Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    edited July 2022
    Turns out I don't have a clue how to post a picture off my phone. The add picture button does not work. Oh well, I'll try again from my laptop maybe.

    Oh yeah, my weight was 125,5 or 126kg today. I couldn't see super clearly but it was somewhat below the 125kg line. I think the main reason for it was I slept in late. My last meal was around 9pm last night, then I lounged in bed until 3am with and woke up at 11am so there were over 14 hours between last eating and weighing in. But I do look smaller. The PJ pic really was eye-opening to me so now I can see it in the mirror too.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I wish I had a zero waste store around. Cool! Thanks for the suggested cookbooks. I have an old one Vegetarian Epicure. It is falling apart. I need to update.

    @bojaantje3822 Yes I do better losing when my life is less stressed and less busy. I finally started to learn how to lose slowly when I work fulltime but it is harder. Nice to get more input on East.

    Yesterday I was on my own after 5:30 AM when I took my youngest to the airport. I went back and took a nap then went out for breakfast. We never go out for breakfast anymore and hash browns but don't have them ever. I didn’t need lunch then went and got a hamburger for dinner. I got that out of my system. The calories were higher than usual (but under my TDEE) and the food was mostly crap nutrition-wise. I did some cleaning but could have done more. Today I made a mostly healthy breakfast with vegetables and fruit except for the leftover pancake from yesterday. We usually have pancakes on the weekend but they are whole grain and not so big. I will go to the grocery store and get food for the rest of my time on my own and to start making more vegetarian meals. I will start with Spanakopita for when my youngest gets home tomorrow night. I think tonight I will make sloppy joes with lamb but will also have vegetables. I have to figure out at least some more meals for the rest of the week. DH is coming home Monday night too late for dinner but since he may be on Hawaiian time and you don’t get food on planes we will save him some dinner in case he needs it. I think I will plan to have a fish night, a chicken night, a lamb night and the rest vegetarian each week. Low salt, lots of vegetables and fruit. Every once in a while we can have pork. No beef meals at home. No take out.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    edited July 2022
    For anyone who wants some inspiration: https://www.nyonyacooking.com/recipes/sizzling-japanese-tofu~9moM3LTdp one of my favourite recipes that's easy to make vegetarian. Just swap the meat for more mushrooms. I'm not big on tofu but I loooooove it in this dish. You can use lower-sodium soy sauce if this seems too salty. (Edited correct link)

    @goal06082021 when I was working as a waitress, Asics shoes lasted me 6 months. Reeboks too. I hope you find shoes that last you longer. Nowadays I work out in Under Armour shoes and wear Vans and All Stars casually and to work (I'm no longer a waitress). Clarks shoes only last me two years typically and I don't wear them year-round. Adidas have stupid sizes so none of their shoes fit (the gap between 43 1/3 and 44 3/4 needs filling). I typically get my Asics from an outlet store. My last pair was €30 so it doesn't feel as bad.
    I love colourful outfits and shoes. One of our coaches has a pair that's completely neon yellow and I love them.
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    Yesterday I went out to lunch/brunch with the family. It was good seeing everyone, but I did go off plan with the meal. I really enjoyed it, so I am not too sorry. I ate to plan for both breakfast and dinner and stayed OK on calories. So, I am happy with the day. I feel more energized to stick to plan so I am working on planning all my meals for today and the rest of the week! I really want to lose some more weight. I have been stuck at 251 +/- 1 pound for over a week now. I need to get the losing going again.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252

    Tag Party:

    @justanotherloser007 – frozen veggies are great! I use them all the time. They are not ‘processed’ in that they are still just veggies – nothing added etc.

    @CupcakeCrusoe – I agree. If you eat good food most of the time and occasionally eat something not so good, you should still be fine. While calories aren’t everything, they do matter! So keeping track is still a good idea.

