

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    1. Commit to being more active this month starting today. Yes!
    2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors today. Yes!
    3. Listen to your body and be grateful for what it can do. Yes! I can garden, which requires all sorts of body motion, and cycle.
    4. Eat healthy and natural food today and drinks lots of water. Yes! Ate my usual food and drank lots of water up till about 8 pm. We won't talk about what happened after that.
    5. Turn a regular activity into a playful game today. Hmmm ... Walking around the shops? Climbing stairs?
    6. Do a body-scan meditation and really notice how your body feels. Achy.
    7. Get natural light early in the day. Dim the lights in the evening.
    There isn't much light early in the day here. Plus I was sleeping then. Plus it was cloudy, drizzly and rainy all day.
    But I do dim the lights in the evening. It's one of many steps I take to wind down in the evenings to prepare myself for the night.
    8. give your body a boost by laughing or making someone laugh
    I rarely laugh. Most things don't strike me funny.
    Lots of things amuse me, but not enough for laughter.
    9. Turn your housework or chores into a fun form of exercise
    I often do, but as today's work involved sitting at 2 computers, I walked on the treadmill during a break instead.
    10. Have a day with less screen time and more movement
    Unfortunately, today was another day sitting at 2 computers.
    But I did go downstairs to row and lift weights.
    Hoping the rain will let up soon!!! It's been 4 days already!
    11. Set yourself an exercise goal or sign up to an activity challenge
    One of my more favourite areas!! :)
    We aim to cycle at least one 50 km ride each month and have been doing that for a while. :) At our AGM at the end of March, we got a bag full of these each. :)
    We will have to see when we can fit our April ride in ... the 5 days off over Easter would have been good but it rained and rained and was cold and windy. Snow at higher elevations.
    Maybe next weekend ... we'll see.
    AND ... one of the bigger running events moved their event to September which is fantastic for me. Originally, it was this month, but I was nowhere near ready to even sign up for the 5K. Now I've got the winter to get in shape. :)
    Also, now that I'm working back in the same building I was in about 16 months ago, with many of the same people, we've started our stair climbing challenge again. We are easing into it this month because of Easter and ANZAC Day but we'll be ready to be much more consistent in May.
    The stair climbing challenge is exciting because when I'm busy climbing 20+ flights of 20 stairs each day I am at work, I lose weight.
    12. Move as much as possible, even if you’re stuck inside
    Absolutely! I climbed stairs. :)
    13. Make sleep a priority and go to bed in good time
    I do when I have to work the next day ... make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep.
    But I am not keen on that. I'm a night owl and like to get things done late at night. Having to be in bed by 11:45 pm is a bit uncomfortably early.
    14. Relax your body & mind with yoga, tai chi or meditation.
    Gardening ... will gardening do?
    15. Get active by singing today (even if you think you can’t sing)
    I sing every day. My husband is very polite about it. :)
    16. Go exploring around your local area and notice new things
    I've spent 5 years on our island.
    I've done a lot of local exploring!
    I think exploring locally is a great idea and some people don't do enough of it. However, I'm getting more and more restless to go somewhere else as the weeks go by.
    17. Be active outside. Dig up weeds or plant some seeds
    I usually do this on the weekend when there's daylight.
    However, I occasionally do some weeding in the pitch dark when I walk Rhody right after work.
    18. Try a new online exercise, activity or dance class.
    Hmmmmmmm ... not that keen on online exercise, aside from Zwift.
    However, I have started a stair climbing challenge at work, and we keep track of it on an Excel spreadsheet. :)
    19. Spend less time sitting today. Get up and move more often.
    Walking in the morning and evening as part of my commute.
    Walking at lunch.
    Climbing stairs.
    Walking back and forth to the kitchen and toilet.
    Walking with Rhody after work.
    20. Focus on eating ‘a rainbow of multi-colored vegetables today.
    As always. :)
    21. Regularly pause to stretch and breathe during the day.
    Does huffing and puffing up and down 20 flights of stairs count?
    22. Enjoy moving to your favorite music. Really go for it.
    I always enjoy my music, but I don't necessarily move to it.
    23. Go out and do an errand for a loved one or neighbor.
    Not on the 23rd (Sunday) but today.
    24. Get active in nature. Feed the birds or go wild-life spotting.
    Walking ... and watching the pigeons.
    25. Have a ‘no screens’ night and take time to recharge yourself.
    Tuesday was ANZAC Day ... so I didn't spend as much time in front of my computer. I was out in the garden for quite a while, then we went cycling.

