Fallen far from grace...

UntilProud Posts: 277 Member
Many of us have a story.

It begins with real adversity, childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, a need for satisfaction, a need for happiness.

Somewhere down the line, far after habits have been set, keystone traits have been uncovered, do we decide to make a stand, a choice, a chip on our shoulder that provokes a change. One moment, as fleeting as it could have been, *kitten*, as it has been in the past...sticks. One moment, where motivation becomes our fuel for change.

What a moment.

What a rush.

What a high.

If you're lucky, it's your first time at seeing the ever so small flicker of fire fall off the flint strike we know as motivation it stages the next most beautiful part of your life...control...and boy is control a doozie.

Control feels a lot like getting a 6'' sub instead of a foot long, because it feels good, but you know it's at a cost. For us, whom battle dopamine cravings more than most, this one tiny word is a boulder, a mountain, in some ways it's the quest to mars. Control, although a green light to everything we ever want, presents itself as a red light, because Control turns "that'll do's" into "*kitten*...I shouldn't's" and "Sorry guys, it's a salad for me" during tail gating, Nacho nights, and buffet style dinners.

Honestly, Control with the right mindset feels a lot like going up a flight of stairs that take you to a place that feels as satisfying as taking the elevator while giving you the option to double down when the next easy pass comes your way. Control is knowing the Powerball numbers in advance but waiting until the most opportune time to cash that knowledge in. I love Control because unlike every other easy decision we ever make, Control is what helps define who we really are behind every easy decision we've ever made.

Today I'm writing about control because today it's something that I have. Probably sparked by the New Years resolution buzz, but the goal is that I continue striking the flint for my own fire. I've had control before, I know many of you know my story, and I've let you down. However, this time, is isn't about you...like it has always been in the past...how naïve and egotistical of me.

But how freeing.

I'm here to take control. I hope you are too. Bring it in and share your excitement! I want to see what you all are about! It's time we take back our bodies, our minds, and our freedom through discipline and CONTROL.

Over and out.

-Until Proud