Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    I managed to stay on plan yesterday, but it was difficult. I started out good in the morning and then something derailed me. I am not sure what flipped the switch from feeling good and ready to go to not wanting to do anything. So I need to really work at it again today.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252

    Tag Party:

    @EmA_5512 – Welcome and Congrats on starting back on the journey. A mile walk is a great start.

    @bojaantje3822 – good luck on your job talk today! I hate late Friday invites for Monday!
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @EmA_5512 Hi, welcome! You sound like you know what you're doing, so I'm happy you're here to share with us. I do want to push back on hating yourself for gaining weight. Your body did what bodies do- it stored up energy. Your life got busy and changed a lot, and weight maintenance wasn't your first priority. That's not a moral failing.

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to put in habits that are easy for you to maintain, that fit into your life, so that when life gets crazy, your habits still support a smaller you. So not only can you lose the weight, you can keep it off. Maintenance is the hard part, which is why I'm so gung-ho about making sure the way you lose is the way you want to live after you're done losing, if that makes sense.

    Anyway! Sorry for that, I know you've been on this rodeo before, you don't need my speechifying, welcome!

    I know you're right about this and I appreciate the response. There is the benefit to having done this before, so I do know what I need to do.

    I really had a great balance going for a long time. I fully believe in moderation and thought I had it all under control. Then, I just went off the rails. Like, WAY off the rails. Like, eating entire bags of chips and buying two candy bars and the gas stations, because who needs just one - kind of off the rails. Now that I'm looking back at it, I'm struggling to figure out where my head was.

    Yesterday was a good day. I know I need to get myself into a steady routine with things before school starts back. I'm hoping three weeks will give my time to get my head back in the game before things get crazy.

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I think I saw 124kg on the scale today. I'll be at my mum's this weekend after not exercising thursday and friday so I'm hoping that'll show the same thing. The scale's lines are so light it's hard to see but it sure looked like it was a whole line above the 125kg one.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited July 2022
    My waist to height ratio is under 0.49! Normal range, baby!

    Hey Kenzie! So I had only been doing my BMI previous to this (which I will be considered overweight until I am 141 lbs). But according to the height weight thing, it said "Your Height to Waist ratio is:
    0.42 You are below the 0.5 limit" This is all new to me. What is it? Does this mean I am already normal BMI?

    Also, re your roommate, I agree with @pamperedlinny. I would have taken the offer of clothes as well, and as a person who has also struggled with medical issues, and who it takes longer to lose weight (and I feel like every time I turn around I am on maintenance again due to medical issues) I know the feels. I definitely had to be okay with the really, really, really long road. So if you are encouraging, and helping her be patient, she will share her feels with you. Yeah, it is hard because it takes so much longer - but I used to constantly tell myself "It can't be helped" as in this is my situation and others have a different situation and that is okay. Taking longer to lose weight is a practice in patience as well as moderation/diligence. Just be there for her and be encouraging which I am sure you are!
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member

    My waist to height ratio is under 0.49! Normal range, baby!

    Hey Kenzie! So I had only been doing my BMI previous to this (which I will be considered overweight until I am 141 lbs). But according to the height weight thing, it said "Your Height to Waist ratio is:
    0.42 You are below the 0.5 limit" This is all new to me. What is it? Does this mean I am already normal BMI?

    So BMI and Waist to Height ratio (WHtr) are two different measurements when it comes to health risks related to obesity. They don't technically measure the same thing, making it completely possible to have a BMI over 25 and a WHtr under 0.5, since one is mass versus height and the other is circumference versus height.

    WHtr is considered a little more accurate when looking at health risks related to obesity because BMI fails to factor in higher levels of bone density and muscle mass common in athletes (eg, many pro football players have "obese" BMIs despite not being obese). It's also considered more accurate than trunk circumference on it's own (which the military has historically used) as one should expect a 6'5" man to be larger around than a 5'6" man.

