100 day Challenge #16 – Saturday June 15 2023 to Friday September 22 2023



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    Selling on Amazon is extremely complicated.
    Truth be told I have lost a great deal of money because I sort of didn't understand everything.
    Having said that, it can be done.

    There are a gazillion videos on Youtube about how to get started, there is Amazon Seller University - many many modules.
    Do not sign up for a $2,000 course from any of the free Youtube videos. Waste of money when there is so much free information out there.

    There are strict guidelines for the "primary" photo, not something that can be done at home because of the pixels, lighting, size in the frame required. There are companies that specialize in this, they have like dedicated boxes/booths that they use for Amazon sellers.
    After the primary photo I have found some excellent (and cheap) places to get more stylized photos done, you choose the setting and background, upload the photo to them and they create it.
    Like these seasonal ones that I got done which were $12-$15 each:


    As for choosing and sourcing products, there are systems such as junglescout ($99 for the program) that show top sellers on Amazon, where to get them and what the top sellers are charging. I didn't use this, but I think that it would have helped. I would need a young person to navigate that.

    Keywords are also important, and there are services such as Estorefactory to employ for giving you the important ones to include when setting up.

    Advertising on Amazon proved to cost more "per click" to get a sale than the cost of the product, one of my costly mistakes. As of now I only advertise on Pinterest, where you can do it for $1 per day and have the link drive traffic straight to your product. Otherwise you may be millions down the list if someone types in "stainless steel straws" and nobody sees your product. Well, if you advertise with Amazon they would see it, but again, it could cost 3 times the price of the actual product to do it.

    FBA is best, since packing, shipping, setting up a 5k-10k eCommerce site to collect money takes way too much time. Pick your products, have them shipped to an Amazon warehouse. Amazon guidelines are strict, so if you miss a step you have to start over.

    This seems lengthy, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you watch 1,000 hours of videos on how to do it and still feel like you want to I would be happy to share with you what I have learned.

    @dawnbgethealthy Wowza! Sounds much more complicated than I anticipated. I did Ebay about 15 years ago but it was with products at home that I shipped myself and took/inserted my own pics and html. You are right, it is a lot of work selling online. The FBA sounds like a lot of extra expenses I didn't have on Ebay. I think I'll pass for now but when I get time, I'll watch a video or two to be sure. Thanks for the info and offering to help.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    SUCCESS! After riding my indoors bike upstairs I actually didn't have to baby my knees walking down the stairs. Since returning from vacation in June I've been taking it slow and careful on the stairs ... one step at a time in case my knees gave out on me. TODAY I used just one foot on each step like a normal person. It felt so satisfying when I got to the bottom of my steep stairs.

    @Lilylady3K Yes, Yes, Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean on the stairs! My trouble is with both knees but mainly my right one. Not too much pain until it decides to stab occasionally. I am certainly not suffering the problems that you are, but I understand how scary stairs can be. I hold on tight because I never know when it's going to give out on me. Isn't it strange how it doesn't hurt as bad on the exercise bike as it does walking or dancing? With all the pedaling I really thought it would hurt much worse on the bike. This was very helpful for me during cardiac rehab when other things were just too hard on my knees. I am THRILLED to hear you are feeling a bit of relief. Easing into it is best.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ June 15, 2023 thru September 22, 2023
    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds Tally & Thoughts:

    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10---195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0


    1. I am still down 17.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 8.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 5.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to try harder and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 179.0 (Sounds like a Dream but it’s about 5 pounds per month)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 194.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.
    Previous Weeks:
    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-06/15-196.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 02-06/16-195.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.4 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 03-06/17-196.0-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 04-06/18-196.6-(Trend weight 195.9)

    Day 05-06/19-196.6-(Trend weight 196.0)

    Day 06-06/20-196.8-(Trend weight 196.1)

    Day 07-06/21-196.6-(Trend weight 196.2)

    Day 08-06/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-06/23-197.2-(Trend weight 196.5)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 10-06/24-197.0-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 11-06/25-196.6-(Trend weight 196.9)

    Day 12-06/26-198.0-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 13-06/27-198.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 14-06/28-197.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 15-06/29-196.8-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 16-06/30-198.2-(Trend weight 197.3)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.2 GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 17-07/01-197.8-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 18-07/02-197.6-(Trend weight 197.5)

    Day 19-07/03-196.6-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 20-07/04-195.4-(Trend weight 197.2)

    Day 21-07/05-195.4-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 22-07/06-196.6-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 23-07/07-195.6-(Trend weight 196.8)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 24-07/08-195.8-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 25-07/09-195.6-(Trend weight 196.6)

    Day 26-07/10-194.4-(Trend weight 196.4)

    Day 27-07/11-197.8-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 28-07/12-196.4-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 29-07/13-195.2-(Trend weight 196.4) I’m still chasing my tail trying to get back down to my day 26 weight before the travel and nighttime binge. Making good progress though. Today is my son’s haircut appointment at my salon. I will take him to lunch afterward. This is a custom we have been doing since he was a kid. Be good at the hairdressers and you get to go out to lunch/dinner. With his autism, he is a child at heart and still expects these practices. Eating locally is usually a bit boring as it’s the same old tired menu they’ve had for the 24 years I’ve been here. I’ll either skip it or order what I know works for me. I really want to undo the damage that has already been done. Yesterday I danced for the first time in awhile. The first two songs left me a bit breathless as my heart tried to keep up, but then it stabilized. I also biked and did my strength training.

