Finding friends

Hi I’m new here I need friends to support and motivate me
I’ll do same


  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I just sent you a friend request
  • roscoesmama1029
    roscoesmama1029 Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to be friends but I don’t know how to send a friend request.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm also starting back training after a lay off - I've gotten soft & weak
  • zucely23je
    zucely23je Posts: 1 Member
    I just started this journey too and Looking for a friend to journey this new exciting path that sometimes I wanna say for get if.

    Keep going girl that last shirt that look to tight now looks good because it’s loose.

    Those moments I feel great not everyday. But it’s a hooray moment. Lol

    I’m here
  • ucbycindy
    ucbycindy Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to be your friend or anyone else on this journey. I am getting back into keto. Sadly I am a carb addict…when doing Leto or low carbs I feel so much better.

    Ps if u can share how to add friends I would be grateful 😊
  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    ucbycindy wrote: »
    Ps if u can share how to add friends I would be grateful 😊

    Click someone's user name, then click view profile. Then click MyFitnessPal profile, then you'll see an image of 3 stylized people, right of the mail icon. Click the people icon and then send the request that way.

    This is for app users, not computer users. I've seen that the format is different for both platforms and since I don't use a computer for MFP, I don't know how it varies.

    Anyway, feel free to add me! I'm always looking for friends to add on here! The bigger my community base, the more support I have and the less chance of failure or slipping I'll experience.
  • lfreeman910
    lfreeman910 Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hey everyone feel free to add me! I'm always looking for active friends!
  • supersayin78
    supersayin78 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me as well. Looking for encouragement and motivation.
  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    Going to try IF. Would like to Lose 30-50 lbs. Feel free to add me as friend for support and encouragement.
  • millieowens1993
    millieowens1993 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I’ve just now started back on here. Feel free to add me! Started keto about 3 weeks ago. I’ve lost 14 lbs since starting it. I can definitely tell it’s helped my Insulin Resistance.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,621 Member

    I am curious: how can you tell that your insulin resistance is improved?
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hello! I’ve just now started back on here. Feel free to add me! Started keto about 3 weeks ago. I’ve lost 14 lbs since starting it. I can definitely tell it’s helped my Insulin Resistance.

    14 Lbs in 3 weeks is a big weight loss - How many calories are you eating ? How many carbs?
  • SamanthaLM91
    SamanthaLM91 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi :)
    I just started back on this app, deleted me old account and made a new one. Fresh start for me 😄
    Feel free to add me. Last time I found having friends on here really helps, especially when your having a day or two with no motivation x
  • Paisley2713
    Paisley2713 Posts: 9 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. 😊
  • jbs116
    jbs116 Posts: 758 Member
    Happy to have anyone who wants to add me
  • AndyB1386
    AndyB1386 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone feel free to add me
  • GingerAndNutmeg
    GingerAndNutmeg Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I’m new here I need friends to support and motivate me
    I’ll do same

    hi! I've lost a little over 50 pounds and have a little less than 20 to go. I'm open to connecting for motivation- I find it helpful! I only have one fasting buddy and would like more. less than five friends know i do EF. my hubby doesn't even know! sometimes, it gets lonely on the fasting journey.

    I also don't know how to add ppl here?
  • foliographerdoha
    foliographerdoha Posts: 35 Member
    Please add.
  • Kristi_the_Wookiee
    Kristi_the_Wookiee Posts: 4 Member
    Also looking for motivational friends. Feel free to add me!