How would your dog protect you?



  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    My dog protects me by intimidation alone... Petey is a pitbull and even though he is a gentile giant people are still afraid of him lol... He wouldn't hurt a fly (seriously he actually gets stressed out if we try to kill one lol) . I don't see him as scary but others do... My good little guy is posted as some profile shots.... Can't imagine being afraid of his sweet little face but you'd be surprised
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm not sure how either of my dogs would react now, I'm sure if they felt I was threatened I might find out. Though once an aggressive dog that lived across the street broke it's rope and charged us, while the neighbors other dog which wasn't leashed at all was already coming over to us. They circled Gracie and I. Gracie is a husky/shepherd/lab/boxer/mutt is the best guess...She was a pound puppy....anyhow, the two dogs were circling us, Gracie's eyes were just focused on the ground straight ahead of her, she didn't go submissive, she didn't go dominant (she doesn't have a dominant bone in her body) but she wasn't going submissive either. Of course in my head I'm just thinking if these dogs attack mine it's game on...Anyhow nothing happened. The neighbor came running over and grabbed his dogs finally. I later learned the aggressive one had already kid their other neighbors cat and has since attacked 2 dogs that were walking next to babies in strollers. I think the dog has gone to live with the guys mother.

    My last dog was a German Shepherd, she didn't like anything running at us. So any dogs running towards us she instantly got into protection mode.

    I don't ever want to know what my dogs would do. I do however, know what I would do if someone were to hurt them, or their dog attacks mine.
  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    Our older dog would lick you to death but our 5.5 month old mini aussie/beagle mix she'll teach you who's boss if you threaten her human's that's for dang sure.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    She probably wouldn't. She's scared of everything!! :laugh:

    Neither will mine! All bark no bite! She's scared of rain! She acts all tough. It's annoying. Chihuahuas :noway:
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I have a Chihuahua...she is very protective of anybody. If she sees someone attacking or chasing another person she will run up to them barking viciously...if she nips she never breaks skin its just a warning to leave that person alone...she also likes chasing people that run very similar vicious sounding bark but that is different..its a game to her. I only let her out in our complex area..all you have to do is stop and she will walk away..its kinda funny. Everyone around here knows her and her tendencies so its not a big deal. She is also territorial in our apartment. If another dog comes in its usually the dog she is worried about telling them its her couch or area stay clear. She also doesn't like hats on men so she sounds scary...until they take off the hat..LOL
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I have a black labrador, he is the goofiest, most laid back dog ever. I was out walking him one night last year (winter time). I came to the crossing on my street. There was a drunk on the other side of the road. I happened to look his way as i was looking up and down the street to check if it was safe to cross, at this point my dog was sniffing something in the shadows so I suspect the guy couldn't see him. The guy came racing towards me, screaming and hurling abuse, next thing you know, my dog came flying out of the shadows, hackles up and growling like i have never heard before. The guy backed off pretty quick. Harvey (my dog), remained in 'high alert' until we got home. So, yes, I do think my dog would protect me. However, I don;t want him to, just in case he gets hurt, :)
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    My parent's dog Roxy is a Jack Russell Terrier but very heavy and muscular...think pit bull in little body. She is territorial and yes she has given warning nips to people coming in the house if she doesn't know them. One was to my ex who she did know very well. For some reason he thought it was funny to tackle me and tickle me...after we've broken up. I was getting mad that he wouldn't leave me alone and, not thinking, I said Help! Roxy came over very quietly, no growling or barking, while he still held me down tickling me and when he looked up she nipped his nose...blood on both sides...lets just say he never held me down again! Protective....Yes! :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    When I was little we had lab mix, my brothers and I were playing in the backyard and a man came in our yard for god knows what, as soon as he got into the back our dog attacked him, protecting us. For the dogs I have now, one is a sweetheart and too nice, but out other dog, an American foxhound, is super protective if I'm alone with him. I'll be out walking him, and he doesn't care if he sees people, but if a man walks up to me he absolutely loses it, and acts like he is going to rip their face off. He's given a couple people warning snips when the come inside, just to let them no what's up if they try anything sketchy.

    Do you really think it ok that your dog gives people "warning nips" for no reason? Or goes crazy for no other reason than ther person approaching is a male? He is not protective, he is fearful.

    Do you really think your being a fun member of this forum? Butthurt much? Sorry to overwhelm you with questions I love meeting new people~!

    I don't think you know what that word means. How on earth does that make me butthurt?

    No, I might not be being a fun member right now. I wasnt aware that every post had to be "fun". I take dog issues seriously and the idea that people think its ok to let a dog bite is a little surprising to me.
  • Chunkilious
    I have a Japanese Akita, and she is FEARSOME Looking!! When we walk her people cross the street to avoid her! But she is the most gentle - beautiful - sweetest angel in the whole world. Kids can swing round her neck and she wouldn't bat an eye. She NEVER barks and if we had an intruder, she would probably take them by the hand to her treat cupboard!! But watch out if you have 4 legs - Your fired chicken goujons to her!!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I have always owned rotweillers and they are prtective by nature.

    Although he is a kind and gentle pup, loves kids and people in general.

    He will always get between me, my wife or son and whoever is walking up if he doesn't know them.