    Long and short: you appear to be at a lower risk for health issues related to weight with your current WHtr, but there is nothing wrong with wanting a normal range BMI either.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    edited July 2022
    I weigh in on Mondays.

    Started 2/5/22
    SW: 288.8
    CW: 256.2 (-32.6)
    GW for July: 249

    6/27: 256.2
    7/4: 256.0 (-0.2)
    7/11: 253.8 (-2.2)

    Goals for July:

    🍎 Keep eating 4-5 fruits and veggie servings per day, at least 5 days a week
    🧘🏼‍♀️ Work up to 4-5 minutes at a time doing Leslie Sansone workouts by the end of the month if able to
    🏊‍♀️ Start water exercise when the pool opens up (we finally got a note it’s delayed- no duh 🤦🏼‍♀️)
    👩‍⚕️ Hopefully have the first physical exam with my primary doctor and schedule the second for August
    ⬇️ Lose 7 pounds if possible and enter the 240s, which means being able to sit in our balcony chairs weight limits (I’ll be happy with any loss though)

    Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve really been struggling mentally and with dealing with this stupid cough. Last night we had a guest preacher give the sermon and it was about God being faithful and it boosted me back up. However I walked in place while on hold for 13 minutes and ever since then I feel like I’ve been struck with a flu but not completely. Hard to explain. I’m trying not to let that ruin my better mood but it’s hard.

    Long story short, Friday my therapists office canceled my Wednesday therapy appt, first talk therapy appt with new therapist after 6 weeks of waiting for it. I was barely holding on before that. It triggered my worst panic attack to this date. Lasted an hour and a half and thankfully stopped because I was able to walk to my stepdads Apt in our complex. I made an appt with the so far not good fit counselor at my primary doctors office for the same time as my canceled appt. So we’ll see if it helps more than nothing.

    I do feel good about hitting 35 pounds lost and with sticking with everything despite my struggles.
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    @kenziestabes You've done a great job of summarizing this. Metrics beyond a number on a scale are helpful. It isn't a measurement I've ever tracked and think I will start. Thank you for the info.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    185.0 again today!

    I ended up giving blood yesterday, on top of going to the gym, lol. So that might have something to do with this weight, but I'm good with it. I made a really good greek salad yesterday, and I'm taking the veg parts with me to work with chicken today.

    Tonight, I think I'm going to make sloppy joes for the fam, and I will eat like a sloppy...chicken? On my low cal bread? I think that will be good.

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 Well done on seeing a lower weight, and also, your outfit sounds like it looked absolutely great. So sharp. I hope your interview went well.

    @karilbrandt One day at a time is all it takes!

    @kenziestabes nice on the waist to height ratio! About your roommate, I agree with everyone. As far as celebrating your successes, though, idk, I'm really bad at these things. If it were me, I would avoid celebrating-celebrating, and I would just stay quiet, lol, and that sucks, and I don't want that for you, so I think maybe you could talk to your roommate about her feelings about how things are going, if weight loss comes up in conversation?

    @bonniemcc4 I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time, and that your therapist cancelled on you. Mojo that the one that's not as good a fit helps you.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning!

    I went for my labs this morning and we'll see how all that goes. Fingers crossed everything still comes back good when I see the doctor next week.

    My daughter has dance class this afternoon and VBS again tonight BUT I get to have dinner with a friend while she's at VBS tonight so YAY!!!!

    I also promised my daughter we would eat, goof around on my work breaks and have a more fun day so I'm not going to log everything today. I really want to be sure she knows how to be healthy but I also really want her to know that balance and having some days to just let go are also good. It doesn't work so well with the fact I slipped up the other day but sometimes that is just how life goes.

    Thank you everyone in this thread for always being supportive and giving advice when it's asked for. Seriously. It makes a huge difference.

    Last night I altered my pressure cooker ziti recipe and I think it's going to make it onto the recipe blog pretty soon. It was really tasty and even more filling than the original. I love when a recipe idea or alteration works out the way I hope and isn't a complete disaster.

