Bulking on Testosterone Therapy

Just started Testosterone Therapy and lifting weights.


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,550 Member
    As in, your doc has prescribed testosterone as you were clinically deficient, or you’re using gear privately? If the latter I think you’ll find this post deleted pretty quickly.
    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    Judge Much?
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Judge Much?
    No, merely asking as the guidelines prohibit promotion of certain things, including illegal drug use. Hence asking if it was a doctor-prescribed medication.

    Guilty much? 🤔😜
    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    @claireychn074 lol, this dude was not promoting the use of it. He simply stated he’s gonna start bulking while on TRT.

    Guilty? Of what? Guilt is a form of regret. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve tried it before 😉 lmk if you’re interested 😂 (oops, gonna have to delete this thread now huh?) oh well.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,129 Member
    Just started Testosterone Therapy and lifting weights.

    I'm guessing the therapy was for low test. TRT can not be prescribed with a test level above 300 I was told when I inquired about it.

    Training wise, your results will be reliant on your diet and training program for the most part. The TRT will help.
  • whiskey7524
    whiskey7524 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2023
    I'm on week 14 of TRT after testing at 315. Knowing what I know now, I've had Low T for at least a decade.

    I almost accidentally started working out w/in a week or two because I had felt so much better overall. Like a giant weight was lifted off me. My moods improved, energy levels jumped and I couldn't even seem to sit still. Most people don't realize how low T affects EVERY aspect of the male body both mentally and physically.

    Using resistance bands and later modular dumbbells I have lost inches in my waist and hips. Gained in my biceps, chest, thighs. I'm loving the results and seeing the definition in my muscles. Having not stepped in a gym since high school, I never thought I'd be working out, let alone looking forward to it!

    The Youtube couple ACHV PEAK are awesome! Research "Lean Bulk" and adjust your macros accordingly or you will just get fat.

    Get 10 week follow ups with a doctor or you will burn up. Think of it this way: Your body is an engine and it needs quality food (fuel). If you add TRT (nitrous oxide) your will redline your tachometer and wear out parts quickly. We overshot my dose a bit and I hit 1,250 (Autobahn for my age). So we cut the dose by 20% and I'm now running at mid 900 which is a nice comfy US interstate speed. The human body can run redlined for a very short period of time, but over time you will eventually blow a gasket (and your balls will shrivel up into dried up raisins, btw!)