Getting discouraged..



  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    You didn't gain it overnight so your not going to lose it overnight. You need to remember, slower you lose the longer it will stay off. Faster weight loss is usually muscle and you don't want to lose muscle. I was taught that after 3 weeks change your routine up abit to shock your system. Your metabolism gets used to the same thing over and over . Try something new. Good Luck
  • Try to remember what go you motivated in the first place. What had you thinking 'enough is enough"?

    Plus, 19lbs is impressive!
  • kfavulous
    kfavulous Posts: 106 Member
    My favourite motivational phrase:

    "You didn't gain 20lbs in a week so don't expect to lose 20lbs this week"
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Are you being so restrictive that you are sick of dieting? Up your calories and add a little exercise or eat some fun foods that you feel are "forbidden". What helps me: I want to eat a bagel for breakfast with veggie cream cheese, so I eat half of one with as much cream cheese as I want, every morning until my craving is satisfied. It keeps me from over eating the bagels because I know I can have it again tomorrow. Wanted ice cream sandwiches, so I bought a box. I will split an ice cream sandwich with my daughter every day until the box is gone. Skinny people eat burgers, they eat fries, they have ice cream sundaes, but they may eat HALF a burger, eat fries for lunch with a salad, get a small ice cream sundae and not eat the last two bites. If you look at it as a "DIET", you will get discouraged. If you look at it as a behavior change, you can keep it up for a life time. AND if you revert back to old behaviors (as I did the last couple of weeks), that's OK, because you just start back up again with your plan. Have goals and a plan, and you can do it. Also, don't be afraid to tweek your plans and goals. My plan is to run on Mondays and Wednesdays, bike on Tuesdays and Thursdays, walk on Fridays and spin on Saturdays and Sundays. If it rains, I will do the elliptical or weight train. I will pack my lunch for work every day and only eat what is in the bag (hard and fast rule that worked for my brother when he lost 20 pounds last year) and make sure I add a snack I enjoy to the bag every day so that I don't get the urge to "eat outside the bag" LOL and to make sure I have fresh veggies ready to eat so I can snack on them while I make dinner. You need to make your own plans and goals based on what your challenges are. You CAN do this!


    Also, find some activities that you love, and if you can afford it get a Polar. My magic combo was MFP, a Polar, and group ex. I started logging foods at first and fell in love with spinning. I then could see what I burned on my Polar (ie 500 calories for example). I would then maybe go to the movies and actually see how many calories were in that candy. MORE THAN WHAT I BURNED IN CYCLE. I kicked *kitten* in that class...there was no way I was eating it back in 20 minutes by way of Twizzlers. It all kind of came together and motivated me. The group ex classes kept me accountable and not bored. I had fun for the first time ever...and MFP/Polar let me see how many calroies I burned by a whole hour of hard work vs how quickly the wrong food choices added up.

    3 years later I teach group ex "full time" and I'm the same weight I was when I first reached my goal. You got it!
  • Woot Woot 19 pounds is a huge accomplishment.... that's a 66,500 calorie deficit!!! That means along the way you made healthy choices so that your body would release the weight. Continue to nourish your body. Don't starve it because of desperation for an event because high probability you will only gain it back. Keep going never give up. You are achieving what you want. Your body is throwing a fit because it would rather have all the addictive foods it has been use to, but you will get over this and remember healthy is way sexier than simply being skinny. You got this girl!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Every time you get discouraged and want to give up, instead of saying how far you have to go to reach your goal say how far you have come.

    My aunt just finished chemo for breast cancer and what kept her motivated was walking every day and constantly looking at how many treatments she had done rather than how many she had to go. She is truly my inspiration in everything I do.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Sounds like you doing a real good job! When I get discouraged I poke myself with a pushpin. I would not suggest this for you though, because trust me it smarts. Try to focus on the goals you have met since you started. You have a lot to be proud of and even if you make some mistakes on the way you are still making progress.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    You got some fabulous advice on this thread. I am impressed and it makes me want to friend all the responders! I suggest you do the same. Can't get any better than all this positive support!
  • JuliaSBoyd
    JuliaSBoyd Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on the 19lbs, what an amazing start.

    As a lot of people have said on this thread. Look at what you have done not how far you have to go. When it comes to your total goal, try doing it in little segments. Give yourself a treat when you reach your goal. Maybe 'I aim to lose 10 lbs and when I get to target I will treat myself to a mani'.

    Also always make sure you always have healthy snacks at the ready to avoid heading for the nearest unhealthy snack.

    If you have something off plan, don't beat yourself up over it, we are all human, but make sure you log it as it still counts and you can look back and see what is going on with your routine to see if there are any triggers. I know I have many.