    @bonniemcc4 My daughter has anxiety and panic attacks. I’m so sorry to hear that triggered an attack. I sincerely hope the counselor at your primary care office at least helps a bit.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Greek Salad sounds so good. Maybe I should make a big salad later this week. My husband actually puts his sloppy joe on top of a green salad and eats it that way. Actually, he adds mayo to a single piece of bread, breaks it up over top of the sloppy joe & green salad like croutons then tops the whole thing with a bit of A1 steak sauce. It's a bit odd but he enjoys it.

  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I missed weighing-in last week due to the holiday and then spent this past weekend on the West Coast. Just got back last evening and promptly slept for 11 hours. Was able to get in one OTF workout near the hotel, plus did LOADS of walking - sightseeing, around the convention area, etc. While I wasn't entirely careful of what I ate, I made sure to hydrate consistently and pay attention to hunger cues.

    I even won second place in the convention's step challenge! Got a really nice swag bag.

    Getting back into the swing of things today and dealing with my tragic inbox at work.

    Weigh-in Day: Mondays
    SW (7/2021): 300
    6/27: 236.8
    7/4: missed
    7/12: 234.4

    July GW: 228 - 232

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    My meeting did not go the way I wanted it to but I still am getting €400 more (pre-taxes) per month from september onwards and it's gonna go up by another €200 pre-taxes from march onward. Not too bad but it was the least they could do legally so it still sucks that there was no room for negotiation. But maybe I'll just work exactly as hard as they pay me to do. I could try to be petty like that.

    The scale showed 126kg again after my workout. Makes sense because my muscles ACHE from yesterday's box dips, it's like before yesterday I'd never exercised my shoulders. It's crazy.

    My body is looking amazing though. My calves are showing visible movement again when I walk, which they didn't before I lost this weight. My quads are becoming more pronounced too, my arms look amazing, my back fat is so much less than it used to be, my glutes feel stronger and smoother to the touch, my ankles look bony but in a pretty way and my breasts remained the same size. My arms also remained the same size still but I had to have done some recomp there, there's no way this is the same amount of muscle and fat as before.

    We did a warmup of about 15 minutes before our workout started and 2 minutes into the workout I took off my top because it was so hot and I was sweating so much. I was also wearing legging shorts (that are new but apparently slightly too big to workout in despite being a size 44-46/large when I normally wear a 46-48 in clothes and 44 in most sportsleggings (though 42 or even 38-40 in others) so I did most of the workout in my sportsbra and legging shorts. And I didn't feel self-conscious at all. I'm glad they matched though 😂 By the end of it the sports bra was no longer a light gray but a very dark gray and my light blue leggings were completely soaked at my butt but I felt good. It's weird to feel this good about my body. I am comfortable at 124kg, I used to maintain at 120kg for a year or two a few years back and I'm that size again based on my measurements and clothes but I think the strength and muscle definition really made a big difference.

    Earlier I had to go to work and I wore a super cute loose skirt (orange, brown, blue, white) that came down below my knees with an abstract print and a gorgeous black t-shirt and brown vans and my sportsbra underneath because none of my regular bras were available. And I felt beautiful. Anyway, while waiting on the bus to work, some teenagers across the street (or at least they looked like they were in their late teens) catcalled me ("hé jij, je bent echt lekker!") and made sure I knew it was directed at me but I didn't hate it as much as I usually would. I wondered if I was so attention-deprived I was grateful but I think it's mostly because it was so unthreatening. They were across the street, they were teenagers, they laughed and cycled on when the light turned green (but they were cycling on the wrong side of the street for the direction they were heading...) and they said exactly what I was thinking about myself. I think when I let go of feeling hurt when randos call me a fat whale or ugly or whatever, I also let go of feeling anything when randos catcall me, at least when they move on and don't linger and I don't feel threatened. So while I tried not to, they actually made me laugh because they said out loud what we were all thinking: I was looking hella fine.