    He looks scary if you don;t know him too.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    my lab often barks at men, or people approaching us in the dark (unless I order him not too and/or distract him) but, like someone else has said, this is fear on his part and if the barking did not scare someone off he would likely run!!! (He is rescue and was badly treated in the past)
    My other dog is a rottie cross black lab and is built pretty big so most people would think twice about approaching anyway but she is very loving with new people as well as family however I am sure that out of the two dogs, she would also be the one to protect as fully as she could. Even now, if I play fight with my husband she reacts with warning barks if one of us squeals (though in no way any sort of attack form) Her nature is to guard anyway and remain loyal and I would trust her to do that fully though I hope that she is never called upon to do this. It is a pretty safe place where we live but things can happen anywhere.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    I have a miniature poodle. He is just too small to really do anything but he would totally bark if someone was trying to break in
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have the same thoughts.

    My dog is a 3 year old golden, he's the soppiest dog I've ever met and the only time he'd hurt anyone is if he accidently stood on your foot or something when he was going bonkers with excitement over you being there (has happened many a time to me) I've said to my bf before, "would he protect if he had to?" and he seems convinced that yes he would, that it's an instinct in every dog to protect their pack (and this guy has been brought up with dogs) I just can't imagine it yet, I'd have to see it to believe it, and obviously I don't want that!

    Although tbf he has done a protective sort of bark and growled / shown teeth when the door has gone and we're both home on a few occaisions, and he is always on high alert if he hears anything, so I don't think he wouldn't. I just have never experienced it. I think they go by how you are feeling, if you seem nervous or scared they will react differently to if you seem happy and open to the stranger.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I have always owned rotweillers and they are prtective by nature.

    Although he is a kind and gentle pup, loves kids and people in general.

    He will always get between me, my wife or son and whoever is walking up if he doesn't know them.

    He looks scary if you don;t know him too.
    my cross rottie does that too however our first rottie never realised she was one lol and I expect she would have run rather than fought to protect me
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    My dog Willy was the sweetest most loving german shepard/ husky cross, but when I walk walking him and another dog got too close to me for his liking I had to use all of my strength to hold him back. Also we were at the lakeshore watching fireworks some random guy comes running and jumps over my legs, my dog pinned him to a tree, until we told him it was ok.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    When I was little we had lab mix, my brothers and I were playing in the backyard and a man came in our yard for god knows what, as soon as he got into the back our dog attacked him, protecting us. For the dogs I have now, one is a sweetheart and too nice, but out other dog, an American foxhound, is super protective if I'm alone with him. I'll be out walking him, and he doesn't care if he sees people, but if a man walks up to me he absolutely loses it, and acts like he is going to rip their face off. He's given a couple people warning snips when the come inside, just to let them no what's up if they try anything sketchy.

    Do you really think it ok that your dog gives people "warning nips" for no reason? Or goes crazy for no other reason than ther person approaching is a male? He is not protective, he is fearful.

    Do you really think your being a fun member of this forum? Butthurt much? Sorry to overwhelm you with questions I love meeting new people~!

    I :heart: non-sequiturs
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Unless your dog is specifically trained in protection work, chances are nothing.

    Dogs have two reactions - fight or flight. They'll try one and resort to the other if needed. When they are growling at a stranger in the bushes, that would be fight. If the threat continues, and your dog has the option, there's a good chance they'll opt for flight.

    What people view as a dog being "protective" is often more of a weak temperament or possessiveness than it is protection.

    Not sure about this. I have had 3 German Shepherds, none trained in protection. Two of which stepped in to protect myself and family members. They had sound temperaments and no resource guarding tendencies.

    Some dogs/breeds are more naturally protective than others.

    I agree with this guy.

    Dogs don't have to be trained to be protective in order to be protective. My German Shepherd had never been trained to protect and typically if other dogs were fighting or something was going on, she was usually between my legs (when she was a puppy) as she got older, she would put herself between me and anyone walking towards us, if other dogs came running at us she wanted to protect me. She liked other dogs, just didn't like them charging us.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have a 5 year old boxer and he's mush for sure. However, if I take him walking/hiking and we run accross people and some he loves and others he foams at the mouth and lurches and acts like he's going to attack. Those dogs know when we maybe in some sort of trouble or at least mine knows who he doesn't like. :) Gotta trust the puppies, they're great judges of people.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    my german shepherd likes to protect me from yorkies, westies, beagles (all of the dogs, infact), birds, bats, cats, rabbits, snails, neighbours, postman etc by barking his face off at all of them :/

    gotta love him though :S
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Unless your dog is specifically trained in protection work, chances are nothing.

    Dogs have two reactions - fight or flight. They'll try one and resort to the other if needed. When they are growling at a stranger in the bushes, that would be fight. If the threat continues, and your dog has the option, there's a good chance they'll opt for flight.

    What people view as a dog being "protective" is often more of a weak temperament or possessiveness than it is protection.

    Not sure about this. I have had 3 German Shepherds, none trained in protection. Two of which stepped in to protect myself and family members. They had sound temperaments and no resource guarding tendencies.

    Some dogs/breeds are more naturally protective than others.

    I agree with this guy.

    Dogs don't have to be trained to be protective in order to be protective. My German Shepherd had never been trained to protect and typically if other dogs were fighting or something was going on, she was usually between my legs (when she was a puppy) as she got older, she would put herself between me and anyone walking towards us, if other dogs came running at us she wanted to protect me. She liked other dogs, just didn't like them charging us.

    It depends on what you consider protective. I also have two German Shepherds. They are territorial and a great deterrent. Only one would I rely on for protection.

    I know my opinion isn't popular. I'm ok with that. My biggest concern is people who rely on their dog as protection. I don't want to see anyone in the position of the above poster who was mugged and her dog did nothing.