Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 213



  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    HW 206
    GW 146

    Round 212 SW: 203.1
    Round 213 SW: 200.7

    2/1 200.0
    2/2 201.3
    2/3 201.3
    2/4 201.2
    2/5 200.8
    2/6 200.4
    2/7 200.6
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,388 Member
    64 yr young F, 5ft 4 Round 213 (my 145th). As always, thank you. @QuiltingJaine.

    Goal for this round; I'm not looking at a specific number, instead I need to aim to cut out chocolate & biscuits 'cuz I can't stop at 1 or even 2, it starts me on a downward addictive spiral. So that and any loss is my aim. No binges, keep within calories & macros.
    SW 138.6
    2/1 138.6 - 9.91 miles walked, a much better day & under control! 5% of exercise calories eaten back.
    2/2 138 – 11.04 miles walked, half of exercise calories eaten back.
    2/3 138.4 – childminding DGS; no structured walking.
    2/4 139.8 – don't ask!!:( 9.68 miles walked, but that was not enough to negate the massive amount of food I binged on :(. I'm such a stupid greedy pig!! Today is Saturday, it will be good to spend my walking together with DH.
    2/5 139.4 - 11.86 miles walked, & back in control, all but 197 of exercise calories eaten back. Saturday for us is pizza night together with a massive delicious crunchy salad, we also have oven roasted chips, I normally have just 100 calories worth, but last week I realised that I am not that bothered about the taste so this week didn't have any and to TBH didn't miss them. More importantly no chocolate/biscuits. Thank you for your kind words, I'm over yesterday’s rant at myself now.
    2/6 139.4 – no structured walking, DS & family came down for a roast lunch & then we all went to a wider family get together; 27 of us, all my DSs & their children & grandchildren. We try to do this a couple of times a year, not all of us manage it as to get a date that all of us can make is near impossible!!
    2/7 139.4 – 9.61 miles walked yesterday, ate back ¾ of exercise calories, but stayed in control & no chocolate/biscuits.
    I'M WORTH IT !!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,388 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 72 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    HWE 197.0 (2/2008)
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126) UGW was 125 (HS weight 1968)

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE👍👍
    Rnd 7 167.0 to Rnd 17 155.5
    To Rnd 27 146*
    To Rnd 37 139.0
    To Rnd 47 133.5*
    To Rnd 57 131.5
    To Rnd 67 128.0
    To Rnd 77 125.0
    To Rnd 87 121.0*
    To Rnd 97 121.0
    To Rnd 107 122.0
    To Rnd 117 116.0
    To Rnd 127 117.0
    To Rnd 137 117.0
    To Rnd 147 116.0 🙌
    To Rnd 157 115.5
    To Rnd 167 119.4
    To Rnd 177 118.3
    To Rnd 187 120.0 AW 119.6
    To Rnd 197 121.5 AW 119.15
    SW RND 198 119.0 AW 119.75
    SW RND 199 119.5 AW 119.55
    SW RND 200 120.0 AW 122.35
    SW RND 201 123.0 AW 121.35
    SW RND 202 124.0 AW 121.25
    SW RND 203 122.5 AW 122.65
    SW RND 204  122.0   AW  122.9
    SW RND 205 122.0 AW 122.95
    SW RND 206 123.0 AW 124.25
    SW RND 207 123.5 AW 125.0
    SW RND 208 124.5 AW 125.25
    SW RND 209 124.5 AW 125.7
    SW RND 210 124.0 AW 124.4
    SW RND 211 126.0 AW 126.11
    SW RND 212 127.0 AW 126.45

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    People say keto/LCHF isn’t sustainable. I’ve been doing it for over 5 years with amazing results!