    My experiment is falling apart kind of. I stopped using the electrolyte tablets for a bit and felt fine at night but then yesterday I sweat a lot, it was hot, I exercised hard and I had stomach issues so I needed to make sure I wasn't dehydrated so I had the electrolyte tablet but imnediately after followed it up with a red bull. This is unusual for me but desperate times. I will resume the experiment again eventually and I didn't have a tablet today (despite it being hot and me exercising hard and sweating a whole lot) because I salted all my food really well, though I did als9 have a red bull today because I didn't have time to eat before training and I was really hot and thirsty so I thought it was a good idea (and it felt good but I don't want to make it a habit).

    Too tired to figure out who I should reply to and I am in desperate need of a shower so I'll leave it at this.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    184.4 today! We're out of the 185's! I first saw 185 almost exactly a month ago, so very excited about this.

    I'm ready for my day, weighed out my chicken and tabbouleh for lunch and my chorizo and egg whites for breakfast, with a white chocolate raspberry quest bar and a pink lady apple for snacks. Dinner tonight... Hm. I honestly don't know, could go a couple different ways. We'll see what I have left in the fridge that needs used up by then (my husband eats leftovers for lunch often when he's teleworking).

    I'm starting to gear up for our trip to Disney in September. My stepmother in law is a member of the Disney cruise club or whatever, so she's using up some accumulated points for us to stay on site in one of the Disney properties, which is going to be soooo nice.

    She asked us to add to a communal grocery list and plan to make one dinner for everyone, so I added my egg whites, lol, and some things for the kids and Whatsisface, and we're going to make the tik tok sandwiches for dinner one night, so that the kids can make their own sandwich how they want.

    I've got so many things I need and want to do for this trip, and it hasn't hit me until just now, lol. I have bought some cheap water bottles for everyone, and made vinyl stickers to commemorate our trip (mickey ears with a space background saying "may the force be with you Disney 2022"). I intend on crocheting over the shoulder water bottle holsters so each kid can "carry" their own water bottle, and I'm bringing some scrapbook supplies and little journals for the kids to glue polaroids into and write, and use stickers, etc.

    And there are the costumes for the kids to sort out! And the bento boxes! (Going to bento rather than buy food in the parks, so I need to add just some things to the grocery list that would be easy to bento) And and and....


    So anyway, I've got that going for me, entirely too extra about everything, lol.

    Tag party time!
    @kenziestabes this is so wonderful. Well done, you.

    @pamperedlinny friend time is the best time! And your plan with your kid sounds like fun, too.

    @seltzer_lover ooh, a step challenge! This is the kind of convention I like. Sounds like you did a great job on the go.

    @bojaantje3822 your outfit again sounds really cute! I highly recommend not working harder than you have to, if a company isn't going out of their way for you. And I'm glad you feel hot. You should.

    @JAC581 surviving covid is it's own challenge this month, and I'm glad you're taking it in stride. Also glad to hear you're feeling better.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I was forced to go to the gymnastics workout instead of the regular one by my schedule today. They typically focus on pull ups, handstands, handstand walks, handstand push ups, double unders and core strength. I can't do any of those things but everything is scaleable and I had a really good time! Luckily, the coach mentioned that they were reorganising the class schedule as of next week and will be adding evening gymnastics classes so this will be something I can do regularly. I'm looking forward to it!

    Also the scale showed 125kg again. If I ate what I thought I ate, my real weight should be around 123,5kg but I'm still sore and about to be more sore so idk what'll happen with that. My sister's place does have a scale so I can check regularly. We'll see. I am bringing a single pair of leggings and one sportsbra because I know how little motivation I have for solo exercise.

    And my friendship with one of the gym people is solidifying. I was one of the first people she met when she joined and now she told me to let her know when I have time so we can do some exercise together outside of the gym and I told her if she wanted to go out to eat sometime that'd be cool too, if we can find a day when I'm not at the gym 😂 so adult friendship is forming. She's a teacher so she's already off work for the summer. It should be fun!

