Week 1 Starting weight: 195.8

So I am going the 2023 weight lost challenge today. I will be eating Keto, Intermittent Fasting, and working out at least 5 days a week. Today has been a great start. I lost 35 pounds last year 222lbs to 187. I have started putting on weight so I am definitely motivated to keep going and getting back on track.jdj7a1eg6mhx.jpg


  • azoutte
    azoutte Posts: 13 Member
    I don’t know about you, but the holidays are difficult for most programs. It looks like you have picked some great things that work really well together. 2023 is going to be amazing!
  • NewGrl64
    NewGrl64 Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2023

    Hi, I too am doing keto with intermittent fasting. I started at 181 lbs. and was down 16 lbs. to 165 before I started keto.

    Since I started keto at the beginning of the month, I'm down an additional 4 lbs. to 161. I eat in an 8 hour window from 12 noon until 8, although I usually finish any meals by 6 PM. I have a total carb limit of 30g.

    It's a bit slow going (or at least it feels that way, LOL), but I already feel better. What do you do for exercise? I haven't added this in yet as I like to walk and it's been so cold. Do you hit the gym or work out at home?

    BTW, you already look great. I wish I looked as good at 161 lbs., but then I'm short. :p
  • NewyorkerLee
    NewyorkerLee Posts: 3 Member
    Hi you sound like you all are motivated and that’s what we need in the journey. I started keto last year over 200 pounds and now I’m at 183. Having trouble with keto now because I don’t eat meat and my food choices are limited and my cholesterol is really high now even with losing weight and taking medicine. Currently I’m adding more fiber by eating fruits and beans but I’m going to try to keep low carbs. For exercise I like to do marching videos on YouTube. Would love to keep connected with how everyone is doing and hear what you all eat on keto
  • NewGrl64
    NewGrl64 Posts: 110 Member

    It can be really hard to do keto if you don't eat meat, but I urge you to put "vegan keto" or "vegetarian keto" into your browser and take a look at some of those sites. There are also a lot of books available on the vegan keto diet. Your library might even carry some, as it's a very popular subject right now.

    I hope I'm not violating any rules here, but I went to dietdoctor.com and looked at their recipes. I don't eat breakfast, so I chose 7 recipes for lunch and 7 recipes for dinner. I plugged them into the recipes section here at myfitnesspal and then gauged how many carbs, calories, protein, etc. grams I was dealing with and then made a master menu by day of exactly what to eat to stay within goals. If something didn't measure up, I dumped it and looked for a replacement recipe. It's a bit of work at first, but I did it on a Saturday and now I don't even have to think about it. (yep, it took the WHOLE Saturday).

    Every day, I preload my food diary with whatever is on my master menu for that day. I left 200 calories unaccounted for on most days in my master menu so I have some leeway. On those days, if I want to add butter to my coffee, I can. If I want a mozzarella cheese stick because I'm having a "hungry" day, I can. But mostly, I stick to the main menu because I've precalculated everything and I know I'll be okay if I do.

    As to well-meaning co-workers who always bring goodies to work, don't tell them you're trying to lose weight. They'll sabotage you every time. Tell them you have a medical condition which necessitates you eating the way you do. If you really don't, be prepared with a good fabrication. Type 2 diabetes is a good one and tell them your doctor put you on the diet. I don't have to lie, I have prediabetes and metabolic syndrome and I tell people that if I don't do this I'll wind up on drugs for both (true). They now say things like "should you be eating that?" if I even look like I'm weakening. :D

    Good luck and, as someone here on myfitnesspal recently told me - don't overthink it. Just jump in and use your food diary and you can tweak it as you go. Let us know how you do. :)