    Day 30-07/14-196.8-(Trend weight 196.4) My bulging scale is due to dessert I should not have had. Meals were good but my movement/exercise was non-existent expect for a few minutes of strength training. I literally ran all day on errands. DGS got to my house about 8:30 pm and spent the night for me to watch him today so there will be lots of stairs. On another note: I was reading this morning the autopsy results regarding the death of Lisa Marie Presley. Complications from scar tissue from her bariatric surgery a few years back. When was she overweight enough for weight loss surgery? I know there is some pretty special criteria for those surgeries including BMI and multiple morbidity conditions that are often required. I just don’t recall her being in a state that would qualify her. Thoughts?

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.8 lbs GAINED

    Mini 21 day Challenge I’ll be using hand weights, bands, arm loop bands and my exercise bike for legs.

    Day 01 - 6/25 – 10 min on bike. 5 min strength training using the “light” loop band.
    Day 02 - 6/26 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 03 - 6/27 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 04 - 6/28 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 3 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 05 - 6/29 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 06 - 6/30 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 07 - 7/01 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 5 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 08 - 7/02 - 20 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using full size band.
    Day 09 - 7/03 - 21 min on bike including HIIT, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 10 - 7/04 - 15 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 6 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 11 - 7/05 - 15 min bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights, 4 min loop band. Still sore from the loop band.
    Day 12 - 7/06 - 15 min on bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights.
    Day 13 - 7/07 - 20 min on bike including HIIT, 7 minutes strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min on “light band” on legs. I added in 10 minutes of couch aerobics as general exercise.
    Day 14 - 7/08 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. About 8 min of floor exercising that was a bit hap-hazard. I didn’t record on MFP because it was a bit unplanned and unstructured.
    Day 15 - 7/09 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 90 minutes of walking with my son on the track at the school. Pace was a bit slower because he is more out of shape, but I still burned nearly 400 extra calories doing it and I know it is strengthening my legs.
    Day 16 - 7/10 - 6 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights (with legs up draining, of course). Walked ½ miles uphill mainly at a walking park to help strengthen my legs since I was out-of-town and away from my strength bands.
    Day 17 - 7/11 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 15 minutes of couch yoga. A small amount of garden transplanting but not enough to write home about.
    Day 18 - 7/12 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 21 minutes of exercise bike including HIIT, 31 minutes of aerobic dance.
    Day 19 - 7/13 - 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 20 - 7/14 -
    Day 21 - 7/15 -

    Future Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 31-07/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 32-07/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 33-07/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 34-07/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 35-07/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 36-07/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 37-07/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 38-07/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 39-07/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 40-07/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 41-07/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 42-07/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 43-07/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 44-07/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 45-07/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 46-07/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 47-07/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 48-08/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 49-08/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 50-08/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-08/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 52-08/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 53-08/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 54-08/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 55-08/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 56-08/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 57-08/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 58-08/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 59-08/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 60-08/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 61-08/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 62-08/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 63-08/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 64-08/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 65-08/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 66-08/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 67-08/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 68-08/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 69-08/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 70-08/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 71-08/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 72-08/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 73-08/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-08/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-08/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-08/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-08/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 78-08/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-09/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.
    Day 80-09/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-09/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-09/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-09/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-09/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 85-09/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-09/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 87-09/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-09/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-09/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-09/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-09/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 92-09/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-09/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 94-09/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-09/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-09/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-09/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-09/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-09/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-09/22…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,756 Member
    Hi again! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4", live in Canada 🇨🇦

    1st week goal weight: ⬇️
    1st week actual weight: 167

    Day 1 Thursday June 15: 167
    Day 2 Friday June 16: 167
    Day 3 Saturday June 17: 165.7
    Day 4 Sunday June 18: 168
    Day 5 Monday June 19: 165.2
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20: 164.0
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21: 165.2

    2nd week goal weight: 165
    2nd week actual weight: 163.4

    Day 8 TH June 22: 163.4
    Day 9 FR June 23: 162.6
    Day 10 SA June 24: 162.5
    Day 11 SU June 25: 163.6
    Day 12 MO June 26: 163.4
    Day 13 TU June 27: 163.2
    Day 14 WE June 28: 165.2

    3rd week goal weight: 163.0
    3rd week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 15 TH June 29: 163.8
    Day 16 FR June 30: 162.6
    Day 17 SA July 1: 161.4
    Day 18 SU July 2: 163.0
    Day 19 MO July 3: 161.2
    Day 20 TU July 4: 163.2
    Day 21 WE July 5: 162.0

    4th week goal weight: 161
    4th week actual weight: 162.2

    Day 22 TH July 6: 162.2
    Day 23 FR July 7: 163.2
    Day 24 SA July 8: 161.8
    Day 25 SU July 9: 162.2
    Day 26 MO July 10: 160.8
    Day 27 TU July 11: 158.0
    Day 28 WE July 12: 157.8

    5th week goal weight: 158.0
    5th week actual weight: 159.4

    Day 29 TH July 13: 159.4
    Day 30 FR July 14: 159.6
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited July 2023
    @dawnbgethealthy -
    Dawn - Thank you for setting up this challenge. It definitely showed me that consistency helps in creating habits and I was able to improve which was great. I plan to continue these for the next month as I add the knee exercises I’m doing with my sister.
    @deepwoodslady - I put the info on knees below so that you too might work with me on your knees if you wish!