    @CupcakeCrusoe congrats on the loss! So happy that it's finally showing on the scale for you!
    And thanks for the wise words about work, you're so right.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning!

    My lab results came back and nothing was surprising. My A1C was elevated at 6.1% so I know I'll have a fight with the doctor come next week. My fasting blood sugar was 115 but I'm never under 100 and keep an average of between 110 to 115 so this wasn't surprising either. All my other results are exactly in a normal healthy range.

    I found out there is one other doctor office nearby so I am going to try calling there today or tomorrow and see if I can get in there instead of going to my current doctor for blood pressure medication and not wait until October to see the other one. However, I told my friend I went out with last night how I felt like I was girding for battle with going to the doctor and she asked who I saw. Apparently, this is the same doctor she had and she hated her so much that she stopped seeing a doctor for a year. It definitely is not just me. I don't know if that makes it better or worse.

    I'm missing the gym and haven't been exercising since I've had stuff going on the last 2 days. I think when I get off work today I need to turn on one of my workout videos or hit my elliptical for a while. Not moving much for 48 hours when I have been hitting my Zumba classes 3 or 4 times a week and doing at home work outs in addition feels wrong.... and isn't that a great thing though! I actually want to get in a workout.

    Tag Party
    @seltzer_lover Second place!!!! That’s fabulous.

    @bojaantje3822 Adult friendships are so hard to form. This sounds so great!!!!

    @JAC581 It took me 3 weeks after Covid to have energy. Just concentrate on feeling better.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Disney should be a lot of fun! You sound way more organized and prepared than I would be already.

  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello 👋, I’m GB. I have been struggling with weight loss for last few years but I never give up! 💪🏻
    I’m 30 years old and 5.5”.

    Highest weight: 204 ( early this year)
    Starting weight: 192

    Goal 1: 180 (obese to overweight)
    Goal 2: 150 (overweight to healthy)
    Goal 3: 120 - 130 ( Target)

    🌟July Goals 🌟

    🚶‍♀️10,000 steps everyday
    🍴 Eat home cooked meals everyday
    🏋️‍♀️ Strength training 3-4 times a week
    🥉 Reach my goal 1

    07/04 - 188
    07/11 - 185.3 ( last I saw this number was pre Covid ) 🎉
    07/18 -
    07/25 -

    July weight loss : 6.7 lb
    Total weight loss: 18.7 lb
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    Last couple of days have been a little rough. Eating and logging is going well and I've stayed under my calories each day. I swear, my body always rebels when I change my diet/routine. I'm not necessarily eating all that differently, just eating less. But, my stomach is cranky and I feel off. Maybe from less sugar? Anxiety is also a possibility. I'm not really sure. Hopefully it'll sort itself out in the next day or two. My energy levels are really low.

    @bojaantje3822 The gymnastics class sounds like so much fun. Scary, but fun. Even in the best shape of my life, I'm not sure I would have been able to do a handstand. With enough squishy mats, it would be fun to try, though.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,327 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 248.8 (I got down to 247 last month) new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150
    July GW: get into the mid 240’s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    7/2: 248.8
    7/13: 248.6

    🌻 July GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and walk 6 days a week
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching)
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit

    I didn’t exercise last weekend while everyone was gone but I was a little more active with some extra cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping and I had a blood draw Monday. I also ate out on Friday after taking my youngest to the airport so between the 4th and that I was up a little. However my food was more on track after that one day and I am back down again. I am thinking of today as being a little bit of a restart. I walked a mile to an espresso bar for breakfast today and of course I had to walk back. I think I may do this once a week. So these weights are not new lows for me so I am looking to make some progress soon.

