What are your goals

Now I know we are all on our own journey and I’m not playing the comparison game. This is me from a few years ago not in my best condition but good enough to be sustainable, this is what I’m looking to accomplish over the next 6 months with tracking intake and putting effort into my output. At 60 years old I thing this would be a good reasonable goal for me. What are y’all’s goals?


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited March 2023

    Full wheel.

    Ekapadas without an elbow drilled into my hip.

    Bird of Paradise.

    Feathered Peacock.

    Bigger bench.

    Lower squats.

    Using the 35s as a set of regular “heavy” weights in Muscle Madness classes

    25,000 steps a day.

    I got a million more……and in case you think I’m joking, I’m not. 😇
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Besides my weight goal (right now 135 lbs, which is the midpoint of the healthy BMI range so seems as good a place to be as not, might revise it later), I'd like to be fit enough that I could pass the US Army fitness test for females 32-36 (my sex and age bracket). I'd like to work back up to an average 15k steps per day, too, and maybe even more (25k is inspiring, @springlering62 ! )
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 455 Member
    Muscle gain while maintaining. More in terms of strength than size/appearance. I've toyed with the idea of dabbling in competive powerlifting, but I'm a hypermobile 46 year old with a heart condition, so "competitive" might be reeeaaally relative lol. We'll see how things go....
  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    Besides my weight goal (right now 135 lbs, which is the midpoint of the healthy BMI range so seems as good a place to be as not, might revise it later), I'd like to be fit enough that I could pass the US Army fitness test for females 32-36 (my sex and age bracket). I'd like to work back up to an average 15k steps per day, too, and maybe even more (25k is inspiring, @springlering62 ! )
    Your doing fantastic, let’s keep that work consistent

  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    stay in a size six
  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    Win the weekend y’all
  • qwert1225
    qwert1225 Posts: 4 Member
    Lose 10 pounds for my wedding at the end of May.
  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    Compete at the national masters’ this year and not completely flunk it due to nerves. Sort out the mental issues which impact on heavier clean and jerks.
    Compete at the national masters’ this year and not completely flunk it due to nerves. Sort out the mental issues which impact on heavier clean and jerks.

    Goals are vital. Pulling for you to achieve yours

  • monkeynutser
    monkeynutser Posts: 4 Member
    I'm turning 40 soon and I need to lose 63lb. Long way to go but I am determined this time. I'm doing intermittent fasting 16:8 and it is working well for me so far. I have been doing it for 10days and I've lost 6lb so far. Best of luck to you all.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    We talked about setting SMART goals in my CBT group today. I think goals are far more likely to be achieved when these elements are taken into consideration when setting goals:


    More: https://foundcom.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1.-SMART-Goal-Worksheet.pdf
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member

    Full wheel.

    ✔️Ekapadas without an elbow drilled into my hip.
    (I actually meant parsva bakasana aka “side crow”. I remembered this goal post and popped right into it on both sides sans the extra elbow. Also got full grasshopper from a standing figure-4. It wasn’t pretty, but dammit, I tried, and I got it for a second or two on both sides.I love yoga and the feeling of trying, and of eventual accomplishment.)

    Bird of Paradise.

    Feathered Peacock.

    Bigger bench.

    Lower squats.

    Using the 35s as a set of regular “heavy” weights in Muscle Madness classes

    25,000 steps a day.

    I got a million more……and in case you think I’m joking, I’m not. 😇

  • herringboxes
    herringboxes Posts: 259 Member
    Wonderful goals, I loved reading them all (and the pic is also a great goal).

    I wanted to tell this little anecdote for the older people. When I was in my early 30s, I was into local farms for veggies and the like. I remember one day I was in a group of folks discussing local eating, and one attendee was a lady who I estimated to be in her mid to upper 70s. When the discussion was over, she stood up from her chair so easily and gracefully that my 32 yo self was wowed. I know it sounds dumb maybe, but I had a lot of admiration for the way an older person just popped out of her chair like it was nothing, when usually I see people that age having to make an effort.

    So you can be an inspiration to younger folks just by any level of fitness and vitality you may be.