of person and seeing that I only lost 4lbs has a fire lit under me. Now I am still waiting for my woosh from my TOM. Honestly I'm happy I lost anything at all but I'm disappointed with the choices I made in June and will chose before for July because I deserve better.

    CW as of 7/2: 206.6

    Definitely happier with these results. Not the 205 I was looking to be at end of June but so much better than not knowing and yo-yoing everyday waiting for my woosh.

    Thanks @CupcakeCrusoe I can really get into my own head sometimes. Which makes this group a great place to be.
  • Inky_one
    Inky_one Posts: 13 Member
    Starting weight -238 (May 2022)
    Current weight-231

    Goal for July - 225

    June went okay I guess. But I really want to give it a big push through July to lose a bit more weight. Its my birthday in 40 days and I would love to lose 8lb, so I can start my 30s under 16 stone. But I know it's just a number on the scale, and I'm not going to make myself ill to get there too quickly. I just want to feel a bit healthier. Make some good choices with food.

    🍎 5 a day fruit & veg
    💧2 litre water per day
    🍷 max 5 units alcohol/week
    👟 at least 7000 steps every day

    Good luck for July!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,327 Member
    Okay I wasn’t going to post replies to your posts so early in the month but ....

    @seltzer_lover just WOW that is a lot of progress.

    @kenziestabes I like the softball 2fer.

    @Generic_Excuse 4 lbs a month is a good healthy sustainable weight loss. If you were heavier maybe more would be okay for a while. At 1st people do lose a lot sometimes but over time it slows down as it should. Even with 4 lbs a month loss you need to take breaks from deficit eating. The problem is after you lose all the weight you want you have to maintain so you need to learn how to eat at your TDEE or the weight will come back. In other words you need to transition at some point to sustainable healthy weight management. Celebrate any progress you make you deserve to feel good about it. Progress can be made without losing every week or month. If you are eating healthier and exercising your body will still improve. You can change your fat %.

    @CupcakeCrusoe yes I slept enough too and I came down in weight too.

    @goal06082021 Yes that is awesome hitting the 70 lb mark!
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    @goal06082021 @KeriA Thanks, sometimes I am really too hard on myself and it's easy to forget how well I am doing. This group is a perfect place to be for that for sure thanks to people like you.

    @goal06082021 Congrats on the 70lb mark!! Also, I had a tubal ligation 6 years ago at 27 after my 4th c-section. I know that procedure was a bit different than a regular TL but it was definitely a longer healing process than my other cesareans so I completely get you wanting to be at a healthy place before going through it for sure. I hope your consultation goes well!
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend, so I went higher in calories than I wanted, but they were still in a manageable range. BUT the sodium was really high, so I added some water weight. I hope that it will come off fast. I had a Margarita as a splurge as well as some Cheddar Fries as we were at Snuffers, and they make the best cheddar fries. But I had a Caesar salad with grilled chicken for my entrée. Snuffers marinated grilled chicken is the best! So, it was a great lunch. Also, I hadn’t seen that friend in a while, so we spent 2 hours at lunch catching up and talking. All around a good day. I cooked yesterday evening making a dish that I really like and that leaves leftovers to have over next week. It turned out really well, so I am set with some easy meals moving forward.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251

    @CupCakeCaruso – While McDonalds isn’t the best, it isn’t the worst either. When I end up there, I usually get a Filet o’Fish as it is both lower calorie and lower sodium than some of the other options. But good job not going too high despite the McDonald’s outing.

    @goal06082021 – good job on the 70 pounds lost! I only hope that I can get there too!

    @KeriA – great goals. I hope that your fitness continues to get better! I need to work on my fitness too. That should help me get healthier and possibly lose some weight.

    @Imgoff232 – I struggle almost daily with depression! It is one of the reasons that I ended up at this weight to begin with. I am really working on better controlling my depression. My change in eating habits has actually really helped my depression (as does walking regularly – I really need to get that going again). At least now you are aware that is an issue and can take steps to address. Good luck!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,327 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 248.8 (I got down to 247 last month) new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150
    July GW: get into the mid 240’s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    7/2: 248.8
    7/3: 247.8

    🌻 July GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and walk 6 days a week
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching)
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit

    I am now down to within a tenth of a pound of last month's low so I am set to lose some more this month if I keep consistent with exercise and a healthy deficit.