    KEEP LOGGING ... the worst thing you can do is stop. Its a slippery slope, I know I have just re-started after regaining 10 kgs of the 26 kgs I lost last year.

    Have lots of positive friends on there who not only have your back with encouraging comments and advise but will share new recipe ideas with you so that you don't get stuck in the rut of eating the same things over and getting bored with them.

    From the amount of comments you have got you know that there are people out there willing to give you a helping hand and a virtual ((HUG)) if needed.

  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Set yourself mini goals, and reward yourself for them. For me, if I stick to my calorie goal for the week (slightly over/under is ok, overeating/starving is not) I go to Starbucks and treat myself. When I hit a milestone, like 30-40-50 pounds lost, I get myself something to help with my new lifestyle and keep me motivated. I've earned a new shorts& tank top, new brake pads for my bike, a barbell and some plates. Next I will be getting 25lb plates for my barbell, and then maybe a new bike helmet, then new running shoes... And this is what keeps me going.

    You are doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work.
  • First of all, huge congrats on your 19 pounds lost! I have lost 14, but I'm getting there! One thing I wanted to share, is something that the person who told me about said, and it really made an impact on me. She said that we have to keep in mind that our bodies don't actually belong to us, and we have to accept the fact that they are on loan from our creator. Just like you would respect the car that you borrowed from your friend, you have to respect the body that you borrowed from your creator. I'm sure some of you are not spiritual, and no offense is intended, but regardless of your spiritual beliefs, the idea is the same. We are only here for a short time, so we need to take care of what we have been given. The better we take care of our bodies, the happier we will be, and for a longer period of time. You are young, and have your whole life ahead of you. I am almost 43 years old, and have been dealing with heart disease, diabetes and arthritis for several years. I want to lessen the burden on my poor body, so that I can spend more time with my beautiful grandchildren. Make the wedding one goal, but make the ultimate goal be your longevity and your long-term happiness. If you are a spiritual person, let all of your goals be to please God, and show appreciation for the life you have been given. God bless, and good luck!
  • It helps to find a means of exercise that you actually enjoy. For me, running is fun when I have good music to listen to. Also, DDR is a great workout, and I always enjoyed it. Some people really like yoga. You just have to find the work-out that you like, so it keeps you WANTING to do it often enough :P Also, finding healthy foods that you actually enjoy.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    You need to rethink this journey. This is a LIFESTYLE change and NOT a diet. This is the rest of your life so you need to think about how you want to live it. I too am making the journey and am suffering under a really mean trainer--BUT she is correct--this is not a diet. A diet didn't MAKE you this way and a diet won't DROP it. So this is what you need to do--be religious in your blog recordings--I go over in the cals and go under in the exercise counting. This site isn't really correct on a lot of their choises--CLOSE but still leave your self some room. I still record my days and I am to the point I can look at something and SEE the calories. I really hated walking at first now--NOW I can walk forever without getting winded and am starting to run (WHICH I HATE) Have faith--we have all had to cross that barrier into liking exercise AND ourselves again. Small large or in between--you have to like your self.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    You know why you want to look good at that wedding? Because nobody will believe it! Aside from the people on here, I doubt anybody believes you can do it. So prove them wrong. The greatest benefit you will get will not be how you look in a dress. And I doubt it'll add a lot of years to your life. The greatest benefit will be the satisfaction of knowing that you can do something that is hard. You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. If you can achieve this, it will pave your way. It will show you that you can't be stopped, that you are a fighter and a winner. Ask anyone on here who has succeeded. This is going to change your life.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I can't see your diary, so I don't know how many calories you're eating. But I can tell you this - I started in April with a goal of 1670 to lose 2#/week. After a few weeks, I felt like I could keep doing that for a really long time. I was not hungry unless I waited too long between meals. Once I added exercise I could even eat a couple hundred more calories on those days, but I try to only eat about half back. Some people have cheat days where they don't log, or don't care if they go over once a week, or once a month... I find that I don't even go over my calories if I have a cheat day, because I'm too full. I think it's a good idea to take it slowly if you have a lot to lose (like I do!) so you don't feel deprived or that you are always on a "diet". I've since lowered my cals to 1480 on the days I don't work out & that is a manageable amount for me. I log and measure pretty carefully. On days that I have a huge burn from hiking for 2 hours, you can bet I'm going to have a huge slice of deep dish pizza and dessert, too - but I'll still be under my calories!