    Mini 21 day Challenge - Arm weights exercises with legs in the air. 5 minute timer of chest presses, flys, skull crushers. Plus I'm riding my bike daily to get my knees back in shape!
    Day 1 - 6/25 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength using 3 lb weights!
    Day 2 - 6/26 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength using 3 lb weights!
    Day 3 - 6/27 - Skipped exercise :( Babysit younger granddaughter who couldn't go to daycare due to eye infection. Out of the house by 6am and home late.
    Day 4 - 6/28 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength using 3 lb weights
    Day 5 - 6/29 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength w/ 3 lb weights
    Day 6 - 6/30 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength w/ 3 lb weights
    Day 7 - 7/1 - Skipped exercise :( Crazy day and didn't find 20 min to complete my daily routine :(
    Day 8 - 7/2 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength w/ 3 lb weights
    Day 9 - 7/3 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength w/ 3 lb weights
    Day 10 - 7/4 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength w/ 3 lb weights
    Currently I’m doing 2 sets of 20 each flys, skull crushers, presses and if the 5 min timer has not gone off then I continue with other tricep exercises
    Day 11 - 7/5 - biked 15 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights 1st set w/ 3 lb 2nd set
    Day 12 - 7/6 - skipped bike to rest knees, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights 1st set w/ 3 lb 2nd set
    Day 13 - 7/7 - skipped bike to rest knees, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights 1st set w/ 3 lb 2nd set
    Day 14 - 7/8 - Skipped exercise :( Babysitting granddaughter … did make it to the pool!
    Day 15 - 7/9 - skipped bike to rest knees, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights 1st set w/ 3 lb 2nd set
    Day 16 - 7/10 - biked 10 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights … testing my knees once again
    Day 17 - 7/11 - biked 15 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights & walked .6 miles
    After 2 sets of each flys, triceps, presses I like to just hold the weights in each position close to the floor for flys and triceps until the timer goes off.
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Biked 15 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 19 - 7/13 - Biked 15 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 20 - 7/14 - Biked 15 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 21 - 7/15 - Planning to slip this in at some point today!
    21 Days to a NEW HABIT!

    My sister’s knee exercise pamphlet had these exercises highlighted for her before knee replacement surgery which I plan to include in my daily exercise routine and challenge her for the next month to create new daily habits too.

    * Bicycle riding is one of the best exercises for the knee. You should start with 5-10 min, 3-5 times per week and progress to 20-60 min, 3-5 times per week. The seat should be high and the resistance should be low. (Note: no bike then floor pedal) - I’m doing this 15 min per day currently

    * Swim (freestyle, no frog kick or treading water), walk or run in the deep end of a pool (with a floatation device). This would be great to head to the pool at least once per week!

    Isometrics - plan to do daily
    * Quadricep (front of thigh) - while lying or sitting down, with your legs straight and your heels supported, tightly contract your front thigh muscles, and hold for 8-10 seconds, relax for 3-5 seconds and repeat 10 times. This can be done every 1-2 hours throughout the day.


    * Straight leg raise - while sitting with one knee bent with the foot on the floor and the other knee straight, lift and lower your straight leg, repeat 10 times, and build up to 3-5 sets. You may use your arms for support, and you may add ankle weights as tolerated.


    She is to avoid:
    * Running
    * Jumping
    * Stair climbing
    * Deep squats
    * Knee extension exercise machines
    * High impact or high step aerobics
    * Lunges
    * Kneeling
    * Sitting for prolonged periods with the knees flexed

    They also put her on an anti-inflammatory pill - Diclofenac which is like a pill form of Voltaren

    I want to view the other exercises in the pamphlet when she gives me a copy … especially the ones related to stretches and hamstring in addition to the quadricep ones that are mentioned.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member

    I also don't recall Lisa Marie being overweight.

    I am pressed for time these days, but I really want to do some exercises to release pain from my knee. I will have to revisit this and somehow incorporate those.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2", 62 years old.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 2 out of the 6

    1st week goal weight: 143.4 (ambitious?)
    1st week actual weight: 144.4

    2nd week goal weight: Less than the beginning of the week, 142.2
    2nd week actual weight: 142.6, so gained 0.4

    3rd week goal weight: 141.4
    3rd week actual weight: 144.6 - Started the week at 142.4, so 1.8 pound gain this week

    4th week goal weight: 143.6
    4th week actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week at 144.6

    5th week goal weight: 142.6
    5th week actual weight: 143.2

    Day 31 – Saturday July 15 - 143.4 - Really expected a big drop, not a gain. Tonight will be indulgent, I am finally getting a day off tomorrow, so adult beverages and "treat" foods.
    Day 32 – Sunday July 16
    Day 33 – Monday July 17
    Day 34 – Tuesday July 18
    Day 35 – Wednesday July 19
    Day 36 – Thursday July 20
    Day 37 – Friday July 21

    6th week goal weight: 142.4
    6th week actual weight:

    Mini 21 day Challenge
    - legs in the air arm weights exercises, 4-5 minutes. Will 21 days turn this into a daily habit? Hope so. Very good for us.
    Day 1 - 4.5 minutes, various including skull crushers (batwings)
    Day 2 - 5 minutes
    Day 3 - 5 minutes - 3 exercises of 20 reps each - chest presses, flys, skull crushers. That went fast! Really nice to have legs up for a change. Tried to slow them as suggested by @Lilylady3k
    Day 4 - Completely missed, I somehow couldn't find 5 minutes out of an extremely busy day.
    Day 5 - 10.5 minutes. I did an extra to make up for not getting a chance the day before. Did one of them with my legs up on the bed, the other with my legs in the air which is maybe better for core. Geez, wouldn't it be great if we all changed our batwings after 21 days? We all should have measured them before this.
    Day 6 - 12.5 inches is my upper arm today. Did my 5, but I think that I will need to increase the time since I am trying to do it more slowly and I want 4 essential arm/chest exercises
    Day 7 - 9 minutes of legs on the bed. My four: Skull crusher, flys (flies?), bicep curls, chest presses
    Day 8 - 6 minutes with legs on the bed. This only afforded me 3 exercises, but I feel that the skull crusher is the very most important - batwings exercise.
    Day 9 - 6 minutes with legs up on the bed. I only got 3 in before the timer went off: skull crushers, chest presses, bicep curls. I do not list my other activities here, but I always do at least some Fitness Marshall, get in many steps waitressing, I garden, and I hike when I can find the time.
    Day 10 - 5 minutes with legs in the air. 3 basics is all I fit in, but they are the ones that I choose to keep doing each day for the 21 or beyond.
    Day 11 - 5 minutes, legs in the air (more core challenging than putting them up onto something), my 3 main ones: skull crushers, chest presses, and bicep curls
    Day 12 - Completely missed my 5 minute legs up weighted arm exercises.
    Day 13 - Did 2 today to make up for missing yesterday. Feeling the good soreness in my triceps now from the skull crushers. 10.5 minutes, legs up on a wall (for a change) while doing arm weighted exercises.
    Day 14 July 09.23 - 6 minutes, legs up against the wall. 8 pound weight for skull crushers, 2 - 5 pound weights for chest presses and bicep curls.
    Day 15 - 6 minutes legs up against a wall. 3 exercises is what I get in 6 minutes. How fun that our legs look so much thinner when straight up. I almost forgot, was heading to bed when I remembered. Probably good to do it right before bed since I am on my feet all day and moving that blood and stuff out of the ankles and feet is likely a very good thing
    Day 16 - 4.5 minutes for my 3. Apparently I was more in a hurry : - )
    Day 17 - Completely missed it, I doubt that I will find the time to make it up today, working back to back jobs
    Day 18 July 13- Completely missed. I am going to have a lot to catch up with. Back to back jobs today and again tomorrow. Trying to get one full day off for Sunday and I will catch up what I can for this challenge on that day. I really miss getting my feet up in the air, on my feet so much! Just can't quite find the time.
    Day 19 - Completely missed - I will try to do 4 tomorrow on my day off to catch up.

    Start weight of this 100: 144.4 - Up one pound from the start of the last 100 of 143.4, and the previous was 142.2
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy -

    * Bicycle riding is one of the best exercises for the knee. You should start with 5-10 min, 3-5 times per week and progress to 20-60 min, 3-5 times per week. The seat should be high and the resistance should be low. (Note: no bike then floor pedal) - I’m doing this 15 min per day currently

    * Swim (freestyle, no frog kick or treading water), walk or run in the deep end of a pool (with a floatation device). This would be great to head to the pool at least once per week!

    Isometrics - plan to do daily
    * Quadricep (front of thigh) - while lying or sitting down, with your legs straight and your heels supported, tightly contract your front thigh muscles, and hold for 8-10 seconds, relax for 3-5 seconds and repeat 10 times. This can be done every 1-2 hours throughout the day.


    * Straight leg raise - while sitting with one knee bent with the foot on the floor and the other knee straight, lift and lower your straight leg, repeat 10 times, and build up to 3-5 sets. You may use your arms for support, and you may add ankle weights as tolerated.


    She is to avoid:
    * Running
    * Jumping
    * Stair climbing
    * Deep squats
    * Knee extension exercise machines
    * High impact or high step aerobics
    * Lunges
    * Kneeling
    * Sitting for prolonged periods with the knees flexed

    @Lilylady3k Thanks for sharing this! I remember that Isometrics were so popular in the 70's. I remember doing them on various parts of my body. As for stair climbing, well that can't be avoided too much in my house but stronger knees will probably help ease some of the discomfort when I do have to use them. I don't think I'll ever do 60 minutes on an exercise bike. It's not that I couldn't, I'm sure I could do that now as I often was on 40 minutes or more during rehab and then had to move to other machines. I just get too bored. I've tried music, TV and books. Nothing helps. So I get some time in on it to support my knees and move on to other things. I will certainly do the isometrics used in the graphics. These are wonderful additions to our fitness plan!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ June 15, 2023 thru September 22, 2023
    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds Tally & Thoughts:

    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10---195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0


    1. I am still down 17.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 8.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 5.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to try harder and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 179.0 (Sounds like a Dream but it’s about 5 pounds per month)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 194.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.
    Previous Weeks:
    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-06/15-196.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 02-06/16-195.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.4 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 03-06/17-196.0-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 04-06/18-196.6-(Trend weight 195.9)

    Day 05-06/19-196.6-(Trend weight 196.0)

    Day 06-06/20-196.8-(Trend weight 196.1)

    Day 07-06/21-196.6-(Trend weight 196.2)

