Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    So despite eating in a surplus yesterday (tons of štrudla sa makom and Chinese food) and being on my period (and very bloated from it) and weighing in after breakfast because I forgot this morning, the scale said 124,7 or 124,8kg! My mum's scale is actually very easy to read even though it has little lines you have to see and count yourself, it's not a digital scale. I much prefer it to every other scale and we've had it pretty much all my life. This scale is over 20 years old. Anyway, all this leads me to believe that my true weight might be lower, closer to 124 or even 123,5kg. Based on the deficit I've had it should be closer to that too. Still, I'm happy to see a lower number too.

    Yesterday we had the birthday but we still had to buy a gift and I also needed some new underwear so we went into town for a bit. I got the cutest stuff and nice summery trousers, none of which I tried on but all of which fit perfectly. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of which clothes will fit me despite my very bad sense of how much space I take up in the world. For a few months this winter I kept bumping books and full cups of tea off my living room table with my butt because I couldn't tell that I was too close to them and that streak finally ended too.

    Today's goal is to not combat my cramps with all the chocolate in the house. Yesterday I got in about an hour to an hour and a half of walking and today it's gonna be 27 degrees and I'll have to carry all my heavy luggage home by train so I'm not gonna do much of anything. Tomorrow I'm doing the regular workout, immediately followed by another gymnastics workout so I'm looking forward to that!

    @The_Fat_Optimist of course you're welcome here! My own starting point was in the 300s too.
    If you want an additional place you can go for support, there's a larger losers group as well. I don't have a link to it as I'm on the mobile app but that's a nice place too.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    185.4 this morning, but it's TOM right now. It's definitely not that I overate yesterday, because...

    Yesterday was nuts. I started off well! I deep cleaned the kitchen.
    Made lots of tea for the week.
    Went grocery shopping. Made nasi goreng for dinner.

    And as I was making dinner, I was running up against time to leave for my workshops. So I never ate lunch, whoops, and I left before I ate the dinner I made, so you can imagine what happened at the workshops. I got really lightheaded, nauseous, didn't feel well. Left after the workshops, immediately got some food before even driving home, lol.

    Anyway! Busy and productive day yesterday, today I've got to clean the house hardcore and prep my chicken and breakfasts for the week. And then hopefully that will get done and I can spend some time playing video games this afternoon/evening.

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 sounds like you're having a fun and relaxing time! That's very exciting, that all the trousers you brought home fit, that almost never happens to me. :lol:

    @kenziestabes I loved being the catcher when I played softball. I especially loved throwing the catcher's mask off to do stuff, so dramatic, lol.

    @goal06082021 I hope the new shoes fit! And good progress!

    @The_Fat_Optimist you're welcome here, of course! Excellent job losing so far!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, since I started on a Sunday. I guess Sunday is weigh-in day. I weight daily, so I'm using Happy Scale and taking the weekly average.

    Age: 37
    Height: 5'2
    SW: 250
    CW: 250 (7/10)
    GW for July: 244
    GW: 199 - I felt better under 200lbs, and that's what I want right now is to feel better

    7/10 - 250lbs
    7/17 - 248.4lbs (-1.6)

    The Good
    Logged my food every day
    Walking more, working in some light exercise
    No food binges
    64oz or more of water each day

    Needs Improvement
    Over calories a few days.
    Too many alcohol calories and too much sodium
    Move more. I'm really out of shape.
    Feet, ankles and knees hurt. I think I need new shoes.

    Goals for the next week
    Stay under 1700 at least 5/7 days
    At least 5000 steps every day
    Get to the pool or park at least once

    I have to get some new clothes for work (back to school in two weeks). I tried ordering pants, based on the size chart, I needed a 22. Got them and they're way too baggy and fit horribly. So, I have no idea what size I am right now. I'm going to have to go shopping this week and try on pants. Really not looking forward to it. I haven't plus-size shopped in a long time. I've mostly stuck with flowy dresses and stretchy jeans as I've gained weight. Anyone have any clothing location recommendations that won't make my bank account cry?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,143 Member
    Happy Monday, all!!

    Well, as I predicted I had a lazy-ish weekend, it was the first weekend I had with the hubster in 6 weeks, so we took it easy. Had a lovely massage on Saturday (still a little sore, I love massages but I bruise!!) and did some running around, but I was within my calories (not counting wine). Sunday I didn't hit my 8k steps, but I got 7k, so it wasn't a complete couch potato day. I prepped super green soup and turkey fajita patties for lunches this week. I did get a bit snacky through the day and went over calories (plus had a couple of beers and some wine) so I'm seeing a bump up on the scale this morning. I need to remember that this was what I did when I lost a lot of weight previously - lower cals during the week, extra cals on the weekend and not rushing it. I want to lose weight, but also want to enjoy life.

