Calorie Question + Looking for Accountability buddies!

Hello all!

I'm currently in month 3 of my weight loss/health journey and I have lost 21 lbs so far!

I was logging in food when I started to think about something: Am I suppose reach the calorie goal or be under it by a certain amount of calories?

In 2016 I lost a lot of weight by being severely under my calorie goal, because every time I would log in my food for the day, it would tell me: "Oh, you'll lose this much weight by this time if you ate x amount of calories" and the weight was a lot lower the less I ate, so that got me excited and I started eating a lot less because of that... Of course, it wasn't sustainable so I stopped and gained everything plus more.

So, I have learned from my mistake and I want to ensure that I am eating the amount I'm supposed to and not under eating!

Also, I think it would be cool if I had some accountability partners in this to talk about our ups and downs and all that jazz. haha

Let me know if you're interested.


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    If you got the calorie goal from MFP, and you told it you wanted to lose X lbs (or kilos) per week, then the calorie goal already accounts for that plan to lose weight. So you're supposed to be aiming to reach the calorie goal.
  • PikaChica_
    PikaChica_ Posts: 4 Member
    If you got the calorie goal from MFP, and you told it you wanted to lose X lbs (or kilos) per week, then the calorie goal already accounts for that plan to lose weight. So you're supposed to be aiming to reach the calorie goal.

    Okay, that's exactly what I wanted to verify!
    Thank You so much! :)
  • dreamn708
    dreamn708 Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to MFP. Since using it faithfully and logging everything honestly I have lost 10.8. I have not weighed in a few weeks but I too would not mind having someone to be accountable too. I have no support here at home. Many people around me make derogatory statements and comments and I have a really hard time staying on track. I was diagnosed with a nighttime eating disorder which was a lot of my problem and I now take medication for it but I have been doing a lot of reading on losing weight, exercise, water intake, mental health… just everything and how everything works together. When we work on our complete metabolic health and not just one piece we see more results. It’s making life changes yea but committing to the Life Changes after the goals have been met and not turning back to old habits that are so easy to do… I struggle so much… so if you would still like a buddy I’d like to take you up on that offer. Please send me a request. Best of luck on your journey!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited August 2022

    Ignore other people. I know it’s hard, but you’re in control of you mind heart and body. Don’t relinquish control to others.

    My experience, FWIW. CICO (calories in/ calories out) is the key thing when starting out. Focus on your calories.

    I did find that when I started counting calories, the very act cleaned up what I was eating and improved my nutrition. The macros kind of fell into place.

    Instead of stressing over macros daily, I hit that “weekly view” option occasionally, and happily find that, most weeks, my macros average where they need to be, even if they’re up and down on a daily basis.

    Sometimes the forest and the trees are really the cookie amongst the vegetables, if you understand me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    By definition, a "goal" is something to be achieved...your calorie "goal" is something to be achieved, not undershot.
  • 15822
    15822 Posts: 269 Member
    edited August 2022
    PikaChica_ wrote: »
    Hello all!
    "Oh, you'll lose this much weight by this time if you ate x amount of calories" and the weight was a lot lower the less I ate, so that got me excited and I started eating a lot less because of that...

    Ugh same! I wonder how many people that feature has derailed in the past. Especially if I've reported something like a 5 hour hike with a massive calorie deficit... if every day was like today I'd be dead.
  • StefMB88
    StefMB88 Posts: 13 Member
    21 pounds is amazing! Great job! I do know that little pop up can be a trigger for people that are recovering from ED's so I opt not to log my food anymore because of it. Sounds like you're killing it this time and doing something that is going to change your habits for good this time.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 906 Member
    As others have said - you should eat AT LEAST your calorie goal. It's a GOAL, not a limit. It's already set at a deficit from your maintenance level. =D
  • mssexyt1
    mssexyt1 Posts: 6 Member
    You are rocking it; I would love the accountability partners!!
  • suespratley
    suespratley Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2022
    I have used MyFitnessPal for several years. I eat clean… no added sugars, no white flour, etc. I have found measuring my food is a key for me. When I think I know how to eye-ball food, I over shoot the amount and start gaining. When throw caution to the wind I gain. I have found weight loss for some of us is allusive. I am 75, hypo-thyroid, very active weight-lifting, walk 3 plus mile a day, enjoy an active social life.
    If I hit my calorie goal daily I will not loose weight. I do not add my activity calories into my daily calories.
    I have many foodie people in my family so staying on track at get togethers is tricky. Of course none think I need to lose weight…after all I am old in some of their eyes… not mine. I have a lot of living in me to yet accomplish. We do what we want to do and we don’t do what we don’t want to do…. I speak kind positive words to myself. I see the scale as a number not a friend or foe. Steady is my course. To those who would like a accountability partner I am here.