Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I missed weighing on 7/1 and 192 was sometime in June which was the last record I had. But yup, this is the first time in a long time I have been consistent for more than 2 weeks with water, workout and food! I’m guessing it won’t be this smooth sailing in dropping pounds after my body adjusts to the new routine. But, for now, il take it💪🏻
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,143 Member
    edited July 2022
    So much for all my moving 10+k steps a day etc etc - the spicy cough has got me. All it took was 2 weeks back in the office and I'm down. Not too terrible at the moment, but it's early days. I'm now in 7 days isolation, I will try and move as much as possible, but the headache and cough aren't going to make working out an option... sigh.

    On the bright side I dropped a whopping 2.3kg (5lbs) since last weigh in. I know so much of it has to do with a water weight loss from starting to move so much more and my sore muscles retaining last week.

    Here's hoping sickness doesn't completely derail me. We have plenty of food but Hubster doesn't cook and if I get to the point of feeling awful, it might be takeaway for days. Lucky I made a big pot of soup the other day, and have some stuff in the freezer like a few serves of chicken soup, and some bolognaise. I have no doubt we will survive the isolation period, I just don't want to end it with some more pounds as friends.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    I now feel no discomfort whatsoever at training without a shirt

    How exactly does that work?
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I now feel no discomfort whatsoever at training without a shirt

    How exactly does that work?

    Well yesterday it was very hot outside (37C) so I wore legging shorts, a sports bra and a sleeveless top. There are multiple fans at the gym but 5 min into the workout post-warming up my face was extremely red and hot and I wasn't cooling down enough despite sweating a whole lot so I took off my shirt and got instant relief. There were 9 other people there, including the coach and two spectators who'd already exercised and were now eating. Overall I got one look over my body like d*** girl but no one batted an eye.

    This was the 3rd time I exercised without a shirt at this gym. The first time was during the Murph workout, which is very long (close to an hour without counting the warmup and cooldown) so I just went in with long leggings and a sportsbra. I felt extremely self-comscious and I thought one or two people looked a bit too much for my liking but after 50 ring rows and some push ups I stopped caring because all my attention was necessary to do the workout.

    The second time was during another olympic weightlifting class like yesterday, a few weeks ago. Again I got hot, though not as hot as yesterday, and was already wearing shorts so I just did it. Back then there were maybe 6 of us, including 2 coaches so it was fewer people to worry about. And then afterwards I walked the 100m to my home without putting my shirt back on and still didn't get any looks or comments so any anxiety I felt just went away.

    All this led up to full confidence yesterday. I know you can see a big upper belly and fat and muscled arms on me whereas when other women do it you see muscled perfection but that doesn't really register when you're doing a cool workout or lifting something very heavy. It's about creating the best conditions for your workout and I decided not overheating was more important than not showing a lot of skin and so once I embraced it and got good results, I got used to doing it and now the 3rd time it felt okay.

    Assuming that's what you asked?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    184.6 this morning, can't stay in the 183's forever, that's just fine.

    Playing video games yesterday was good, I ended up taking most of the day off work because I was EXTREMELY itchy yesterday, AND I had a folliculitis flare. Probably because we moved furniture around, and kicked up all that dust in the room where we slept, and because it's so hot. :neutral: So I bought like three different kinds of soap and used 'em all, haha, and this morning seems fine so far. The folliculitis faded some already.

    Made sloppy joes yesterday to use up some tomatoes that were getting soft spots, and that was pretty good.

    Tonight... I have no idea again. Maybe pasta salad, I'm really not feeling turning on the oven. We'll see. I have time today I won't have tomorrow, because tomorrow is Hell on Heels and Poles 1.

    Tag party time!
    @JAC581 I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time, moving is so hectic and hard. Whatever's going to get you through it is what you should do, but if feeling "out of control" is bothering you, you could always challenge yourself to make the best of a bad circumstance, like finding a healthy option for takeout, or turning the bag of chips into a bag of popcorn (more fiber!). Up to you, like I said, survival comes first. Also, I'm very happy for you that you can get the TL done with (relative) ease.

    @pamperedlinny your day sounds WILD, and I'm sorry you have to do all that (working while waiting on daughter's dance, minutes before you have to teach VBS?? UGH).

    @mshawski I have an on again/off again relationship with mercari, which is similar, but not the same.

    @justanotherloser007 in another month or two, we're going to have Figpocolypse, so come on down, haha.

    @bojaantje3822 oooh, look at you in size 12! You go! I also found it very freeing to exercise in just my sports bra. I'm very lucky to have found the gym I did, where most people exercise shirtless (at least for poles, haha), and there's no focus on weight or looks, or even calories, at this gym.