    @Imgoff232 I know the “didn’t track beyond breakfast” phenomenon although usually I log the rest of the day the next morning but not always. Take care.

    @karibrandt sounds like a good day. I love when there are good leftovers.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    I'm on the app so no tag party today. I did weigh again on Saturday (my normal day) and was down a half pound between Friday and Saturday. So YAY!

    We are hosting an Independence Day Cookout tomorrow so I won't be tracking. I have been banking a bunch of exercise calories the past few days though. I figured it was better to be ahead than to worry about "fixing" the damage later.

    I already scheduled my next bi-weekly blog post to go up on Tuesday do I'll share that link on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm off work through Tuesday and hope to actually find time to relax by then. It's been a busy weekend so far.

    I hope everyone stateside has an amazing holiday!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    edited July 2022
    I was feeling skinny so I decided to measure myself. My hips including my butt measure 126cm. My hips right below my butt measure 123cm! My last measurement was 128cm but I can't remember if that was below or including my butt.
    I also finally lost off my chest 😂 down to 114cm from 118cm.

    Compared to the 6th of march this year (the earliest post-corona measurement) I lost:
    9cm off my chest
    9cm off the area directly below my chest
    2cm off my waist
    12-15cm off my hips, depending on whether my butt was included
    5cm off my belly measured at the belly button
    No difference for my thigh
    3cm off my calf
    1cm off my ankle
    No difference for my upper or lower arm
    0,5cm off my wrist
    1cm off my neck
    1,5cm off my head
    7kg lost (based on the lowest I saw 24-25 June)

    Some of these measurements were bigger in the days following march 6th but these are the earliest recorded ones. My hips changed the most and my arms show no difference. I kinda wish I had my january 29th measurements because I was at my heaviest then but oh well.

    Compared to march 2020 I lost 8cm off my chest, 6cm off my underchest, 1cm off my waist, 5-8cm off my hips, 2cm off my ankle, 1cm off my wrist, 2cm off my belly, gained 1cm on my upper arm, had identical calves and thighs and lost 2kg (based on lowest).

    I think overall we can conclude I lost mostly fat and despite the scale moving slowly I am seeing changes in measurements, except for my arms. But idk if that means I'm just not losing off my arms or if maybe I'm gaining a little bit of muscle there. My legs have always been very well-trained, my arms not so much. Also my measurements fluctuate as wildly as the scale does, all of these were a few cm larger before the weekend. Not training got rid of some water in my muscles I assume.

    Feel free to theorise. I'm super happy that my hips got smaller. Maybe I'll fit into non-skinny jeans at some point. I might weigh myself later if I remember.

    I was also browsing online clothing stores and wondering what would and wouldn't fit me so now I can actually know based on numbers. I went down half a size since some of my old clothes now fit again and my shoes got a bit wider but mostly my size in sportswear changed. Everything else only fits a little differently. Though based on the numbers I'm still overall 10cm larger everywhere than the charts assume but at least I know this about myself.

    Also since my diet break I'm struggling to eat aound 2500cal again. When I went from 2300 to 2500 I couldn't do 2300 anymore and now that I've done 2900-3100 for two weeks I struggle to eat 2500. I've had a few 2500 days, a few 3000 days and one unfortunate 2150 day. But I don't wanna deprive myself if I'm hungry so I'll try to stay below 3000 and aim for 2500-2800. If I go over 3000 once a month that's okay, if I go under 2400 once a month that's okay too, but 2500-2800 should still be 0.5-1.2lb loss a week approx. so that's what I'm going to aim for.

    In other good news, I had my last physio appointment for my ankle today. It's not 100% healed because running is still a no but we were confident I have all the tools to see my recovery through without his supervision. Yay!

