This is why I get frustrated and don't want to work out



  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    How is that not HIIT? My legs are only 26.5" inseam. They aren't going to go faster than 7mph, 7.5mph is REALLY pushing it for me. HIIT is accelerating HR then bringing it back down to bring back up again
    If you can go for longer than 15 -20 sec during the high intensity part of HIIT, then it's not HIIT.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    So that's how it works, not sure why this is so frustrating for you.

    Because I would like to burn more than 8 calories a min, that's why.

    Ahhh, see now that you've clarified, I can help you. :happy:

    Here's how you fix that. Its simple really: Work harder. Burn more calories per minute.

    Found a great article for you from Shape Mag. Workouts That Burn 10 Calories (or More!) Per Minute.

    Have a look.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I push and push myself and make sure I stay within heart rate. I just ran for 30mins on treadmill and then did 10 mins on treadmill of HIITs (30sec as 2.5mph with 45sec at 7.5mph). After 40mins of working out I only burned 321 calories! WTF!

    Sounds about right for your weight.
    There is a lot more gained from exercise than calories burned... Focus on the whole picture?
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    How long do you go at 7.5 and how long do you go at 2.5?
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Go swimming, that will soon increase your calories burnt.

    You can even use your HRM if you ave a polar FT4, they're good for 30 metres.

    Hope this helped!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I push and push myself and make sure I stay within heart rate. I just ran for 30mins on treadmill and then did 10 mins on treadmill of HIITs (30sec as 2.5mph with 45sec at 7.5mph). After 40mins of working out I only burned 321 calories! WTF!

    I worked out for 70 minutes today and I only burned 199 calories. It is the low weight girl; the less we weigh, the less we burn. It is a fact that we can't change. Take the benefits of exercising and enjoy that you can eat over 300 calories more today, because I can't.
  • if it makes you feel any better I only burn 280 calories running 4 miles in just about 35 minutes and that's at just under 9 minutes per mile average so I'm never walking, sometimes you have to switch it up since your body is smart and gets used to work outs quickly. Exercise is much more fun when you're not in it for the calories tho

    You could try an HITT that combines other work outs sprint then switch to something like squats, lunges, dips, sit ups, push ups etc and try throwing some jump rope or KB swings in there

    I do this a couple times a week for variation but I love to run, I do that because I love it, not cos it burns cals
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I push and push myself and make sure I stay within heart rate. I just ran for 30mins on treadmill and then did 10 mins on treadmill of HIITs (30sec as 2.5mph with 45sec at 7.5mph). After 40mins of working out I only burned 321 calories! WTF!

    I would be happy with that, 30 mins at 5.5 MPH on a treadmill only burns 140 calories for me. I mean you burned a 1/4 lb burger there so maybe its better than you think.

    Although I am liking exercise more and more, to me it is also a means to an end and allows me those treats while staying within my calorie limits
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    what are you using o get the number for your burn. I did a mile last night treadmill said 140 calories, mfp would have counted 130 and my bodymedia said 195 calories. that's a 65 calorie diffence for just 15 min of time so for your workout it could be even bigger depending on the medhod of calculation used
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    what are you using o get the number for your burn. I did a mile last night treadmill said 140 calories, mfp would have counted 130 and my bodymedia said 195 calories. that's a 65 calorie diffence for just 15 min of time so for your workout it could be even bigger depending on the medhod of calculation used

    You can't exactly compare burns with someone else.
    Calorie burn is weight x intensity. So in order to compare, you'd have to be working at the same intensity and weight about the same.
    OP is also light, I believe around 110 so that's going to put her below average burns.
  • ravengal44646
    ravengal44646 Posts: 20 Member
    The alternative to working out is?.................
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    How is that not HIIT? My legs are only 26.5" inseam. They aren't going to go faster than 7mph, 7.5mph is REALLY pushing it for me. HIIT is accelerating HR then bringing it back down to bring back up again

    being short does not have any affect on the legs ability to run fast
  • Just keep doing it and staying on a good calorie deficit and that's perfect.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    OP not sure what your goal was but it was a good burn.

    Not seeing the reason to give up...keep at it. :smile:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    I get how it can be de-motivating. I have low burn rates as well and made the mistake once of signing up for a team burn challenge. Everyone else on my team was burning like 800 - 1000 calories a day and I was down at 250-300. Felt sucky. Its hard not to compare yourself to others on here...but you must remember that you are doing it for YOUR fitness. If you are achieving your goals, don't worry about the number.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    First, are you using a HRM or are you using the estimate on the treadmill? Cause the treadmill won't be too accurate.

    Second, I think 340 calories is a great number. It's more than 0 isn't it?

    Third, stop obsessing about the number and focus on how your body feels. I personally, feel like I could take on the world after I've done my daily exercise. Do you feel happy with what you've just accomplished? If not, then you might want to look into different exercise. Find something that makes you genuinely excited/happy so you'll forget all about those numbers and think instead about how great you feel.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Thank you! :)
    So that's how it works, not sure why this is so frustrating for you.

    Because I would like to burn more than 8 calories a min, that's why.

    Ahhh, see now that you've clarified, I can help you. :happy:

    Here's how you fix that. Its simple really: Work harder. Burn more calories per minute.

    Found a great article for you from Shape Mag. Workouts That Burn 10 Calories (or More!) Per Minute.

    Have a look.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    And thank you everyone. I guess I am still just trying to get used to seeing lower calorie burns as I work my way through T25. I saw much greater burns during Insanity, but they were also longer workouts. On my "rest" days, I sometimes need to get a run in to blow off steam. Today was one of those days.

    And you guys are right. I should be happy because today I was able to keep a steady run the whole time. I used to never be able to run for 30mins. I would cop out around 15.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    And thank you everyone. I guess I am still just trying to get used to seeing lower calorie burns as I work my way through T25. I saw much greater burns during Insanity, but they were also longer workouts. On my "rest" days, I sometimes need to get a run in to blow off steam. Today was one of those days.

    And you guys are right. I should be happy because today I was able to keep a steady run the whole time. I used to never be able to run for 30mins. I would cop out around 15.

    Focus on that, focus on your accomplishments. Focus on how you've improved. Who cares about calories burned. I don't even pay attention to that, I log my workouts with 1 calorie burned since I'm doing TDEE and not trying to figure out what I burned.
  • you are a lot like me, I am expecting to burn at least 1000 calories a day! Try Zumba 60 minutes is 886 calories.