    Day 08-06/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-06/23-197.2-(Trend weight 196.5)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 10-06/24-197.0-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 11-06/25-196.6-(Trend weight 196.9)

    Day 12-06/26-198.0-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 13-06/27-198.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 14-06/28-197.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 15-06/29-196.8-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 16-06/30-198.2-(Trend weight 197.3)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.2 GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 17-07/01-197.8-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 18-07/02-197.6-(Trend weight 197.5)

    Day 19-07/03-196.6-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 20-07/04-195.4-(Trend weight 197.2)

    Day 21-07/05-195.4-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 22-07/06-196.6-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 23-07/07-195.6-(Trend weight 196.8)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 24-07/08-195.8-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 25-07/09-195.6-(Trend weight 196.6)

    Day 26-07/10-194.4-(Trend weight 196.4)

    Day 27-07/11-197.8-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 28-07/12-196.4-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 29-07/13-195.2-(Trend weight 196.4)

    Day 30-07/14-196.8-(Trend weight 196.4) My bulging scale is due to dessert I should not have had. Meals were good but my movement/exercise was non-existent expect for a few minutes of strength training. I literally ran all day on errands. DGS got to my house about 8:30 pm and spent the night for me to watch him today so there will be lots of stairs. On another note: I was reading this morning the autopsy results regarding the death of Lisa Marie Presley. Complications from scar tissue from her bariatric surgery a few years back. When was she overweight enough for weight loss surgery? I know there is some pretty special criteria for those surgeries including BMI and multiple morbidity conditions that are often required. I just don’t recall her being in a state that would qualify her. Thoughts?

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.8 lbs GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 31-07/15-196.8-(Trend weight 196.4) No real progress due to some “iffy” choices. Good on calories but too high on carbs. I babysat all day which meant that I made lots of steps and plenty of stairs. I also added gold’s gym ankle weights to my wrists to increase my hand weights to a total of 3 ½ pounds each. That is 2 lb hand weights and 1.5 each wrist weights. I only biked for about 11 minutes because it was very late.

    Day 32-07/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 33-07/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 34-07/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 35-07/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 36-07/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 37-07/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Mini 21 day Challenge I’ll be using hand weights, bands, arm loop bands and my exercise bike for legs.

    Day 01 - 6/25 – 10 min on bike. 5 min strength training using the “light” loop band.
    Day 02 - 6/26 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 03 - 6/27 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 04 - 6/28 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 3 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 05 - 6/29 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 06 - 6/30 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 07 - 7/01 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 5 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 08 - 7/02 - 20 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using full size band.
    Day 09 - 7/03 - 21 min on bike including HIIT, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 10 - 7/04 - 15 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 6 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 11 - 7/05 - 15 min bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights, 4 min loop band. Still sore from the loop band.
    Day 12 - 7/06 - 15 min on bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights.
    Day 13 - 7/07 - 20 min on bike including HIIT, 7 minutes strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min on “light band” on legs. I added in 10 minutes of couch aerobics as general exercise.
    Day 14 - 7/08 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. About 8 min of floor exercising that was a bit hap-hazard. I didn’t record on MFP because it was a bit unplanned and unstructured.
    Day 15 - 7/09 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 90 minutes of walking with my son on the track at the school. Pace was a bit slower because he is more out of shape, but I still burned nearly 400 extra calories doing it and I know it is strengthening my legs.
    Day 16 - 7/10 - 6 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights (with legs up draining, of course). Walked ½ miles uphill mainly at a walking park to help strengthen my legs since I was out-of-town and away from my strength bands.
    Day 17 - 7/11 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 15 minutes of couch yoga. A small amount of garden transplanting but not enough to write home about.
    Day 18 - 7/12 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 21 minutes of exercise bike including HIIT, 31 minutes of aerobic dance.
    Day 19 - 7/13 - 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 20 - 7/14 -
    Day 21 - 7/15 -

    Future Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 38-07/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 39-07/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 40-07/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 41-07/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 42-07/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 43-07/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 44-07/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 45-07/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 46-07/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 47-07/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 48-08/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 49-08/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 50-08/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-08/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 52-08/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 53-08/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 54-08/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 55-08/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 56-08/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 57-08/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 58-08/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 59-08/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 60-08/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 61-08/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 62-08/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 63-08/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 64-08/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 65-08/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 66-08/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 67-08/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 68-08/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 69-08/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 70-08/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 71-08/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 72-08/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 73-08/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-08/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-08/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-08/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-08/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 78-08/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-09/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.
    Day 80-09/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-09/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-09/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-09/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-09/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 85-09/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-09/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 87-09/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-09/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-09/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-09/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-09/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 92-09/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-09/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 94-09/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-09/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-09/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-09/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-09/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-09/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-09/22…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,756 Member
    Hi again! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4", live in Canada 🇨🇦

    1st week goal weight: ⬇️
    1st week actual weight: 167

    Day 1 Thursday June 15: 167
    Day 2 Friday June 16: 167
    Day 3 Saturday June 17: 165.7
    Day 4 Sunday June 18: 168
    Day 5 Monday June 19: 165.2
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20: 164.0
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21: 165.2

    2nd week goal weight: 165
    2nd week actual weight: 163.4

    Day 8 TH June 22: 163.4
    Day 9 FR June 23: 162.6
    Day 10 SA June 24: 162.5
    Day 11 SU June 25: 163.6
    Day 12 MO June 26: 163.4
    Day 13 TU June 27: 163.2
    Day 14 WE June 28: 165.2