    @deepwoodslady – sorry that you have COVID. I hope that you feel better soon!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @KeriA *I show up in a cowboy hat and a pink bandana around my face with some 70's kid pistols* Keria, give me your recipe for Spanakopita, and no one gets hurt!! Seriously, I'm gonna need that. I have veggie Wed, Fri and Sat for religious reasons, and so the hubby on special occasions takes me to a delicious gyro place to get it. Problem is 50% of the time they don't have it! (did the Greek Keebler elves not show up for their shift?? I don't know) Then I have to eat disappointment and pick at food that I feel is 1) too expensive 2) there is too much of it 3) not even spanakopita!!

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Scale was back down to 182.6 this morning, so I was right about water/food in transit. Unfortunately, somehow or other I've ended up eating almost exclusively carbs today, so I'm expecting to see it bounce right back up again.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited July 2022
    Good morning everyone!

    185.4 this morning, which is fine. I feel very bloated, for some reason. Probably because yesterday, like for @goal06082021, was a lot of carbs.

    My MacroFactor expenditure number does not like this at all though, let me tell you :lol: It's telling me my TDEE is in the 1800s (!). No way man. I've probably just not been logging everything-everything. Gotta get back to that. I've already messed up for this morning, just kinda pouring my egg whites in my breakfast. No scale weight, just vibes.

    Speaking of breakfast, today is chorizo and egg whites for breakfast, carnitas, salsa, and green beans for lunch, and a greek chicken salad and tabbouleh for dinner. Looking forward to it all. And then tonight is hot seat and sittin' sexy, conditioning for a chair routine and then doing a choreographed chair routine. I'm very excited about it.

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 I love that shift, when you suddenly realize that, yeah, you definitely look smaller. That tofu recipe looks great.

    @KeriA your plan sounds good! And like @justanotherloser007 I too would like the spanakopita recipe! :smiley:

    @goal06082021 182, that's great! And perfectly doable for you to get to your goal this month from there. I agree with everyone- bright workout shoes are the best workout shoes. When I was into "barefoot" running, minimal sole shoes, I liked merrells, but that is probably no good for walking.

    @karilbrandt I'm glad you had a good time at your lunch out. That kind of thing is necessary sometimes.

    @EmA_5512 Hi, welcome! You sound like you know what you're doing, so I'm happy you're here to share with us. I do want to push back on hating yourself for gaining weight. Your body did what bodies do- it stored up energy. Your life got busy and changed a lot, and weight maintenance wasn't your first priority. That's not a moral failing.

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to put in habits that are easy for you to maintain, that fit into your life, so that when life gets crazy, your habits still support a smaller you. So not only can you lose the weight, you can keep it off. Maintenance is the hard part, which is why I'm so gung-ho about making sure the way you lose is the way you want to live after you're done losing, if that makes sense.

    Anyway! Sorry for that, I know you've been on this rodeo before, you don't need my speechifying, welcome!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Friday at 4.40pm they sent me an email invite to talk to my new employer about the terms of my employment, including pay, today!!! I only saw it this morning when I started up my laptop and I am NERVOUS. I've never done this before so I hope they're nice to me. Whatever happens my pay will go up but the question is by how much. It's at 3pm so I have 4 more hours to worry about it.

    But I did immediately think of the perfect outfit. I haven't seen this person often so I don't want to repeat outfits already but I can't fully remember what I wore last time I saw him so to be safe I decided on a lovely black blazer I rarely wear, a black top I've never worn that still had the tag on it (it fits perfectly!!!) and bright royal blue trousers with wide legs and shiny gold-coloured buttons on the side. Finished off by slim black shoes that aren't super comfortable but are okay for short periods of time and my cheap new black bag because I need to go grocery shopping on my way home from the meeting and I don't wanna bring my nice bags there.

    I don't look super great today because I only fell asleep at 3am and woke up at 9am (fortunately no early meetings) but I can't wear makeup when it doesn't feel right and it doesn't feel right now. I usually go barefaced anyway and he's never seen me with makeup on so while it would definitely add a little something to my overall look I'm satisfied with my decision not to wear any.