    I was a bit slow getting going this morning, so I didn't get off a station early so I have some walking to catch up on. Honestly, it's bitterly cold so I'm not sorry!

    Plan this week is to keep with my previously stated goals,and maybe try and get in a EP workout or maybe a round of Ring Fit.

    @CupcakeCrusoe that nasi goreng looks amazing!

    @bojaantje3822 your adventures sound exciting! I was lucky enough to spend my 40th in Amsterdam (right before covid hit) and it was amazing. I could honestly live there.
  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member

    Hello 👋, I’m GB. I have been struggling with weight loss for last few years but I never give up! 💪🏻
    I’m 30 years old and 5.5”.

    Highest weight: 204 ( early this year)
    Starting weight: 192

    Goal 1: 180 (obese to overweight)
    Goal 2: 150 (overweight to healthy)
    Goal 3: 120 - 130 ( Target)

    🌟July Goals 🌟

    🚶‍♀️10,000 steps everyday
    🍴 Eat home cooked meals everyday
    🏋️‍♀️ Strength training 3-4 times a week
    🥉 Reach my goal 1

    07/04 - 188
    07/11 - 185.3
    07/18 -181
    07/25 -

    July weight loss : 7 lb
    Total weight loss: 23 lb

    This is the first time I have been consistent for longer than 2 weeks in my multiple attempts at weight loss. I super appreciate the results I’m seeing so far for all the hard work I’m putting in. I understand workout is not a chore and a lifestyle. So il keep working until it does feel like that. I’m only a pound away from my milestone goal and I’m hoping by next Monday, il be there! 😀
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe love the anniversary pic with whatshisname! What are you growing in the garden? And yes the rolls look wonderful!! Yummy!!

    @The_Fat_Optimist I had to really come up with some things because when I started I had a long way to go as well. I had maintenance breaks during holidays, meaning, I ate at goal weight + exercise (I actually still lost weight during that time). Every Sunday, I always eat calories at goal weight + exercise. If I am at maintenance if I need to "borrow" calories I saved during the week this is when I do so. When I lost weight I geared everything towards "maintenance calories at goal weight" to teach me how to maintain and not just willy nilly gain weight whenever I get there. Having that special day every week really helped out during difficult times. I also make sure I am 1) drinking lots of water or no cal tea 2) get my recommended fiber the majority of the time 2) hit protein goals first - in my diet this is my weakest link and if I get that I let the chips fall where they may so to speak. This is a journey, and you are learning you can do this!!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    The scale is down for me too! 123,5kg which is the lowest since spring 2020 or possibly even winter 2019-2020. I'm officially down 14,5kg and only 1kg away from the 2nd obesity category. That's 32lbs in 5,5 months. I am aiming for 0,5kg every 1-2 weeks now since I'm going to be exercising more...

    I can already hear some of you say ???????? Exercise more? But yes, the coach changed up the schedule so I will be doing 7-8 workouts every week instead of my usual 5-7. Tonight I did the regular workout, immediately followed by another gymnastics class and it was fun! We're starting a 6 week program focused on pull ups. I managed to hold active shoulders for 10 seconds and did 4 beat swings in a row. I'm super pleased. And apparently my progress is visible to others too! Yay!

    I also got roped into doing a weightlifting competition at our gym, exclusively for our members, this saturday from 9am. I usually train in the evening and I'm not a morning person and I'm still injured but it should still be fun and I can do a slightly lower weight and see what happens. As a more experienced dude told me: we'll always do a warm up beforehand so if it doesn't feel good then I can aways go lighter. Smart words.

    I think @KeriA was right because I've been eating in the 2500-2800 calorie range for a few weeks now and my weight has gone down more consistently so I'll try to keep this up.

    My egg intolerance got worse so I'm looking for alternative vegetarian proteine sources. I still eat meat and fish a few times per month and I consume a whole lot of dairy but eggs were kind of a big proteine boost for me so idk what more I can optimise to consistently hit 100+ grams of proteine. Mainly looking for lunch/dinner/snack options as I typically hit around 60gr for breakfast and then very little else.

    Saturday after the event I will be going to my mum's and I'll stay until Monday. I took the day off from work so that's nbd. I will have to rush home on monday to be on time for my workout at 6pm but I am just going to wear my workout clothes all day monday so I can go straight there from the station.

