when do you choose to eat?



  • Bobbiezilla
    Bobbiezilla Posts: 157 Member
    I think our family eats sort of on a schedule and sort of based on hunger. We generally have our meals at regular times, and if anyone or everyone's not as hungry then there's leftovers, if anyone's still hungry after their dinner portion, then they have a little dessert or snack later. (Leftovers make great snacks too!)

    I'm a stay at home mom for the summer, and for me I like making sure I have things planned for the regular meals to keep us sitting down together to eat and to keep me from feeling really hungry at odd times and more likely to eat what might be convenient, but not always the best choice. Once school, swimming lessons and sports start up again the schedule is going to be a real lifesaver :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Type 2 Diabetic and would like to say I eat when I am hungry but I am more structured than that.... 3 main meals a day and 3 snacks so pretty well planned out but its my method and has worked great so far.... All that being said I am a firm believer that meal frequency has no bearing what so ever... as long as you are hitting your caloric intake and nutrient needs is all that matters........ Best of Luck