
Hey, I'm Karissa and I've got goals. I'm 30 and have been extra chunky all my life. My motto has been "I'm here for a good time, not a long time" (shoutout Drake). Ive recently realized thats a lazy excuse to avoid taking a really focused/difficult journey. My goal is 56-66 lbs. I just had a very beautiful baby girl in August and I want her to learn healthy habits unlike I had. I'm walking my way to that 56 lbs, which is complicated with a newborn. My equipment is limited. I have two 10lb dumbbells and my two feet. Today is day 3 of making my workout and dietary goals and I'm excited to just absolutely slay this.

What has been the most difficult challenge you've faced so far in your adventure?


  • iggy93
    iggy93 Posts: 90 Member
    Definitely diet. I'd say working out is the easy part if you have a good workout plan. But dieting definitely lol
  • lyns286
    lyns286 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Karissa, I’m Lyns, 36 and my little girl is almost 5 months, also have a 4 year old boy. I started in September and have 35lbs to lose, 13 down so far.
    It’s great you’ve had a mindset change, especially when you want to show your daughter good habits. Walking is a great way to exercise with a baby, you can walk for miles and they will sleep and as get bigger they will enjoy looking at everything around them.
    I have struggled on days when I’m sleep deprived and just want to snack or comfort food to get me through the day or don’t have the energy to exercise. Somedays fitting everything in, my son has school, clubs and play dates to go to, my daughter needs feed, changed down for a nap. I’ve had to make finding time for me a priority, even if its 9:30pm and I just want to sleep or watch TV! I have to keep telling me myself, if I don’t make the time, nothing it going to change.

    Good luck!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hey Karissa, just wanted to say congrats on the baby & best wishes!
  • Mycupcakke8me
    Mycupcakke8me Posts: 12 Member
    We have the same name :) your body is the best tool for working out ! No gear needed I just had a daughter 13 months ago ! Keep at it ❤️