    @gbj4120 ok, phew, I was a liiiitle concerned if you'd started the month at 192. :sweat_smile:

    @alatariel75 I'm sorry to hear the spicy cough has got you! Take it very easy, and I'm glad you have lots of soup-hydration is important.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @bojaantje3822 I never really considered that wearing a sports bra was shirtless! It has been 110F (43C+) here since June 1st, and it is very common to see ladies running around in sports bras. We are in what is called third summer, August is always the hottest month. From here on out, every time I see someone in a sports bra in my mind I will call them "shirtless" this will be totally fun!!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member

    My weight us up to 125,2kg today, which is nice because the highs are getting lower too. I put 123kg as my weight for the competition and normally they allow for 2kg variation in either direction but I know for this one they won't make us weigh in ánd if they did I'm the only woman participating in my weight class anyway 😂 we have 3 women who are roughly my size at the gym, though I cannot tell at all what the difference is because one always wears huge hoodies so you can't see her shape at all so I have to go off her height and legs and one who has hardly any belly but a huge butt and the thiccest thighs so idk how that compares to my big belly and big thighs and lack of butt but that's irrelevant because they're not participating and also because comparison is just a bad idea. But it does mean that I don't know what size shirt I wear and I do need to tell them that or let them guess.

    At the gym, I did the gymnastics homework and had some time left so I did a clean and jerk routine. I've never done them without a coach watching me closely but today the coach was in the peripherals while I did it. My technique could be better but I did succeed at a new heaviest attempt! So I'm super happy. The best parts are that it wasn't that heavy so I
    could try more in the (near?) future and I didn't hurt my back.

    @CupcakeCrusoe that sounds fantastic, I'm so happy you found such a great place! One of our coaches is specialised in nutrition for crossfit athletes on top of the exercise stuff so we have someone to approach about calories and nutrition if we want but it's not pushed on us. It did come up in conversation with her once that I was losing weight kind of as a side effect and all she wanted was to make sure I wasn't undereating so I told her (truthfully) that I aimed for 2500cals and she was satisfied and that was that. I only ever had one "omg you're so flexible!!!" from the pilates coach but she has since chilled out too so I no longer dread seeing her.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,143 Member
    edited July 2022
    @seltzer_lover and @Ineedtolose50lbs You have AAALLLL my sympathy, I'm only on day 2 and feel like death warmed up. Throat feels like a war zone, and the headache... ugh.

    It does seem to have trashed my appetite (unheard of for me) so I had to force myself to eat yesterday. While trying not to just give up while I'm sick and eat terribly, I'm thinking smaller amounts of high calorie foods wouldn't be too bad a thing - Hubster hit the supermarket yesterday and brought home some pre-made ravioli which I usually avoid because it's 500 cals for a small serve before sauce and cheese, but now a small serve of pasta in a basic napoli sauce might be just what I need.

    Exercise is definitely out the window, showering is hard and walking up the stairs feels like climbing a mountain.

    I do have a goal now, though. I have been using Libra to track the trajectory of my losses, and my first goal is to hit 107kg -putting me in the obese class 2 category. Not print a time frame on it yet, but it will be my first victory.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    107kg is an important milestone for me too! It's the switch to cat 1 obesity. I think it would be nice to reach it in the next 8 or 9 months. It's currently 16,5kg away. But first I'd like to move to the 2nd category of obesity, which is only a kg away at 122,5kg! So that should be doable before September.

    I decided to actually use my brain today and not do two workouts in a row tonight. I'm skipping the regular workout and only doing pilates. My muscles will thank me.

    I also think I figured out the issue with the electrolyte tablets. I was dissolving them into a glass of water, about 350ml, when you're supposed to dissolve them in a bottle of water, 500ml. They taste like water with a ghost of lemon at 500ml, kinda gross, but no longer make me feel bad. They were actually pretty good dissolved with less water but I'll take it.

    I got a bunch of new sportsleggings again and some fit perfectly with a hint of looseness around the waist and one or two were too small to put on but that just means I'll have something to wear once I shrink out of some of those currently in use. Very nice! I think my thigh measured a little less than before but I'm questioning if I held the tape measure in the same spot. Ugh.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    184.8 this morning, makes sense considering I ate some salty pizza last night and probably didn't drink enough. I was also a little higher on my calories, but under maintenance. Just one of those days. Whatsisface and I were both too tired and hungry to think about food much, and too hot to turn on the oven, so pizza it was.