    3rd week goal weight: 163.0
    3rd week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 15 TH June 29: 163.8
    Day 16 FR June 30: 162.6
    Day 17 SA July 1: 161.4
    Day 18 SU July 2: 163.0
    Day 19 MO July 3: 161.2
    Day 20 TU July 4: 163.2
    Day 21 WE July 5: 162.0

    4th week goal weight: 161
    4th week actual weight: 162.2

    Day 22 TH July 6: 162.2
    Day 23 FR July 7: 163.2
    Day 24 SA July 8: 161.8
    Day 25 SU July 9: 162.2
    Day 26 MO July 10: 160.8
    Day 27 TU July 11: 158.0
    Day 28 WE July 12: 157.8

    5th week goal weight: 158.0
    5th week actual weight: 159.4

    Day 29 TH July 13: 159.4
    Day 30 FR July 14: 159.6
    Day 31 SA July 15: 160.2
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 59, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 143.3 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 138lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1 Thursday June 15 -- 143.3
    Day 2 Friday June 16 -- 142.1 – This is encouraging. Decrease is probably water retention from last week's heavy carb & sugar diet. Stayed in control with food intake yesterday. No exercise tho.

    1st week goal weight: 142.3
    1st week actual weight: 142.1

    Day 3 Saturday June 17 142.4 -- Out for dinner and cocktails with friends last night. Stayed in control with minimum carbs, and sugar from 2 glasses of pinot grigio.
    Day 4 Sunday June 18 142.5 – 3 days in the 142’s. Hope to be in the 141’s by tomorrow.
    Day 5 Monday June 19 142.5
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20 142.7 – Still hanging in the 142s. Leaving for a short trip on Thursday night. Won’t be weighing in from Fri – Sun. I just hope I can at least maintain my current weight. Next Mon / Tues will tell all.
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21 143.1 – Unnecessary carb intake yesterday. Need to put in a workout this afternoon.
    Day 8 Thursday June 22 141.4 – Almost to my goal for this week. Stayed on course yesterday with what I ate, and had a workout session on my Peloton bike, as well as some upper body toning. I leave tonight for a long weekend trip to Oahu so won't be able to log my weight for the next 3 days. I’ll try my best to keep the carbs and sugar at a minimum. And will try to get some laps in at the hotel’s pool. But mainly I want to spend time with my daughter who goes to school there and to shop for some clothes as Maui is very limited on clothing stores these days.
    Day 9 Friday June 23

    2nd week goal weight: 141.1
    2nd week actual weight: DNW [travel]

    3rd/ Current week:
    Day 10 Saturday June 24 DNW – [travel]
    Day 11 Sunday June 25 DNW – [travel]
    Day 12 Monday June 26 142.8 – So I gained a little over a pound since I last weighed (last Thurs). Tomorrow’s weight should show the final weight gained from my weekend travels… usually shows up about 2 days later. Back on the wagon today.
    Day 13 Tuesday June 27 142.4 – Stayed in control with food yesterday and got a workout in (15-min kettlebells, 15-min core, 10-min peloton climb).
    Day 14 Wednesday June 28 142.8 – I deserve this bump up. Gave in to sugar cravings yesterday and did not exercise.
    Day 15 Thursday June 29 142.1 – Moderate consumption of sugar and potato chips yesterday, but I got a 50-min Peloton workout in which maybe kept the insulin spike in balance. I have one more day to lose a pound to put me at my goal weight for this week.
    Day 16 Friday June 30 142.4 – Shucks, didn’t reach my weekly goal. Oh well, just keep going. Got a workout in yesterday: 20-min kettlebell, 10-min abs, and 15 min. Peloton ride. Had some unhealthy snacks (Oreos & potato chips) in the afternoon and a late, heavy dinner last night.

    3rd week goal weight: 141.1
    3rd week actual weight: 142.4
    3rd week result: .4 lb loss
    Overall challenge result: .9 lb loss

    Week 4:
    Day 17 – Saturday July 01 142.4
    Day 18 – Sunday July 02 DNW
    Day 19 – Monday July 03 DNW – Still need to work on my all or nothing tendency. Went to a party yesterday and enjoyed the food and desserts. I should have been satisfied and stopped there. But no, once I got home, I continued with the junk food. Why can’t I just be satisfied with an intermittent splurge? Why do I have to continue until I go to bed? The trigger is real. I have to find a way to balance food.
    Day 20 – Tuesday July 04 144.6 – This gain is the consequence from the weekend. And tonight we celebrate the 4th of July with friends visiting from the East Coast. Oh boy. Here we go again, and mid-week nonetheless. Only portion control will save me. Happy Independence Day everyone!
    Day 21 – Wednesday July 5 143.5
    Day 22 – Thursday July 06 DNW -- I overdid it this past week and just don’t want to be discouraged by the scale. I hope to have a more positive attitude about it tomorrow.
    Day 23 – Friday July 07 144.8 – I deserve this. Ugh!