    I am struggling to meal plan with the new dietary restrictions. My youngest says don’t worry about them and just cook for my husband and me. However low salt is good for all of us. Less red meat is good too. No take out is really good for me. I think I will still do one lamb meal. Otherwise I want to cook at home, lower our salt and that means more vegetarian or pescatarian meals. I don’t like to eat too much fish since I don’t want to get too much mercury - maybe 1 wild caught fish (salmon) each week and some shell fish once in a while.

    However my youngest won’t be walking with me as much since they feel they need to get more robust exercise than that 5 days a week. I tend to walk a longer time with them. We decided not to take the Y off hold since we no longer qualify for the family rate including them and the pool looked really crowded for me doing aquafit but then it is summer and it was family swim. My youngest can use their office gym on the days they go in but need to figure out the other 3 days. They were taking ice skating and dance lessons until they got COVID and had to miss a couple of weeks. At least they can afford a gym membership now.

    @goal06082021 I love my Brooks. They fit my feet best and I am from Seattle. My last pair I got at the beginning of the pandemic and they are going strong. Yay! Love that update that you are back down.
    @bojaantje3822 thanks for the recipe. My youngest just got a soy sauce substitute.
    @karibrandt I can relate to staying at 251. I was there and now I am stuck at 250-247 range. Want to get to those mid 240’s.

    @justanotherloser007 I think I mostly used this recipe. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/spanakopita/ After I made it my youngest and I realized that feta is high in sodium although ricotta isn’t. However we are getting better at her new dietary needs. We tried to go to our favorite Greek place but they are still not doing dine in which I sort of am not doing and they no longer had Avgolemono soup on the menu :/ . We love it! We left.

    @EmA_5512 we are nice and supportive. I weigh daily too. I have too because I vary so much. You are making a good start back.
    @CupcakeCrusoe I have gave blood too but it was for iron overload. I didn’t exercise that day though. Yay a new low too.
    @kenziestabes nice NSV having your waist height ration in the normal range. I haven’t even considered that. It’s hard when you are losing with someone else. You need to always stay away from comparisons. They are killers. It doesn’t really matter what you are talking about. Both of you just need to measure success by your own situations. It will be harder for her. I think it is great that you can borrow clothes. Just be supportive and what really helps me is when someone will exercise with me. Or helps me eat healthily. Nice progress for this anniversary! Thanks for listing the accomplishments. It is inspiring.

    @pamperedlinny glad you had your woosh. Hope you find a doctor you like.
    @bonniemcc4 great job reaching that milestone. Sorry about the challenge getting a new therapist.
    @seltser_lover good job keeping making progress despite going to a convention.
    @JAC581 glad you tested negative and are feeling better
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @KeriA Thank you for the recipe! I am slightly allergic to whey, and I have problems with low salt (which I think I finally have under control since I stopped passing out due to low blood pressure problems? Salt is generally yucky to me lols) So I am really happy to have this recipe which I will make so that it won't make the hives worse. I can bump up some awesome veggies and use tofu as fake cheese, should be fine. I cannot wait!!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Yesterday I tried a whey protein shake for the first time and it was even more disgusting than I expected. I'm a picky eater but I don't know how people can stomach that stuff at all. It was from body & fit, something choco coco bounty or something? Gross. I had two sips and couldn't continue. At least I didn't pay for it.

    A high-proteine dish I do like is a lentil salad. I take a big can of lentils, rinse them, put them in a bowl. Chop up 1 or 2 apples and 1 or 2 red onions, add those. Add a can of mackerel in oil, including some of the oil. Then a dash of vinegar and a big tablespoon of mustard. Stir it all together. Super tasty.

    The scale at my sister's says 127kg and will not budge but that's okay because when I was here late May it wouldn't budge from the mid-129s so it's a clear drop, though it's not the 124kg I wanted to see.

    Her bedroom was a sauna last night so I couldn't fall asleep and woke up around 5.40am, when it was finally cool but super light out so I couldn't go back to sleep. My muscles are sore from exercise and I'm extremely sleepy. Idk how productive I'll be at work today. But I like taking care of her cat so I'm happy to be here.