    Tonight is Hell on Heels, a cardio workout with a pole, and Poles 1 with my friend, I'm excited about it. Dinner will be leftovers- we have plenty for everyone to get something- little fried rice, little sloppy joes, a little pizza.

    It's so hot out already, I don't want to do anything. At all. But I'm looking forward to poles tonight, it's been a while since I've just let myself spin around a pole (last Saturday at the workshop, I wasn't feeling great, so it sucked some of the fun out of it). I did get a folding chair yesterday, so I can practice and condition for chair routines at home now. :wink: On my way toward a pole room, sometimes I let myself imagine where in my house it would be.

    Making progress on the water bottle slings for Disney, finished the first last night and cast on the second. I need to make 12 of them before middle of September, so gotta get going.

    Tag party time!
    @seltzer_lover sending all my get better mojo!

    @bojaantje3822 I love how you get gymnastics homework, and I love how there's a coach nearby while you're practicing. It's not my experience wth weightlifting that that's really a thing, and it's so cool.

    I'm glad you solved the mystery of the electrolytes tablets!

    @Ineedtolose50lbs welcome! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well! I'm also sending YOU all my get better mojo!

    @alatariel75 I am also sending YOU all my get better mojo! Making sure you're eating efficiently when everything is hard is important, so I'm glad you have a plan. And I hope you can shower as often as you like, it always makes me feel better, even just a little- I love putting some eucalyptus oil in the bottom of my shower when my chest is congested, the steam feels nicer. You just have to be careful to put it somewhere you won't slip on it. :lol:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • cosmiccurves
    cosmiccurves Posts: 356 Member
    edited July 2022
    I am sending lots of happy, fuzzy thoughts to everyone who is dealing with illnesses right now, and hoping recovery is smooth and quick! :heart:

    It has been a hectic couple of weeks for us, as this part of the summer gets really, really busy for us. Overall between moving homes and keeping our boys active and doing their reading programs and fun science activities throughout the summer, with family visiting for the first time since the start of the pandemic, it has been super busy! Despite the busy-ness, I've done really well for the past 30 days making sure to log everything so I am going to keep up that momentum!

    We are taking our little family vacation next, and we are so excited since we will be seeing other family that we have not seen since the end of 2019 before the global pandemic began wreaking havoc. I am not going to use it as an excuse not to log, and if I have some days where I go over a little on my calories I will not beat myself up. I just have to be consistent, log everything, and make the healthiest choices I can while we are there without being obsessive about it.

    Finally getting some storms today to break up this heat wave, and I'm happy because we are only 44 days from our college football kick off! My husband and I are MASSIVE college football fans (Texas and Alabama, represent!!) and aside from the weather that fall brings, we are so ready for our fall Saturdays again too!

  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    edited July 2022
    I just cannot figure out how to share pictures here from my phone app so instead I made an instagram account specifically to share pictures with this group. My username there is the same as my username here so if you're curious or wanna connect, I'm open to it.

    I had fun with a photo editing app making everything other than myself grainy so I wouldn't doxx myself.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    It appears I have strained both of my quads which means no running, squats, or other things that can strain them further. Which also means no softball tomorrow.

    oh no. I'm so sorry.

    *vibes to everyone sick or injured* I have been playing touch-me-touch-me-not with plantar fasciitis. I hate it when walking is what hurts! that's my go-to! But I'm managing. And I'm eating WAY better than I've been managing most of this year, so hoping to see a new low tomorrow for weigh in...
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,143 Member
    The headache seems to have eased up, but the cough, sore throat, lightheaded, deaf, no voice, and exhaustion is all still here. I'm only out of bed because I was getting sore from lying down. Hubster has it now, too.
    My gorgeous friend had Pho delivered to me yesterday, it was so amazing. Just what I needed. I find it hard to log, because there's so many variations, but I picked one on the higher side and just went with that. I'm sure I'll be retaining fluid because it's salty, but I needed and appreciated the salt and didn't weigh this morning anyway as I'd already drunk a heap of water and coffee before getting up.

    Yesterday was spent on the couch, and I don't see today being much different. I'm so annoyed, I was finally getting just a tiny bit of fitness back, and this is going to set me right back, I know.

    Solidarity to all the other sick and sore people!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    The scale was up to 126,5kg today. Possibly because I didn't get enough sleep and was stressed over a work deadline. I made it though.

    My workout was good. It felt pretty easy and we were done way fast so it feels more like an active rest day, which is good because of tomorrow's competition.

    It occurred to me that my cousin and her family haven't seen me since September. They were here last summer and then I was there in September when my dad died but we haven't seen each other since. Her mum is someone I don't get along with at all and when we were staying at their house her fatphobia came out in full swing.