    26. Take an extra break in your day and walk outside for 15 minutes

    Wednesday, I was back at work. But I did a longish (over an hour) walk to the Botanical Gardens and back to work.

    27. Find a fun exercise to do while waiting for the kettle to boil (or pan of water.)

    Thursday ... today. More climbing stairs.

    28. Meet a friend outside for a walk and a chat.

    Does cycling with my husband count?
    29. Become an activist for a cause you really believe in
    30. Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    Flea - Actually, you're walking into your interview in the best possible way. The Principle of Least Interest says that the person or group with the least interest in maintaining a relationship has the most power. It's quite seldom that we're handed that kind of power in this life, so enjoy it. :smiley: I loved what you said - that everyone is loved. It's comforting.

    Lisa in AR

    Yes, absolutely!

    The interviews I've been in during the past 16 months have been like that and it's been amazing!

    You feel so much freer in the interview.

    @OregonMother - be sure to ask lots of questions during the interview.

    Places like it when interviewees ask lots of questions, and it's something a lot of people forget. But you're in the position to be able to ask deep questions about the work, the projects on offer, the work environment, etc. and even cheeky questions about the benefits of working for that organisation in that position.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    I haven’t had the mental energy at the end of the day this week. Once again my boss showed up and put me down.

    My coworker, I am training as a backup was sitting there and she said she had never heard someone be so condescending towards a staff member.

    I have a doctors appointment next week, I’m also going to cal the labor board. I can’t do this anymore, I just need to take care of myself, my BP is higher in the evenings, I’m having nightmares, I’m sick to my stomach at the thoughts of going to work and as I pull in the parking lot it is worse, but add in a feeling of dread.

    I took the H&S module of Harassment and bullying last week, the suggestions they tell you to take if you are being bullied by a supervisor is to go to another manager or supervisor. The problem is, that everyone reports to her and she makes all decisions, managers opinions don’t matter.
    She tells them how to deal with a situation and if they don’t they get targeted.
    I found out this week that her and the Board Chair/president are good friends and visit with one another too.

    I am heartbroken to leave a job I enjoy because she gets away with this.

    I’ll catch up on the weekend.

    I hope you can get some help. :heart:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka “…But I'd probably have to go scatter myself ...” neat trick ;)
    Rosemarie, ah yes, that makes sense. Hope they are not too far and will visit often.
    Flea “…every one is loved…” thanks for the reminder, and for the update. Keeping you and yours in prayer.

    Gorgeous day, 70 degrees, warm breeze, relished a little time outside.
    TMI whine
    Really weary of being “stove up”. Tuesday the 18th was the most recent healthy relief, since then it’s been digging out dribs and drabs. H20, fiber, prunes, ginger, exercise, twisting, massage struggle to make it bearable. Could hemorrhoid pain be halting the process? Gonna try a little lidocaine.

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    Chewable Vit C
    Lots of fruit and veg
    A bag of salted almonds
    Walking long distances briskly

    Stopping all pain and congestion medications

    And then, if that hasn't worked, off to the chemist to find something there to get things going.

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    Good Morning,
    Watched "Where the Crawdads Sing" last night (while doing work stuffs) It was really good. Got laundry done except for sheets which is today. Mopped kitchen floor.

    Tracey Hugs! I "feel" you! My DH and his sister need to figure out what's next for us. They really need to have an exit plan for within the next 5 years. That is when we will all be eligible for health care at 65. I just don't know if we can sustain that long. Mechanics are really hard to come by and ours aren't getting any younger.

    Paperwork to do. Have a BLESSED day! You are all so inspiring to me!

    Kylia in rainy Ohio but the birds are singing
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,382 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    KJ HUGS!

    Machka Inspiring!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,114 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Barbara my appointment was okay, thanks for asking. We just do it on a phone call if there are technical problems.

    KJ I used to have recurring dreams about being at college with no housing and wandering around looking for a corner to sleep in. Disconcerting.

    Heather we are glad DH is better.

    Tracey many hugs to you as you sort this out. One thing my father did to remove himself from the drama is mentally switch to being a temporary employee. Pretending he was temporary made it much more tolerable.

    Michele glad you have DH's MRI results. Hope he can move forward to some relief.

    Lisa, you too. Surgery is a scary thing, but we all hope you can move forward to some relief.

    Ginny glad you are feeling okay. I didn't know thyroid cancer would spread like that. Hope it stays dormant.

    Kylia glad your heart is doing better without meds.

    Annie in Delaware