    Tonight we're doing "The Chief" which is 5x3 minutes of as many reps as possible of 3 power cleans, 6 push ups and 9 air squats, followed by a minute rest after every 3 minutes of work. We did this one 4 months ago so it's nice to compare progress. I found my result from back then so we'll see if I can do better now. Apparently I did 30kg power cleans and used a 25 inch box for my push ups. Let's see how it goes!

    Happy 4th to all the Americans. I don't remember what you celebrate on this day but I hope you have a good time.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    188 today, which makes sense, given I went to a party yesterday and only very loosely tracked, so I know I was somewhere around maintenance yesterday, lol. But I didn't go so hog-wild that I gained 2 lbs, either, so it's fine. I drank quite a few high-calorie drinks yesterday, but they were delicious, no regrets. And I feel so, so bloated today. Oof.

    Plan for today is to clean up the house, prep food for the week, play some games with friends, and generally relax before going back to work tomorrow. Oh, and make a trip to get more supplies for the cat, I've been forgetting to get more flea stuff and a filter for his water fountain.

    Tag party time:
    so I can start my 30s under 16 stone. But I know it's just a number on the scale, and I'm not going to make myself ill to get there too quickly
    good for you, this is the right call. And you can make good progress. :smiley:

    @goal06082021 CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the -70lb mark! That's amazing. I hope the swimsuit looks exactly the way you want it to look. And I hear you on wanting to go into the TL a little lighter. I'm currently weighing all my options in that regard, and still kind of going back and forth on a third kid, although at this point, given *gestures around*, more back than forth.

    @KeriA Slow but steady! And your fitness improvement is extremely measurable and great progress! And I see that you've lost some more, well done!

    @ddky Hi, welcome! I'm sorry for your loss. A solo vacation sounds exciting, though! And you've got a good plan to improve your fitness in preparation for it.

    @lmgoff232 I used to do this, too, leave things off the diary. With MFP, I found I really, really wanted to click that "complete day" button and have it tell me something nice, lol. I hope that your depression leaves again, or if you don't have homemade serotonin, store bought is fine, as my friends and I like to say.

    @karilbrandt ooh, splitting cheddar fries with a friend and catching up? Sounds ideal. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better about where you are with cooking.

    @pamperedlinny have fun at your cookout!

    @bojaantje3822 you're doing so well, and The Chief sounds tough but doable, my favorite kind of exercise.

    I think with how well you fuel yourself, it's perfectly possible you're doing some deficit muscle building.

    Some people do a big, big deficit and then try to claim that any slowdown in weight loss is "muscle," but it's very hard to build muscle on a deficit! If you don't have the fat stores, don't consume sufficient protein or calories in general, and don't challenge the muscles enough, muscle building on a deficit just won't happen.

    But given the way you're eating and how much you're working out, I'd say it's perfectly possible for you. Some people naturally gain muscle a little more readily than others, too, and that might be you! If so congratulations, lol, you're living the dream! (while eating a number of calories per day I can only dream of :lol:)

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    The Chief is super well-balanced, with pull, push and legs in one and you can decide how hard you wanna go. The RX is real push ups off the floor (which I absolutely cannot do) and 45kg power cleans for women (which I can do but don't wanna do in a cardio workout, which is basically what this is). I'm a little slow at any weightlifting stuff because I'm focused on form and I'm slow at the push ups because even off a box I can only do 5 at a time with plenty of rest so here I do 3-3 with a few breaths of rest. But it's a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it!

    That's exactly the kind of insight I was hoping for. I'm very lost on what you can and cannot do w.r.t. muscle in a deficit so I didn't know if I was speaking nonsense. But what you're saying makes sense and the strength improvements I've seen also seem to add up.

    Eating enough protein is a challenge because I don't eat a lot of meat so I aim for approx. 100gr. Sometimes I eat meat or fish and get to 130gr so easily (and feel angry about it 😡 ), but my natural eating style only gets me 75gr so I'm really forcing the kwark (no idea what that is in english, cream cheese?)