    TW, I guess, and a bit TMI: my sister is in the 60-65kg range at 175cm (my height) without any form of exercise, just our mum's genes doing the work, whereas I was idk probably 135-140kg at the same height with at that point a year and a half of no exercise preceded by a fairly active lifestyle, with my dad's genes at work. While we were there, she was pushing SO MUCH FOOD onto my sister, even after she repeatedly said no but I only had to say no thanks once and she'd accept it. She even gave me a weight loss tea, which turned out to be a laxative, and never failed to mention weight loss tips. It did turn out okay because they fed us maybe 5gr of fiber a day so I was super constipated until she gave me that tea, and I thankfully got a light dose. Our personalities clashed a lot, she thinks I'm Satan's child and my mum raised me all wrong and heathenly and she just didn't have a good word to say about me. But my cousin, her daughter, visited us here, she's the younger generation (early to mid 40s) and she actually became mindful of not smoking indoors and around people who don't smoke and even suggested I might have a gf instead of a bf.

    Anyway, they're visiting, she has two kids who are possibly 11 and 15? And it should be fun but I do wonder what they'll comment now that I know what my aunt is like.

    @CupcakeCrusoe hell on heels sounds impossible, it's so cool you're doing it!

    Thanks! Lurkers are totally welcome! I never expected to look good in leggings but they're all so impossibly flattering, every time I take a pic of myself wearing new ones (to make sure they look okay and aren't see-through) I get a confidence boost.

    I'm getting a pair of Stronger leggings in the mail tonight so I'm super excited to see if they fit. I totally guessed my size but I'm hopeful.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting Weight: 246.9
    Current Weight: 189.9
    Goal Weight July: 185 188
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165-170
    Weigh in Day: Friday

    7/1: 189.9
    7/8: 190.3
    7/15: 190
    7/22: 188.3 (-1.7 pounds)

    1. Do something social once a week
    2. Walk every day
    3. Work out 3x a week
    4. Go to gym once a week
    5. Dedicated 30 minutes a day to hobbies
    6. Dedicated 15 minutes a day to cleaning something
    7. Take puppy on 15 minute walks on non dog daycare days
    8. Eat out 3x a week or less

    So, obviously with strained quads, a lot of my fitness related goals are on pause. And, because my puppy had a cough, I didn't get to take her to daycare. That said, I am on top of eating out less. Only ate out once this week!

    Got a new bed spread/duvet this week. Way too hot for a polyester comforter, so I got one of those cooling duvets and a light cotton duvet cover. We shall see if that helps.

    1 year photos coming either later today or tomorrow.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited July 2022
    48 yo 5’3” 6/2013 SW 277 ((in 2021 lost 57 lbs from May 1- Dec 31))
    July goal: keep some sort of deficit daily
    Ultimate Goal weight: 141 (normal BMI) No goal date, since I am struggling so hard with the prednisone

    1/1 172.2
    2/1 172.2
    3/1 165.8
    4/1 161.4
    5/1 156.8
    6/1 156.8
    7/1 153.0
    7/8 154.4
    7/15 152.6
    7/22 152.2

    🕊️Recuperate prednisone/hives. If possible, continue fitness journey and always be thankful!.
    🕊️Be patient! Remember that increments are where it is at, and focus on habits.
    🕊️Remember: Total loss of over 125 lbs!! (finally made it to 125 instead of 120!)

    ((((Hugs)))) to all those sick, and dealing with injuries. The dairy free tofu spanikopita turned out well, and I have been struggling to get enough salt - it has been very hot here, and I have the A/C on 80 degrees but I have been painting/cleaning 4-7 hours every day. I keep trying to figure out how to get more salt! Stupid salt, my Mom used to make me gargle with salt water and I learned that salt is a ipecac (for me). I can tolerate it sometimes, but when it gets hot and I sweat a lot it seems ridiculous the amount I need. If I was on my cycle I would have to drink vegetable broth, as the lady Dr. already said I needed to do that before it got hot. When you have fibroids and really heavy bleeding you lose all your salt - so if you have this situation you too may have to drink broth. Esp if you keep losing consciousness during your cycle.

    Have a great weekend ladies!! I hope you all recover and make good and decent choices on a generally regular basis!
  • cosmiccurves
    cosmiccurves Posts: 356 Member
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 320 lbs
    Current Weight: 289 lbs
    Goal Weight July: 279 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 180-199 lbs
    Weigh in Day: Friday

    7/1: 290 lbs
    7/8: 293
    7/15: 290.6 lbs
    7/22: 289 lbs!

