


  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Shotgun the last word.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    At least you're not the type that feels they must get in the last word.

    Lol. Right back at ya. But go away your last word since you feel the urge. Not going to respond again cause I'm bored and done. Off to better things. :drinker:
  • mtylar89
    To me, "detoxing" means eating only healthy, unprocessed foods. If that's what they were selling, I'd buy it. Well, I wouldn't buy "it," I'd just go buy some veggies. :) If you want to go through a process that you feel cleanses you, try eating only fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains for a day or two. Try drinking only water, and forego the coffee, soda, and alcohol for a day or two. All that fiber will surely cleanse your system, and you won't be stuck with only getting to drink some vile liquid, on the contrary, you'll have to stuff your face to get in all of your needed calories.

    You said you were a pretty healthy eater already, but not perfect. Maybe a few days of pure, unprocessed foods would be a good jumping off point for your new program, a "detox," if you will.

    Thanks for the advice! Very helpful.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    At least you're not the type that feels they must get in the last word.

    Lol. Right back at ya. But go away your last word since you feel the urge. Not going to respond again cause I'm bored and done. Off to better things. :drinker:

    Sure you are

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    Two different things all together (respectfully). Detox in rehab consists of eliminating the drugs you have been ABUSING from your system and sometimes includes the addition of other drugs to assist in making the patient more comfortable.

    Personally, if I was going to 'detox' in the diet sense, I would eliminate excess sugars, etc. But that is basically what we do when we try to lose weight anyway.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    At least you're not the type that feels they must get in the last word.

    Lol. Right back at ya. But go away your last word since you feel the urge. Not going to respond again cause I'm bored and done. Off to better things. :drinker:

    Being done and off to better things. You're doing it wrong
  • afewexcuses
    afewexcuses Posts: 44 Member
    There are alt of rude people here! Simmer down. :heart:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    Dietary detoxes are unnecessary. If you show no signs of illness or symptoms of having been poisoned, then your body is operating as it should. Your body breaks everything down to either be absorbed or discarded. Anything that is waste comes out of the body as waste by the simple function of the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, etc.

    Drinking a magic potion or eating a specific food that is supposed to somehow cleanse your insides doesn't do anything other than get broken down by the body as any other food you eat would get broken down.

    Exceptions can be made with respect to heavy metal poisoning. Certain foods have been shown to leach heavy metals from blood if consumed in sufficient quantities, but who wants to eat 10 pounds of cilantro to cure heavy metal poisoning when it is probably wiser to go to the ER.

    OP, you claim you don't abuse substances. If you have not consumed anything harmful or potentially fatal, and you have not had a doctor tell you that you show signs of heavy metal poisoning (e.g., mercury), save your money. Your colon and kidneys and liver are doing just fine.

    I won't say any of the "detoxes" will harm you, but they won't help you, either.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    OP: All bickering aside, I think you're best off just adopting good habits of eating well and setting up a good fitness program. No need to "kickstart" or "detox" anything to do that. Start tracking your food on here and try to set some goals for yourself.

    Best of all, it's 100% free too. Best of luck to you.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    detox schmeetox. what are you going to do about burning your fat off?
  • mtylar89
    I really got all the advice I needed on the subject. Thanks to those who provided it. As for burning fat off I just got t25 and I plan on starting tomorrow however I developed a summer cold over the weekend :/ so it depends on how I'm feeling, 101 temp and runny nose and watery eyes... Working out just doesn't sound like its gonna happen so I may start next week, since the program starts on a monday. i also run. About three times a week. So that's my plan for burning fat. Any objections to that plan? I think people are under the assumtion I am looking for a quick fix... I have lost 30 pounds so far from working very hard and changing my eating habits. I'm not trying to find some easy way to lose pounds... I fully know that losing weight requires hard work. But I am done with this forum! Really my any question I had has been answered in more ways than one! So as I said before have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    How about telling you that detoxing doesn't even exist as a real thing. It's all make believe and wishful thinking. Does that do something for you?

    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    This also is completely inaccurate. Detox centers are for detoxing alcohol and drugs out of your system. If OP's not a junkie, then there's nothing in her system that needs to be detoxed that her liver and kidneys can't take care of.

    "End of story".
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    How about telling you that detoxing doesn't even exist as a real thing. It's all make believe and wishful thinking. Does that do something for you?

    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    This also is completely inaccurate. Detox centers are for detoxing alcohol and drugs out of your system. If OP's not a junkie, then there's nothing in her system that needs to be detoxed that her liver and kidneys can't take care of.

    "End of story".

    Sorry, did I stutter?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's been almost two months now. How are your toxin levels OP?