    My mum's cholesterol is slightly elevated (it was 6,4 last year and 5,6 this year and normal values are below 5) so among other things her doctor told her to eat more sweets with dates instead of butter and flour. I've seen these Nakd bars on sale and had the carrot cake flavour and they were on sale again so I bought 4 more flavours to try and I'll bring some for her as well this weekend. I think she'll like them. She loves dates and stuff made with dates. I strongly dislike dates but love stuff made with dates. So far I highly recommend the peanut choco flavour and the carrot cake flavour. The pecan flavour was a little boring compared to just plain pecan nuts and the blueberry flavour reminded me of cheap granola bars we'd eat after swim practice back when there wasn't much money to go around so the flavour is not it for me.

    Tomorrow it's gonna be 36 degrees C so wish me luck with weightlifting.
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member

    My egg intolerance got worse so I'm looking for alternative vegetarian proteine sources. I still eat meat and fish a few times per month and I consume a whole lot of dairy but eggs were kind of a big proteine boost for me so idk what more I can optimise to consistently hit 100+ grams of proteine. Mainly looking for lunch/dinner/snack options as I typically hit around 60gr for breakfast and then very little else.

    For protein, you might want to look into Nutritional Yeast. It's healthy (I use it as cheese replacement) and it provides extra protein. The vegan alternative to eggs is called "Aquafaba" made out of chickpeas. https://www.godairyfree.org/recipes/aquafaba sadly not much protein in it.

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @The_Fat_Optimist omg I saw the discussion about nutritional yeast but it just didn't click that that was a proteine source. Thank you!

    Oh that's too bad :( I'm still okay with eggs in cookies and such but I can't do sunny side up or scrambled or boiled unless I wanna spend 12 hours with severe cramping and hourly bathroom visits. Maybe I should try more chickpeas and beans and lentils in general.
    I asked a vegan at our gym the same question but he really likes tofu and tempeh and I only like those in 3 specific recipes that I don't wanna eat more than once every 2 months.
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member
    edited July 2022
    @bojaantje3822 your welcome
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,143 Member
    Morning all,

    Chilly old morning here, but it was clear and crisp so I still got off one station early and did the 1.8km walk to work. I felt like it was a bit easier and I was moving a little faster, so the daily walking seems to be paying off. I've also started with my upper body stuff - bench push ups and tricep dips.

    Official MFP weigh in day is tomorrow but I've been weighing daily to track on Libra, and it looks to be a good one :) Not bad, considering I went over cals in wine on the weekend.

    One of my favourite parts of my new job is that it's a short walk to the markets, so Tuesdays I plan to wander over there at lunch for fresh fish for dinner.

    I had to improvise breakfast after I left my eggs and coffee bags on the train last night - OOPS!! I hope someone who needed it found them and enjoyed them.

    @justanotherloser007 –what a change!! You look fantastic!

    @gbj4120 – I hear you on the working out, I’m still trying to get to a point where it doesn’t feel like a punishment!

    @cosmiccurves – having company (especially cute, enthused 8 year old company!) for walks is such a massive help. I’m a bit jealous of your summer – it’s freezing here this morning!

    @CupcakeCrusoe – those rolls look amazing! I think I might have to look up that cook book, everything you’ve made from it so far sounds incredible. The turkey fajita patties were yum - just mince up the previous night's fajita veg (red and green peppers and red onion cooked down with taco seasoning) and mixed it through turkey breast mince, garlic and some breadcrumbs and made patties with an egg ring and baked. Perfect for lunch with my green soup!

    @pamperedlinny – I’m happy for you! It is so incredibly frustrating the damage a GP can do when they won’t listen and just throw drugs at a problem. I lost 2 years of my life to chronic vertigo while my doctor threw drugs at it, none of which worked and many of which had horrible side effects, when the whole time the problem was a food intolerance causing vestibular migraines and the vertigo was the main symptom. I wish you all the best with the new doc!

    @seltzer_lover – feel better but take it easy! It sounds like you’ve been really knocked about!

    @The_Fat_Optimist – Well done! Meals sound good ;)

    @bojaantje3822 – Good luck with the comp!! That’s a heck of a lot of workouts, but it seems to be paying off! Do you like Seitan? I like it because it really mimics a scrambled egg texture and goes with so many flavours and is packed with protein.

  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    edited July 2022
    I asked a vegan at our gym the same question but he really likes tofu and tempeh and I only like those in 3 specific recipes that I don't wanna eat more than once every 2 months.