    My weight has certainly yo-yo'ed this month but I am happy to be out of the 290s!!! :star::smiley: We are heading off on our vacation soon and I am going to stay on track while also enjoying the sights and tastes, I've promised myself to log it all! I am definitely not hitting my original goal that I set for weight loss this month, however I am very proud of myself for pushing through this month and getting into the next decade! I do love the 80s! :wink:

  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    By the way, I wanted to thank the generous soul that told me about the nutritional yeast. I added it after the fact to a bite of the spanikopita (because I have tried lots of vegan cheeses all with horrible horrible tastes) it was wonderful!! Now I am dreaming of making some nutritional yeast mac n cheeze. I miss cheese the most. Seriously, some days I think the reason I was obese to begin with was due to my love of all the different cheeses (I mean besides the illnesses).
  • LisaLethal
    LisaLethal Posts: 37 Member
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 244 on 06/06/22
    UGW: 145

    July weigh ins:

    7/1: 233.5
    7/8: 231.9 (-1.6 lbs)
    7/15: 231.4 (-.5 lbs)
    7/22: 229.6 (-1.8 lbs)

    Not gonna lie- didn't make it to the gym a SINGLE time this week. Not proud, not ashamed. Not beating myself up about it. Instead, all but one day I made sure to walk 10k+ steps a day. Made sure my calories were lined up appropriately, and made sure to relax and have fun. Even went to the fair to the concert last night. Not hard for me to pass up on alcohol any more. Not worth the calories or potential hangover. Didn't remember to have a protein shake before going, so became famished- ordered a hot dog (only food available in concert area) took a bite, realized this isn't worth my calories and tossed. Hate wasting food, but I have to prioritize myself.. and I knew if I ate that... I would still eat something later in the night that would send me over my calorie goal. Going to be going to the fair two more times within the next week. Know I would like to splurge on some fair food at least one of those nights... so we will see what the scale says next Friday. Hopefully if I can keep my food dialed in on the other days/other meals for the day it won't blow it.

    I am not quite sure how to do the tag party, but I just wanted to say, I hope everyone feels better this week.
    I am so inspired reading everyone's journey. There are times when I'm tempted to say ah, screw it- and give in to temptation, but then I think about all of you, and how you guys are showing up for yourselves every day, and it encourages me to show up for myself as well. You gals are rockstars, and I am so grateful for this group.

    This week's goal:

    Go to the gym 3x. Get my butt there. Stay for only 10 minutes? Fine. Enjoy and stay for 90 minutes? Great. Just get back in the routine.
    Think of some more unique meals that my kids will eat as well. My daughter is picky, and I find that when she's home with me (half the week), I'm not eating as clean because I'm catering to her. Time to get creative and find ways for her to eat what I'm eating without the whine lol
    Weight wise: 228.9
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    So my order was a complete bust and I am very surprised because the only bad reviews this company has are because of their return policy. I haven't heard a single negative word about their products. Meanwhile I purchased 2 leggings and one sports bra. One pair of leggings was much too small (understandably so) and the waist part wouldn't go beyond my upper thighs but the quality was so bad (not understandable at all). It was flimsy material, didn't feel like my other leggings at all, the print didn't match the website and they just felt cheap. They were €40 on sale but they're worth maybe €10 because of their pretty colours.

    The other pair of leggings was a completely different colour from the pictures. It was a beige-y nude with hints of light brown and it just looked like I skinned a Kardashian and wore her skin over my legs. It was supposed to be a light, dusty pink shade. Not only that but they felt like nylon tights, the upper leg and hip part was too tight but despite that I had the waist already well above my belly button. Were these supposed to cover my chest too? Was this a jumpsuit masquerading as leggings? Also the size was one down from my usual legging size and 2 sizes down from what my measurements said so totally understandable that they were too small (by a cm or so) on the thighs and perfect around my lower legs but they were loose around my waist. Who were these made for? 7 foot apple shaped women? So confusing.

    Then the sports bra. It was the right colour (you can't mess up black) and I went with an XL, which according to their measurements is a 107cm chest, 91cm waist. But the waist part was huge, so loose it only just stuck to my skin. My waist is 100cm on a good day. Then the cups, there was so little space in there, I don't understand. My breasts were spilling over at the top. Sure, my chest is 114cm but why was this bra made for women who wear a size 100AAA? Do people like that exist? And if they do, do they need a sportsbra?

    Nothing about this experience seems like reality to me. Their stuff looks so pretty and everyone is so happy with their stuff. Why is my experience unlike everyone else's?????