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To MFP iOS Team: enable MFP iPhone app to run on Mac Computers

cliffordfajardo Posts: 1 Member
What is the idea?
Enable their iPhone app for use on MacOS

Motivation for change?
I use my fitness pal a lot on my iphone alot. I often want to be able to insert my food logs from my computer. Currently the web application version looks completely different and the experience is not the same.

Enabling the iOS/iPad app to run on mac means users can launch the MFP from their macs and quickly insert their food entries using the same user experience on iPhone and iPad.



Currently when you visit the MacOS App Store's list of previously purchased apps, MFP does not show up on the list to download - because the IOS has not enabled the feature from their end to allow for the app to run on MacOS

When you download the app on Mac, the app will run in a window that looks like an emulator. Although this isn't the most optimal experience I think its darn close and worth it.

The alternative is to have the web team re-write web code web UI to match the experience that the iPhone/Ipad have, which is a lot of work and time consuming. The web app is probably also using lots of different web APIs and logic.

The lowest hanging fruit and "win" in my opinion is to enable the app to run on Mac's. Apple has done a really good job trying to make this as seemless as possible

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