    I've seen recipes for chocolate chip cookie "dough" made with chickpeas! Supposedly it's amazing, though i haven't tried it yet. that'd be more protein AND yummy, if it works!

    I've got a recipe for sweet potato brownies I'm planning to try when it cools off enough I won't feel like turning on the oven would overload my poor AC.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @bojaantje3822 before I figured out that dairy/whey made my hives so much worse, I ate my 12 oz of Fage 0% fat yogurt for breakfast!! 180 calories and 34g protein I would sweeten it with zero calorie stevia flavors, and I would dabble a little "sola" no carb granola. No I have no idea why I was going for lower carbs, other than I am simply less hungry the more whole grain less simple carb I go.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @Altariel75 I actually never had it so I'll be on the lookout for it! Thanks for the tip

    @sargemarcori oooh yum, that sounds delicious!

    @justanotherloser007 I've seen that brand around but never bought it because it's so expensive compared to regular yoghurt but now I'm very tempted! I'll have to keep my eye out for when it's on sale and buy in bulk.
    I found a lower carb granola that has way more proteine than every other granola sold in supermarkets here so I'm mostly eating low carb granola myself as well, even though I easily get 200-350 grams of carbs in my day through other foods.

    Hunger isn't really a problem for about 28 days of the month because my calorie budget is so high and I typically don't feel hungry after working out unless I've had fewer than 1500 cals all day so it's easy to stay within my budget whether I eat a lot of proteine, carbs or fats. I really need the proteine to keep as much muscle as I can and potentially build some muscle in previously muscle-deprived areas such as my arms and core.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    183.8 today! Holy crap, bodies are amazing. I made sure to prioritize drinking water yesterday after it went up to 187-something, and whooooooosh. New low!

    Very pleased, I might actually make my goal this month after all.

    Hot Seat and Sittin' Sexy last night was fabulous. I love the routine, and they're doing the same one next Monday, so I signed up immediately, lol. I made the rice I said I was going to out of my new cookbook, and it's wonderful. Really good.

    Today we're getting our carpets professionally cleaned, I'm so excited to see what they look like after that's finished. And then tonight, I'm going to make something easy for dinner, just not sure what yet, and I'm going to play Stray, a video game where you are a cat exploring the city and trying to find the way home.

    Tag party time!
    @rhaiin good progress!

    @justanotherloser007 looking great! I don't see sharpei at all when I see these pictures!

    What aren't we growing in the garden, lol. We've got green beans, tomatoes, tomatillos, summer squash, pickling cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers (three different varieties), potatoes, parsley, cilantro, mint, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, fig trees, sweet potatoes, snap peas, not yet producing, but we have: apple trees, black cherry trees, persimmon trees, pecan trees.. I'm probably missing some things. Whatsisface really caught the gardening bug. He's already talking about his winter crops, lol. And growing garlic and onions, two of my most-used things.

    @gbj4120 192 to 181 and we're only on the 18th? wow. that's really fast

    @cosmiccurves aww, I love a family walk. That's so great that your son is into it.

    @pamperedlinny I'm so glad that you seem to have a good option waiting for you. Just have to get through this last appointment. VBS time sounds so hectic.

    @seltzer_lover mojo that you feel better soonest, but don't push too hard. :heart:

    @The_Fat_Optimist I love a good baked salmon. Yummm

    @bojaantje3822 I'm happy you're enjoying the gymnastics classes! And a weightlifting competition, how exciting!

    Yeah, beans are the way to go. I know a great chickpea brownie recipe that I love a lot, let me know if you want it. I actually prefer them to normal brownies, just because of the increased protein, and they're so fudgy.

    @Alatariel75 ooh, daily walk to the market to get food for dinner?! living the dream.

    @sargemarcori yess for alternative brownies/cookies, haha

    Have a great day, everyone!
    (she's so close to the middle! so close!)
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe congrats on the new low!! I'm not a huge brownie fan but you really know how to advertise them. I'm interested!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    @bojaantje3822 I definitely make the frosting and put it on top, not optional to me, hahah. I need to make another batch, now that we're talking about it... https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/chickpea-brownies-recipe/ I make them in an 8x8, so that they're nice and thicc, even if that means I have to take smaller pieces, because the texture is so good that way (and you get the good tooth mark action in the frosting with so little surface area to cover, yum).

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning!

    We had the second night of VBS last night and my 4 year old group went from 5 kids the first night to 12 kids last night. It's been a so much fun but I'm so tired. Today my daughter has her dance class at 4:30 too so it's even more crazy. I'm working from home until 4pm. I'll be working remote from just my laptop at the dance studio until 5pm. Dance lets out at 5:15pm and volunteers have to be at the church at 5:30. Then kids are there from 6 to 8:30 and I'll get back home about 9pm. This week is going to be killer.