    4th week goal weight: 141.1
    4th week actual weight: 144.8
    4th week result: 2.4 lbs gained
    Overall challenge result: 1.5 lbs gained

    Week 5:
    Day 24 – Saturday July 08 144.2
    Day 25 – Sunday July 09 142.9
    Day 26 – Monday July 10 143.8
    Day 27 – Tuesday July 11 143.2
    Day 28 – Wednesday July 12 142.0
    Day 29 – Thursday July 13 142.9
    Day 30 – Friday July 14 142.9

    5th week goal weight: 142.2
    5th week actual weight: 142.9
    5th week result: 1.30 lb loss
    Overall challenge result: .4 lb loss

    Day 31 – Saturday July 15 142.9
    Day 32 – Sunday July 16
    Day 33 – Monday July 17
    Day 34 – Tuesday July 18
    Day 35 – Wednesday July 19
    Day 36 – Thursday July 20
    Day 37 – Friday July 21

    6th week goal weight: 141.1
    6th week actual weight:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    Day 01 - 06/15 - 154.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then...zero...
    Day 02 - 06/16 - 156.5 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 03 - 06/17 - 154.9 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.69 miles in 114 mins
    Day 04 - 06/18 - 156.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...family dinner ...5.60 miles in 114 mins
    Day 05 - 06/19 - 154.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...DH's b'day...so much good food this weekend!
    Day 06 - 06/20 - 154.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.12 miles in 121 mins
    Day 07 - 06/21 - 153.8 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero!!
    WEEK 1 any loss - -1.1
    Day 08 - 06/22 - 154.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.70 miles in 116 mins
    Day 09 - 06/23 - 153.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...Kaiser for tests
    Day 10 - 06/24 - 153.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.31 miles in 128 mins
    Day 11 - 06/25 - 152.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...zero
    Day 12 - 06/26 - 153.2 at 7:50 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 13 - 06/27 - 153.7 at 7:00 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 118 mins
    Day 14 - 06/28 - 152.7 at 6:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer and doctor's appt
    WEEK 2 any loss - -1.3
    Day 15 - 06/29 - 152.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...3.91 miles in 85 mins w/sweet husband!!
    Day 16 - 06/30 - 152.5 at 7:50 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 17 - 07/01 - 151.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...108 degrees here in Northern California...no walking for me!!
    Day 18 - 07/02 - 150.5 at 8:00 a.m. ...106 degrees here in Northern California...no walking for me!!
    Day 19 - 07/03 - 152.3 at 6:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 20 - 07/04 - 151.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.67 miles in 118 mins...a bit on the slow side!!
    Day 21 - 07/05 - 151.0 at 6:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 3 any loss - -1.2
    Day 22 - 07/06 - 150.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...zero!!
    Day 23 - 07/07 - 150.8 at 7:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 24 - 07/08 - 150.7 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.83 miles in 112 mins
    Day 25 - 07/09 - 150.5 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.65 miles in 106 mins
    Day 26 - 07/10 - 150.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 27 - 07/11 - 151.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...6.03 miles in 109 mins
    Day 28 - 07/12 - 152.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 4 any loss - +1.6 pounds
    Day 29 - 07/13 - 151.2 at 7:30 a.m. ...doctor appointment
    Day 30 - 07/14 - 152.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 31 - 07/15 -
    Day 32 - 07/16 -
    Day 33 - 07/17 -
    Day 34 - 07/18 -
    Day 35 - 07/18 -
    WEEK 5 any loss -
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    @dawnbgethealthy I've been reading this book and think you would be especially interested in so many of the concepts/ideas. Perhaps you can find it in Canada? If not, I would be happy to send it to you or to any address you share that would get it to you. Private message any address, of course. I usually donate most of my books after I read them anyway and would be happy to send it. I'm about 2/3 of the way through and should be done within the next week.

    I found it very interesting and think that many on our challenge would actually like it. I just keep thinking of you, Dawn, when I read it though. Let me know if you are interested.
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 929 Member
    Day 31 – Saturday July 15: 168.8 Was up until after midnite last nite with a weepy, homesick grandson. Today was better. Work tomorrow morning then drive DGS to meet his mom at 6:30
    Day 32 – Sunday July 16
    Day 33 – Monday July 17
    Day 34 – Tuesday July 18
    Day 35 – Wednesday July 19
    Day 36 – Thursday July 20
    Day 37 – Friday July 21

    6th week goal weight:
    6th week actual weight:

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member

    You are so kind : - )

    Yes, it is about changing habits and lifestyle. Small consistent sustainable changes. I sure have done that.

    I look forward to hearing snippets of what you have learned, either here or in a PM.
    Quite honestly, I have had no time to read whatsoever. I received a book from my sister last September that I still have not had time to crack yet. I basically only get a chance to read while on vacation, but having started a new job I will have been almost 2 years without a vacation once I am eligible.
    Honestly, I am okay with that, I am doing what I have to do right now and over the foreseeable next few years. Trying to set myself up to be able to semi-retire when I turn 65.