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    We are unstoppable not because we do not have failures but because we continue on despite them. - paraphrase of original quote by Beau Taplin

    Up and down - just riding the waves of life. 🌊 🏄‍♀️ (My new mantra-3/19/22)

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

    SW RND 213 126.5
    2/1 127.5 Sorry for the late post! Our internet went out yesterday evening. Love checking and being told there is no problem and waking up 10 hours later to “we have a service interruption.” Should be fixed by 10am. That will be at least 12 hours without service. We have become so dependent on technology that it is scary. Reading a real book now. It seems it was actually our wi-go modem that died but we got a new one and it is finally operational. YAY!!
    2/2 127.0 Started the day with my BPC and that brought on TMI. YAY! I hope this old pattern sticks around!
    2/3 127.0 Took blind friend to the casino last night. Had dinner (OMAD) at 5 - ate cheeseburger, no bun, 1 house made potato chip and 1 small potato wedge.
    2/4 128.0 60th anniversary celebration at neighbors’ last evening. Champagne, hors d’oeuvres, cup cake 🤦‍♀️ Not anywhere near my usual 90 oz of water. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ My sewing friends are going to be here this afternoon and we will imbibe a bit - plenty of healthy snacks too!
    2/5 129.0 I think that is Friday evening debauchery showing up. Today Great Greek with family. Oldest GS came up from Phoenix. Yesterday with the ladies - meat and cheese, veggies and ranch, two kinds of me made keto crackers, and fresh chicharrones. Those green chili margaritas!?! They were good.
    2/6 129.0 At least I didn’t go up again! Good time at Great Greek. Here’s my favorite picture of 2 of my favorite guys. DH and his namesake Dear Great Grandson, Bruce - called Bru.ss7957bfvsv9.jpeg

    What a wonderful photo' thanks for sharing XX
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,388 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Charissa, ready to go for Round 213/4.
    I love these 10 days at a time rounds! Very doable. Better than a week as you tend to follow the same up and downs per week and it doesn't always show your progress. Also being able to refocus after 10 days is great!

    62 y/o female
    OSW 2022-03 230.3
    1SW 2023-01 221.8
    RSW 2023-01 216.6

    Goal This Round per Day:
    Water: 64 ounces (minimum)
    Alcohol: 0 ounces
    HW: 230
    CW: 216.6
    Goal Weight #1 199 Target Date 4/1/2023
    Goal Weight #2 180 Target Date 6/10/2023
    Goal Weight #3 160 Target Date 9/30/2023
    Goal Weight #4 150 Target Date 12/30/2023

    Round 210/1 SW: 221.8 EW: 220.6 Loss 1.2 Total Loss 1.2
    Round 211/2 SW: 220.6 EW: 218.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 3.2
    Round 212/3 SW: 218.6 EW: 216.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 5.2
    Round 213/4 SW: 216.6 EW: TBD Loss 0.0 Total Loss 5.2

    SW: 216.6

    2/1 216.6 (-0.0/-0.0) My body seems to have adjusted to the lack of alcohol😞 I did have some wine last night but back on target for today and hopefully the next 10 days. Both Goals met ✔✔
    2/2 215.8 (-0.8/-0.8) After a 3 day stall, the scale is moving again and in the right direction! Today's meals are planned and should see another loss in the morning. Both Goals met ✔✔
    2/3 215.6 (-0.2/-1.0) Better than 0... Water Goal Met ✔
    2/4 216.3 (+0.7/-0.3) Expected but was hoping to not see it...The day was good and I saved my calories for crustless pizza. 2 glasses of wine showed up...I ended up over calories by 300. And now it's the weekend....
    2/5 217.8 (+1.5/+1.2) Ooops...The first mistake was not planning dinner for Saturday. At around 4pm, looked around and had nothing prepped for dinner so did a unplanned grocery run....and I was hungry....you know where this is going. All kinds of interesting things ended up in my cart!
    2/6 218.2 (+0.4/+1.6) The good news - I enjoyed my weekend. It was a lazy kinda weekend. Sunday was kind of back on track but the damage was already done. And this week kinda has "doomed" written all over it. Tuesday we go out to dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Saturday we go out to finish celebrating my husband's birthday and finally Sunday is superbowl. It will be round 214 by then... One day at a time.

