Not losing weight doctor lowered calories and done tests



  • Lcounsellor
    Lcounsellor Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2023
    @equidivine I can tell this situation is really distressing and frustrating for you,I'm sorry you feel unsupported.
    No-one on here is a medical expert that really knows you, that much is true. There are many medical disorders that affect weight.
    Unfortunately on MFP you will get advice from people that can only offer advice with what you present to them. I really feel for you here, and I also don't think this is the best platform to get advice for this issue.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited January 2023
    The bottom line is your body doesn’t run off of fairy dust floating around. It runs off of stored fat, muscle and ingested calories, including liquid calories which many people don’t count. Juices and alcohol are HUGE calorie culprits. Any water fluctuations would have been over quite awhile ago. Homeostasis doesn’t last forever as far as water compensation.

    You can go to all the doctors and nutrition experts you want and you’ll get a myriad of suggestions and the “do this and come back in a week” type of responses. The only thing that will get smaller is your wallet. They have already been unable to flag any problems. A problem that would cause any issues would have been uncovered in those tests you already took. Until you address the inaccuracy of your counting/tracking method you won’t be successful.

    Nobody in your position wants to hear they need to take in fewer calories.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,925 Member
    edited January 2023
    In your frustration I think you may have missed the part where your loss and regain of weight on keto was answered with my second post. It is also FAR from impossible to have more than one or two issues going on at the same time.

    It sounds as if you work with horses and have been athletic. So there is the potential that you actually have less fat available to lose than simple weight and height would indicate.

    You are POTENTIALLY on medication that may be affecting you. You mentioned ADHD for example. You are also waiting for test results that you don't yet have.

    I am NOT saying that my suggestion is psychologically appropriate for everyone.

    In fact it would be COUNTER PRODUCTIVE for someone who would become obsessive about it and would not be able to walk away or disengage. Open cards: I most certainly DO NOT do this anymore and these days I usually log after the fact and even from memory including not even writing down the weights of most things after I put them on the scale and relying on recall to log the items.

    However, the thinking still shows. If you were to ask me I won't tell you that I had peas and carrots and sweet potatoes yesterday. I will tell you that I had 747g of peas and carrots and 396g of sweet potatoes.

    Are these 7g even remotely relevant to anything? Way more than probably they are NOT. But they indicate to me that I continue to care which helps me decide NOT to have an extra slice of pizza that would put my intake above my TDEE, even though the extra slice may feel like a good idea at the time.

    Where am I going with this? I mentioned a "rule" about not eating anything that was not already logged. By weight. Which is what I did early on. Increasing what is affectionately known as "dietary restraint".

    I very specifically did NOT say: log it while I am eating it.

    Really. It is a small change in timing in terms of what you are doing.

    And it shouldn't really matter, should it?

    If you are taking snacks with you to eat later... you open the snack, you weigh it, you log it, and then you re-package it. If you don't consume it that same day, you just copy and paste it to the next day.

    If you made 747g of peas and carrots and 396g of sweet potatoes and 8g of butter, plus 3g of vegetable knorr powder, you pack all 1154g of "veggy meal" in your container and you log the combo as a recipe or meal on MFP. You then come back home with your leftovers. And you dump them in another container on the scale. And CHANGE the 1154g of pre-logged item to the correct value, while moving the remainder to the next day. Ready to be eaten since it is already logged. You do that with your pot of this or your pot of that or with anything.

    Is it time consuming? yes. especially in the beginning. Does it mean that you are going to catch yourself ready to put something in your mouth and you're going to have to stop and either eat something else that is already pre-logged (THAT my friend is why I re-discovered apples, because hey, it was much faster to log 297g of apple and eat it while still figuring out the other stuff to log. And if the apple filled me up then I could delay the rest of the food for later or eat less of it. Allowing me to adhere to my calories. Dietary restraint in action.) I believe you understand that the short answer is YES. It is behaviour modification in action.

    Again. Psychologically this may be damaging to some/many people. You COULD argue whether it was damaging to me. I don't happen to think so because I deeply believe that being Class III obese was way more damaging than being less willing to eat out every day, sometimes twice a day. At all you can eat places. And hey, it saves money too! In other words the level of "damage" for me is minimal given the results. And I am still having two restaurant meals this weekend plus a big mac yesterday 🤷‍♂️ all logged. At maintenance. 8+ years since I joined MFP.

    So, I did not suggest or comment on whether you do or do not; or believe or believe not that you are truly logging everything you eat. I suggested specifically something that has additional value than even correctly logging.

    And that is that you do not insert in your mouth ANY DRINK or FOOD that is not logged per constituent ingredients on a scale. At least for a while. As a complex exercise that impacts more than just logging. Assuming your psychology can support this without causing larger issues. and it is something I've suggested to people before. And I am sure that most have not taken me up on it.

    You know what's funny about logging? This is coming from the guy who wrote this whole thing you've just read, right? At maintenance. I mean I am logging for my own "joy that I am taking care of myself" and all that jazz, right? I don't even remember the exact weights now but I had a more than 1kg (by recollection, I am not going to swear it wasn't smaller or larger) bag of oh henry 4:25 bar miniatures. That I was logging BY WEIGHT as I was eating them. Dutifully like the good little logger who I am. All of them. Till the bag was gone!

    And then, once the bag was gone, I just had the fancy idea of adding up all the logs from the previous week.... and came up like 20% short! OK: that's a made up number. The true, unknown number, is that what I came up was not just a bit short, but SIGNIFICANTLY short. So much so that we are not talking under-full bag. We are talking MISSED ITEMS while logging them while I was eating them after having them weighed. For my own entertainment, not even to cut down on them when eating almost 3000 Cal in total per day. How could it happen?

    IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO BE AN ERROR THAT YOU'VE MADE. Do you know that the other day as I was logging something my eye caught a very brief flash of words to the effect of "offline what you entered didn't go through"? How many times I've gone back and not seen something I was sure I logged; but, apparently, I never did successfully press the enter button?

    Anyway. Long story short. :chortle:

    You've got the doctor looking into things. That's good. Advocate for yourself. No logging will fix an underlying health problem so that's an avenue you absolutely have to pursue.

    BUT, also, give yourself a bit of a shake and consider how you are determining your weight. It doesn't sound as if you're using a weight trend app or web site. Use one. It will help distinguish weight change from signal noise.

    Understand that your keto loss and regain was just water weight manipulation. It doesn't sound to me as if you truly lost 14lbs and regained 14lbs with that experiment (I don't doubt that SOME of it may have also involved underlying fat level change; but MOST of it was probably playing with glycogen stores and water weight). Even when you're "doing keto", your CALORIC intake AND EXPENDITURE matter.

    I also wonder how much continuous time you give to each experiment, way of eating, effort that you make. Genuine question. I've been on MFP a year or two longer than you. And I have re-started maybe a total of zero times? MAYBE a couple of times I've said: hey I should start watching what I'm logging a bit more because I'm trending up? But why zero restarts? Because weight management doesn't stop. I may experiment a bit with what could provide satiation to me at this time for more or less calories. More veggies, or more fats, or more protein. But really... it is a continuum. At least for me.

    AND I've also discovered and advocate that more moderate changes work better for me. Large deficits, large overages. Both of these tend to end up being counterproductive... at least for me.

    If this doesn't help you, maybe it will help someone else who is struggling? :shrug:

    I do hope you figure this out

  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Do you have NSV's? Non scale victories. Those usually show up before weight loss. Is your skin better? Belt looser? Clothes looser? Do you have more energy or strength? Think about the positive changes that might be going on. Have you tried adding some light exercise? Even a 10 minute daily walk? Good luck
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member

    7 4 7 grams of peas and carrots? :o

    You're a beast.
  • Peregrymj
    Peregrymj Posts: 34 Member
    I have a 300+ pound friend who's told me, on multiple occasions, that she "barely eats anything," claims it's her meds that have made her pack on the pounds. She claims to only eat like 1000 calories a day. But I've watched her. She always has a Starbucks Frappuccino or can of coke in hand, and when she's stressed she binge eats entire bags of cookies in one sitting, which she washes down with more coke. She's not a dumb person, in fact I'd consider her quite smart. People's brains are just bad at judging calorie consumption.

    Maybe post pictures of your meals somewhere or something.
  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    Yet again I will state and I don’t understand how people cannot grasp the literal sense of what I record is literal and 1000% accurate.

    I have lost 2lb this week I changed my diet to remove some dairy and that seems to be the weak spot. Given I suffer skin writing disease which is auto immune issue possibility is I’m allergic to dairy causing my body to react and puff out so to speak.

    I’m doing diet with partner but he eating more calories than me and he has lost 3 x amount of weight so clearly there is something up with my body and medically causing this.

    The help I want involved non judgemental accusations and personal experience where you have had issues and a medical issue caused it.

    Because quite clearly unless you have been in my situation your never gunna understand quite frankly. And quite clearly based on the comments.

    Also regarding exercise I’m not gunna log my exercise what’s the point I ride several horses and walk miles. It’s exercise and I’m not gunna faff over that.

    What iv done in my past is nothing about my future as anyone who understands autism and adhd is we hyper focus and easily learn new techniques. We are always striving to perfect something. Again unless your personally have adhd or autism you won’t understand it.

    But I definitely class calling me a liar and brutally attacking me via my past bullying. Yes
  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    And anyone again stating “well what do you want from us”

    Personal experiences and possible medical issues others have experienced for me to go back to doctor to check cos let’s face it doctors don’t listen either and fob you off as much as the lot making out I’m binging or not recording anything 🤦‍♀️

    The NHS are not great for finding issues unless you Google them or someone points you in right direction for you to go to doctor and be like. “Do you think it’s this?”

    We on same page now?

    Bullying by the way is constantly saying to someone they are wrong and lying 🤥 when actually that person is not. Just to put it out there!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Are you experiencing any signs of, for example: chronic fatigue, hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, skin problems, menstrual disruption or feeling cold.

    Also, why hasn't your Doctor taken this more seriously than to just tell you to try keto and reduce your calories further, sounds rather unprofessional to me.

    I'll ask this again.
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    Hi OP. It’s been a while since your post, sorry to resurrect it.
    Hopefully by now you’re either starting to see slow progress in the right direction or your GP is making some steps forward regards diagnosis?

    I just thought it might be worth mentioning there’s a plethora of online test kits you can buy which will check things like your cortisol levels or all sorts of health markers. Thriva for example is one. Usually you prick your finger and send off a mini test tube of blood that gets analysed. You might want to look into this and feel it gives you control over your testing: eg cortisol levels if your GP were reluctant to re test. Since you’re on such a low calorie diet it could also be really helpful to flag any vitamin deficiencies so you can consider supplements.

    My other advice, since you’re understandably distressed by your situation that’s clearly unsustainable, would be to bite the bullet and pay for a private appointment with a specialist. Will it be cheap, no, but your health is so important and worth more in the long run than anything else you might spend that money on.