    Which of the new habits from the book have you incorporated already?
    I am so all about that! Small, permanent changes.
    I'm sure that everyone here will benefit from tips that you can share that are working for you.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ June 15, 2023 thru September 22, 2023
    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds Tally & Thoughts:

    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10---195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0


    1. I am still down 17.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 8.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 5.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to try harder and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 179.0 (Sounds like a Dream but it’s about 5 pounds per month)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 194.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.
    Previous Weeks:
    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-06/15-196.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 02-06/16-195.4-(Trend weight 195.8)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.4 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 03-06/17-196.0-(Trend weight 195.8)

    Day 04-06/18-196.6-(Trend weight 195.9)

    Day 05-06/19-196.6-(Trend weight 196.0)

    Day 06-06/20-196.8-(Trend weight 196.1)

    Day 07-06/21-196.6-(Trend weight 196.2)

    Day 08-06/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-06/23-197.2-(Trend weight 196.5)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 10-06/24-197.0-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 11-06/25-196.6-(Trend weight 196.9)

    Day 12-06/26-198.0-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 13-06/27-198.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 14-06/28-197.0-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 15-06/29-196.8-(Trend weight 197.1)

    Day 16-06/30-198.2-(Trend weight 197.3)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.2 GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 17-07/01-197.8-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 18-07/02-197.6-(Trend weight 197.5)

    Day 19-07/03-196.6-(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 20-07/04-195.4-(Trend weight 197.2)

    Day 21-07/05-195.4-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 22-07/06-196.6-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 23-07/07-195.6-(Trend weight 196.8)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 24-07/08-195.8-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 25-07/09-195.6-(Trend weight 196.6)

    Day 26-07/10-194.4-(Trend weight 196.4)

    Day 27-07/11-197.8-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 28-07/12-196.4-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 29-07/13-195.2-(Trend weight 196.4)
    Day 30-07/14-196.8-(Trend weight 196.4)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.8 lbs GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 31-07/15-196.8-(Trend weight 196.4) No real progress due to some “iffy” choices. Good on calories but too high on carbs. I babysat all day which meant that I made lots of steps and plenty of stairs. I also added gold’s gym ankle weights to my wrists to increase my hand weights to a total of 3 ½ pounds each. That is 2 lb hand weights and 1.5 each wrist weights. I only biked for about 11 minutes because it was very late.

    Day 32-07/16-DNW-(Trend weight DNW) What a great day it was yesterday until it wasn’t. I spent ALL day carefully planning and prepping my meals for the day. I cooked some pretty terrific stuff all within my macros, read another chapter in my self-help book and got in a touch of indoor exercise since we had a pretty severe storm yesterday and flood warnings. I was so in-the-groove and on top of my health and fitness goals! And then… last night I ended up in a snack fest. I binged for sure on everything in the house that wasn’t mine to have. I was too scared to look at the damage this morning. I’ll have to starve today and I know that still will not make up for it by tomorrow. It goes on fast and trickles off slowly. I’m pretty disgusted with myself this morning.

    Day 33-07/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 34-07/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 35-07/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 36-07/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 37-07/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Mini 21 day Challenge I’ll be using hand weights, bands, arm loop bands and my exercise bike for legs.

    Day 01 - 6/25 – 10 min on bike. 5 min strength training using the “light” loop band.
    Day 02 - 6/26 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 03 - 6/27 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 04 - 6/28 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 3 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 05 - 6/29 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 06 - 6/30 - 15 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 07 - 7/01 - 10 min on bike, 5 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 5 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 08 - 7/02 - 20 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min using full size band.
    Day 09 - 7/03 - 21 min on bike including HIIT, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 10 - 7/04 - 15 min on bike, 6 min strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 6 min using “light” loop band.
    Day 11 - 7/05 - 15 min bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights, 4 min loop band. Still sore from the loop band.
    Day 12 - 7/06 - 15 min on bike, 5 min with 2 lb weights.
    Day 13 - 7/07 - 20 min on bike including HIIT, 7 minutes strength training using 2 lb hand weights, 4 min on “light band” on legs. I added in 10 minutes of couch aerobics as general exercise.
    Day 14 - 7/08 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. About 8 min of floor exercising that was a bit hap-hazard. I didn’t record on MFP because it was a bit unplanned and unstructured.
    Day 15 - 7/09 - 7 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 90 minutes of walking with my son on the track at the school. Pace was a bit slower because he is more out of shape, but I still burned nearly 400 extra calories doing it and I know it is strengthening my legs.
    Day 16 - 7/10 - 6 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights (with legs up draining, of course). Walked ½ miles uphill mainly at a walking park to help strengthen my legs since I was out-of-town and away from my strength bands.
    Day 17 - 7/11 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 15 minutes of couch yoga. A small amount of garden transplanting but not enough to write home about.
    Day 18 - 7/12 – 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights. 21 minutes of exercise bike including HIIT, 31 minutes of aerobic dance.
    Day 19 - 7/13 - 5 min of strength training using 2 lb hand weights.
    Day 20 - 7/14 - 6 min of strength training using 3/12 pound weights (including the wrist weights at 1.5 lbs. each), 15 min on exercise bike.
    Day 21 - 7/15 – 5 min of strength training using the long full size band, 20 minutes of aerobic dance, quadricep isometric leg training x 3.

    Future Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 38-07/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 39-07/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 40-07/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 41-07/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 42-07/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 43-07/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 44-07/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 45-07/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 46-07/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 47-07/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 48-08/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 49-08/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 50-08/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-08/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 52-08/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 53-08/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 54-08/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 55-08/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 56-08/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 57-08/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 58-08/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 59-08/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 60-08/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 61-08/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 62-08/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 63-08/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 64-08/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 65-08/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 66-08/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 67-08/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 68-08/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 69-08/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 70-08/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 71-08/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 72-08/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 73-08/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-08/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-08/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-08/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-08/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 78-08/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-09/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.
    Day 80-09/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-09/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-09/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-09/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-09/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 85-09/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-09/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 87-09/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-09/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-09/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-09/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-09/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 92-09/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-09/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 94-09/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-09/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-09/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-09/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-09/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-09/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-09/22…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: