
Hi, Im Makayla and have 10 pounds to lose. I had an awakeniing when I gained ten pounds in one week. I have always tried to maintain a weight of 110 but after a recent mental health crisis I have done a lot of stress eating and doom scrolling. I want to set good food habits before I graduate high school.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,669 Member
    Hi, Makayla - I hope you're at least 18, because MFP's rules say you need to be that old.

    It's unlikely that you gained 10 pounds of fat in one week, honestly: To do so, you'd need to have eaten 35,000 calories above your needs that week. That's like the equivalent of eating 5 whole large pizzas in addition to your normal eating. That's possible, but pretty unusual, y'know? You may've added some water weight, maybe from stress, maybe from extra salt in your eating, maybe from hormonal cycles that are normal in adult women . . . lots of possibilities.

    Try to relax about it. If the 10 pounds you gained is the 10 pounds you want to lose, just go back to eating normal, healthy meals; drink some water every day (not crazy much, but some); get a little fun exercise (nothing extreme) . . . then see where you are in a couple of weeks to a month doing that. I'm betting things will look much better.

    If you're under 18, don't stay here. That wouldn't be healthy. Just focus on healthy eating, good (fun!)cexercise, and overall good health practices. Those teen years can be really stressful, with weight ups and downs that are essentially meaningless in the long term but seem like major doom in the moment. Just try to stick with a healthy routine - like the ones they tell you about in health class, right? LOL - and you'll be fine. Good habits for the lifetime win!

    Best wishes!