A little unnoticed success!

Most of the time, I avoid the reports section of our lovely app. Today, though, I opened it up to analyze where my health journey has taken me over the last year.

It's been a big year that was both long and hard. I fought off Cancer. Finally, in January, the doctors declared I am Cancer-free! Yay!

Now that this major - life and death - battle is over, my last few weeks have been spent healing and wondering, "What now?" The answers I've come to have surprised me. It seems I am ready for a career change. I am ready for a lifestyle change. And I have no idea how to change any of it because the expectations of my body are all kinds of off balance.

So, I've spent the weekend trying to figure out where "normal" is. Today's foray into reports showed me that my new normal is roughly 20 pounds lighter than it used to be. That's 1/3 of my original goal for weight loss! That is a success worthy of celebration, too.

Sometimes life hands us battles that feel impossible, and sometimes, we succeed at them while fighting a harder battle. So, though, I did not notice, I have added another physical health goal! Yay!


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,478 Member
    Thank you for sharing this. It's really great to read about you surmounting struggles and then finding out, by accident, that you've been successful in other aspects of your life you hadn't even realized.

    I wish you success on your NEW goal!