    I also did one of those unreliable body fat percentage tests based on your body's measurements and according to it I lost 2% of my bodyfat, which corresponds with 9kg of the total 13kg lost. I don't know how true this is but I'm definitely feeling a lot of muscle under my fat so I think it might be a slightly high estimate. It said 50% before and 48% now, which considering I can lose half my body weight and still be a healthy weight sounds right-ish, it doesn't take into account chest measurements and while my breasts didn't get smaller during this round of weightloss (a small miracle), they were never very large. Bra size estimations put me at a 90C/D or 95A cup so my chest is really quite modest. I feel if they used those measurements in their calculator thingies it would be more accurate and lower than the 48%. Ultimately it doesn't matter but it was nice to see that according to the calculator 2/3 of my loss was fat, so even if it's wrong that sounds like a pretty good thing.

    This week is going to be awkward food-wise and I won't be getting in much exercise. I'm catsitting at my sister's from wednesday evening and then spending the weekend at my mum's so no exercise thu-sun unless we go for a walk or something, but on sunday they said it might be 43 degrees celsius!!! So...
    I find it difficult to eat normally when staying at my sister's because her pans are all weird and it's just too uncomfortable to cook the way I normally do.
    I'm still exercising tonight, tomorrow and wednesday morning, taking a gymnastics class instead of my regular class because that's the only hour I'm available at. Gymnastics class practices handstand pushups, pull ups and double unders (jump rope but letting the rope go under you twice while you're in the air), only one of which I can reasonably practice with all of my injuries but it does sound like fun. We'll see how it goes.
    Tonight we have pull ups and ring/box dips, neither of which I am capable of, so I'll have to scale them, followed by box jump overs, wall balls and double unders. Wall balls I can do, box jump overs will have to be box step ups or air squats, double unders will have to be assault bike or air squats. All in all an intense workout.
    Tomorrow's olympic weightlifting. Tuesday is snatch day so that's always fun.

    Have a good week, everyone!
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    I managed to stay on plan yesterday, but it was difficult. I started out good in the morning and then something derailed me. I am not sure what flipped the switch from feeling good and ready to go to not wanting to do anything. So I need to really work at it again today.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252

    Tag Party:

    @EmA_5512 – Welcome and Congrats on starting back on the journey. A mile walk is a great start.

    @bojaantje3822 – good luck on your job talk today! I hate late Friday invites for Monday!
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @EmA_5512 Hi, welcome! You sound like you know what you're doing, so I'm happy you're here to share with us. I do want to push back on hating yourself for gaining weight. Your body did what bodies do- it stored up energy. Your life got busy and changed a lot, and weight maintenance wasn't your first priority. That's not a moral failing.

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to put in habits that are easy for you to maintain, that fit into your life, so that when life gets crazy, your habits still support a smaller you. So not only can you lose the weight, you can keep it off. Maintenance is the hard part, which is why I'm so gung-ho about making sure the way you lose is the way you want to live after you're done losing, if that makes sense.

    Anyway! Sorry for that, I know you've been on this rodeo before, you don't need my speechifying, welcome!

    I know you're right about this and I appreciate the response. There is the benefit to having done this before, so I do know what I need to do.

    I really had a great balance going for a long time. I fully believe in moderation and thought I had it all under control. Then, I just went off the rails. Like, WAY off the rails. Like, eating entire bags of chips and buying two candy bars and the gas stations, because who needs just one - kind of off the rails. Now that I'm looking back at it, I'm struggling to figure out where my head was.

    Yesterday was a good day. I know I need to get myself into a steady routine with things before school starts back. I'm hoping three weeks will give my time to get my head back in the game before things get crazy.

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I think I saw 124kg on the scale today. I'll be at my mum's this weekend after not exercising thursday and friday so I'm hoping that'll show the same thing. The scale's lines are so light it's hard to see but it sure looked like it was a whole line above the 125kg one.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited July 2022
    My waist to height ratio is under 0.49! Normal range, baby!

