I'm 5"3 female and I weigh 120lbs but I want to be 110lbs and idk how to do it in a healthy way

the end of August 2022 I weighed 180lbs and now I am 120 and still not satisfied. I didn't know what I was doing so I lost weight by starving myself, and I now have lost a crap ton of hair, and my menstrual cycle. I have loose skin that I have no idea how to get rid of. I want to reach 110lbs but idk how to other then starving myself because that's what I'm used to and know works. I don't like it because I have low energy, sleep too much, bad mood swings, feeling like I'm gonna pass out when I stand up, always cold, and less vivid dreams. I love to run and weight lift but I find that very hard to do when I have no energy but if I eat more I'm gonna gain weight. I gained 5 pounds when I ate more, but had great athletic performance. I fell back into starving myself and crying on my bathroom floor because I had gained 5lbs and felt terrible. I really need help on how to loose weight the right way. my main and basically only target is stomach fat. someone please help me because I have no idea what I'm doing.


  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    I don't know how old you are, but you look fairly young in your profile picture, which means you can build muscle faster than us older women. I think you would be amazed at what you are able to accomplish with weight lifting. You have to have a good progressive lifting program, and be consistent with it. In order to reach your esthetic goals you also must eat adequate protein, and get enough calories to give you the energy to lift heavy and build muscle. At 5' 3", losing more weight might be counterproductive to your goals. Give eating at maintenance or even slightly above a try, be consistent with your weight training and see what you can accomplish. Be patient with yourself, it won't happen overnight.
  • MisterSkinnyHot
    MisterSkinnyHot Posts: 1 Member
    After trying every fad diet known to man with no results I was shocked to find I’ve lost 30 lbs this year doing what the scientists said - and I’ve never been hungry or felt tortured. If for no other reason, trust the science cause it’s the only one that works. 30 pounds in six months no joke
  • KetoGlenn
    KetoGlenn Posts: 1 Member
    Go on YouTube and search for Dr. Ken Berry and start researching about the carnivore diet. It's not only about weightloss.. but it's also a lifestyle that heals.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm your height and there's no way I could maintain 110 lbs without seriously undereating or overexercising. Believe me, I tried. Honestly, the weight I was happiest at was around 125-130 while I was doing strength training 3x per week and running on the days between. At that weight, I was wearing a size 2.

    Strength training is probably what you need. Weight loss is to look good in your clothes, strength training is to look good without them. :) More muscle will not only have you looking better but it'll increase your metabolism, too, so you can maintain your ideal weight without having to starve yourself. Look into it and maybe see if you can get into a therapy program. We all need to learn to love ourselves and you deserve that for you.
  • serpentegena
    serpentegena Posts: 43 Member
    the end of August 2022 I weighed 180lbs and now I am 120 and still not satisfied. I didn't know what I was doing so I lost weight by starving myself, and I now have lost a crap ton of hair, and my menstrual cycle. I have loose skin that I have no idea how to get rid of. I want to reach 110lbs but idk how to other then starving myself because that's what I'm used to and know works. I don't like it because I have low energy, sleep too much, bad mood swings, feeling like I'm gonna pass out when I stand up, always cold, and less vivid dreams. I love to run and weight lift but I find that very hard to do when I have no energy but if I eat more I'm gonna gain weight. I gained 5 pounds when I ate more, but had great athletic performance. I fell back into starving myself and crying on my bathroom floor because I had gained 5lbs and felt terrible. I really need help on how to loose weight the right way. my main and basically only target is stomach fat. someone please help me because I have no idea what I'm doing.

    You don't want to get to 115 lb. What you want, in actuality, is control. You control your diet and your weight. People can become fixated with getting control in some areas of their life, sometimes because they feel like they have no control over other areas of their life. They may be going through life changes or hard times, or they may be suffering because of an external factor, or they may feel that some choices are being taken away from them.
    What you should do, is to take a look at all areas of your life and find where exactly you have an issue where you feel like you have no control. Then you can begin to work on it. You need to set your food and your weight apart from that issue. You need to understand that forcing control of your nutrition will not solve the other issues in your life, and is not the right thing to do for yourself, in the long term.

    Your life goals should not include "getting to 115 lb". They should include being safe, healthy, fit, energetic, thriving, mindful, whole of body and mind, at peace with yourself and the world. All the best to you!