    60-70# in a year is doable for sure, just don't quit! You will look so great at the wedding & think of how happy you will be that you lost the weight when you look back at the wedding photos!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    What about setting mini-goals for yourself. Rather than a long term goal many months away, try setting something a month (or even a week) away. It could be a weight goal, or it could be an exercise goal like "burn 1,000 calories this week" or "work out 4 times for at least 45 minutes." I find that worked for me when I was feeling like giving up.
    I belong to a mini goals group here on mfp and I love setting weekly goals and accomplishing them. Join us! :flowerforyou:
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Discipline has to kick in when motivation leaves off. Discipline is doing what needs to be done even when you don't want to do it.
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    I started at 212 pounds, I've only lost 12 pounds since early August. What I do to stay motivated is I hang all of my clothes that are too small in my closet, that way every day I get dressed, I have to look at those small clothes. I'm the type of person that has to be hard on myself or I will give up, or take it as a joke. I have a fit woman as my computer desktop background with a caption that says "Do you really want to eat that junk food?" I have a photoshopped picture of me that makes me look 125 pounds as my phone wallpaper, seeing that keeps me going. When I grocery shop, I only go on the outskirts of the grocery section (where the meats, fruit, veggies, dairy, and other cold foods are) the reason for this is because all of the foods and nutrients we need, are on the out skirts.
  • I like that too!
  • I want to lose around 60-70 pounds before my brothers wedding next year. (I'm the maid of honor.) I'm 18, currently weight 191 and recently lost 19 pounds! I was 210 before. The most I ever weighed and I decided it was enough. I've been sticking with a diet where I eat regular foods, just in really small portions. And its been working! But now I just feel like giving up and I don't want to. How do you stay on track? Any tips on how to be motivated for working out?

    I just looked at your profile. You listed some things there - not wanting to be the big girl anymore, wanting to love your clothes. You have your brother's wedding to look forward to....just imagine yourself showing up there at your goal. The thing is, instead of thinking how far you have to go, I hope you realize that you are essentially a 1/3 of the way there already! This hasn't been wasted effort. Giving up just means going back to where you were instead of where you want to be.

    Too, from a program standpoint, I'm not sure what you mean by 'regular foods, just in really small portions.' If you are eating so little that you're hungry a lot or if you're bored with what you're eating, that will make it harder. You don't have to give up the foods you like, but don't be afraid to work new things in, either. It's amazing how much food (and how much variety) you can eat and still be under goal. So don't be bored and don't think you need to feel deprived. Satifaction will help with sustainability.

    I don't know if you're exercising, but you can tone up, energize yourself, eat more, distract yourself, etc. Maybe you can go window shopping for something you want to wear to the wedding or out to dinner that weekend, or whatever, and not buy it - until you've made the progress that you feel warrants it.

    For me, lastly, intermediate goals are a big help. I have a lot to lose (and had I done what you're doing at nineteen, maybe I wouldn't have, but anyway.....), and if I alway thought of it in those terms, it would be discouraging at times. Yes, I want to lose aaaaalll that weight. I want be healthier and nicer looking for both myself and my husband, and to be more comfortable in my skin and all of that. But thinking, "I still have over a hundred pounds to lose" doesn't really do it for me, oddly enough. lol

    So I try to look at things I have already accomplished and set goals that I can achieve soon. I can walk further and with more ease. I worked on a physical job the other day and had no trouble keeping up. My daughter said my arms look thinner yesterday. I eat healthier in general, although I darned well plan on having pizza tonight - that's today's goal! :laugh:

    My first "big goal" was to get into my most recent pair of jeans...I wore them to the ballpark last night and was comfortable the entire time. I also didn't worry about fitting in the seat, something I've noticed at a couple of different places now. The next pair of jeans down fits too, but is a tiny bit snug, so guess what? You got it.

    And next, I want the 50 pound mark...and I'm only 10 pounds away from it! No way I'll quit now!

    Not only are these little things "motivating," but for me, they keep it fun. Eating a food I've never had, or budgeting into my calorie goal an old favorite, or trying out a recipe (last week we had Black Bean Brownies and I swear we couldn't tell they were anything but awesome), seeing the progress in the way I feel, on the scale, in the way my clothes fit. Having an ex-coworker exclaim when she saw me, "You look great!"

    So I guess my advice it just that you are worth it. Stick with it because you deserve it. Don't be too restrictive. Do what you can to focus on intermediate achievements and goals and let yourself feel good about them! Let it be fun. Don't beat yourself up if you don't meet your expectations for a minute - every day is new. Be healthier, Be more comfortable. And wow them at that wedding!

    Take care, honey. You've got this.

    PS Oh and one more thing - my daughter is your age and has lost over 10 pounds exercising and eating well.......and she looks gorgeous. I'm sure your family feels the same way. :heart:

    Wow! Congratulations! (: Thank you for all of this advise. Seriously. I feel a lot better now and will NOT give up! And how your daughter lost more then 10 pounds is great! (: Thank you again!
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