Getting back on the grind after a few really tough months. Looking for friends in the UK.

I've been here before and I can't lie, I expect to be here again. I've had a few really tough months since my last post and I have stopped with the logging and the better eating but the events of the past few months have changed how I see the motivation.

I'm a 24yo british guy looking to shift some of this excess weight, I've wanted to do this previously but life and lack of motivation has stopped me. I've changed my main social media to MFP and am hoping that keeps me in the correct mindset to keep the motivation going.

I'm hoping to make this an experiment and make myself partly obsessed with this, I need to real focus to keep myself in the right mind set and keep myself pushing towards my goal.

I hope to get some friends from the UK that I can check in with. Ideally from the UK due to similar times of eating and waking etc, just surround myself with people in a similar boat to me and similar goals to me.

Hope to hear from some people soon,