    Hey Kenzie! So I had only been doing my BMI previous to this (which I will be considered overweight until I am 141 lbs). But according to the height weight thing, it said "Your Height to Waist ratio is:
    0.42 You are below the 0.5 limit" This is all new to me. What is it? Does this mean I am already normal BMI?

    Also, re your roommate, I agree with @pamperedlinny. I would have taken the offer of clothes as well, and as a person who has also struggled with medical issues, and who it takes longer to lose weight (and I feel like every time I turn around I am on maintenance again due to medical issues) I know the feels. I definitely had to be okay with the really, really, really long road. So if you are encouraging, and helping her be patient, she will share her feels with you. Yeah, it is hard because it takes so much longer - but I used to constantly tell myself "It can't be helped" as in this is my situation and others have a different situation and that is okay. Taking longer to lose weight is a practice in patience as well as moderation/diligence. Just be there for her and be encouraging which I am sure you are!
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member

    My waist to height ratio is under 0.49! Normal range, baby!

    Hey Kenzie! So I had only been doing my BMI previous to this (which I will be considered overweight until I am 141 lbs). But according to the height weight thing, it said "Your Height to Waist ratio is:
    0.42 You are below the 0.5 limit" This is all new to me. What is it? Does this mean I am already normal BMI?

    So BMI and Waist to Height ratio (WHtr) are two different measurements when it comes to health risks related to obesity. They don't technically measure the same thing, making it completely possible to have a BMI over 25 and a WHtr under 0.5, since one is mass versus height and the other is circumference versus height.

    WHtr is considered a little more accurate when looking at health risks related to obesity because BMI fails to factor in higher levels of bone density and muscle mass common in athletes (eg, many pro football players have "obese" BMIs despite not being obese). It's also considered more accurate than trunk circumference on it's own (which the military has historically used) as one should expect a 6'5" man to be larger around than a 5'6" man.

    Long and short: you appear to be at a lower risk for health issues related to weight with your current WHtr, but there is nothing wrong with wanting a normal range BMI either.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    edited July 2022
    I weigh in on Mondays.

    Started 2/5/22
    SW: 288.8
    CW: 256.2 (-32.6)
    GW for July: 249

    6/27: 256.2
    7/4: 256.0 (-0.2)
    7/11: 253.8 (-2.2)

    Goals for July:

    🍎 Keep eating 4-5 fruits and veggie servings per day, at least 5 days a week
    🧘🏼‍♀️ Work up to 4-5 minutes at a time doing Leslie Sansone workouts by the end of the month if able to
    🏊‍♀️ Start water exercise when the pool opens up (we finally got a note it’s delayed- no duh 🤦🏼‍♀️)
    👩‍⚕️ Hopefully have the first physical exam with my primary doctor and schedule the second for August
    ⬇️ Lose 7 pounds if possible and enter the 240s, which means being able to sit in our balcony chairs weight limits (I’ll be happy with any loss though)

    Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve really been struggling mentally and with dealing with this stupid cough. Last night we had a guest preacher give the sermon and it was about God being faithful and it boosted me back up. However I walked in place while on hold for 13 minutes and ever since then I feel like I’ve been struck with a flu but not completely. Hard to explain. I’m trying not to let that ruin my better mood but it’s hard.

    Long story short, Friday my therapists office canceled my Wednesday therapy appt, first talk therapy appt with new therapist after 6 weeks of waiting for it. I was barely holding on before that. It triggered my worst panic attack to this date. Lasted an hour and a half and thankfully stopped because I was able to walk to my stepdads Apt in our complex. I made an appt with the so far not good fit counselor at my primary doctors office for the same time as my canceled appt. So we’ll see if it helps more than nothing.

    I do feel good about hitting 35 pounds lost and with sticking with everything despite my struggles.