    I need to remember to allow myself an extra coffee before going tonight. Seriously. However, the kids do love my ever changing hats and glass.


    On Sunday I made a huge batch of taco fixings, rice, salad, homemade dressing, grilled chicken.... last night I realized my family had eaten every single thing I made except for a portion of the salad dressing. So.... I guess my plan to cook for the week in advance back fired. I'm still trying to figure out what we'll eat for the next 3 VBS nights. Go figure.

    Also, this morning I did the bi-weekly recipe blog post. This time I made Spaghetti Salad with protein pasta, light zesty italian and turkey pepperoni to lighten it all up. pamperedlinny.wixsite.com/coffee-required/post/healthier-spaghetti-salad

    Tag Party Time!
    @seltzer_lover Feel better!

    @The_Fat_Optimist Your salmon sounds good. I made enough food, I thought, to last through this week with being so busy except my husband and daughter ate more than I thought they would…. And I’m already out of stuff.

    @bojaantj3822 It sounds like you’re having fun and staying active all at the same time. I love it! For extra protein we sometimes use the Barilla protein plus pasta for spaghetti night and I use a lot of nonfat Greek yogurt in dips, marinades or just doctored up to eat.

    @Alatariel75 I love working from home but also miss the built in walking to and from the garage, going out at lunch time, etc. Now I have to be more mindful and plan to move instead of it just being part of my day. I’m jealous you can walk to the market… That sounds fabulous.

    @CupcakeCrusoe That rice looks amazing. I really need to consider getting those cook books.

    @JAC581 Every time I’ve moved in my life I backslide for at least a month. I think the stress, the inability to really cook when things are packed up, looking for the easy way because everything else is crazy, etc all adds up until things fall back into place. I think falling into that rut while moving is normal…. Maybe not encouraged but still normal.
    That’s exciting about the tubal! I know a lot of doctors still ask for husband approvals or argue about your age or verify you’ve already had kids. It’s so annoying. I’m so glad you found someone that can do it for you without the hassle!
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    @EmA_5512 - I really like thredup and it's easier to do returns than poshmark. It's helped me keep the cost of clothes down as I move through sizes, but is also letting me find the pieces of clothing that were my "confidence comfort" clothes (aka: they actually make me feel good when I felt terrible about how I look) in smaller sizes so I don't need to give them up despite not being available in stores anymore. It's like a weird clothes hunting game I'm oddly obsessed with, and I find it satisfying when I win. I honestly think the hunt is going to land me in therapy one day - like the one dress that got away that I'll never get over - but for now it's working. LOL
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @pamperedlinny love the hats and glasses!!!!!!! so fun!!
    @CupcakeCrusoe yeah, so I am going to need to come over and "inspect" your delicious garden! I just have onions, parsley, mint, pear trees, goji berries and blue berries to come next year. I have a super tiny tiny tiny yard.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I am very happy with myself today. No clue what I weigh and my measurements haven't moved down but my workout was fantastic, my lift got stronger, I now feel no discomfort whatsoever at training without a shirt and some more blind purchases fit!
    Legging shorts for the gym in a medium that are the slightest bit too tight in the leg and the slightest bit too loose in the waist and the beige version of a pair of nice work trousers that I already own in a size down from the black ones I have. I was expecting these to fit in a few months but they fit now! They're a size EU44/UK16/US12. Make it make sense! They certainly shouldn't fit based on my measurements (39 inch/100cm waist and 48 inch/122cm hips) but who cares.

    To add to the earlier discussion about sizes: I look at the sizing charts and substract 10cm/4ish inches from my measurements and buy those if they fit loosely/are stretchy. If it's an unflexible fabric like some denim, I go one size down from whatever the chart says. If it's sportsleggings, all bets are off and the cheapest option is to buy the leggings with a tie waist. With bras, I pretend my waist is 3cm smaller than it is and use the chart with those numbers. Only underwear and winter coats are true to size for me. Even shoes are a problem as I have high arches (the biggest issue), wide feet (2nd biggest issue) and long feet (3rd biggest issue). Most size EU43/UK9 fit, the UK size being the more reliable one, but that's still pretty hard to come by in women's shoes. I think my shoes said US size 11 but I'm not 100% sure on that.

    @CupcakeCrusoe thanks for the recipe and the tips! It looks tasty so I'll try to make time for some baking. I live alone so it'll have to be planned close to visits from friends and family.