started yesterday. want to see results SOON. any ideas?



  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry if I'm duplicating (didn't have time to read all the posts). I don't know how many calories MFP is telling you to eat, hopefully more than 1,200 cal/day. I saw immediate results (within 2 weeks of starting MFP) just by doing the following:
    1) stopped eating out
    2) logged religiously on MFP what I was eating
    3) closely followed how much MFP told me to eat, and
    4) upped the exercise (meaning I worked out 4-5x week from the day I started MFP).

    I lost 5 lbs in three weeks I think (I was aiming for 1 lb/week). I considered this loss an awesome result and it motivated me to continue. You've got to be patient - 1-2 lbs a week is really good and you'll probably keep off the weight longer if you go slow and steady. I did find out about 6 weeks into doing MFP that my calorie numbers by MFP were on the low end (i.e. I wasn't eating quite enough), so I started doing TDEE to calculate my numbers.

    Also, I agree with the early posters, try to reduce the booze. It's not going to really fuel you through a work out and if you cut some out you can make up some of those cals with foods that will actually sustain you. I don't have anything against booze trust me, but MFP holds me accountable and puts me in a better position to make the decision whether I really want another glass of wine during a meal if it's going to send me over my calories for the day. Sometimes I go over but then I make a point of working my *kitten* off the next's my decision though.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    It has been nearly 45 days for me. It is all been one big learning process. I haven't dropped a lot of weight but I am seeing results in how my clothes fit but more importantly how I feel.

    Set realistic expectations. Read up and educate yourself as much as you can on how this website/app truly works. There's a wealth of information here that can help you get started. You may even make some good friends to help you along the way.

    Be accountable and be patient.

    MFP works as long as you put in the effort. :)
  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    hey im sure you are getting a lot of crap for drinking and also the wanting fast results. im the same way
    - quit beer its easy to drink so many beers before you realize what happened. try vodka and diet coke. lowest calorie you can do.

    - measurements and how you feel - give it a week and take note of how you don't feel slow and groggy etc from being loaded down by heavy foods (hopefully)

    - ALWAYS remember salt intake can sabotage the scales. I would gain 3-6 lbs in a day and give up on a diet. it would be all salt and water weight from having salty foods (I love salt) diet soups and food can often times need a lot of doctoring up with salt and spices so allow yourself that but realize the scales are going to go zigzagy.

    - if you don't mind exercising, notice how you can eat more on the log if you work out. so on days im craving something I go to the gym and I don't feel guilty.

    let me know how it goes
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Unfortunately, drinking is going to be a draw back. I read somewhere that when you drink alcohol, the body attempts to process it before processing anything else consumed. It wants to rid itself of the "poison". Thus, there is a backup in the digestion area, food sitting, waiting it's turn so to speak. I've gotten the best results (If I'm drinking) juicing green leafy vegetables before or after a heavy night. Less for the system to breakdown and digest. Worth a try!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Is that you in your profile gallery or is that an inspirational photo?

    If really you: Troll

    If inspirational: Get ready to be disappointed because any real results (fat loss, body sculpting) are not going to happen soon but over a long time with a lot of effort put in.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    There is no get thin quick scheme here. Just follow the plan and you will see results. Typically, you will see a lot of weight drop at the beginning because you are making changes in your eating habits and you will be losing water weight. But, after that it's all you. You have to be willing to work at it or it won't work. If you don't have the dedication to yourself to make these changes... it won't work. You have to change your mind set.

    The great thing is once you actually commit yourself to making changes... the weight stays off and you learn how your body reacts to food... This isn't a diet plan... this is a diary to help you keep track of your journey.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    My advice is don't start if you are not ready!

    I have to agree with this. If you're not ready to change/at least modify your lifestyle, you'll just end up frustrated and disappointed.

    I agree with all of this. Last year, I wanted to lose some weight. I went about it all the wrong way and was expecting really fast results. When I couldn't sustain my approach (starve during the week, go crazy on the weekend, do as much cardio as I possibly could, but no weights... didn't want to be bulky*), and wasn't getting any results. I gave up.

    At the start of this year, I wanted to try again to lose weight. The difference this time is that I was absolutely ready! I learned how to do things in a way that I could keep up and would get me results... not overnight, but results nonetheless. You may want this, but unless you're ready to put in the time and effort, you're going to have a difficult time.

    Be patient, make small changes, browse the forums for advice that the successful folks have given, be consistent, take lots of measurements and photos to mark your progress.

    *The bulky comment above was to further illustrate my lack of knowledge about getting fit and healthy. I know now that strength training isn't going to make me into The Hulk. :wink:
  • mdj68
    mdj68 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 47. If I could go back and speak to my 22 year old self, boy would I give her a talking to.
    I would tell her how eating just a few extra calories a day, combined with too much alcohol, and not enough exercise, was going to make her fat, ugly, and miserable. I would tell her that the longer she keeps up this lifestyle the harder it will be to fix the damage. I would ask her if she wants feel like a 50 year old by 30, or if she wants to feel like a 30 year old at 50. Bugger the fast results, you have the opportunity to choose how you want to look and feel for the rest of your life. I wish I could go back and make those choices again. I can't, but you can.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    There's no magic pill. There's no quick results. If you give up you'll never see results. It might take longer to lose it than it did to put it on. Sad, but it's reality, so just suck it up and get on with it.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    Hey, 22. My advice is to focus on making changes rather than seeing changes. I get it. Once you get your mind right for making improvements in your life, you want them to happen NOW. Me too!

