Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 204



  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,191 Member

    πŸŽπŸ«‘πŸ₯—πŸ…πŸ«πŸ πŸ₯¬πŸ₯šπŸ₯¦πŸ

    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015) - 135
    2022 Goals β€” calories below maintenance, adjusted every 10 lbs; move more; eat mostly healthfully, no extremes. Be below 170 by the end of the year.

    πŸ“† History

    R172 12/27/21: end weight 180.2. Moving Ave 181.1 (-.2). Ave calories 1721.
    R173 1/06/22: end weight 177.8. Moving Ave 177.9 (-3.3). Ave calories 1376.
    R174 1/16/22: end weight 178. Moving Ave 178 (+.1). Ave calories 1469.
    R175 1/26/22: end weight 179. Moving Ave 178.4 (+.4). Ave calories 1580.
    R176 2/05/22: end weight 179.8. Moving Ave 179.7 (+1.3). Ave calories 1594.
    R177 2/15/22: end weight 178.4. Moving Ave 178.3 (-1.4). Ave calories 1473.
    R178 2/25/22: end weight 178.8. Moving Ave 178.8 (+.5). Ave calories 1714.
    R179 3/07/22: end weight 178.2. Moving Ave 177.9 (-.9). Ave calories 1646.
    R180 3/17/22: end weight 180.2. Moving Ave 179.9 (+2). Ave calories 1823.
    R181 3/27/22: end weight 180.2. Moving Ave 180.5 (+.6). Ave calories 1762 (goal <1400).
    R182 4/06/22: end weight 180. Moving Ave 179.8 (-.7). Ave calories 1489 (goal <1400).
    R183 4/16/22: end weight 179.2. Moving Ave 179.3 (-.5). Ave calories 1482 (goal <1400).
    R184 4/26/22: end weight 180.4. Moving average 180 (+.7). Ave calories 1588. (goal <1400)
    R185 5/06/22: end weight 179.6. Moving average 180 (+/-0). Ave calories 1820. (goal <1400).
    R186 5/16/22: end weight 181.6. Moving average 181.4 (+1.4). Ave calories 1744. (Goal <1400).
    R187 5/26/22: end weight 180.2. Moving Ave 180.4 (-1). Ave calories 1859. (Goal <1400).
    R188 6/05/22: end weight 181. Moving ave 182.2 (+1.8). Ave calories 1835. (Goal <1600).
    R189 6/15/22: end weight 179.8. Moving Ave 180.7 (-1.5). Ave calories 1559. (Goal <1600).
    R190 6/25/22: end weight 179 (goal!). Moving Ave 179.6 (-1.1). Ave calories 1814 (Goal <1600).
    R191 7/05/22: end weight 179.8. Moving Ave 180.2 (+0.6). Ave calories 1650 (Goal <1600).
    R192 7/15/22: end weight 177.8. Moving Ave 177.8 (-2.4). Ave calories 1398 (Goal <1600).
    R193 7/25/22: end weight 177.8. Moving Ave 177.8 (+/-0). Ave calories 1700 (Goal <1600).
    R194 8/04/22: end weight 178.6. Moving. Ave 178.4 (-.2). Ave calories 1932 (Goal <1600).
    R195 8/14/22: end weight 178. Moving Ave 178 (-.4). Ave calories 1779 (goal <1600).
    R196 8/24/22: end weight 177.6. Moving Ave 177.8 (-.2). Ave calories 1543 (goal <1600).
    R197 8/25/22: end weight 179. Moving Ave 178.4 (+.6). Ave calories 1510 (goal <1600).
    R198 9/04/22: end weight 177.2. Moving Ave 177.6 (-.8). Ave calories 1413.
    R199 9/14/22: end weight 177. Running average 177.6. Average calories 1450 (goal 1400).
    R200 09/23/22: end weight 176.8. Running average 177.2 (-.4). Average calories 1387 (goal 1400).
    R201 10/13/22: end weight 177. Running ave 177 (-.2). Ave calories 1415, but higher numbers the second half of round.
    R202 10/23/22: end weight 178.2. Running Ave 177.6 (+.6). Ave calories 1357, goal <1400.
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2
    2015: end weight running average 178.2
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.

    R203 11/02/22: end weight 176.6. Running Ave 176.6 (-1). Ave calories 1453, goal <1400.
    R204 11/12/22: goalsβ€”calories <1400, weight <176.


    11/03 - 176.2
    I went for a nice long walk in the woods yesterday, but on the way back to my car I tripped over a crazy bunch of grass and fell. Skinned and bruised my right palm, and my left knee has a big colorful lump. I’m fine, just tender, and trying to figure out how I landed on opposite limbs! But the woods were lovely, full of crunchy leaves and that wonderful fragrance of fall. Today I’m off to hang out at the dog show, see friends, smooch dogs. Have a great day, everyone!

    11/04 - 176.4
    I had a lovely time yesterday hanging out at the dog show, seeing friends, some I see all the time, some from other places I see only occasionally, and playing with dogs. A friend from Indianapolis whom I met on a train in 2011 was here showing her dog, and came for dinner, which was lovely. And in spite of the lobster ravioli with olive oil and Parmesan, a little wine, and a piece of lemon pound cake, I stayed under calories for the day. (No lunch.) I also go lots of steps walking around the Coliseum for 3+ hours! I’m writing today but plan to spend most of tomorrow at the show, trying to figure out what kind of dog I want next, which is weight-related since I get a lot more exercise when I’m playing with a dog! 😁

    11/05 - 177
    Ok, time lag from Thursday. That’s fine. I just got home from all day at the dog show again, walking or standing most of the time. It was fun to see people I haven’t seen in ages. Staying home tomorrow to write and make soup.

    11/06 - 176.6
    Nothing to report since I checked in late yesterday. Planning a creative dayβ€”write (working on an idea for a new book), make soup (once I land on a recipe), knit, go for a walk, read…. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday!

    11/07 - 176.6
    I made a really yummy new soup yesterdayβ€”butternut squash and apple. Interesting combo! And low calorie. Leftovers today. Yum. That’s the 42nd different soup I’ve made this year. 🍡

    11/08 - 176.6
    I’m beginning to see a trend here. 😊 I actually expected to be up this morning as I ate way too much yesterday. Moving along…

    11/09 - 177.2
    Oopsie doopsie. I overate yesterday, too. Don’t know what’s gotten into me the past two days. Colder weather, I guess. I’ll do better today.

    11/10 -
    11/11 -
    11/12 -


  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    @staceymcmd happy birthday!! 8" of snow today?! Winter starts early there. It's been unseasonably warm here, though, so I wouldn't be mad about some unseasonable snow! Hope you get to celebrate tonight even if you have to stay home :)
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Nov 9 172.4
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,174 Member
    @pezhed you skipped 11/8. For a minute I thought you were on the other side of the globe.😁
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,174 Member
    @staceymcmd HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Be safe!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,545 Member
    56, 5'2"
    Starting weight for R24: 149.0lbs
    R24 Goal Weight: 147.0lbs

    11/3 148.6 Off to a good start.
    11/4 148.2
    11/5 148.0 Ate a little more than I should have yesterday.
    11/6 148.2 It was our youngest sons birthday, so we had him over for a family dinner last night.
    11/7 148.4 Stuck to plan pretty good yesterday, so not sure what's going on.
    11/8 147.8 That's better
    11/9 147.8 Today is my birthday. My husband made reservations at a nice restaurant for tonight, but they're forecasting another 8" of snow today so we may have to postpone the dinner until the weekend. We live up in the mountains, 20 miles from town, so it wouldn't be very safe driving conditions at night.

    Have a wonderful birthday, but stay safe. You could have a special meal and night in tonight, then you've still got your meal out to look forward to xx
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 824 Member
    @quiltingjaine Whoops! Thanks for letting me know. That means I have 3 days instead of 2 to lose a pound :D