Who should I follow?

ehlexa Posts: 5 Member
edited September 2022 in Getting Started
I would like to follow someone’s diet/exercise plan on here who has lost 15lbs and keeps it off. I’m female, 5’5 and currently weigh 146lbs. I would like to go down to a 115-125 with nice tone and definition. Whatever weight that might be that looks great in a bikini. Please recommend someone for me!


  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    edited September 2022
    I don't know if I'm what you're looking for, but I'm a 5'3" female currently 138 lb, goal weight 125. By follow someone, are you looking for a product/subscription, or are you just looking for MFP friends with similar goals so you can peep their diaries and see what they eat? Feel free to friend me if you want. My "diet plan" can be summarized as
    Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants. And MOVE!
    I'm an omnivore/flexitarian, focused on nutrient density (lotsa fruit n veggies), with some junk food and/or chocolate here and there pretty much every day. I eat the way I want to eat for life. Current calorie goal 1800, and my average TDEE is about 1,900 now on average. But I lost most of my excess weight on 1600-1700 cals per day. I log every day. Might take a break and do more of an estimated log once I reach 132-135 lb. My goal is 130 by late Feb 2023 bc that's when my hubs and I are going on our first ever cruise!
    Edited to add: My highest/starting MFP weight is 205, just before I gave birth to my 2nd kid. But my highest pre-pregnancy weight was 170. So I've lost 32 lb, most of that slowly and consistently over the course of about 3 years.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    I don't think that is how this works. Even at the same body size, someone else's calorie needs, exercise preferences, tastes in food, etc., are going to be different from yours.

    IMO, you should be trying to work out a personalized plan for eating and activity (both exercise and daily life activity) that make it relatively easy for you as an individual to reach and stay at a healthy weight, plus fit according to your own wishes, long term . . . almost on autopilot. You have unique preferences, strengths and limitations. Your plan needs to fit those, not someone else's.

    I'm your height, 5'5", weight something in the upper 120s right now, lost from much higher than 146 pounds 6+ years back, and have stayed at a healthy weight since by using this kind of approach, which is more like a general method that allows personalization:


    No one way of going about this is going to work for every single human, so that's just one option to consider.

    P.S. I'm pretty fit, and maybe "toned" (never sure what that means - FWIW, that's me in my profile photo), but TBH I don't look that great in a bikini. I mean, probably OK for a 66 y/o woman, but I think not what you're going for. 🤣