    But it takes time to lose weight in a healthy way. So, you may have to celebrate NSVs (non-scale victories) for a while before you see your weight decrease. Celebrate the days when you keep your food diary, exercise, plan healthy meals and start feeling/seeing changes in your body.

    If you are used to an impulse following, hard drinking life, this probably sounds as boring as it gets! But I promise that you won’t be bored at all if you take your time to do this right ‘cause you’ll achieve the success you are seeking.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Change your expectations. Nothing happens overnight and you need to learn to appreciate the small victories. Take it one step at a time and do it for your life, not for this week.
  • funkie76
    funkie76 Posts: 17 Member
    Try to cut out the alcohol..... or at least 'cut down'. I too drank every night....maybe 4 Stellas. More if decided to run back to shop. Im going to Cuba end of May and have 2 stone to lose. I know if i dont i will feel 'insecure' on the beach. I know I couldnt hack that. I feel ugly when im 'bigger'. In two weeks I have had only 2 evenings on the pop. I already feel much better & more determined to lose the weight. I know it can be hard changing the habit of grabbing a bottle of wine on the way home from work. Take one day at a time. & try stay positive. Think of the bigger picture!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    You can't really lose much fat in a week or two, but if you want to see the scale drop just to help you get excited (I totally get this, btw), you can lose excess water weight by cutting out salt and drinking plenty of water to flush out the sodium already in your system. As long as you keep drinking water you won't be dehydrated but you will lose the extra water you may be holding onto, especially if you eat a lot of processed food, which is full of sodium.

    Just remember that this is a one time thing - once the water is gone, it's gone. Your weight loss will slow down after the first couple of weeks, but the good news is you will be burning fat, not just shedding water weight.

    Don't get too discouraged by people criticizing you for your question. They are trying to help you manage your expectations. Their advice is by and large good, and they are right that in the long run, patience and perseverance are absolutely necessary. A jump start on healthy weight loss is fine. Expecting to lose fat quickly and effortlessly is just a recipe for disappointment.

    Good luck :)
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member
    Getting to a healthy weight is a process involving a change of lifestyle. If you continue the way you were, you will not change. So if you go back to the way you were after any success, you will gain the weight back.

    I suggest measuring and writing down everything you eat. There are apps to help with that--a free one for MFP in fact. Also, get an inexpensive kitchen scale to measure weights of portions until you get a handle on just how big 4 ounces of halibut is, etc.

    Track your food every day. Add or increase some exercise. Weigh weekly. You will see results.

    THIS. exactly this.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have had my ups and downs in this journey and I am only half way done. It has taken me a year to lose almost 50 pounds and I am hoping for 50 more by next Oct. I have a friend that has lost 50 pounds in just a few months; doubt she will keep it off since she is just after a quick fix. I didnt get fat overnight so I know I wont lose it all overnight either. It will come off, but patience is key. I just got over a 6 week plateau that nearly made me quit. Because of this community, I didnt. Just make a pledge to live a healthier life no matter what it takes or how long and it will be much easier!!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    hey all. i just started this diet plan yesterday (it was a great day, btw).
    and i know this is going to be a long journey. i live a sedentary lifestyle, i'm a heavy drinker, etc. i know i'm going to have to deeply change my lifestyle to see real results, and to maintain them.
    buttttt i'm also 22 years old and i'm pretty impulsive and i KNOW if i don't see some kind of quick result, i'm that much more likely to just give up.
    so, anybody have any tips that will help me see a real difference (and thus motivate me to try harder) when i get on the scale at the end of this week & the next week??

    thanks guys :)

    Hate to burst your bubble, but you've already quit. You're basically just telling us that you already gave up because you know it's not that simple as results soon. My advice is to accept the fact that this is a long process, look through the success stories for inspiration and plan to put in some hard work, otherwise you're going to fail.

    Add me if you want, I'm a little harsh, but I'll tell it like it is.

  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race

    Exactly. We didn't get this way overnight. Be patient with your body.
  • jenniferrr127
    jenniferrr127 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add or message me, I would be more than happy to help :)
  • quiqui29
    Loosing weight is the same as gaining weight, it is not done overnight. Cutting down on your alcohol intake will help a ton, finding acoholic beverages with fewer calories can be a start, drinking as much water as you can, I wasnt a water drinker but I am doing a lot better since I started this journey. I measure my food as much as possible and use the suggested serving size on here if i can't. I am anxious to see results quick as well but also had to learn that it takes time. Good luck and you can add me if you like.
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    Learn some patience. Srs.

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