Just joined a gym..!



  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks everyone :-)
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    That's awesome! I filled out an information form for the gym down the streets, but then I panicked and have dodged their calls out of Great and Terrible Gym fear. >_>;
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Work past the soreness. It goes away/becomes less noticeable as you warm up. Or just work a different muscle group.
  • Take a couple of sessions with a personal trainer to learn the proper form.

    Yeah I just don't wanna spend a ton on a trainer ..

    I just joined a gym as well. I am using the Jamie Eason 12 week live fit program. Her trainings are great. There are pictorials of each exercise, a detailed description and a video. There are trainings for men and women. This has really helped me.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I know how you feel with the soreness. I just started doing yoga last weekend and one workout can leave more sore for the next 2 days! I wouldn't really recommend yoga so much for weight loss, but it will definitely help you get in shape.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Take a couple of sessions with a personal trainer to learn the proper form.

    Yeah I just don't wanna spend a ton on a trainer ..

    That's why I said to take "a couple" of sessions. Some people can teach themselves. I did. But if you can't or won't, a trainer can help. Say up front, "I'm not looking for long-term training. I just want to learn the proper form for a few basic exercises that should be part of any routine."

    I also think that someone who has 100 pounds to lose has to approach exercise differently. You could put too much stress on your body too soon and hurt yourself. I would start with three times a week and walk the other days.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    Yeah I expected soreness but it's intense! Haha thanks

    Take some sort of pain reliever. When you're first starting out at the gym, take it easy. Take a rest every other day until you get used to the movements and the soreness goes away. Congrats on joining the gym, btw. Its a great start. Just make sure to stick with it.

    Also, if you're using the treadmill, maybe switch it up for the elliptical? Treadmills have always been rough on me and make my knees hurt.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Am i the only one who doesn't dare to join a gym because im scared of being judge?

    You are not the only one. Many stay away ... I stayed away for years and once I started attending regularly I found that it was a wonderful place. Of course there are people who aren't so cool as you will find everywhere, but for the most part the people were great. I found even the muscle bound body builders welcomed me into the free weight "sanctum" once they saw how serious I was. Offering me advice and offering to spot for me and I am far from a young pretty little wisp of a girl.

    I do not currently belong to a gym and it is purely a financial thing ... I miss the social side of being in the gym, I miss the variety of workouts I can get, and I miss the support from the other members. So I want to encourage you and everyone who can afford a gym membership to go! Also if you can't afford one there are many ways you can get the social interaction as well as workout support. Most communities have group runs, rides, and hikes free for everyone. Working out is fun and makes you feel good. Working out with others is too.
  • Congrats! Remember this pain... because if you stop and then start back up, you'll hurt like this all over again! that said, you need to give yourself rest time between workouts... especially first starting out... This is a 3 part process: we work our bodies (both strength and cardio), we feed them nutritious foods in the right quantities, and we give them rest so they can repair and replenish before we do it to them all over again... The rest time is when all the magic happens... This is a life long endeavor! Make slow but steady increases/improvements... you'll suffer far less injury that way that will only cause you to go backwards and lose progress... Stick with it... the pain will only last about 2 weeks.... don't give up!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Awesome. Just keep doing what you are doing. Once your body gets used to it you won't be so sore...just don't do too much too fast, build up slowly with your workouts. Remember to take a rest day. Mix it up a bit so you aren't doing the same exercises all the time. Cardio and weights is what I do and it has done wonders for me.

    If I can do it, you can :) Good luck!!!
  • Pain is love. Or is it love is pain? :smile: Good luck. Don't give up on yourself.
  • Good Job in joining the gym. I will say that you need to take it slow and listen to your body. If you are in too much pain, rest. You don't want to get discouraged and not go workout. Just take it slow. It is a journey. You will see results soon if you stick with it!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    At my gym there's all ages, sizes, races, and both men and women. It's a comfortable place. There's also really great teachers! I feel it is the teachers that make a gym great.

