Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 218



  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    @clprieur my inspiration slide show is just a little app I wrote that allows me to add photos, images, and text quotes to slide shows. It's not anything that couldn't be achieved by creating a slide show using Google photos or the Apple equivalent. So I just load it up with photos of my progress, images of my weight loss graphs, and a bunch of motivational quotes. I put on some background upbeat music and watch it flip through the photos and quotes. I also find just updating it a bit helps me stay focused too.

    @refactored WOW!!!! SUPER AWESOME IDEA!!! Thanks for sharing that, I am totally going to do that, too!!! :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning!

    3/28 goal 231.15/actual 232 ❌. I weight lifted yesterday so this is normal, but I did set the rule, so I will be water (& coffee, maybe veggie soup) fasting until I get back to reaching my daily goal. I will still continue my normal routine & go to the gym & hot yoga. Hopefully I am back on my schedule tomorrow morning.

    4/1 Goal 229.75/actual

    @LisaPower123 Hey, real talk: I hope when you say "go to the gym" you are not talking about lifting weights with no calories in your system, because I feel like that would be very hard on your body. There is no way for me to say this without sounding judgmental, but I feel like your approach (fasting until you reach a certain goal weight) is probably not medically advisable You may want to check in with your doctor or even a nutritionist. I say this only because I have often taken this kind of approach over the course of my 53 years (what I now feel is an impatient and unrealistic approach) and for me, it always backfired in the end, by causing me to feel frustrated with myself and like a failure because I couldn't achieve the unrealistic goals I'd set. Feeling disgusted with myself, I'd throw my hands in the air and then binge for about 6 months and pack on even more weight. That's just me, though. But I guess because I have had disordered food behaviours many time in the past, I am wondering if you think that possibly your approach may be disordered as well. I dunno, just being a concerned rando on the internet. Sorry if I offend. Please take good care.
  • shmmm3
    shmmm3 Posts: 255 Member
    edited March 2023
    clprieur wrote: Β»
    Good morning!

    3/28 goal 231.15/actual 232 ❌. I weight lifted yesterday so this is normal, but I did set the rule, so I will be water (& coffee, maybe veggie soup) fasting until I get back to reaching my daily goal. I will still continue my normal routine & go to the gym & hot yoga. Hopefully I am back on my schedule tomorrow morning.

    4/1 Goal 229.75/actual

    @LisaPower123 Hey, real talk: I hope when you say "go to the gym" you are not talking about lifting weights with no calories in your system, because I feel like that would be very hard on your body. There is no way for me to say this without sounding judgmental, but I feel like your approach (fasting until you reach a certain goal weight) is probably not medically advisable You may want to check in with your doctor or even a nutritionist. I say this only because I have often taken this kind of approach over the course of my 53 years (what I now feel is an impatient and unrealistic approach) and for me, it always backfired in the end, by causing me to feel frustrated with myself and like a failure because I couldn't achieve the unrealistic goals I'd set. Feeling disgusted with myself, I'd throw my hands in the air and then binge for about 6 months and pack on even more weight. That's just me, though. But I guess because I have had disordered food behaviours many time in the past, I am wondering if you think that possibly your approach may be disordered as well. I dunno, just being a concerned rando on the internet. Sorry if I offend. Please take good care.

    @LisaPower123 @clprieur
    I'm a proponent of fasting only if it's smart and healthy and obviously not a recommendation for people already struggling with disordered eating. I used to have anxiety around feeling hungry as if I was going to die if I didn't eat something. That caused me to binge and overeat. A slow and controlled fasting protocol really helped me trust my body had enough nutrients that I could let the hunger wait until dinner. Strength training while fasted helps to not lose muscle mass but you aren't going to make any gains. Big plus: after fasting, healthy food tastes good enough to eat. That's the biggest thing for me. Don't usually like roasted broccoli? Try it after fasting for 36 hours :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member

    Thanks for your concern. I do appreciate it.

    I have been at this for years now. I gained weight quickly (80lbs in 12 months) after quitting smoking in 2007 & have not been able to lose it. This is just a new game to me. I fast smartly, with supplements & electrolytes. I will not push myself too hard, or ever feel bad. My longest fast was 10 days & I did weight lift & exercise throughout the entire fast & I felt good. This is not disordered eating for me at all, just a new game that I haven't tried & that I hope will work. When I exercise today, it will be like exercising without eating breakfast which is something that I always do. If I still have to fast through tomorrow it will be Yin Yoga, easy peezy.

    I guess I will see from the responses if this is triggering for people in this group & may have to just do it on my own or in a fasting group.

    @LisaPower123 Oh dear, no, it was not my intent to make you feel like you should leave the group. :( Sorry about that, please stay and express yourself however you feel best. I truly know NOTHING about fasting as a purposeful tool. And your post did not trigger me except to worry that you might be struggling. If you know what you are doing then please continue. You know you best. :)