EmOtiOnAl EaTiNg!



  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member


    What does QFT mean? I don't quite have all the lingo down.

    Quote for truth
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm guilty of this too, and I take full responsibility, but my parents were/are the worst emotional eaters.

    Lately I've been controlling it through several ways:

    - Before I go to eat a snack, I have to drink half a bottle of water. Sometimes it fills me up enough to take away the craving.
    - Portion size. I make sure whatever I eat is not over 100 calories. 100 calories is easy to fit into your daily intake. It's best if this is say, a fun size bar, and you log it immediately so you can see your daily calories drop!
    - If I wake up depressed, then it's hard to shake. Sometimes (ashamedly) I figure out my calories for the rest of the day so that we can have a 'naughty' dinner (say, fast food). If I know it's coming later in the day, then it's easier to control.
    - If I'm craving something sweet, sometimes a diet soda works. Sometimes it doesn't - haha.

    Good luck! It's not something that can necessarily go away, but some days you will successfully control it and will be super proud. That also helps get you through!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thank You everyone who was nice when commenting! I just wrote the title like that for fun, so stop being so mean and harsh about it. Wow.

    I see your mean and harsh and counter with: We were just having fun, lighten up.

    I like you.

    That is sooo my line.

    Besides, his beard and mine are dating.

    I might want in on that. I like beards.

    I'm good with it if he is.

    i Am So DoWn WiTh ThIs

  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Two books: Crave and Overcome Inertia

    Both are from a Christian perspective, but even if you're not religious the principles will help you identify what feelings you are feeding, become more aware of emotional eating, and overcome food addiction
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    This might sound flip, but it's sincere advice. Also, might not be the emotionally healthiest response, but it's working so far!

    If you are emotionally OVER-eating, you can emotionally under-eat (refrain from eating) too! When I am faced with "head hunger," I start (in my head) my reel of revenge fantasies ... being at goal weight and having the envy of the naysayers and the pleasure of walking into my daughter's graduation-to-be and seeing my ex and his entire family's jaw drop ... crossing paths with past dates who never called back ... that sort of thing.

    And even without the "revenge fantasy" theme, just imagine the goodness of being where you feel comfortable in your body and all the POSITIVE emotions that evokes and will evoke as you get closer. Emotions can work against you, but they can work for you too!

    It just depends on who's in control ... do you control your emotions or do they control you? I'm a control freak, so for me, I insist on the former ... :) Hope this helps some! XO Best of luck to you!