    Best of luck at your new gym (you got a great deal on the price!)

    I do know that if you are starting a new class there they say it takes 3-4 classes before you begin to feel comfortable. That would mean you need to give any class you try 3-4 classes before deciding if it is the class for you (or not!).
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Am i the only one who doesn't dare to join a gym because im scared of being judge?

    You would need to find a gym that's a good fit for you. My gym has members of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels. The fitness instructors are amazing. We also have a women's only workout area. If you join a gym that is not a comfortable environment with supportive staff members it's not a good fit for you.
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    Take a couple of sessions with a personal trainer to learn the proper form.

    Yeah I just don't wanna spend a ton on a trainer ..

    That's why I said to take "a couple" of sessions. Some people can teach themselves. I did. But if you can't or won't, a trainer can help. Say up front, "I'm not looking for long-term training. I just want to learn the proper form for a few basic exercises that should be part of any routine."

    I also think that someone who has 100 pounds to lose has to approach exercise differently. You could put too much stress on your body too soon and hurt yourself. I would start with three times a week and walk the other days.

    Yeah still though. Considering I paid $100 for a years membership, paying $40-$60/session with a trainer isn't happening. I am a cheap Jewish girl. What can I say.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I know how you feel with the soreness. I just started doing yoga last weekend and one workout can leave more sore for the next 2 days! I wouldn't really recommend yoga so much for weight loss, but it will definitely help you get in shape.

    I disagree. Yoga is actually great for strength training! A class like Power Yoga is not only cardio but it works all of your muscles. Yoga is absolutely suggested as part of a weight loss effort and body weight training is a wonderful way to strength train. Plus, people that do yoga tend to sleep better and make better food choices as a result.
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    At my gym there's all ages, sizes, races, and both men and women. It's a comfortable place. There's also really great teachers! I feel it is the teachers that make a gym great.

    Best of luck at your new gym (you got a great deal on the price!)

    I do know that if you are starting a new class there they say it takes 3-4 classes before you begin to feel comfortable. That would mean you need to give any class you try 3-4 classes before deciding if it is the class for you (or not!).

    Thanks! Yeah there are a few classes and since they are all included I'm thinking of trying yoga or maybe Zumba soon!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Take a couple of sessions with a personal trainer to learn the proper form.

    Yeah I just don't wanna spend a ton on a trainer ..

    That's why I said to take "a couple" of sessions. Some people can teach themselves. I did. But if you can't or won't, a trainer can help. Say up front, "I'm not looking for long-term training. I just want to learn the proper form for a few basic exercises that should be part of any routine."

    I also think that someone who has 100 pounds to lose has to approach exercise differently. You could put too much stress on your body too soon and hurt yourself. I would start with three times a week and walk the other days.

    Yeah still though. Considering I paid $100 for a years membership, paying $40-$60/session with a trainer isn't happening. I am a cheap Jewish girl. What can I say.

    No need to hire a trainer. Just take a variety of free classes that are included in your membership. Get into a good routine and schedule those workouts on your calendar (I put them on my fridge and also in my phone).
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member

    Have fun :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    At my gym there's all ages, sizes, races, and both men and women. It's a comfortable place. There's also really great teachers! I feel it is the teachers that make a gym great.

    Best of luck at your new gym (you got a great deal on the price!)

    I do know that if you are starting a new class there they say it takes 3-4 classes before you begin to feel comfortable. That would mean you need to give any class you try 3-4 classes before deciding if it is the class for you (or not!).

    Thanks! Yeah there are a few classes and since they are all included I'm thinking of trying yoga or maybe Zumba soon!

    I cannot say enough good things about Zumba (and yoga). It's all about the teachers. Zumba continues to be my greatest calorie burn each week and I LOVE my teacher. Here's a calculator to figure out what you burn in Zumba (so you can log it on MFP--you add it to your exercises that way it is always there on your list). http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/
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