    Congrats on your anniversary, enjoy your day xx
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    RGW: 156lbs
    UGW: 140lbs (trend)
    UUGW: 122.4lbs

    Past Rounds
    R160 SW:162.8 GW:164.0 EW:DNW
    R161 SW:162.0 GW:159.5 EW:158.2 (-3.8)
    R162 SW:160.2 GW:156.5 EW:154.6 (-5.6)
    R163 SW:154.4 GW:152.4 EW:152.4 (-2.0)
    R164 SW:151.8 GW:151.0 EW:150.2 (-1.6)
    R165 SW:149.0 GW:148.4 EW:149.0 (-0.0)
    R166 SW:148.4 GW:147.0 EW:147.0 (-1.4)
    R167 SW:148.2 GW:146.5 EW:146.6 (-1.6)
    R168 SW:146.6 GW:144.0 EW:146.2 (-0.4)
    R169 SW:143.6 GW:143.0 EW:142.0 (-1.6)
    R170 SW:143.0 GW:140.0 EW:140.6 (-2.4)
    R171 SW:140.0 GW:139.6 EW:138.6 (-1.4)
    R172 SW:141.4 GW:138.6 EW:145.0 (+3.6)
    R173 SW:145.2 GW:142.8 EW:141.0 (-4.2)
    R174 SW:141.0 GW:139.6 EW:142.2 (+1.2)
    R175 SW:141.6 GW:139.6 EW: 140.0 (-1.6)
    R176 SW:139.6 GW:139.0 EW: 138.4 (-1.2)

    R177-R210 DNW
    R211 SW:165.0 GW:163.0 EW: 160.8 (-4.2)
    R212 SW: 161.4 GW: 159.0 EW: 157.6 (-3.2)
    R213 SW: 158.0 GW: 156.0 EW:
    1/30 158.6
    1/31 157.6

    2/1 158.0 Massive sugar cravings and low mood yesterday, which I gave in to, so I'm not surprised to see a small gain. Think it's hormones coming into play. TOTM this round so it will be interesting to see how that affects my weight and energy levels.

    2/2 157.4 Still lots of cravings, which I gave into in the form of left over Christmas biscuits, gah. Didn't eat any proper food to make up for the indulgences, that's not the way to go.

    2/3 157.4 Went to the pub last night with OH, which was unplanned, so calories ended up way over. It also didn't help that I came home and had ice cream and crisps, whoops! As a result I had a poor night's sleep so I feel like crap today, that'll learn me.

    2/4 157.8 Well, I guess this little uptick is down to bad choices on Thursday and having a lazy day yesterday. Tiredness and sugar cravings are still causing issues.

    2/5 157.2 OK that's a bit better. Still making poor choices in the evening but not eating much during the day is just about balancing things out. Not the best method nutritionally though. Went with OH for his hospital appointment, he was having an MRI scan for joint pain. We didn't realise how long these things take, so after an hours drive there, I was sat in the car waiting for 3hrs, then an hours drive back. Then i stayed on the sofa all evening because I was feeling low and unmotivated. Sun is shining today, must do better.

    2/6 157.8 Gah. This could be just water I hope. Went for a 4 mile walk and had salty soup and rice cakes. I'll be lucky if I even weigh less than the end of last round at this rate. It's Monday, a good day to strengthen my resolve. I know how important it is for me to feel comfortable in my body in order to enjoy life. I determine to not waste another beautiful year hiding away and feeling shame. I'm planning on going to the gym today for the first time in about 18 months, got my clothes all laid out and ready, I just need to find the courage.

    2/7 158.0 Well that's very discouraging. I made it to the gym and did a relatively gentle workout. 10 mins elliptical, 30 mins fast walking on treadmill and 15 mins rowing. I'm glad I went though, it helped me see how unfit I've become! Not sure why I've had a gain, I don't think it's water retention from muscle soreness because I didn't work that hard. My mfp diary shows my daily net average calories are 895 for the last week and 745 for the week before so I think I should have lost more than 1.9 pounds in that time. I guess my metabolism is just being very stubborn and I need to find ways to raise my energy output. Tricky when I feel so exhausted all the time. Glad totm finishes today and my hormones can settle for a while.

  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,562 Member
    @quiltingjaine -Great picture of your handsome guys! Karen
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @quiltingjaine Bru's so cute! And their eyes match!